April 28, 2000
* Insulting
I have lived in the U.S. since 1978. I consider myself an educated and
open-minded individual respecting all other religions and personal beliefs.
As a Moslem, I consider this piece of writing offensive and I respectfuly
ask that you don't promote such writings in your paper ["Abolfazl insurance"].
Matt Fotouhi
Go to top
* Cracked me up
Do me a favor: please tell Alireza Sadeghi that his poem titled Rostam and Afrasyab
cracked me up. GREAT JOB.
Gelareh Abedi
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April 27, 2000
* Shah's return in 1953
Letter to The New York Times
Your April 16 front-page article ''How
a Plot Convulsed Iran in '53 (and in '79)'' makes unjust remarks about
my late husband, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi. It also gives a partial account
of the events of 1953.
My husband at first supported Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in the
fight for the nationalization of Iran 's oil industry. Only when the shah
was convinced that political and economic deterioration was threatening
Iran 's independence and stability did he feel constitutionally obligated
to dismiss Dr. Mossadegh.
The shah returned to Iran because of the will of the majority of Iranians
Farah Pahlavi
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* Brilliant not Buddha
I read Mr.
Kaviani's letter regarding his disappointment with Mr. Mehrjui's manner.
With all due respect I frankly though it to be rather naive! Do you expect
Mr. Mehrjui to be Buddha just because he's a brilliant artist? An artist
is a mirror - hopefully reflecting his disgruntled or contented views of
life; many artists' mission is to create the work in order to transcend
the issues, objectify them or possibly even view them from another angle.
In any case it's a mystical process.
Come now, let's not get sentimental or maudlin over artists, Mr. Kaviani.
They're just as irritable or easy-going as everyone else, possibly even
more. When you put anyone, especially an artist on a pedestal you make
them responsible for YOUR expectations and that's simply not the function
of art. You don't have to love the man to love the work -- that's purism
and there's absolutely no room for that in art.
Banafsheh Zand
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April 26, 2000
* Mehrjui: The director & and the man
On Saturday April 22, Dariush Mehrjoui was at New York's Lincoln Center
to have a talk. I thought, "What else could a middle-age Iranian guy
living in the U.S. ask for on a Saturday afternoon?" I love Iran's
blooming movie industry and Mehrjoui in particualr. But wait a minute.
Don't get too excited! Always expect the unexpected!...
However, it seems like Mehrjoui the person is not as impressive as Mehrjoui
the director ... Why doesn't Mr. Mehrjoui have that respect toward Iranian
movie directors in general as well? Why exclude Kiarostami and attack other
directors and even Fardin who died less than two weeks ago? >>>
Faramarz Kaviani
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* Azizi still respected
I remember the times when Iran would get worldwide attention in sports:
Takhti in wrestling, soccer players Ali Parvin, Hassan Roshan, Andranik
Skandarian (who played for New York Cosmos in Major League Soccer), and
many more great athletes.
Today here in San Francisco's Bay Area we have Khodadad Azizi who plays
for the San Jose Earthquakes. Two weeks ago he received
a red card and a three-week suspension. But yellow or red cards are
part of the game. I don't know how to express myself but after all these
years of playing soccer I can understand how a player could react in heated
situations. It is just part of the game! >>>
Armin Khalili
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April 25, 2000
* Too much politics
I just thought I point out to you that your content is increasingly
focused on politics ["Anger
& despair"]. I along with my wife and many others were much
more interested in the cultural notes and debates that you had going on.
We're interested more in Iranians living here, and also Iranians who
went to Iran and came back, amongst many other rhings. There are plenty
of news sites, but so few sites that offer cultural insight and discussions.
Reza M.
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* The real deal
Professor Hamid, I hail you! You're an insightful satirist ["Loving an
Iranian girl"]. I'm an American guy who fell in with an Iranian
Bahai girl. Loved her to high heaven. It was a sincere and loving set up,
probably because she was twelve years older than me.
Have to say, though, that no girl I've ever known since (this was fifteen
years ago) has floored and moved me like her. Her name was Ranaa...
Basically I have to say that Ranaa was the real deal. She could have
lofty sentiments, but she was not the usual how-much-are-you-worth-Jack
kind of woman. She was a goddamn one woman slaughter house with a killer
wit and a talent with a paint brush. In other words, she was no demure
dummy bubble puppy like these chicks your're talking about >>>
John D. Stich
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April 24, 2000
* Age of Reason vs. Dark Ages
I enjoyed reading Charles Kurzman's article in relation to the American
support for democracy in Iran in the 20th century and the 21st century
opportunities"]. I should, however, like to state the following
1. It would be misguided to compare Iran's Constitutional Movement (1904-1909),
which was progressive and modernist in nature, to President Hojatoleslam
Khatami's attempt to prolong the life of the Velayat-e-Faghih through revisionism.
Whilst the former ended centuries of autocracy, the latter is an attempt
to prolong two decades of theocracy >>>
Nazenin Ansari
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* Bloodshed
Nice summary ["For
God's sake"]. Yes a climax is approaching. It's difficult to know
which side will come out on top. A coup d'etat may produce temporary relief,
but risks precipitating a catastrophic end to the regime. On the other
hand, this present confrontation is untenable. I fear some bloodshed is
on the cards, as the protagonists have become highly polarized.
Behzad Djazaeri
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Pressure cooker
* Stolen money
By Banafsheh Zand
We all know that each and everyone of these akhoonds have lined their
pockets with millions and millions that belong to the devastated people
of Iran. None of that wealth belongs to these reprobates and none of them
should be permitted to abscond with their booty. As time of their demise
nears, the more shamelessly they scramble to feather their nests. This
reminds me of the Germans' appropriation of Jewish property and then fleeing
to South America after WWII.
I propose we begin searching high and low for the banks and investment
firms that are handling these funds. As Iran's assets were frozen after
the revolution, so should these. In view of the misery wrought by this
consortium of self-proclaimed divine messengers, we should actively and
with solidarity, be pursuing avenues to block their present and future
exploits >>>
Go to top
April 21, 2000
* Bitter, angry woman
This is a reference to a letter sent by one of your readers ... in regard
to a letter titled "Khodeti"...
I had the opportunity to meet this girl in person. We both live in the
same city. When I saw her, she made a very nice impression and we both
became good friends.
She told me about her past and how she has survived a harsh life. Unfortunately,
this harsh life has made her a bitter, angry woman who becomes hostile
toward any kindness. She has experienced everything you could imagine about
a lonely single girl in a city...
I found out she had been on Prozac. She had abused controlled substances
when she was younger, and she was an alcoholic. She had been with many
different abusing men. I could not believe the things I was finding out...
Ramin Adlparvar
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* Anything but pure
I will leave this short and simple. I will not waste the readers' time
arguing against Mr Raafat's chauvinism; such arguments are just too basic
Iranian girls?"]. But, the extremely naive Mr. Raafat should be
aware of a simple little fact: many of those pure Iranian girls back home
are anything but pure! The only difference is that they are trained from
birth to hide the truth well and fool the likes of poor Mr Raafat who for
a variety of reasons needs to believe that there is some "purity"
left in the world.
I don't condemn them at all. Unfortunately in the present structure
of Iran, lies have become commonplace. Girls in Iran, as young and 13-14
are so much shrewder than their Western counterparts. This is definitely
not meant in a negative way, but they have had to deal with a lot and have
become pretty tough indeed.
Good luck Mr. Raafat.
Nargess Shahmenesh
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* Great resource
I would just like to thank you for a great website with incredible resources.
I am a Georgetown University student who is doing a class project on the
1979 Iranian Revolution, and your site provides some great resources ["Revolution: 1979-1999 "].
Thanks again!
Lesley B. Foss
Go to top
April 20, 2000
* Rasht & history
First off the email about this guy's eyewitness report of the civil
in Rasht. Baba joon! Either translate the thing into English or else
send a scan of the Farsi text.
Second, this article "Lost
opportunities" is one of the better articles I have come across
about Iranian history. I recommend translating this one into Farsi and
submitting it to Iranian newspapers for publication. This would be good
karma for your Web site too since the Net is becoming more of a common
thing in Iran.
Kamran Behzadian
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* Did not live up to ideals
Unfortunately, the United States did not live up to its laws or ideals
back in the 1950's ["Lost
opportunities"]. This pattern repeated itself over again in other
parts of the world. If the elected representatives in the States publicly
acknowledge their country's wrong doing and encourage primary and secondary
schools to be more candid about U.S. wrongs, then the U.S. government will
begin to act more consistently in accordance with its laws and professed
Let's hope that in the meantime, relations with Iran can be improved.
Nothing is to be gained from both countries constantly snarling at the
other. Opportunities for change and long term sharing of interests will
be lost if we fail to take the initiatives at this time.
