دکتر مصدق به عنوان معمار ملی شدن صنعت نفت ایران که زیر نفوذ بریتانیا (شرکت نفت ایران و انگلیس بعدها بریتیش پترولیوم ـ بی پی) بود شناخته میشود. مصدق پس از کودتای ۲۸ امرداد در دادگاه نظامی محاکمه شد. او در دادگاه از کارها و دیدگاههای خود دفاع کرد. دادگاه وی را به سه سال زندان محکوم کرد. پس از گذراندن سه سال زندان، دکتر مصدق به ملک خود در احمد آباد رانده شد و تا پایان زندگی زیر نظارت شدید بود. در ۱۴ اسفند ماه ۱۳۴۵ دکتر محمد مصدق بدلیل بیماری سرطان، در سن ۸۴ سالگی درگذشت.
محمد مصدق (۱۲۶۱ - ۱۳۴۵) سیاستمدار، دولتمرد، چند دوره نمایندهٔ مجلس شورای ملی، و نخستوزیر ایران در سالهای ۱۳۳۰ تا ۱۳۳۲ بود.
Recently by Tapesh | Comments | Date |
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Musaddiq was our friend at first a two-timer friend!!
by anglophile on Fri Jul 01, 2011 08:23 AM PDTsame as he was a friend of the monarchists, Islamists and even the Toodeh party (filled with his relatives). But then he was is known in Persian as "rafigh nimeh raah". After he served the Brits in the southern provinces and got promoted, he was unhappy with the Brits because they dumped his family and supported a much stronger player as was Reza Khan. Mussadiq praised Reza Khan for making the country safe but was against him becoming a king because he still had hopes for his clan to be reinstalled.
So the reason you see all these factions of Brits, monarchists and Islamists are so disappointed in him is because he used to jump in bed with any one who offered him more. At the end the nation saw through him and kicked him out of their bed as power had made him insane and his rule plunged the nation into poverty and hsrdship.
You have work??
by Parham on Fri Jul 01, 2011 08:12 AM PDTIt's not us who should show you he didn't pardon (even though we did), it's you who should show he did -- and you can't, because he didn't!
Again, this is so typical of shahollahis -- you've been doing this for the past 60 years, you'll do it always. You're a hopeless bunch. You just bury your head under the sand despite all and keep repeating the same thing over and over, as if that made you right in any way.
Face it, and I LOVE rubbing your noses in it: Your shah was a traitor, he sold the country to the Americans and the Brits for his own benefit and turned his back to his nation. He shouldn't have even mixed himself up with the matters of the state according to the constitution, and he did. He was the one who broke all the rules from the get-go. Further to that, he was a thief, an assassin and somewhat of a delusional megalomaniac.
Shame on people who have Sha'boon Bimokh as their hero (and who actually even provide him with a grave in one of the most expensive cemeteries in the US!) and who put an Iranian flag on his tombstone! You people deserve the treatment you get by a bunch of assassins like yourselves (or worse). May you get even more, because with yourselves you also took down a nation of poor people who only wanted their rights...
And I could go on and on and on... In short "berin kashketoono besabin". There is no one who falls for your bull than your stupid selves.
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Jul 01, 2011 07:57 AM PDTNo you have not proved Mossadegh did not pardon Tahmasbi. He was the PM and had the Majlis under his thumb. His Majlis did the pardon. If Shah wanted to do it he would have issueed a Royal Pardon. He did not and that is a historical fact. You do not get to run away from history no matter how much you want to.
What have you done for Iran except complain? I am so tired of the Mossagehi group. For the past 60 years nothing but plotting and complaining. They wrecked Iran then packed up and left. My family ran a business while the Mossadeghis were plotting. We hired people and gave them jobs. Meanwhile Mossadeghis were poisoning people's minds. We did not obsess over oil as if it was the only thing we had. We actually did something.
As for RP he does not need me. I am going to abide by the IC rules and not go "dahn be dahan" with you. Or I have a lot to say to people like you. How do you even know I am from California anyway?
Plenty of people have shown Mossadegh to be a demagogue and a rabble rouser. We know the dissolution of parliament was unconstitutional. It is like Obama saying he does not like the Senate so he is going to dissolve it. Sorry; there are rules and he broke them. He went head to head with the British and lost: deal with it! Grow up and face today's challenges not wallow is yesterday. But there is no hope for JM. And I am not impressed by your big words sir.
Now back to my real work.
