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December 30, 1999
Not so fast
Similarities in Christian-Persian traditions may not be what they seem
By Reza Ordoubadian

December 23, 1999
Borrowed ideas
Persian roots of Christian traditions
By Ramona Shashaani

December 8, 1999
Significance of winter solstice in Persian culture
By Massoume Price

October 26, 1999
Curzon's last laugh
There's good reason for part of our anti-British 'paranoia'
By Manoutchehr M. Eskandari-Qajar

Aug 30, 1999
Mehraban brother, Napoleon
Early Franco-Iranian relations
By Iradj Amini

Aug 27, 1999
Unwanted battle
Rostam and Esfandiyâr fight against their own best interests
By Jerome W. Clinton

Aug 5, 1999
Changing mindsets
Opening closed societies to democracy
By Fereydoun Hoveyda

July 9, 1999
Saving Jews
The Iranian "Schindler List"
By Fereydoun Hoveyda

June 14, 1999
From Khomein
The life of the Ayatollah
By Baqer Moin

April 15, 1999
Filling the shells
Names of Persian months and their forgotten meanings
By Massoume Price

August 31, 1998
Iran's American martyr
Howard Baskerville was killed by anti-constitutionalist forces in Tabriz in 1909
By Robert D. Burgener

April 8, 1998
Cool & confident
Iran's pre-revolution air force
Photos sent by Farhad M. and Pejvak

February 22
Reza Shah: The self-made king
With a little help from the British
By Cyrus Ghani

January 14, 1999
Qebleye Alam
Could have been from Nasseredin Shah's diary
By Jalaledin Khaleqi

December 3, 1998
Lunch with Khomeini
How a former SAVAK chief saved the ayatollah's life
By Habib Ladjevardi (editor)

October 21, 1998
The chosen one
His choice, not hers.
Memoirs of Taj al-Saltana

August 19, 1998
Mossadegh and you
Gathering views and data on Iran's "first democratic leader"

August 3, 1998
Khaateraat-e Abdolmadjid Madjidi
Memoirs of Abdolmadjid Madjidi
Edited by Habib Ladjevardi

July 20, 1998
30th of Tir
Re-living the day pro-Mossadegh forces took to the streets
By Amanollah Tahmasebi

July 16, 1998
Early religions
History of the Persian Empire
By A. T. Olmstead

June 11, 1998
A sober look at SAVAK
An insider's sobering view of the Shah's secret service
By Manouchehr Hashemi

May 6, 1998
Photos of Tehran, 1940s, 50s, 60s
By Seyyed Mahmoud Pakzad

May 6, 1998
Tehran: Too sweet to be true
Personal memories from the 1930s
By White Cloud

April 30, 1998
Balloons to Boeings (in Persian)
About 70 Years of airline industry in Iran
Edited by Hamid Razavi

April 7, 1998
Khaterat-e Amirteymur Kalali (in Persian)
Memoirs of Mohammad Ebrahim Amirteymour Kalali
Edited by Habib Ladjevardi

March 27, 1998
The Shah & The Bomb
History of Iran's Atomic Energy Program as told by Akbar Etemad
Edited by Gholam Reza Afkhami

March 6, 1998
The King and I
The tradition of Persian kingship
By Sandra Mackey

March 5, 1998
Cyrus the (not so) Great
Did he start imposing the hijab?
By Sandra Mackey

Dec 22, 1997
Christ and the Persian magi
Marco Polo on Persia's "Christian" fire worshippers

Dec 11, 1997
Merry Mitra
Celebrating Mitra's birthday on Chirstmas
By Hashem Farhang

Dec 2, 1997
Khaharan va Dokhtaran Ma
Excerpt from a 1944 book by Ahmad Kasravi, a year before he was assassinated by Islamic militants (in Persian)

Nov 20, 1997
Jamalzadeh & Revolution
His early and late views on the 1979 revolution (in Persian)

Nov 5, 1997
Sunrise at Abadan
Iran's "Pearl Harbor"
By Richard A. Stewart

Nov 5, 1997
Somewhere in Iran
A poem from an homesick American GI

Nov 4, 1997
Hostage to history
Looking back at 444 days of high, and costly, drama in Tehran
By Majid Tehranian

Nov 4, 1997
For the life of a child
There was no hope for the little Polish war refugee in Tehran, until...
By Robert D. Burgener

Nov 3, 1997
Bridge to victory
The importance of Iran as a supply route in World War II
By Robert D. Burgener

Sept 17, 1997
Mitra, Mithra, Mithras Mystery
Competing with Christianity for almost five centuries
By D. Jason Cooper

Sept 3, 1997
Persepolis: Up close and Personal
Photographs by Afshin Bakhtiar

Singing the blues
Jews in 19th century Iran
By Bernard Lewis

The evolution of Hassan Sabbah
Progress in the art of assassination comes from the CIA.