Marty O'Malley, Jr.
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* Kavkaz ancestry
You're articles are very interesting to read. But one issue that I miss
and want to have information about is the historical aspect of the fairly
large numbers of Iranians with Caucasian (Kavkaz / Qafqaz) ancestry. I'm
one of them on my mothers side.
People that are from Kavkaz / Qafqaz have little information or none
about the immigration from Kavkaz / Qafqaz. I don't know much myself, except
that I can see that we look different.
I don't know if you are able to write an article about this matter,
or if it's interesting enough.
Babak Tadjer
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April 19, 2000
* Just so you know
In response to Liane
Neshat's letter, I agree with you on the fact that the Albright thing
is no big deal ["Albright
in Tehran"]. Don't make an issue out of everything, right? But
the fact is that the Iranian government is far worse than anything China
could ever be. I hate the fact that people are ignoring the fact that my
people are being oppressed by a bunch of faceless, retarded sub-scum for
whatever reason.
What is oppressive about the government? How about the fact that religious
and political apartheid is in full effect? That Zoroastrians cannot walk
outside in the rain because they are "impure" and will pollute
Muslim Iranis? That a man cannot speak of true democracy without getting
threatened, beaten, tortured, and all too often killed by Hezbollah and
other groups? That one women is half a man and cannot talk to a stranger
in public?
As the family member of men and women who have been and are victims
of this so-called government, I feel a need to let you know what is really
going on. Didn't mean to make an issue of a comment, but just so you know
a tiny piece of what is real yet oblivious to the people in this country,
who have in ways helped bring it about.
Maziar Shirazi
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* Since when?
As an avid reader of fiction and literature I think I'm forced to make
a response to Mr. Farhad
Bani's letter regarding the Iranian writer Salar Abdoh's recent intellectual
thriller, The
Poet Game.
While Mr. Bani concedes that Salar Abdoh's entry into the world of fiction
in the West is something to be applauded and that his writing ability is
something to make all Iranians proud, he seems to have trouble, however,
with the writer's portrayal of fellow Iranians.
My question is: since when does a novelist have an obligation to portray
anyone, including his or her own compatriots in a positive light? If this
was so, germany's Gunter Grass would probably have never written a single
novel and never won the Nobel Prize.
First and foremost Salar Abdoh is a novelist, and a pretty damn good
one at that. I say this even though I'm only half way through the novel,
Poet Game. I saw a review of it in The New York Times and
my curiosity was aroused. I didn't buy this book either to have the writer
be my teacher or get didactic on me. I wanted to read a good story written
by a professional, and that, I feel, is exactly what I got.
And besides all that, anyone who reads this book will right away notice
that the writer has created a sensitive and thoughtful protagonist who
just happens to be Iranian. Where exactly is the mean portrayal in that?
Kimia Izad
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* Aryan dreams
Regarding Fereydoun Hoveyda's "Mystery
Report", Reza Shah was infected with Hitler's Aryan dreams. Hitler
had promised Reza Shah to bring back the Arian glory of ancient Persia,
with Reza Shah at the helm. Who knows, had Hitler conquered Moscow prior
to the winter of his defeat, this email would have probably been in German.
Rest assures, Reza Shah was in full control of his government and ministers.
He clearly hated the Russians as well as the British for exploiting Iran.
It was no coincidence that upon his abdication he had requested to be
exiled to Argentina, the Nazi haven. Only mid way through the journey the
British officers aboard the ship had informed him that the ship was going
to South Africa.
Hafez Ameli
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April 18, 2000
* We HAVE changed
In the introduction to Shadafarin Ghadirian's photographs ["Present
in the past"] you wrote: "We live in the 21st century. But
in some ways, Iranian society has not progressed for centuries. Many of
our habits and beliefs have not caught up with the times. This is the immediate
impression from Shadafarin Ghadirian photographs... "
But I DISAGREE! Her photographs show that we HAVE changed. Not that
we have stayed still. Look at the canned soda, or the guitar or the boombox,
but also look beyond that, to the insolent poses of these women. They may
appear "traditional", but I think Ghadirian means for us to see
that a category such as "traditional" has little meaning. And
whose standard of "progress" or "traditional" are we
using anway?
Anyway, thanks for posting these. They are wonderful.
Laleh Khalili
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* Doesn't matter what women wear
The way the hejab is demonstrated in Shadafarin Ghadirian's pictures
in the past"] has nothing to do with the social development of
Iranian women. After all, women's liberation in the West has had its own
drastic downside for family life, upbringing of children, etc.
In other words, fashion and clothes have got nothing to do with women's
social development nor with freedom of speech, individual liberty, ethics
and unity of family life.
What is important is not what freedom we would like to exercise but
what freedom some person may need in order to do things beneficial to the
Dr Fereidoun Abbasi
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* Mistreatment in U.S.
Please let The Iranian readers know, that Iranian National Fencing
team had arrived in Chicago last week for a tournament that is currently
taking place in South Bend, Indiana. Unfortunately, upon arrival at the
airport, the team was subjected to finger printing.
The representative of the government of Iran made the decision for the
team to go back to Iran rather than being subjected to this kind of treatment.
News here
On the one hand, Ms. Albright talks about friendship and laments over
the role of U.S. in our history and on the other, the U.S. is still putting
our people through this demeaning treatment.
It is a great loss for our young athletes not to be able to participate
in international tournaments. It is the participation and being involved
in this type of competitions that will help our athletes achieve their
full potential.
With much sadness and anger,
Mali Evans
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April 17, 2000
* Absolutely fascinating
Fereydoun Hoveyda's rendition of the events leading to the invasion
of Iran in World War II was absolutely fascinating ["Mystery
Report"]. In fact, it inspired me to look more into the matter.
From what I've learned the day of the invasion was one of the darkest
in Iranian history. Aside from the bloodshed, Iran's national sovereignty
was completely overlooked by the superpowers of the time.
It was probably the second ugliest ordeal concerning Iran and foreign
powers in the twentieth century, the first being the 1953 CIA-led coup.
Nima Faghihi
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* Pathetic, miserable...
My heart-felt congrats to Khaanoom-e Shadafarin Ghadirian for her excellent
taste in photography ["Present
in the past"].
But, in responce to the article about those photos, you are such a pathetic,
miserable, narrow-minded person that no matter how hard an artist tris,
you still have this negative thing to say. Shame on you.
I have been living in the U.S. for the past 28 years. The last 14 here
in Las Vegas. And I have seen "it" all. So, I don't want to hear
crap from you bad-mouthing our Iranian way of living.
Issa Hajjizadeh
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* Take out Googoosh
Would you like it if someone was to take your personal photo and post
it on a Web site for the world to see?
You must take this picture
of Googoosh off of your site because it was taken to be in a personal
photo album and the person who distributed it should be ashamed of this.
If Googoosh had wanted her current picture to be posted, I am certain
she would have come to the U.S. and done the whole celebrity profile in
Los Angeles.
I hope you do the right thing!
Abbas Soltani
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April 14, 2000
* Khatami & Nouri are not the answer
Notes on Mr Abdy Hashemi's "Final
destination: Democracy":
I do have big misgivings about "Hojjat-o-eslam" Khatami due
to his clerical training and the fact that he has been raised within the
current system (and "aaghebat gorg zaadeh gorg shavad garcheh baa
aadami bozorg shavad") and I hold him personally responsible for the
atrocities committed by the present regime. However, I am still prepared
to give him the benefit of doubt and reserve my final judgment on his performance
after possibly his second term when he would have had the opportunity of
taking advantage of the newly elected "reformist" members of
the parliament. I also reserve my judgment on the Mr Hashemi's assertion
about "fantastic transition to a near-total civilian rule" supposedly
being achieved under his "leadership" (if the word really applies
to what is going on in Iran).
I have no argument about Mr Hashemi's statement that "the Shah
and his puppets ..... believed in the total eradication of opponents".
Although I would like to know who does he refer to as Shah's puppets and
where does Khatami stand in this analysis. Should we consider him a Rafsanjani's
or Khamenei's puppet by the same decree? As far as I am concerned the "revolution"
replaced one tyrant with another one, albeit several times more vicious
and fierce >>>
Jamshid Entesari
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* You owe me
I am a young student, and I was born in Iran. The politics of the region
has always fascinated me. Right now as I was reading these comments I cant
believe what I see in despair and in the sentiment of "let sleeping
dogs sleep".
I would like to point out to the older generation that you owe me and
the rest of my generation , including the student demonstrators, an explanation.
I was raised in an affluent family and all they ever talk about is the
money that was lost not democracy.
You the former rulers and the former teachers, need to explain to me
why I should be terrified to visit my country of birth. Yes the West was
involved; Russia, England, and the U.S. were involved -- but only because
we let them get involved. You let them get involved.
And please don't sit in your armchairs across the world and tell me
to let sleeping dogs sleep. Let's find out about our past and then we can
talk about from now on. We cannot fix a machine when we don't know where
it is broken.
Sahar Nahrvar
Go to top
* Do it right!!!
Why can't you get all the junk out [of the Registration
page] and put all the interesting and up to date stuff in the front - in
the beginning so we don't have to go through all this mess to find something?
Do it right!!! Can't we get it right in this country [U.S.] either??!!
Mariam Nahavandi
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April 13, 2000
* Amr-e digehee neest?
I think you should all go back to Iran and make our gas cheaper [in
Tim Owens
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* Rules of the game
Dear Mr. D, I am so sorry for what has happened to you in our country.
The problem of "Nosy
relatives" and jealousy in our society, even among Iranian Americans,
is too obvious to be ignored. However from what you wrote in your article,
I believe the main person to be blamed is "Mr. D":
1) You read an article and went to Iran to get some "Real
Iranian girls" who in this case are apparently the virgin ones.
I spent most of my life in Iran and I want you to know having a hymen doesn't
necessarily mean you are a virgin. As you know we have few different types
of sex .
2) The "cat and mouse" game of finding a partner is not something
specific to Iran. No matter where you are in this world, when you want
to approach a potential partner you need to know the rules of the game.
One of the most important rules is that you should control you emotions
Faramarz Kaviani
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* Jalal khaalegh!
I am writing regarding the article "Nosy
relatives". from what I understood, this dude is just 24 years
old and he decides to get married on his first trip to Iran since his birth!
Jalal khaalegh! Of course this is my opinion but, hey dude! you are too
young to get married in such short period of time!
As we all know if you let families and friends get involved in your
life, they will do it without any hesitation. But what is important is
making everyone mind their own business and at the same time, not making
sure they don't get offended by your direct statements.
Also, keep informing them about what your opinions are without offending
anyone. Also, I believe the bride should have done something to help, if
she was interested! Remember that you are the one who separates the borders
around you. Eradatmand dude-e depressed and alone.
Alireza Abouhossein
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April 12, 2000
* High & low art
Vakili's commentary just reminded me of an argument I have been having
with my fellow Iranians precisely about the dichotomy (as he appropriately
put it) between high art and low "mobtazal"
art. Allow me to expand on his piece since even though he touched on
all subject matters: "Culture is a living organism, making its own
rules as it goes through history."
Progress is made with freedom to explore in all direction. Picture water
flowing down an unpaved slope. It will fill in the lower parts which are
ready to accept it and eventually flow to higher grounds. This is a rule
of nature.
This reminds me for some reason of another rule: Thesis and antitheses
both have to be present to result in a healthy synthesis- of innovations
and of creativity. All elements that are in existance constitute the framework
of art- of real art not idealistic art. So if we overrule any part of our
culture, will we just fail to understand it.
Real art is non-existant without deep understanding of your culture
and society. There is a lot more that can be said...
Kasra A. Ebrahimi
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* Iran's John Wayne
I read through your essay about Fardin ["Farewell
to Fardin"]. I agree with you. Reading news about Fardin's death,
I am sure that all Iranians have some feelings for Fardin. After all, he
entertained us for more than four decades.
We all grew up with him and his fame. He was our hero. As one newspaper
said, Fardin was the "John Wayne of Iran." As a kid, I used to
keep an album full of Fardin's pictures. Now, I have a limited collection
of his movies and am looking for the ones I do not have.
Mahmoud Asadi
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* It's riveting! But...
I read Salar Abdoh's recent novel, The Poet Game ["No freedom
fighters"]. As an avid reader of literature, and especially thrillers,
I must say that I was pretty amazed by this fellow Iranian's dexterity
and writing power. He has entered an arena few of us have entered before.
But I have a problem with something: why does a writer this good have
to cast Middle Easterners in the guise of terrorists and whatnot? Why doesn't
Salar Abdoh use his considerable talent to promote Iranian culture at its
I hope it doesn't sound as if I'm trying to tell this writer what he
should write about. But then again, maybe I am. I think Mr. Abdoh has a
duty as a professional to cast his compatriots in the best form possible.
Aside from that, I highly recommend it... it's riveting!
Farhad Bani
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April 11, 2000
In 1991, I watched a play by Reza Abdoh in the Theatre Center of Los
Angeles ["Passion
player"]. I had been a fan of Abdoh without having seen any of
his plays. I had been a fan because I had read about his plays and his
stage acts filled with anger, violence and sarcasm: visions that assaulted
viewers' senses like machine guns spraying card board boxes. To me he was
the epitome of non-conformist Iranians, the very end of spectrum where
none of us Iranians dare to trespass...
In my opinion, Abdoh was a man who was both immensely talented and exaggeratedly
angry, and he was combining both into a condemnation of both the culture
he was born in and the one he lived in. He would have been an immense influence
on others, especially Iranians abroad, had he lived long enough to deliver
his full potential into maturity. But with his life cut short, he remains
a wonder and a lamented figure like Sadeq Hedayat was, and I think Abdoh
was Hedayat re-incarnated >>>
Go to top
* Compensation, one way or another
I disagree with your article on the unconditional release of Iran's
assets by the United States, by virtue of the simple fact that in many
instances such an act would trample the only chance victims of misbehavior
of Iran's government might have to be compensated for damages within a
semi-civilized context ["Getting
down to business"].
As an example, for no apparant reason and subject to an arbitrary ruling
by a Revolutionary Court judge in Esfahan in 1979 (Omid Najafabadi, who
was subsequently executed in 1988 for being "corrupt on earth"
and a homosexual) my family had all of its assets -- composed mainly of
improved land- our main occupation being initially farming and subsequently
land development on a large scale about the suburbs of Esfahan -- confiscated
and turned over to the Bonyad Mostazafan...
As the Iranian judicial system seems intent on perpetuating this injustice,
I feel that it is well within my rights to seek redress against the Iranian
government and nation in a venue where my rights will be respected and
some form of justice exists. If that venue is the United States, and if
Iran's frozen assets are available to compensate me and my family for those
damages, then I and my family should be given access to that venue and
to those assets >>>
Hamid Boroumand
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* Feminazi
This recent letter
by Ms. Banfsheh Zand is just another view by some typically anti-this
group or that group. And I am tirelessly perturbed by people like her who
try desperately to make themselves feel self-righteous and justified in
"being disgusted" by the freely-expressed opinions of others
whom she so indignantly condemns and hypersensitively criticizes with such
prejudicial generalization!...
And you better watch out if you disagree with her high-handed opinions
for ye shall be ostracized and terrorized by name-calling and underhanded
"generalizations"! The attempt to say that "there is something
inherently negative" in a certain culture, is in and of it self inherently
negative, prejudicial and childish! This simply is the wannabe-campus feminazi-political
correctness which had imposed it's profundity on the U.S educational system
since the 60's!>>>
Cyrus Raafat
Go to top
April 10, 2000
* Trashy escapist films
In reference to "Farewell
to Fardin", in two words: Total rubbish!
The writer of your pompous obituary on Fardin is clearly ignorant of
everything about cinema. Fardin never wrote the screen plays of any film,
never directed any film, never edited any film and never produced any film.
He played in films under the directorial efforts and schemes of the
film makers, in his case mostly Siamak Yassemi. Therefore you cannot say
"Fardin's Cinema". Very unfortunately the films he played in
were escapist films of the worst kind...
Fardin seems to have been a simple, likeable person, a wrestler with
good looks who was used by a certain type of film producers alien to social
and artistic aims, who were riding on the crest of the incoming wave of
economical ease and the dream and expectation of an affluent life, all
in tune with the superficial state of things and the official propaganda
of the time >>>
Ashraf Esfandiary
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* Acknowledging Pop icons
I just read quite an angry
letter about "Farewell
to Fardin". I guess the author of the article on Fardin was right
in pointing out that, "to most Iranian intellectuals [Fardin] remained
an over-rated actor who represented a commercial cinema that was an embarrassment
to our national identity." ...
The article did not call Fardin a good or even a mediocre actor. Nor
did it praise his directorial talents. But every culture has its heroes
and icons. A healthy culture is one that acknowledges such individuals
and tries to live with them...
I am not concerned with the quality of Fardin's work. But you may find
it interesting that Fardin acted in fifty-seven films, directed eleven
of them, wrote the script for five pictures and produced seven...