First he comes in...
by Parham on Fri Jul 01, 2011 07:40 AM PDT... saying "why did Mossadegh pardon Tahmasebi. Hmmm? Why doesn't anyone answer my question? Answer me if you're a man! I'm waiting!"
Then, when we show him that it was in fact Kashani, who had allied himself with the Brits and the Shah who did that, he goes off bulling his head off about JM and things he knows even less about than the Tahmasebi case.
More, as this has become the hang out of the California mongols we all know, there are others who barge in to add even more to the bull.
"Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire" as the adage goes.
There is nobody to tell him "agha javabeto gerefti, rooto kam kon boro dige!"
Poor Reza Pahlavi. He has defenders like you. Sometimes I do wonder (and I'm absolutely honest to God here) whether these are not people who actually come in to screw-up the guy's image. Like people who are set up by the Islamic Republic to come and make a fool of the Pahlavis, the monarchists, etc. Cause if they are, they are doing an excellent job! : )
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Jul 01, 2011 06:40 AM PDTThe problem is that there are people who still regard Mossadegh as the second coming. They harbored hatred of the Shah for 25 years and no matter how much Shah did for us they were not satisfied.
It is that hate which remains to this day. That his why JM would rather embrace Rajavi a known traitor than RP a known patriot. Therefore very sadly Mossadegh remain relevant. I wish his memory was gone and forgotten but it is not. While the Shah was advancing Iran they were infesting universities. While Shah was building economic ties they plotted his downfall. While Shah planned our release from Western dominance they sabotaged. Until they got what they wanted: IRI. But still they are not satisfied and will not be until Iran is gone. This thread has told me more about JM than anything else. I am now convinced that JM is poison and should be avoided. I used to be willing to work with them but have changed my mind.
The poison he spread is still running in the veins of JM. Not until all that poison is gone will Iran be freed of his disastrous legacy. Only time will take care of that. As those people age drop off. I just hope they don't perpetuate the myth. What I fear is that young people would buy into this nonsense. We have a thing for hero worship and tend to pick the worst. Mossadegh is one such false hero. At least Ahmad Shah had the grace to go and not poison; not so with Mossadegh and his gang.
by afshin on Fri Jul 01, 2011 05:42 AM PDTIt's truly pathetic that after almost 60 years we're still talking about Mosaddegh. He was a rabble rousing populist that should have been hung or better yet quartered for being the traitor he really was. Mosaddegh never stood for popular election to become prime minister of Iran. This notion that he was democratically elected is the biggest fallacy of all time. He was appointed by the Shah, and the Iranian constitution which he swore an oath to protect stated he owed his allegiance to the Shah. What did he do? He essentially told the Shah to go to hell and dissolved the parliament. I'm so tired of hearing about this man. Let's move on. Mosaddegh is as relevant as Ahmad Shah in my opinion (BTW, they were actually related.) HE BELONGS IN THE ZOBALEH DAN-E TARIKH!
And regarding the hardline Islamist article....
by Parham on Thu Jun 30, 2011 06:30 PM PDT"Be gorbe (/roobah) goftan shahedet kie? Goft domam".
Why is it that Islamists and shahollahis always end up being different sides of the same coin?
If you pay attention to what they say and how they say it, you'll see that none have ANY NOTION WHATSOEVER of what a democracy is. Their thought structure only works in terms of a dictatorship, where one group is made of masters and all the rest of servants.
It's ALWAYS like that. Just take a closer look into what each side says.
No wonder they cite each other too...
Dear Siavash
by Parham on Thu Jun 30, 2011 06:34 PM PDTI highly recommend that you read "khaterat va ta'allomate Mohammad Mossadegh", just for the sake of knowing who did what and who wanted what and who opposed what and what have you! It's an illustrated book -- illustrated with evidence.
In the meantime, you cannot condemn someone for something a Qajar did just because he had a Qajar background. That's bigotry to the max. I think his fight later on to nationalize oil --and his success at it-- should be enough to show what he thought of any previous concessions to foreign powers, wouldn't you say so?
AND one more before I sign off:
Ever heard of General Ironside??
"Kafar hame ra ze kishe khish pendarad."
Masoud Jaan
by R2-D2 on Thu Jun 30, 2011 04:52 PM PDTHope you are doing well :)
I want you to know that I'm still awaiting your blog on the French system of Government :)
Just a reminder: We discussed at length in a previous blog the various alternatives to replace IRI - You believed that the French system was a more suitable system for our beloved Iran than the British (Parliamentary) system ..... !
As I indicated to you at the time, I am somewhat unfamiliar with the intricacies of the French system, as I have only lived in U.K. and U.S., other than Iran, of course,
Looking forward to your blog,
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Support for Releasing Tahmasebi
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Thu Jun 30, 2011 04:31 PM PDTMossadegh OPPOSED the Majles bill releasing Tahmasebi. The Shah SUPPORTED the Majles bill releasing Tahmasebi.
Countering Fundamentalist LIES
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Thu Jun 30, 2011 04:12 PM PDTAnglophile,
1. Here is the rebuttal:
2. You use the attacks by the hard-line Islamic fundamentalists against Dr. Mossadegh. As shown in the above link, these attacks were false. Its is most instructive that nokar of the British colonialism, the fundamentalists, and the Shahollahis all use the exact same lies against Dr. Mossadegh.
By seeing his enemies, the Iranian nationalists and democrats realize that they are fully justified in our support for Dr. Mossadegh. On the one side we have Mossadegh who fought for our independence, freedom, and democracy.
Therefore it is natural that the nokar of British colonial control of Iran who want to subjugate Iran attack us.
Dear Parham.. you may add to your video
by Siavash300 on Thu Jun 30, 2011 02:23 PM PDTYou may add to your video (the video of Nasser-din-shah) that oil concession was signed by Mosaddeq's opium addict uncle known as Mozafare-din-shah with Brits in 1901. . Mosaddeq was silent for 50 years. Never condemn those bastards.
Not to forget Mussadiq's services to the British in the South
by anglophile on Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:16 AM PDTExcerpt from an article written in reponse to Ebrahim Yazdi's support for Mussadiq:
آقای دکتر یزدی داد سخن از استعمارستیزی دکتر مصدق داده بودید . آیا دمهای خروس را باور کنیم یا قسم حضرت عباس را ؟
آیا به قلع و قمع دلیران تنگستانی افتخار کنیم یا به توصیه کنسول انگلیس در شیراز برای ابقای والیگری دکتر مصدق در فارس بنازیم؟ یا از اینکه جاسوس انگلیس بقول خود آْقای دکتر مصدق سبب میانجیگری و آزادی ایشان از تبعید بیرجند شد ؟
Full article
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Jun 30, 2011 01:52 AM PDTWhat is so weird about my posts? I have backed them up with links and proofs. If there is something you see as false please tell me. I have made a lot of posts so please be a bit more specific.
VPK jaan
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Jun 29, 2011 07:03 PM PDTVPK jaan,
Your posts in this blog are weird, irrational and contain absolute falsehoods. Just about everything you wrote on my position are disconnected from reality.
Parham jaan
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Jun 29, 2011 06:59 PM PDTDear Parham,
Glad you enjoyed the humor.
Mossadegh Declined Amnesty for Assaassins from Fadaian Islam
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Jun 29, 2011 06:58 PM PDTLets see what Professor Eravand Abrahamian, one of the most prominent historian of Iran, writes about this issue:
Ervand Abrahamian, Khomeinism: Essays on the Islamic Republic (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993)., pp. 108. The passage in available in the internet at: //tehranbureau.com/history-abused/
As early as November 1951, the British Embassy reported that Kashani was so disgruntled with Mosaddeq that he had put out "feelers" in many directions, including the royal court and the U.S. Embassy. "The Americans," reported the British Embassy, "have told us in the strictest confidence that he [ Kashani] has been in touch with them. His main thesis is the danger of communism and the need for immediate American aid." Similarly, in May 1952 the head of the British intelligence service in Tehran reported that a prominent royalist had boasted to him that the "shah’s astute policies" had detached Kashani from Mosaddeq. He added, "I did not dispute this but would put on record that the detaching of Kashani was due to quite other factors, and that these factors were created and directed by the brothers Rashidian." (The Rashidian brothers were the main conduit of British intelligence service money into Iran.)
Kashani’s opposition to Mosaddeq came into the open by mid-1953 once the latter issued a referendum to dissolve Parliament, drafted an electoral bill enfranchising women, tended to favor state enterprises over the bazaar, refused to ban alcohol, and declined amnesty to assassins from the Fedayan-e Islam.
lol@"Big bang"
by Parham on Wed Jun 29, 2011 07:18 AM PDTHahahaha!
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Wed Jun 29, 2011 03:07 AM PDTI agree with pretty much everything you said. Well researched and right. I wish people would read actual history instead of ideological propaganda. I have no personal beef with Mossadegh just the fact that he poisoned the Iranian political atmosphere. A poison that remains to this day. It is a shame that his followers do not want to read history and accept reality.
