Targeted Assasinations of members of the Islamic Republic regime

by Simorgh555

A while ago Israel successfully carried out a targeted assassination against Hamas commander Mahmoud Mablouh suffocating him in his hotel bedroom. The audacious and brilliant execution led to condemnation from many countries although each of them have used the same tactics as part of their own anti-terror campaign.

Whether the act was right or wrong, or in violation of international law is worthy of debate in its own right. However, can you imagine the satisfaction the Israelis received from killing a terrorist?If the despicable mullah Khatami, Ahmadinjead, or the great supreme leader of the Occupying Terrorist Monkey Mafia Regime were assassinated in their beds would you not feel the same gratification? I sure as hell would!

However, there is a serious side to targeted assassinations. Would the strategic executions of high profile criminals of the Occupying Monkey Mafia Regime not be the most quickest and effective method of combat against the regime. For Iranians opposed to the regime but campaign againt all forms of military action against Iran, then assassinating terrorists would be the best form of avoiding collateral damage and civilian deaths on a mass scale. Not to mention, of course, the devastation on the civilian infrastructure and the cost of rebuilding Iran after a war.

This is my dream. The reality is that Iranians do not have the military intelligence or political clout to carry out a successful anti-terror campaign like the Israelis and Americans. Nor are Iranians unfied in their objectives and plan about what to replace the mullahs.

However, if Iranians opposed to the Occupying Monkey Mafia Regime could forgo their deep seated animosity towards one another and channel their resources to destroying this regime then target assassinations should not be off the mark.


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by Simorgh555 on

I am no more a fantasist than you and your Pro-Palestinian ilk who still believe they can destroy Israel and 'throw the Jews into the sea'. The fact that you do not have the power or the cojones to take any direct action against Israel despite the soundbites that dribble out of the mouth of Khamenei & Co does not stop you from fantasising about it, does it? By the way what happened to the flotila that Mr Ahmadinejad was going to send to Gaza. Bottled out the last minute did he? 

Targeted assassination of members of the Islamic Republic can be achievable and it is no less than you derserve. 



Q, So what if a reformist gets killed? That's the point!

by Simorgh555 on

The only self centred fossilized individual is the hideous wretch of a man whose picture you proudly put up in your profile.

I could not care whether hardliners, or refromists such as Mousavi and Khatami are lodged with a bullet in between their eyes. They are all the same species of cockroaches that have crawled out of the same cesspit. I agree that assassinating a 'hardline' terrorist such as Ahmadinjead would guarantee a reprisal against Mousavi, and even his wife. But who cares? The objective should be to exploit and widen the faction between reformists and those loyal to Ahmadinejad which would then spark a full scale public uprising which we witnessed in 2009. The protesters need another impetus. The assissination of Mousavi, or his hideously ugly wife, who is in long need of a makeover, would galvanise the opposition in Iran into a state of unprecedented civil unrest. No right minded Iranian would have sympathy for Mousavi, a puppet who stayed silent when hundreds were executed in his term in office and refused to protest when hundreds of Iranian poilitical prisoners were executed and dumped in mass graves in 1988. Mousavi's existence should be used as a pawn in chess game until the end result: the overthrow of the Islamic Republic is achieved. 

Targeted assassinations have been an excellent method in detering terror and the Israeli reprisals following Black September, the killing of terrorist godfather Shekh Ahmed Yassin still sends shudders in the spines of the Palestinian terrorists.

Collateral damage of civilians can be counter productive and may force Iranian patriots to lose the  moral high ground (see Gaza)  but the killing of members of the regime will guarantee 1) International publicity of the killing 2) Keep public opinion on your side because no one gives a flying fcuk if a terrorist is shot but a civilian accidentally caught in the background will engate the impact

As for your reference to our beloved Shah, of course, any attempted assassination of his highness should have been condemned. Marxists and Islamofascsists actually deserve to be helf to account following their crimes. You know very well the evil Communists and Islamistshave perpetrated. 

I crtiticise the Shah for actually not employing targetted assassinations. On two separate occassions he allowed Khomeini to live by sending him to exile to Turkey and then to Iraq. If the Shah assassinated the bastard 40 years ago then Iran would have been stabliised for years to come. 

The Islamic Republic knew only too well that the Shah's clemency  was his weakness and that is why they have routinely killed people like Shapour Bakhtiyarand Fereydoun Farakhzad in a brutal fashion. 

The only language the Islamic Republic understand is violence. Iranians should employ all their efforts to systematically dispose of  the clerics, Basiji, law makers, ministers and members of the illegal Iranian parliament. 


Sargord Pirouz

Disgruntled Iranian exiles:

by Sargord Pirouz on

Disgruntled Iranian exiles: doomed to desperate fantasies for the rest of their days, all the while reduced to the status of "naturalized" foreigners in a hastily adopted homeland.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This is not idiotic. In fact it may save the world a lot of headache. The IRI is gonna be removed one way or another. I rather not see the Iranian people get hurt. If IRI was removed by just taking out the leadership it would be a bargain!

Regarding the Shah. No, I was in Iran and did and would not have supported the Mojahedeen action. The Shah was a patriot albeit a dictator. He was guarding us against the Islamist and the Marxist. Why would I support removing him? I am not that stupid.

Now talk about fossilized. That would be the Marxist exiles and also the Islamic scholars who spout the 60's garbage having learned nothing. The rest of us live in the modern times and want a modern life.

You keep praying to Allah aka Ahriman the greatest enemy of humanity. No wonder you aren't gettign anywhere. But then you yourself are a big Iran hater.


Simorgh, this is idiotic

by Q on

but first, this is real funny:

Whether the act was right or wrong, or in violation of international law is worthy of debate in its own right. However, can you imagine the satisfaction the Israelis received from killing a terrorist?

It's real funny because there is no debate it was and is against international law. And who you call a terrorist is completely biased and self-serving.

Would you have supported the Mojahedeen operation to kill the Shah in 70's?

But the real reason this is idiotic is because it is the one act virtually guaranteed not to cause the slightest positive change in the Iranian government. Some hardliners may even want to carry this out themselves to get rid of a loudmouth populist or reformists they do not want, and of course out of touch idiots from abroad have no problem playing patsy to those plans.

Just another daily reminder that so many self-centered fossilized exiles care about nothing else other than a feeling of personal "satisfaction".

Once again, I have to stop typing and pray to Allah that such people will never again get to run anything in Iran the rest of their lives.



by Aryana-Vaeja on

Something like this needs to be carried out.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer