Israel launches covert war against Iran
Daily Telegraph / Philip Sherwell
16-Feb-2009 (180 comments)

It is using hitmen, sabotage, front companies and double agents to disrupt the regime's illicit weapons project, the experts say. The most dramatic element of the "decapitation" programme is the planned assassination of top figures involved in Iran's atomic operations. Despite fears in Israel and the US that Iran is approaching the point of no return in its ability to build atom bomb, Israeli officials are aware of the change in mood in Washington since President Barack Obama took office. They privately acknowledge the new US administration is unlikely to sanction an air attack on Iran's nuclear installations and Mr Obama's offer to extend a hand of peace to Tehran puts any direct military action beyond reach for now. The aim is to slow down or interrupt Iran's research programme, without the gamble of a direct confrontation that could lead to a wider war. A former CIA officer on Iran told The Daily Telegraph: "Disruption is designed to slow progress on the programme, done in such a way that they don't realise what's happening. You are never going to stop it.

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Emam Zaman's time machine sabotaged! (to M.E)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

M.E says: "I hear imam zaman is a she and when she finally appears, she'll take all the mollahs to see Khomaini and let the rest of us Pagan Persians to party on..."

M.E, sorry to tell you that Israelis got carried away with their cover/overt sabotage and destruction and destroyed Emam Zman's time machine.
Hopefully Iranian Mullahs gradually relinquish whatever is left of their political power, but I suspect that disappearance of Mullahs from Iranian political scene will not be as fast as you desire, Emam Zaman is lost in the time space.


Covert operations until the end of gods...

by Anom_Covert... (not verified) on

ما که عادت نداشتیم دخترانمان را زنده به گور کنیم ، ما برای خودمان تمدن وثروت و آزادی و آبادی داشتیم و فقر را فخر نمیدانستیم همه اینها را از ما گرفتند وبجاش فقرو پشیمانی و مرده پرستی و گریه و گدائی و تأسف واطاعت از خدای غدار و قهار و آداب کونشوئی و خلأ رفتن برایمان آوردند ، همه چیزشان آمیخته با کثافت و پستی و سود پرستی و بی ذوقی و مرگ و بدبختی است.

چرا ریختشان غمناک و موذی است و شعرشان چوس ناله است چونکه با ندبه و زوزه و پرستش اموات همه اَش سرو کار دارند.

برای عرب سوسمار خوری که چندین صد سال پیش به طمع خلافت ترکیده، زنده ها باید به سرشان لجن بمالند و مرگ و زاری کنند.

... ، در مسجد مسلمانان اولین برخورد با بوی َگند خَلأست که گویا وسیله تبلیغ برای عبادتشان و جلب کفار است تا به اصول این مذهب خو بگیرند. بعد این حوض کثیفیکه دست و پای چرکین خودشان را در آن می شویند و به آهنگ نعره مؤَذن روی زیلوی خاک آلود خودشان دولا و راست میشوند و برای خدای خونخوارشان ِورد و اَفسون میخوانند.

... , عید قربان مسلمانان با کشتار گوسفندان و وحشت و کثافت و شکنجه جانوران برای خدای مهربان و بخشایشگر است خدای جهودی آنها قهار و جبار و کین توز است و همه اش دستور کشتن و چاپیدن مردمان را میدهد وپیش از روز رستاخیز حضرت صاحب را میفرستد تا حسابی دَخل اُمتش را بیاورد و آنقدر از آنها قتل عام بکند که تا زانوی اسبش در خون موج بزند.

تازه مسلمان مومن کسی است که به امید لذتهای موهوم شهوانی و شکم پرستی آن دنیا با فقر و فلاکت و بدبختی عمر را بسر برد و وسایل عیش و نوش نمایندگان مذهبش را فراهم بیاورد. همه اَش زیر سلطه اَموات زندگی میکنند و مردمان زنده امروز از قواننین شوم هزار سال پیش تبعیت میکنند کاری که پست ترین جانوران نمیکنند.

عوض اینکه به مسائل فکری و فلسفی وهنری بپردازند ، کارشان این است که از صبح تا شام راجع به شک میان دو و سه استعامنه قلیله و کثیره بحث کنند.