The best thing that happened to Iran in the past 100 years was Reza Khan. At least he reversed some of the decline and gave us a boost. I favor Reza Pahlavi even though he is not even a shadow of his grandfather.
As I said before the only viable opposition is a "Government In Exile". Run by opposition excluding MKO and including Monarchists. That along with a deal with Western powers. I repeat it is worth it to give America half the oil for free in return for their support in getting rid of IRI. Our real wealth is not oil but our people. The oil is a curse that has kept us back. If we really care about Iran we will trade the oil for education; trade and outsourcing. F*** the oil and get the jobs! There are thousands of highly qualified Iranians ready to take high paying engineering jobs. I know people with connections to Sharif University. We could set up Software and Hardware firms tomorrow if IRI was gone. Make a deal and bring the Americans on board. Then get the economy going. Forget the oil except for a short term patch until the real jobs take over.
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Wed Jun 29, 2011 02:46 AM PDTThe MEK; MKO; PMOI; Mojahedeen; NCR; or whatever their new name is! They are not a democratic force. Any alliance with them is pure folly. Unless you are using them as pawns and cannon fodder. In which case you are playing with fire. They are going to try to stab you in the back. So at the end either you stab them or they stab you. A chance not worth taking in my book. Even Bani Sadr has the good sense to distance himself from them due to their undemocratic nature.
This is a quote from Wiki: However, Banisadr soon fell out with Rajavi, accusing him of ideologies favouring dictatorship and violence. The full link is:
In summary if you think MEK is democratic you are living on another planet. Go talk to their ex-members to get an idea of what they do. Here is another link from UNHCR not exactly a puppet of the IRI I might add:
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Wed Jun 29, 2011 02:31 AM PDTYou are missing my point. Most people including myself and RP do not want to see the rank and file MEK murdered outright. In fact I have said I want them to be pardoned. By them I mean the low level miserable souls living in poverty in Ashraf.
We are opposed to their leadership. I will speak for myself let RP speak for himself. I want to see Rajavi tried not to make an alliance with him. You come out and declare them to be somehow a force for democracy. This is either being naive or dishonest you tell me which one.JM has been harboring an irrational hatred of Pahlavi since 1953. At some point you need to put that aside and be realistic. Mistakes were made on all sides. Neither Mossadegh nor Shah were saints. Shah did not even want the coupe I know that because I know of the people who put him up to it. If he had refused they would have picked someone else some Sepahbod or Arteshbod or whatever. The British were not going to give up on the oil and had the power to do it. Mossadegh never stood a chance against them. His only option was to work with them and he said no. That sealed his fate.
The same happened to the Shah in the late 1970s when he gave Britain the middle finger. Why do you think they brought him down? Because he was going to basically take "their" oil money. This was all about oil and the British revenues. The Americans were used as "useful idiots" both times. The reason I am saying these is to get this Shah hatred off our backs. If he was really a puppet BBC would not have demonized him. He would have remained King and now we would have Reza Pahlavi as King. Which in my opinion would have been infinitely better for Iran.
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:41 PM PDTSiavash,
Khoda, or the big bang if one is atheist, shoma ra shafa bedahad.
Stop lying, start the truth
by Siavash300 on Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:34 PM PDT"Mossadegh fought for the constitution and against Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar" Massoud Kazemzadeh
Unlike what we read mainly in western media and also from traitors and decadent communists Tudeh, Rajavi's thugs, Yazdi's murders, Islamists and....Dr. Mosaddeq was not elected by popular vote of people of Iran. He is from Qajar dynasty which treated Iran as a country of enemy for almost 140 years was chosen as a deal among factions of member of Iranian parliament that include Tudeh communists, Islamist, traditionalists and.... to nationalise Iranian oil from BP. Dr. Mossadeq prefered to drop his family name of Ashtiani but instead he chosen the title of Mosaddeq al saltaneh which was given to him by his paedophile king of Qajari known as Nasar al-din Shah for his surname. Today the most dreadful people in our modern history such as Yazdi, Rajavi, Communists group Tudeh, fanatics Islamists which harmed Iran beyand believe are follower of this epilieptic Qajari. For their betrayal, destruction, humiliation and barbaric crime commited through out 140 years of their disgraceful rule in Iran.There is NO single trace of document in our modern history to show that this man even for once did condemmed his Mongolian daynasty. Mosadegh was born in 1882 in one of the Qajar palaces in Tehran as Mohammad Ashtiani. In 1927 Iranian were obliged to obtaine birth certificate for a fistr time in our history. Iran was constitutional monarchy and Dr. Mosaddeg was planning to oust the Shahanshah of Iran and to end Monarchy in Iran simply by settling his old scorn and took his revenge from Pahlavi dynasty. Mosadegh was deserved to be naminated for Nobel prize for his unshakable loyalty toward his Mongolian Qajari dynasty. As matter of fact the Iranian oil concession was signed with British in 1901 by his savage Mogolian Qajar dynasty in 1901. Mossadeq was 18 years old and he choosed to be quite for over 50 years and never condemn the oil concession signed by his Qajar dynasty.
