آزار جنسی توسط زنان در ایران

by Fred

"هشت زن زندانی سیاسی که از هفته گذشته در اعتصاب غذا به سر می‌برند، روز یک‌شنبه ۱۴ آبان در دیدار با خانواده‌های خود تصریح کرده‌اند که از سوی زندانبانان زن مورد آزار جنسی قرار گرفته‌اند.

ماموران زندان به بازرسی بدنی زندانیان پرداختند و به این نیز قانع نشدند، از زنان زندانی خواستند تا کاملا برهنه شوند، بنشینند و دستگاه جنسی خود را در معرض بازدید زندانبانان قرار دهند.

این معاینه داخلی نیز اما تنها محدود به معاینه نماند و با آزار و توهین همراه شد."

به عبارت دیگر؛ زنانی هستند که در نظام نکبت مسلمین "اصلاح طلب" و غیره که در آن زنان شهروند درجه دو محسوب میشوند و تحت ظلم مضاعف قرار دارند، در سرکوب و آزار جنسی همجنسان خود با عمله های ظلم مرد همراهی میکنند.

پس از سرنگونی کلیت نظام مسلمین؛ درمان بیماری این زنان سادیسمی باید از یاد نرود.


پ.ن تعداد بانوان اسیر سیاسی در اعتصاب غذا بیشتر از هشت نفر است.


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مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Iranians are legitimate target
Dec 04, 2012
more from Fred

Zendanian: did you say you

by vildemose on

Zendanian: did you say you were a communist when you got your American citizenship?? Shame on you.

No, I am not an ideologue like you to have my brain infested with who's who of Communism...


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Obviously haven't lived long enough to realize that the writer

by Zendanian on

You quote in here every single day, namely the one and only "Simone De Beauvoir" was married to a Marxist, Jean Paul Sartre, had some very strong Leftist tendencies, and credentials of her own, had met repeatedly with Cuban leaders: Che and others and was a big fan of Socialism.

The fact that you put Komalah and Hezb Todeh in the same line, should make it clear for all just how ignorant and mis informed you are of Iranian Left.

Zel Allah in the exact reverse of Hezbollah. Zero tolernace for political opponents, zero undrestanding of world's complexities, and very much blood thirsty.



I take the lable of

by vildemose on

I take the lable of monarchist anyday over a Bolshevik Komoleh or toudehi.

No wonder the US is becoming more radicalized against the commies and Islamists. It's because of commies and Islamist type we see here among us who are doing the bidding of Stalin...shameful. 


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


 And, no, leftism isn't

by vildemose on

 And, no, leftism/communism isn't courageous. Just self-inflated. It wasn't courage to look the other way when Stalin slaughtered millions, when Ho slaughtered millions, or Pol Pot in the killing fields. Chomsky claimed the killing fields to be a lie as the evidence was mounting, just as the leftists denied the genocide against the Ukrainians no matter the evidence. I've read too much, been alive too long, to fall for that.

Enough Komoelh and Bolshevik, toudehi, nonsense.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir



by vildemose on




by Zendanian on

It's a bit curious when monarchists are calling their opponents (in this case a well established scholar and opponnet of IR) sub-human and worse: monarchists are the ones who after three decades still proudly support shah's single paty fascist rule, yet call others names?

Siavash: Stalin killed Trotsky in 1938. Admit to the fact that you are simply ignorant of Left history and it complexities. Educate yourself before making obtuse, uninformed comments on matters you have very little grasp of.

For the information of all those ignorant arrogant closet and non-closet fascist monarchists: The Left includes Anarchists, Social Democrats, Communists, Communitarians, Socialists,and many other traditions...but such distinctions are too much to comprehend for simple minded Zel Allah'ion. Just stick to your so called Shadow of God, leave critical thinking to freed people.



House of Terror

by Faramarz on




There is a museum in Budapest called House of Terror that has all the torture paraphernalia that was used by the Communist Regime of Hungary's secret police, trained by the KGB. It sends chills down your spine when you see some of the tools that these people used on innocent civilians. 

Thank god that the whole thing collapsed.


Labeling created during cold war to disarm "free world"

by Shirzadegan on

Atter WWII , the ear of cold war, the lableing was common practice among reds. In that process they labeled pro western sympathizers as a "Puppet". On the other hand, all those believed to "left" consider as "heroes". Labeling were practiced widely among lefts and idiots during 70's. The result is what we are seeing these days. Shame on those who sold our country.



 zendanian: Plz...enough

by vildemose on

 zendanian: Plz...enough showing off your pseudo-intellectual mambo jumbo. Leave the US of A alone. Go to Cuba or China. I've had enough of your hypocrisy here. You and your ilk brought the Islami republic and you still have no shame...Talk of being a prisoner of a dogma. Don't bother replying to me. I have had enough Bolshevik nonsense for one day.  You probalby would have joined the Nazi to destroy jews if you could...what a waste...

Occupy wall street is not a communist movement. Don't try to hijack it. You are no socialist komoleh.



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Some educational Material for our closet Nazi monarchists

by Zendanian on

Read my comment on Stalinists, just posted a few minutes ago.

You are simply ignorant of all the tendencies within the Left. 


Mosses Hess: a Socialist was the founder of Zionism.

by Zendanian on

The United States of America is the birth place of May First, March 8th, Industrial Workers of the World, the Occupy Movement and so many other progressive and radical traditions that would truly befuddle and bewilder a puny closet Nazi mind.

What you people are is the exact reverse of Hezbollah set of mind.

For them US and West is the source of all problems.

For you whoever mentions Universal values and ideas is the source of all evil.




Some educational materials for our comrades

by Shirzadegan on

"Human Rights is a Universal, inalienable right, unlimited from any racial, ethnic or national limitaion" Zendanian 

Staatssicherheit, literally State Security), was the official state security service of the German Democratic Republic or GDR (informally known as East Germany). The Stasi was headquartered in East Berlin

The Stasi perfected the technique of psychological harassment of perceived enemies known as Zersetzung Zersetzung techniques have since been adopted by other security agencies, particularly the Russian Federal Security Service

Stasi experts helped to build the secret police of Mengistu Haile Mariam in Ethiopia

Fidel Castro's regime in Cuba was particularly interested in receiving training from Stasi

  • The Stasi's experts worked with building secret police systems in the People's Republic of Angola, the People's Republic of Mozambique, and the People's Republic of Yemen (South Yemen).[24]
  • Stasi experts helped to set up Idi Amin's secret police.[24][27]
  • Stasi organized, trained, indoctrinated Syrian intelligence services
  • Stasi experts helped Kwame Nkrumah to build his secret police. When Ghanaians overthrew the regime, Stasi Major Jurgen Rogalla was imprisoned.[24][29]
  • The Stasi sent agents to the West as sleeper agents. For instance, sleeper agent Günter Guillaume became a senior aide to social democratic chancellor Willy Brandt, and reported about his politics and private life.[30]
  • The Stasi operated at least one brothel. Agents were used against both men and women working in Western governments. "Entrapment" was used against married men and homosexuals.[31]
  • Martin Schlaff – According to the German parliament's investigations, the Austrian billionaire's Stasi codename was “Landgraf” and registration number "3886-86". He made money by supplying embargoed goods to East Germany.[32]
  • Sokratis Kokkalis – Stasi documents suggest that the Greek businessman was a Stasi agent, whose operations included delivering Western technological secrets and bribing Greek officials to buy outdated East German telecom equipment.[33]
  • Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof Group)—A terrorist organization which killed dozens of West Germans and others.
  • The Stasi ordered a campaign in which cemeteries and other Jewish sites in West Germany were smeared with swastikas and other Nazi symbols. Funds were channelled to a small West German group for it to defend Adolf Eichmann.[34]
  • The Stasi channelled large amounts of money to Neo-Nazi groups in West, with the purpose of discrediting the West.[35]
  • The Stasi worked in a campaign to create extensive material and propaganda against Israel.[34]
  • Murder of Benno Ohnesorg – A Stasi agent carried out the murder, which stirred a whole movement of left-wing protest and violence. The Economist describes it as "the gunshot that hoaxed a generation".[36][37]
  • Operation Infektion—The Stasi helped the KGB to spread HIV/AIDS disinformation that the United States had created the disease. Millions of people around the world still believe in these claims.[38][39]
  • Sandoz chemical spill—The KGB reportedly ordered the Stasi to sabotage the chemical factory to distract attention from the Chernobyl disaster six months earlier in Ukraine.[40][41][42]
  • Investigators have found evidence of a death squad that carried out a number of assassinations (including assassination of Swedish journalist Cats Falck) on orders from the East German government from 1976 to 1987. Attempts to prosecute members failed.[43][44][45]
  • The Stasi attempted to assassinate Wolfgang Welsch, a famous critic of the regime. Stasi collaborator Peter Haack (Stasi codename "Alfons") befriended Welsch and then fed him hamburgers poisoned with thallium. It took weeks for doctors to find out why Welsch had suddenly lost his hair.[46]
  • Documents in the Stasi archives state that the KGB ordered Bulgarian agents to assassinate Pope John Paul II, who was known for his criticism of human rights in the communist block, and the Stasi was asked to help with covering up traces.[47]

  • Zendanian

    Please refresh your understanding of the concept of Universal

    by Zendanian on

    Why do you think it is called Universal Declaration of Human Rights?