For over twenty years we tried to isolate our pop icons; turning Fardin
into a carpet shop owner. And yet on Saturday the whole city of Tehran
was out to say goodbye to Fardin at his funeral >>>
Khosrow Vakili
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* Escrew you
Still some people don't get the joke about Albright ["Albright
in Tehran"]. Surely the Third-World mentality is still within
them therefore they haven't reached cultural maturity yet. Or, they just
got off the boat with pronunciations like :"Espoon, Espagetti, Eski,
Estay, Estop, I vant, or I vill." give them a few more years; they
will learn two things: how to talk and have sense of humor.
Naseem Baharie
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April 7, 2000
* Mollas on Mars
WOW! U.S. embassy in Tehran by 2001. That is FANTASTIC! I also read
a recent article from the UN's January 2000 Journal that Iran will be the
first country to open an embassy on Mars. The Mars opening's projected
for 2005 ["Albright
in Tehran"].
There are currently a cadres of academicians (mollas), from Qom, learning
how to speak Martian. Their comments thus far:"The language is not
that hard for us to learn given that twenty some odd years ago we had raml'o
ostorla'ab and spoke with the spirit world. for a modest fee!" Happy
April 1st!
Ali S.
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One thing we don't have in Iran. Is April fool's day ["Albright
in Tehran"].
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* Share the same
I worked for Bell Helicopter International in Esfahan for two years
till jan79. I really enjoyed seeing the country and meeting very interesting
and kindly people. I hope relations between our countries political forces
will improve in the near future as I believe both peoples share the same
love of life and family.
Ralph Carroll
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* Going to Iran
I have been dating an Iranian for quite a while now. Things are getting
more serious and he recently asked me to go to Iran with him this summer.
My family is upset and my friends are worried but I trust him and would
love to spend my life with him. Thank you for your perspective on Iran.
The Iran you have learned is the one that I know. I wish that the relations
were better between our two countries.
Go to top
April 6, 2000
* Prozac
Okay -- time out. Some of the reactions I have read regarding that BRILLIANT
piece about Albright in Iran ["Albright
in Tehran"], almost make me want to go back to being a pre-med
major so I can one day arm myself with prescriptive mood drugs.
Several of you are in SERIOUS need of PROZAC and you need to learn how
to appreciate humor better. People, it's funny! Stop taking yourselves
so seriously; you won't be as stressed out or get as many wrinkles, which
would save you some money on all that plastic surgery.
Keep all this dourness up and you'll end up looking like Madeleine Albright!
Personally, I think laugh lines are much more attractive...
R. Shirazi
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* Stupid
I was not very impressed with the stupid article that you put forward
in your site ["Albright
in Tehran"]. In the beginning of the article I really thought
that there had been a visit by Albright, but then realized that it was
mereley meant to be a 13th day funny joke. Perhaps in the future it would
be better to target non -political matters as a subject for our sizde-be-dar.
Dr. Sikaroudi
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* Even Albright will laugh
I was going to complement you on your April Fools article ["Albright
in Tehran"], but did not. However, now that I have read some absurd
comments against it I will put my two cents in.
It was a very funny and creative joke. Why we Iranians are so contradictive?
the gentlemen who exercised his poetic Farsi (Antar...)
and the other who asked you not to send such articles,
where did they come from and which school of thought do they subscribe
to? It was for fun, nobody was insulted and I am sure if Secretary Albright
reads it she will laugh whole heatedly.
If we want to get mad at some one, we should get mad at those people
who have done an April Fools joke on Iran for the past .... years (pick
your number, and believe me it is not 20).
Do put out some more of this type of humor, as it's obvious it's a joke
(although I was totally fooled by the first two paragraphs).
Sepehr Sohrab
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* Beh shaqiqeh rabt daareh
One day a passerby saw Molla Nasreddin looking down at the ground in
front of his house very diligently as if he was searching for something.
He asked politely, "Molla! Are you looking for something? Can I help
you look for it?" Molla replied very graciously, "Yes. That would
be very kind of you". So the passerby joined in the search for the
lost item >>>
Farzin Forooghi
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April 5, 2000
* Jumping with joy
I had nothing better to do on April 1st so I decided to read The
Iranian Times. I was jumping with joy when I saw your article about
the U.S. Secretary of State arriving in Tehran ["Albright
in Tehran"]. My son noticed right away that it was made up for
April Fools Day! I was laughing so hard. We all needed a good laugh. But
I hope it will become a reality one day.
Amir Nouri
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* What is this, a joke?
What is this, a joke? I must admit, I didn't find "Albright
in Tehran" funny or informative. Please refrain from sending any
further comic articles unless clearly marked "Humor".