In early 50's, members of Iranian parliament proposed Mosaddeq to H I M court and subsequently was appointed later as a prime minister by H I M Shahanshah. In 1953 Mosaddeg disolved parliament uncostitutionally and undemocratically which in fact it was the same parliament elected him democratically two years earlier.
The version with the dogs...
by Parham on Tue Jun 28, 2011 06:48 PM PDT... was one I still hadn't heard. Or if I had, I couldn't remember. Interesting!
Thanks for that.
Dear Parham
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Tue Jun 28, 2011 05:48 PM PDTDear Parham,
One theory is that Mossadegh held a very wrong view of the U.S. Mossadegh falsely assumed that the US was fully with him. One of Mossadegh very good and dear friends was William O. Douglas the Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Also Grady the former U.S. ambassador to Iran was very anti-British and close friend with Mossadegh. Mossadegh’s mindset was formed during the era of Howard Baskerville (the wonderful American who sided with the Constitutional revolutionaries and died a martyr of our revolution), and Morgan Shuster (the wonderful American who helped our constitutionalists against Britain and Russia in 1911).
Kermit Roosevelt understood Mossadegh’s psychology and asked Henderson (US ambassador to Iran) on August 18. Henderson lied to Mossadegh and told him that many American citizens (especially women) in Iran have been accosted by the mob. Mossadegh was a true gentleman felt very badly. Mossadegh immediately picked the phone and called and ordered the troops to go to the streets and restore calm. Roosevelt used the armed forces on the streets to steer them towards Mossadegh’s house.
Mossadegh had called upon the people to go home the day earlier. The CIA and MI6 had used their agents inside the Tudeh as agents provocateurs to stage a bombing of a cleric’s house, send dogs into the masjeds, both of which frightened the clerics and traditional masses. Mossadegh (correctly) believed that the Tudeh party was infiltrated by the MI6. Those agents were working then for Roosevelt. So Mossadegh was worried that these agents would do a lot of harm.
I will ask around to see whether anyone asked Mossadegh in Ahmadabad why he did not call upon the people to come to the streets on August 19.
People make mistakes. And Mossadegh made several mistakes on August 18 and 19. The biggest mistake was his mistake not to call upon the people to come to the streets on August 19.
Afshin and VPK
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Tue Jun 28, 2011 05:31 PM PDTAfshin,
Mossadegh fought for the constitution and against Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar. Mossadegh even briefly joined an armed group of Constitutionalists. You have no clue what you are talking (or rather writing) about.
VPK jaan,
You do NOT make any sense. You simply write illogical stuff repeatedly.
You do not even know what RP has said about the PMOI. RP has (correctly) condemned the Iraqi government’s attacks on the PMOI’s Ashraf camp in 2009 and 2011.
by Parham on Tue Jun 28, 2011 06:41 PM PDTThat's what I'm trying to get to - wouldn't you say he was just plain taken by surprise that day? After all, they thought they had just aborted the coup on the 25th and the story was over.
He meets with Henderson on the 27th (or 26th?), where some suggested that Henderson made a deal with him not to do anything on the 28th (which I don't believe one bit) and he accepted!
Anyway, the why and the why not of the 28th remains a mystery, and I can't believe nobody asked him throughout all those years later in Ahmad Abad. perhaps it was too obvious?
According to some, it was our countrymen who turned coats on him. One day they were for him, the next day for the Shah...
Regarding the role of Roosevelt, I am aware of what Kinzer has said in his book. But I always believe none of it would have been possible if we, Iranians, or at least those who were involved, didn't act like the traitors they did. Neither Kermit Roosevelt nor Einstein would have been able to accomplish anything in that case...
Roozbeh jaan, thank you
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Tue Jun 28, 2011 05:10 PM PDTRoozbeh jaan,
I fully agree with you. Thanks.