Lost? My foot
The CIA claims 1953 coup files have been "destroyed or lost"

The evolution of the Iranian airline industry
From a few Junkers to a worldclass airline to...
Abbas Atrvash

Post-1979 airline industry
Iran Air and other airlines in recent years.
Nader Saad

Our leaders
Or should we say, our rulers? Mohammad Reza Shah and Ayatollah Khomeini

The magic of Marlik
Images of some amazing 3.000-year-old objects.

Az koori-ye cheshm-e falak (Persian)
Fond memories of Iran's great female singer, Qamar-ol-Moluk Vaziri

My wife, please?
Iran and Britain went to war over a Persian lady.
By Barbara English

Zir derakht porteghaal (Persian)
The shah was human and she loved him.
Soraya Esfandiyari Bakhtiari

The treasures of Lake Hamun
An archaeological site in eastern Iran creates excitement.
Nersi Ramazan-nia

Autocratic. Immature.
Why the Pahlavi monarchy fell.
Dr. Ahmad Ashraf

It was all their fault
Conspiracies theories explaining the 1979 revolution.
Daniel Pipes

It was all his fault
Where did the Russian Revolution go wrong.
David Remnick

Democracy or Theocracy
Ferdowsi's poetry sheds lights on ancient political thinking.
Dr. Mahmoud Sadri

Velayate Faqih Sassani?
Sassanid government was a political and religious unity.
J.M. Roberts

Persians: Haven't changed much
Greek view of ancient Persians
By Herodotus

The influence of Ibn Sina and Razi
How Renaissance Europe learned from Persian physicians.
Cyril Elgood

Persians: Kind, hospitable, tolerant flattering cheats?
17th century traveler's often unflattering observations
By Sir John Chardin

The Indo-European Legacy
From the discovery of the wheel to nuclear weapons.
J.P. Mallory

The background to Jalal Al-e Ahmad's trip to the USSR in 1964.
Shams Al-e Ahmad

Aqa Ejzaeh?
Going to SAVAK headquarters to get permission to travel.
Jalal Al-e Ahmad

Bihali Enqelabi
The human spirit: a casualty of the revolution in Russia.
Jalal Al-e Ahmad

A special section on Alborz High School in 1944-45. Thanks to Mahmoud Shahbodaghi (Webmaster, Soroush) for lending the yearbook:

* Taarikhcheh Dabirestan Alborz
The American Mission started Alborz started as an elementary school in 1878.

* Aqa Moalemha
A student writes about his teachers.

* Yek Shookhi
Initiation: The earliest record of an American tradition in an Iranian school?

* Shagerd Avaliha
The top students in each grade

* Tarikhcheh Dabirestan Alborz
The American Mission started Alborz started as an elementary school in 1878.

* Aqa Moalemha
A student writes about his teachers.

* Yek Shookhi
Initiation: The earliest record of an American tradition in an Iranian school?

Shagerd Avaliha
The top students in each grade.

Sportsmen pose for the camera.

25 milyoon dolar aslaheh baraye koja?!
"Towfiq" editorial in 1947 against arms purchases from the U.S.

Payam al-Arabi
Preelection satire with a clerical accent in "Towfiq", 1947.

Ashpazi Shah Abbasi
Safavid Royal chef prays and then reveals a few of his secret recipes.

Qaribi va Zaban Nafahmi dar Vatan
On the spread of English words in Iranian vocabulary in 1973.
Ali Akbar Saidi Sirjani

Aya in Iranist?
In 1959, the French used a bearded Iranian man for beer promotion.

Chera Filme Irani Misazand?
Commentator laments cheap nudity in Iranian films.

Kotak-kari Dokhtaran baraye Vigen
School girls go crazy for young Vigen.

Beh Sare Kachal Mardom Cheh Kar Darid?
Barbers hike their rates, upsetting a bald reporter.

Winter of 1956: Majlis Elections
Headlines and news from a typical example of "free and fair" elections.

From Moscovic to Marilyn Monroe
Silly and serious Iranian newspaper ads in the 1950's.

Dokhtar khanom! Movazeb bashid! (Persian) Iranian female courtship rules circa 1954. Outrageous!

Headlines from the days of the revolution.

Clueless in Tehran
How Americans evaluated the Shah and the revolution.

Culture is the Key
Dr. Khanlari's advice on overcoming social decay.

Are You Cracking Up?
A Mosaddeq-era magazine clipping.


* 2003
* 2002
* 2001
* 2000
* 1996-99


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September 11
articles following terrorist attacks

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