سال های سیاه و تاریک که هر چه زور می زنیم هیچ رنگ روشن و شادی در آن ها نمی بینیم
بارها شنیده ایم که به نسل ما لقب نسل سوخته داده اند ولی من گاهی فکر می کنم ما چیزی فراتر از سوخته هستیم و تقریبا باید گفت جزغاله شده ایم! مهر ماه که از راه می رسد ناگهان هجوم خاطرات سال های مدرسه خواب را از چشمان ما می رباید. بعد انگار مغز آدم فلاش بک می کند به چند سال قبل تر... سال های جنگ... آژیر قرمز... بی پولی... بحران نفت... صف های طویل... خرید کوپنی... لباس های رنگ و رو رفته... مرگ موسیقی و ترانه و تولد آنچه آن ها سرود می نامیدند
Southern California's annual Persian festival
Bita >>>
از وقتی خانجان، جای شکنجه ی سربازهای آلمانی را که بهش تجاوز کرده اند، نشانم داده، دلم برایش میسوزد
همیشه ی خدا این مامان و خانجان دعوا دارند. مامان یک «یا امیرالمومنین هیتلر»ی میگوید که بیا و تماشا کن؛ صد تا از دهانش میریزد؛ ولی مامان بزرگ کلی «بد و بیراه» بار «بوش»ها میکند. خانجان حمله ی آلمانها به فرانسه را یادش هست؛ برای همین هم گول مدیای مامان را نمیخورد. اما مامان یک تنه یک مدیای حسابی است؛ کلی هم تبلیغات بلد است. تا کم میآورد، به «ولای امیرالمومنین هیتلر» قسم میخورد، تا طرف را آچمز کند!
Making collective achievements match individual success stories
by Alidad Mafinezam
Over three decades after their mass migration began from their homeland, Iranian-Americans have reached the pinnacle of success in their new home. In widely diverse fields -- from media to high-tech entrepreneurship, from senior ranks of the U.S. government to academia – people of Iranian origin have truly “arrived” in America. Now, having conquered the peaks of career achievement, they also want to give back. Having done exceptionally well, now they also yearn to do good
Your rights are only as good as your willingness to stand up for them
I don’t want to pigeon hole people, but I don’t think it’s a far stretch to say … someone that sells guns for a living is not going to be a tree hugging, peace & love touting hippie … with zero support for the anti-immigrant, anti-gun control, anti-Obama crowd. Maybe to her, we’re “firners” who should not be living in the U.S. at all, and should be “f***ed” as much as possible. I don’t know. For the life of me I don’t understand why there is so much bad will
“You’re never too old to learn.” Really?
Sooner, or later, we all reach an age where we can’t afford to ignore a chest pain. In fact, our priorities change drastically: We decide high heel shoes are exclusively for special occasions, no-iron tableware is as good as cotton – if not better, and the fiber content of food turns into the most important nutritional fact. The list goes on and if you happen to choose a nice nap over dancing in the rain, you’ll understand what I mean. So last week, when I felt a dull pain that could be related to my heart, I took my doctor’s advice and called 911
Photo essay: Setar Master Kourosh Taghavi
Nazy Kaviani >>>
The reed played its final notes of lingering peace. The turquoise twilight turned to deep purple, and a silvery white moon looked as though it was coming down from the sky to the earth. The twinkling lights, the stars, were set inside the dark sky like rich glitter on the chalice of a king. The desert sands glinted under the faint wind that had wings. Desert roses closed their blossoms, and the tales of the Zagros Mountains took me back to my roots, to the changing times of history, to the epic desert
Unique items of wearable art
Fariba Mirzaie >>>
"Zohreh va Manouchehr" is the cleverest Iranian theatrical production I have seen
Seeing Shahrokh Moshkinghalam on stage dressed up as Zohreh, the Goddess of Love, evokes an eerie sense mystery. We think of honeyed speech and gazelle like body movements as female, but the actor in Moshkinghalam knows better. He drapes the goddess’ glamour wear over his masculine flat chest and judiciously sidesteps trying to imitate a woman’s voice pitch. With reddish curls tumbling from his head down to his waist, he appears as a mesmerizing, and oddly beautiful, not-quite-human entity
خیلی چیزها میتواند بشود...
میشود كه دوباره در آن كافهی خاكستری نشسته باشی و آن دو چشم بارانی، به جای میز بغلی كنار تو نشسته باشد و دستهای گرمش را روی دستهای تو بگذارد و صدای خندههای شادابتان سرِ همهی میهمانان كافه را برگرداند. حتا میشود كه دستش را زیر چانهات بگذارد و تو را به سوی خودش بكشد و لب طلاییاش را در میان لبهای تشنهی تو گم كند
Shahrzad Sepanlou concert at Yoshi’s
By the time we got to the encore, the audience’s polite “let’s wait and see” clapping had turned into a heartfelt applause of delighted surprise. Stage time was short at San Francisco’s Yoshi’s Jazz Club and we weren’t sure if we were even going to get that encore. But when its final note was played, the crowd enthusiasm broke the critic’s barrier. It was as though a tennis champ had slammed a powerful ace blowing away his opponent with game, set and match
"You know I've still never seen my father's grave?"
"Well well well," said Gholamhossein Mohammadizadeh "Look what the cat dragged in." He said it in English, owing to the fact that cats did not drag anybody in in Iran. "If this wasn't such a high-class establishment," Ali Reza Karimi said "I'd give you the one-finger salute." The men laughed. "When'd that ever stop you before?" Gholamhossein said. "You got a point there," Ali Reza grinned. "I thought this guy had to work late today," said Akbar Hashemi as Ali Reza stood in line for coffee
I have become the leader of a major movement, a revolution perhaps
It’s been raining in Tehran for two days and the Alborz Mountains have been covered with small amounts of scattered snow. In the U.S. today they held the much contested mid-term elections where the Republicans have taken over the House. I try to stay out of the election hype and now the post-election results because here, in Iran, I am now leading my own political party—The Green Card Party and I have started a new movement: The Green Card Movement