Darius Parsian
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* U rock!
Gosh. "Albright
in Tehran" was THE BEST April Fool (doroogh-e 13) I had gotten
in all my life. As soon as I got the article, I was in pure confusion searching
the net from CNN to BBC to IRNA to IRIB, and being "sar-e kaar"
for a good hour, until I read the article to the end :) Great sense of
humor :) JJ (Jahanshah) U ROCK!!! I hope I'm not breaking copyright laws
by forwarding your email to friends ;)
Babak Mohit
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* ... antar-e doroogh goo!
If you send someting like this again ["Albright
in Tehran"] I`ll fuck you. Goh-e antar-e doroogh goo!
Ehsan M.
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* Even a serious mag...
I knew that we Iranians are very reserved and do not laugh so easily.
But I did not know that some of us have no sense of humor at all. This
was one of the funniest thing I'd seen and read in a long time ["Albright
in Tehran"]. I forwarded that to all my friends.
The timing was so perfect, specially that this year, April fools &
13 Bedar coincided. I think even a serious magazine needs something like
that every once in a while. I still wonder how could someone be offended
by this? Loosen up a little!
Simin Habibian
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* Chill out
Someone complained that "Albright
in Tehran" was not funny. This person either is unfamiliar with
the culture that promotes April fools day or, does not follow international
news on a daily basis.
Keeping up with daily news would automatically tell us that Albright
going to Iran would require lots of preparation and news discussions in
the media. One who watches news on a regular basis would have never taken
it seriously and would also find humor in that picture. Chill out guys.
Lalleh Sahraie
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April 4, 2000
* No respect
Please take me off from your list. I was wrong. I thought this is a
serious site not a junky site filled with garbage, wasting people's time
and money. I am referring to your Extra News "Albright
in Tehran". It was as funny as the administrators of this site.
That's why we have this kind of life, "no respect to others".
Please no more email.
Manouchehr Karimi
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* Come on...
Good Heavens! What in the world is wrong with all those who found the
Albright article offensive ["Albright
in Tehran"]? The article was obviously a satirical piece regarding
news articles on U.S. and Iranian relations. I am an American citizen born
and raised here of American parents (descended from those who came not
on the Mayflower, but the next ship out as paying passengers) and I am
still laughing over this article....
I am lost as to why someone would say Americans are naive to deal with
the "oppressive" regime in Iran (Leissner's
words, not mine). What is oppressive about this government? ... Is
Iran more oppressive than China whom the U.S. apparently adores and to
whom Clinton wants to grant permanent "most favored nation" status?
Liane Neshat
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* Priceless
The Ahmadabad and Mossadegh bit was a really nice touch ["Albright
in Tehran"]. I laughed out loud! Also LOVED Madeleine with hijab!.
And the Islamic Association of Women Skiers! Priceless! Also loved the
geography bits as well as "Jafar is that you?"--- I guess you
had to put those in or some idiot would have raised hell about "prfoessionalism"
of a journalistic outlet like yours (like I remember they did last year!)
Loved it. Very very funny!
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* Funniest
Oh my god. That's one of the funniest things I've seen in a while ["Albright
in Tehran"]. Thank you so much -- I am having a piss poor day
and needed a laugh.
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April 3, 2000
* 10-minute laugh
Excellent ["Albright
in Tehran"]! It was really amazing, especially pictures of Maedeh
wearing that scarf was very funny. I had really believed it in the beginning
and could not understand how I had been so behind the news!! I had a lot
of fun and was laughing at that story for 10 minuets.
Abbas Abbaspur Tamijani
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* Disgusting
Your April Fools day article is extremely silly and stupid ["Albright
in Tehran"]! Although Americans are naive and confused enough
to resume relations with the oppressive regime of Iran, anticipating such
foolishness and elaborating it is the most disgusting thought one could
A. L.
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* MY girlfriend
Jafar, the interviewer, is lying ["Albright
in Tehran"]. Albright was MY girl friend in Shiraz!
M. Shariati
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* Tokhm-e jen
boro tokhm-e jen ["Albright
in Tehran"]. bAz ham April 1 shod?!?!?!? :-)
Aref Erfani
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* Stupid
Pretty Stupid! Nothing better to do? ["Albright
in Tehran"]
Michael Mullins
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* Enjoyable
Thoroughly enjoyable! Well-done! ["Albright
in Tehran"]
Jamshid Bastani
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