Dear Vildamose
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Tue Jun 28, 2011 05:06 PM PDTVildamose jaan,
Thank you.
Dear Parham; dear I despise
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Tue Jun 28, 2011 04:55 PM PDTParham jaan,
I am glad you liked the explanation for the use of "moron." I laughed out loud when I read your description of the monarchists as "cerebrally-challenged former nouveaux riches."
Thanks for the information on Tahmasebi and the Majles. This was not (and is not) one of my areas of expertise. But I am seeing here is people simply writing nonsense.
I do not know why Mossadegh did not call upon the people to come to the streets on August 19. I believe that he made a huge mistakes, a mistake that our people have been paying dearly for the past 58 years. I will ask some of my older colleagues in JM and see what they say. And then I will share it here.
Almost all the works I have read on this subject show that on August 18 and 19, Roosevelt played the number 1 role. Kinzer clearly shows the main influence of Roosevelt as well as many other sources. Roosevelt was like both couch and captain of a team. Others simply followed his plans.
Dear I despise,
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I appreciated reading them.
On the PMOI, I agree that they are too weak (and too unpopular) to pose any major threat in the post-fundamentalist Iran. I also agree that we should ignore them. The PMOI, although very small in terms of social base, does have a small but highly organized and highly devoted cadres. The point I was making is that the PMOI does NOT pose any threat or problems to the pro-democracy forces. They mostly do stuff that seriously harms the fundamentalist regime. Therefore, it would be stupid to spend any time attacking them. To do so would certainly help Khamenei.
On present-day alliances. JM’s policy is to get secular Mossadeghi forces into an official united coalition. We have been working (somewhat successfully) to bring together JM, NAMIR (Dr. Bakhtiar’s many supporters), Iran Liberal Party, Hezb Mellat Iran together. We also work closely with Melli Mazhabis and Nehzat Azadi (although sometimes working with them could be real headache). JM believes that our next move should be the creation of a broad-based alliance of all those who support a democratic secular republic. This means many leftist groups that accept democracy, civil liberties, and human rights.
One group that we are not sure how to handle are the ethnic parties (e.g., Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdestan and Komala). We have made several successful contacts. The formula which would preserve territorial integrity of Iran while allowing local control has yet to be found. An ethnic based confederacy is not acceptable to us. The question is whether or not it is possible to create a federal system like the US (or Germany) whereby there is one country, and at the same time people in each province elect their own governors (ostandar) and mayors (shahrdar).
As we can clearly observe on this site (and more significaly in the REAL WORLD), many liberal democrats do work with each other, as well as a very good alliance with our wonderful leftist posters (e.g., Roozbeh Gilani, Paykar, Houshang Taregol). This clearly shows that great evolution that our Marxists have made in the past 30 years. Today, unlike 30 years ago, most of our Marxists are truly democratic and respect civil liberties and human rights.
Unfortunately, we do not observe such an evolution among our monarchists. Just looking at this site and elsewhere, our monarchists are worse today than they were 30 years ago. It is very sad and harmful. I am very very shocked by Reza Pahlavi’s last interview.
Also we are observing huge evolution among fundamentalists such as Mousavi, Karrubi, and Arjomand. The evolution of fundamentalists such as Mousavi and Karrubi, who do stand up to Khamenei and genuinely work with the democratic forces (who differ from them greatly) is amazing. To be precise, reformist fundamentalists do believe in VF system but are willing to work with those who oppose VF system. In the Green Movement, they want VF but work closely with those of us who say "esteghlal, azadi, Jomhuri IRANI." That is they want the VF constitution but work with us who want to get rid of the VF constitution and establish a secular constitution.
There are several paths.
1. Some suggest that ALL opposition groups from reformist Greens to JM to monarchists, to PMOI, to Marxists to form one great alliance.
2. You suggest a coalition between monarchists and JM.
3. JM suggests a coalition of all those who support a democratic secular republican constitution, while in practice lending our support to the reformist Greens as long as they fight against Khamenei. We believe this path has the highest likelihood of actually forming. We believe that this path has the highest likelihood of bringing a transition to democracy to Iran.
4. We have very serious reservations and concerns about monarchists, PMOI, and hard-liners. We regard the hard-liners as the number 1 enemy of democracy. We think that the monarchists have no real likelihood of ever coming to power. We think that monarchists harm the struggle by taking away resources and wasting them. We think that PMOI, at this historical juncture, does not pose a serious threat (this might change at a future time).
I hope this is helpful.