    Adjective:Of, affecting, or done by all peopleor things in the world or in a particular group.


    Noun:A person or thing having universal effect, currency, or application, in particular.



    general - catholic - worldwide - common - global ----------------------------------------------------- Furthermore allow me to refresh your memory of my privilege and duty about encouraging everyone on this site to write to officials of Islamic Republic of Hell for freedom of Iranian political prisoners, on every single opportunity I get. In other words, the last thing I need is advice from you, or anyone else, on how to support Iranian political prisoners.


    Mehraban jon: Don't be

    by vildemose on

    Mehraban jon: Don't be shocked. Commies and Islamists don't believe in nationalism and country. Their main goal in life is to destroy America and Israel.

    All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


    تعجب می‌کنم


     تعجب می‌کنم که یک وبلاگ که درباره مکافاتی که گریبان گیر زنان زندانی در ایران است در شماها فقط این احساس را به وجود میاورد که بیاید بگویید; خوب که چه در ترکیه و آمریکا هم از این مسائل زیاد هست. 




    It is not a question of double standard

    by Mehrban on

    It is the question of focus.  Nelson Madela fought first and foremost for the freedom of South Africa.  You only dilute the cause of the Iranian prisoners when at every mention of them you bring up many other indiscretions around the world.

    Of course HR is a universal maxim, so please spare me the moralistic ideological HG 101.  It is beneath you Zendanian.  



    by Zendanian on

    Souri Jaan, I'm so sorry. Apologies due for my little Freudian slip. I guess that's what happens when I start my days with Bach, Beethoven and Mozart, and listening to them while writing these lines. Pozesh besiar.


    Human Rights is a Universal value, can't have a double standard

    by Zendanian on

    Human Rights is a Universal, inalienable right, unlimited from any racial, ethnic or national limitaion.

    If one claims to oppose incarceration of individuals based on their opinion, if one supports freedom for political prisoners, one CAN NOT have a double standard and pick and chose between between which political prisoner is elligible for support and which one isn't.

    Was Nelson Mandela elligible for universal world wide support, or supporting him should have been limited to only Black people of Africa?

    When Nelson Mandela  writes to Iranian authorities about violation of Human Rights in  Iran, is he writing as a Human Being, supporting an inalienable right? Or is he thinking as a citizen of South Africa his priority can't be in defense of Human Rights in Iran?

    If some people are still stuck in their narrow obtuse norms and criterias of race, ethnicity, and nationalism, that is an indication of their infantile social development.

    Human Rights has no boundry, or limitations. 

    Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and find out why.

    In other words:

    When it comes to the Universal values of Modern World,

    put your Nationalism on Kozeh  va Abesho Bekhor!



    Yes dear Zendianian, I know...

    by Souri on

    You are right, we have some different ideas and our common goal which is a free Iran.

    BTW, although I was flattered, but I have to mention that I am not Shirin. I wish I had her talent.




    by Zendanian on

    Thank you Shirin Khanom for spending your precious time (which in fact you're again absolutely correct: spending anytime on these mouth pieces of sanction and war is a big waste of time) exposing tis obtuse piece of  monarchist propaganda. 


    Only because people are busy in the real world, with real issues and don't have time to (waste) respond to the daily double drivel in here, they shouldn't think any one with a brain is buying any of this non sense.

    Shirin Khanom, you and I might have our differences on some issues (which we do), but we sure have some very strong commonalities (on sanctions, war,...) as well.

    Thanks again.


    من کاملا جایز می‌دانم


    من کاملا جایز می‌دانم که کسی‌  در درجه اول دلش برای مملکت خودش بسوزد.  این که در ترکیه چه می‌گذرد درحالی که ایران می‌سوزد ممکن است برای یک وطن پرست ایرانی‌ در درجه اول مطرح نباشد.   


    به قول امام راحل




    آمریکا ٢٥٠٠ ساله که مردم مظلوم ما را استثمار کرده!