این مذهب برای یک وجب پائین تنه از عقب و جلو ساخته و پرداخته شده. انگار که پیش از ظهور اسلام نه کسی تولید مثل میکرد و نه سر قدم میرفت ، خدا آخرین فرستاده خود را مامور اصلاح این امور کرده!

تمام فلسفه اسلام روی نجاسات بنا شده اگر پائین تنه را از آن حدف کنیم اسلام روی هم میغلتد و دیگر مفهومی ندارد. بعد هم علمای این دین مجبورند از صبح تا شام با زبان ساختگی عربی سرو کله بزنند سجع و قافیه های بی معنی و پر طمطرق برای اغفال مردم بسازند ویا تحویل بدهند.

سرتا سر ممالکی را که فتح کردند، مردمش را به خاک سیاه نشاندند و به نکبت و جهل و تعصب و فقر و جا سوسی و دوروئی و دزدی و چاپلوسی و کون آخوند لیسی مبتلا کردند و سرزمینش را به شکل صحرای برهوت در آوردند.
اما مثل عصای موسی که مبدل به اژدها شد وخود موسی از آن ترسید این اژدهای هفتاد سر هم دارد این دنیا را می بلعد. همین روزی پنج بار دو لا راست شدن جلو قادر متعال که باید بزبان عربی او را هجی کرد، کافی است تا آدم را تو سری خور و ذلیل و پست و بی همه چیز بار بیاورد.

مگر برای ما چه آوردند ؟ معجون دل به هم زنی از آرا و عقاید متضادی که از مذاهب و ادیان و خرافات پیشین ، هول هولکی و هضم نکرده استراق و بی تناسب بهم در آمیخته شده است، دشمن ذوقیات حقیقی آدمی، و احکام آن مخالف با هر گونه ترقی و تعالی اقوام ملل است و به ضرب ششمشیر به مردم زوزچپان کرده اند. یعنی شمشیر بران و کا سۀ گدائی است، یا خراج و جزیه به بیت المال مسلمین بپردازید یا سرتان را میبریم هر چه پول و جواهر داشتیم چاپیدند. آثار هنری ما را از میان بردند و هنوز هم دست بردار نیستند؛ هر جا رفتند همین کار را کردند.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

It's Persian-style covert.

Tell everyone to keep it a secret.



by Anonymous984 (not verified) on

I just want to know what kind of a "Covert" opertation is this that is broadcasted all over the world?!


About God

by Milton, God's messenger (not verified) on

May I be so presumptuous as to tell you what God wants? All one has to do is put their religious books aside for a moment and think about who we are where we have come from. If one considers that through the process of evolution we came to be marvelous, intelligent beings. So what will mankind become in another million years? More like Gods, and I believe that that is what God wants! But unfortunately, man has this desire to prove that his religion is the correct one and that some other society is wrong and either opposes his beliefs or has taken something from him. Therein lies the destruction of mankind ... The weapons keep getting improved and could eventurally wipe us all out! So why do not well-meaning humans come together and say stop! It is time for love to prevail or we are doomed ... Otherwise the evolution will stop and the earth will be dominated by insects ... Perhaps they will evolve!


Susan B. -Imam Zaman is She

by M.E. (not verified) on

I hear imam zaman is a she and when she finally appears, she'll take all the mollahs to see Khomaini and let the rest of us Pagan Persians to party on...


"God has given me all the Kingdoms of the earth"-Cyrus the Great

by Rexa (not verified) on

Sometime around 700 BC, the prophet Isaiah wrote a prophecy concerning "His anointed," His messiah. This person would act for God upon earth, conquering kingdoms, rebuilding Jerusalem and the Temple, and shepherding His people. God would go before him—even hold his hand, Isaiah wrote, giving him fame, riches and power as only God can.

Khomaini? Khamanei? Ahmadinejad or his 12th? Not even close!

His anointed was none other than Cyrus, King of Persia!

How can that be?

How could God call Cyrus the king of Persia, a "messiah"? God did!

Ezra 1:1 Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia in order to fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he sent a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and also put it in writing, saying:

2 “Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, ‘The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah."

3 ‘Whoever there is among you of all His people, may his God be with him! Let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah and rebuild the house of the LORD, the God of Israel;

He is the God who is in Jerusalem."