    هر مشکلی که اون مملکت داره تقصیر آمریکاست!


    Thank you so much, Zendanian

    by Souri on

    You said it all.

    Although it's a long while I given up talking seriously with this (these) user(s), but nevertheless enjoyed your strong reasoning.

    vaghean ke tasliat be melati ke bazicheh in propagandist ha shodan.


    تکرار کلیشه های قدیمی بی ربط جایگزین استدلال نمیشود


    ملاحضات شیرین کاملا صحیح و به جا میباشد     چگونه است که همین الان که بالغ  بر ٧٠٠ زندانی سیاسی در ترکیه در اعتصاب غذا به سر میبرند شما یک کلام به قلم نمی آورید.   اینهمه زندانی سیاسی فلسطینی در زندانهای اسرائیل در اعتصاب غذا بودند ، آیا شما حتا یک بار هم از آنان ذکری به میان  آوردید؟ 
    هر بچه پنج ساله هم میفهمه که دغدغه شما  و امثالهم  حقوق بشر نیست ، هدف شما تحمیل  تحریم به مردم ایران  و زمینه سازی برای شروع یک جنگ تمام عیار در ایران (مانند افغانستان و عراق) است و بس.
    آسیب شناسی "نوشتارهای" شما  دو بار در روز برای همگان قابل رویت است. تسلیت.


    برو دنبال مسائل پیچیده تر.


    روزی متخصصین آسیب شناسی به ریشه های ایندست دیگاه های حقوق انسان پرهیز پی خواهند برد""

    پس شما لطفاً فعلا کوتاه بیا و ما رو "آسیب شناسی‌" نکن تا اونروز که متخصصیننتون بیان و در این مورد تحقیق کنند.


    آفتاب آمد دلیل آفتاب


    "شما لطفا دنبال مسائل پیچیده تر باش. این خبر‌ها دیگه دست شونصدم شده."

      از این "مسائل پیچیده" تر وجود ندارد و دست هزارم هم که شده باشد برای قربانیان خبر دست اول است.

    روزی متخصصین آسیب شناسی به ریشه های ایندست دیگاه های حقوق انسان پرهیز پی خواهند برد.



    نه ارباب


    گفتم که  شما بفهمی که ریشه این رفتار از کجاست و به توسط چه کسانی‌ به
    ایران آورده شده. همونطور که گفتم به ایران هم ختم نمیشه، در همین آمریکا
    هم همین رفتار با زندانیا میشه. حالا شما هی‌ بگو سادیسم ایرانیها و این


    آفتاب آمد دلیل آفتاب


    اینکه در دیگر کشور ها چکار میکنند باید باعث بشود تا از ذکر توحش وحوش با ایرانیان و خصوصاً بانوان  اسیر سیاسی که در اعتصاب غذا هم هستند  صرفنظر کرد و این نسخه نابخردانه را یک  زن ایرانی که همجنسان او مورد آزار جنسی دارند قرار میگیرند میپیچد هم ماجرایی است که باید  متخصصین آسیب شناسی اجتماعی مورد مطالعه قرار دهند.




    by Souri on

    یکی‌ از تکنیک‌های شکنجه در زندان که اتفاقا از امریکا هم وارد شده همین
    برهنه کردن کامل زندانیا‌ن هست که باعث تضعیف روحیه آنان بشه. این مسئله
    مختص ایران نیست، از ایران هم شروع نشده بلکه همونطور که گفتم از امریکا
    اومده، و بالاخره به ایران و یا به امروز هم ختم نمیشه.

    شما لطفا دنبال مسائل پیچیده تر باش. این خبر‌ها دیگه دست شونصدم شده.

    شما عکس‌های زندانیا‌ن عراقی در ابو غریب رو که توسط سربازان امریکایی لخت
    شده بودن دیدین، یا نه؟ یا اینکه حتما وقت نداشتین چونک داشتین مقاله روز
    تهیه می‌کردین واسه ایرانیان دات کام؟


    فضای سادیسمی خبری


    تکرار مکررات خود آزاردهنده است و سادیسمی. منابع خبری حکومتی و غیرحکومتی چه در ایران و چه در خارج هیچکدام موثق و قابل اعتماد نیستند و اینقدر دروغ پردازی کرده و میکنند که بقول صادق هدایت بشکل بوف کورهایی در آمده اند که حتی ذکر اسمشان، چون منبع خبری «دوبچه» در بلاگ، جسم و روان خواننده را ذره ذره میخراشاند و در آخر سر نابود میکند.