For us Persians, this rules out the god of mollahs who has been traveling between Ghom / Mashhad / Karbala and Mecca for the past 1400 years.

Long Live Persia and
Persia's Western most state,
The free State of Israel.
Cyrus: //


The covert hawks...

by bahrani-bigdeli-mehmandoost on

Why the covert gods of Israel sabotage the progress of other
countries, because the Lord of Israel Yhwh (Jehovah) is "Jealous" as HE self-describes HIM self in Exodus 20:5 (Chapter 20, section 5)

(Note: Jewish people read and repeat these stuff on a daily basis at the great wall of Kotel and nod their head up and down. They pre-program their kids like that in an early age)

The covert gods of Israel gained their status quo by cheating and
fake stories, while other countries are working their butt off :

Jews in Jerusalem surely know that if a free election is held today
in Jerusalem and since the population of Muslims are much higher than
Jews, they will lose the election and Israel's government get replaced
by a free democratic government in Jerusalem that wipes the name of
Israel from the map.


This is amazing

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

Here we have a report about foreigners wanting to kill our scientist's who are working hard to make shure our country is not the next Afghanistan 70 years from now, and "Iranians" here are actually siding and accepting this as a way of fighting against the IRI, while making bs excuses and giving ass to hostile non-iranian people on this site? Never heard about a bunch of more self hating degenarete losers my entire life.

And F-22 raptor, go check your numbers again. Irans fighter fleet is about 300-500, and was described by Tom Coper to be "one of the most potent" upgraded air fleets in the region. The US has an extremely low strike package capability against Iran and no political regional support for an attack (meaning use of bases). Israel needs to somehow fly past a couple of semi friendly arab states first before even reaching Iran which is the size of Germany, France and the UK combined, with its Nuke energy sites spread across it. If israel takes out Natanz, Dimona will be bombed by Irans missile capability that makes up for Irans lack of fighter bomber capability. If the US bombs, your bases will also be bombed.

So dream on Rambo. Your threats arent taken seriously at all. Now go back bombing goat people in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan and pray to God you wont be kicked (or herded) out of those countries as well before your entire economy collapses together with your military.

"War needs an endless river of Gold"
Phericles, Macedonian commander

Your 14 trillion dollar deficit aloone, speaks for it-self.

Susan B.

The covert Lord of Israel

by Susan B. on

M.E., according to your own link from the book of Ezekiel (38:18), the Lord of Israel has referred Bani Israel as cannibals and vampires (blood suckers):







M. E. your interpretation of the Koran is wrong

by Jamshid_Niavarani_IV on

Gog and Magog refers to something else.  (All Islamic Historians agree with this fact).  The Koran talks about the past.  Any prediction of the future after the Safavid Dynasty by using the Koran is forbidden.  Anyone doing such is not a Muslim according to Islamic Law.  Such an un-Islamic activity will lead a person to HELL forever.  God Bless.

 What is Gog and Magog about?

Genghis Khan (1167?-1227), Mongol conqueror and founder of the Mongol Empire, which spanned the continent of Asia by the time of his death. Originally named Temujin, he was born on the banks of the Onon River, near the present-day border between northern Mongolia and southeastern Russia. Native folklore is the only source for details about his ancestry, birth, and early life, and thus the facts are intermingled with purely legendary material. His line of descent is traced back, through many generations, to the mythical union of a gray wolf and a white doe. The newborn infant is said to have held in his hand a large clot of blood, thus presaging the future career of the world conqueror.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2005 © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

-99% of Iranians are Shia Muslim.

All that is left of Islamic theory in Shia'ism is the return of the Muslim Messiah, Mahdi.

That will happen in 3000 years.

The Iranian theocracy will lead Iran for 3000 years and then Mahdi will return and take everyone to Paradise.

Stop writing B.S.

Write the truth.

God Bless America.




When will the FALL of the Islamic Republic come?

by M. E. (not verified) on

Here is what Quran says about the Rise and FALL of the Islamic Republic:

Ouran 18:94 "They said, 'O Zul-Qarnain, Gog and Magog (Mollahs and Ayatollahs)are corruptors of the earth. Can we pay you to create a barrier between us and them?"

Quran 20:15 "The Hour is surely coming, I will keep it almost hidden. For each soul must be paid for its works."

Quran 21:96 "Not until Gog and Magog reappear (Mollahs and Ayatollahs), will they then return - they will come from every direction."

Quran 27:82 "We will bring forth to them a beast from the earth. It will speak to them, for mankind would not be convinced of our signs." (Khamanie)

Quran 44:10 "Therefore, watch for the day when the sky brings a profound smoke." (Mollahs go nuke)

“And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am against you... //


The term Ommatie covers

by SamSamIIII on

a wide range of creatures  who share one common trait among em ;

subjugation to Pan-Arab cause & mastery

& yes , MKO , their Ommatie cousins mullahs/khattami-che crowd , surrogates of status quo Ommatized culture , hajii al ahmad keravatie theoricians & kebobi commies/socialite lefties are justa few  among many of it,s devouted  foot soldiers . These are all the bi-products of Ommatie virus that has afflicted Iran since Qadesiyeh . True Iran will be resurrected on the ashes of this Psyche & it,s foot soldiers , be it MKO or Mullah!!! who cares, burn em those shaikhaks





Did you say

by Anom7... (not verified) on

Did you say "Ommatie/Pan-Arabs"?, you mean MKO and associates? Those who gave their virgin MKOs to current U.S. puppets in Iraq to stay in Iraq for a few more days...

How much more criminal Massoud Rajavi and associates could become? They have already surpassed Dick Cheney are Dick CheneyHenry Paulson in crime!



by SamSamIIII on




your theory (to Maz)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Maz, I was once among those who to some extent supported that theory. However Saddam trashed that theory when he attacked Kuwait.
BTW I was in Iran when the war started ...

Mehdi Mazloom

Anonym7 - you need to get back to reality

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Saddam Hussein was a Sunni and secular leader. Back in 1980, after the  fog from the Islamic revolution had dissipated , it became clear to the west and Saddam that, Khomeini will pose danger not only to Iran itself, but he would export his Islamsit agenda onto the rest of  the region, including Iraq itself - thus try to dis-stabilize the entire region.

Considering the ominous role which the Mullahs are playing these days, the late sob was right.  That is the very reason why US had supported him with his invasion. He failed to remove the Mullahs and paid the  price for it.


ISRAELI women warriors (to Rexa, and Mazloom)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Rexa, not only yours truly but also our Mullahs will surrender to these warriors without any fight. No wonder my friend Mazloom speaks so passionately about Israel and looses control so quickly!


the war goddess versus the warmonger? (to Q)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Q, in a WWII movie a small group of collaborators who were herding their people to the gas chamber, constantly blamed their own people for what was going on, so that they could live with themselves.
Here we have an outspoken warmonger among us who has no shame in claiming that Iran is the "biggest danger" to world peace,........., he even blames Iran for Saddam's aggression, so that he can live with himself.
At least neither the war goddess nor her bad Farsi speaking parrot claim they are Iranian. The warmonger on the other hand thinks he is an Iranian "patriot" constantly denying that he is indeed a necon/AIPAC parrot.


Dear Rexa

by tsion on

Nice videos and smart allusions! Thanks.
I hope to see Iran back to its civilized roots once more. That day Iran and Israel can and will be the closest of allies as they were always meant to be and as they truly were before.



Q my dear!

by tsion on

Oh, our baby feels rejected? What's the matter?

'She will be nice to you, if...but as soon as you... you'll be dropped like a rock... .'

LOL. Is that what has been eating you all this time? You are heartbroken! Poor baby! Oy oy oy.
And why so jealous?
I'm sorry my dear but you are simply not going to get any apologies like Foad, OK? Get over it! You deserve none and actually your ilk are the ones that have to apologize for all the venom they have spewed on everyone else in this website.
But don't be sad. You are still special to me! ;-)



That was then, this is now

by Khasha... (not verified) on

Dear Rexa, it's sad, that was then, this is now. Israel should stop dicking with Iran.

The main five characteristics of Yhwh (Jehovah),the God of Israel is indeed Jealousy, Merciless/Cruelty, Destruction, Arrogant pride, and Wealth compilation. Like father, like son...


Women in Persia & Israel & under Allahorahbar Khamanei

by Rexa (not verified) on


Thanks Anom

by Anonymous.... (not verified) on

I'm eager to read the links to the pages in Tora. That looks new and interesting.

But the hollywood top gun military videos makes me shake so much that I wanna sing: Shake... shake... shake... shake.. shake... your balony...shake shake shake shake shake shake your pepper!!

I believe the F22 rapter hasn't saved us from the mess we'v got ourselves into in either Iraq or afghanistan. Also why did the DOD pull the funding for it's continued production? I believe it's perfromed as good as the anti missle system. What was it called? the patriot....


Dear "degenerate" Anonym7,

by Q on

I hope you realized just how much "decency" there is to Zion and Mazloom. You said Farhad Kashani is like a propaganda machine. I agree but I consider Zion much worse.

That Kashani's single-track ideological delusions-wrapped-in-nationalism does not allow for any kind of rational and objective thinking is made clear everytime he writes something.

But Zion, uses well established zio-con propaganda techniques complete with racist and supremacist "cultural" assumptions that she seeks to advance through a variety of means. She will be nice to you, if she detects enough commonality that might be useful in serving her purpose.... like she was to DW immedialy after she found out he was Jewish (But not before, and not after she found he's not toeing the Zionist dogma), but as soon as you exhibit some independence of thought and don't simply nod and parrot her laughable lectures, you'll be dropped like a rock and viciously attacked as "degenerate", part of a "dirty" mob, and not anyone "who really matters".

In other words, classic close-minded fundementalist behavior. Her mind was never open and never will be. And there is no room for the "unworthy" likes of you in any discourse. You can pay all the homage you want to "decency" but at the end of the day, you either help advance the propaganda, or you're nothing.

Mazloom, a loyal parrot, of course is not in any danger of being called "dirty" or "unworthy", no matter what confusing racist crap he utters time and time again.

These are the a-holes who think they know 70 Million Iranians and what's good for them.


Interesting links...

by Anom1299 (not verified) on

Here are a few public links that readers of should have right to know:

1) Yhwh (Jehovah), God of Jewish religion, self describes HIMself as a "Jealous God". Exodus, Chapter 20, section 5:

2) Torah introduces the Lord Yhwh as being merciless . Exodus Chapter 12, section 29:

3) Torah introduces Yhwh, the Lord of Jews as a "Destroyer". Genesis Chap 19, sections 24,25

4) Torah introduces Yhwh, the Lord of Jews as "Arrogantly Proud" God to be honored by others. Exodus, Chap 14, section 4:

5) Torah introduces Yhwh, the Lord of Jews as "Wealth Compiler" God. Book of Numbers Chap 31, sections 37-41:


GI Joe

by Hajminator on

Saddam too, was referring to the same BS and look where he is now. 

When you'll realize it, because for people like you a big painting is needed you're not very smart to get it without, it would be too late. Here a song for you stupido



Armageddon Preview -Israel / IRI

by iCyrus (not verified) on

Israel's Military:

Khamanie's Military force:

Ezekiel 38:1
Prophecy about Gog(Gorg/Akhunds)and Future Invasion of Israel:


IAF, IRI & USA Air Forces -Come & Get Some!

by F22 Raptor (not verified) on

Total Aircraft: 950[2008]
5,800 miles range with airial refueling
U.S. supplied F4 - F22 Raptors
400 to 1 kill ratio

Total aircraft: 84 [2006]
650 miles range with arial refueling
2 hour flight time [including landing and take off]
F4,F5,F14, Russian and Saddam era Migs and Sukhoi
Quran in each cockpit
Allahorahbar on the fuselage

Total Aircraft: 18,169 [2003]
Unlimited range



by Hajminator on

Dream on, what you think that Netanyaboo can do ? You confuse the most powerful country in the world (US) with a supplied ripped out country like Israel LOL If Bush didn't attacked it's because it's impossible.

Netanyaboo has his a-- on already broken eggs, a little mistake from him and he can say bye bye to the politics forever. He has to compose with two other parties to pass what he wants in the Knesset and in each party he just doesn't have friends. As a rabbi has already said that the guy ain't Jewish LOL

In the other hand, you think that everyone in ME will just watch the yaboo bombs Iran? You're really naive. The last time it occurred, israeli pilots had mistakenly took the bad direction (they flew to the west instead of the east) LOL