Baba Taher

Sudden Godzilla
Does this Eye-rainian explode at the end of the movie?
By Hamid Taghavi
February 15, 2000
The Iranian
The other day, Faramarz asked me to substitute for him at an important
meeting with a Holleywood producer. He wanted me to pitch one of his many
screenplays. He would have pitched it himself, except that there was a
semi-weekly bi-annual end-of-the-month special clearance sale at a belt
buckle store and he just had to be there. I told him I didn't know anything
about movies, but he assured me that neither do movie producers, otherwise
why would anyone make movies with Steven Segal as the star? Faramarz, however,
told me that this was an important producer, a special one, who had produced
such big hits as "Deep Volcano", "Extreme Armageddon",
"Runaway Bridal Shower", and "Buy Hard, Part 18" >>>

Conspiracy at Desert One
A novel
By Bernace Charles
The Iranian
Chapter Eight >>>
Iran Election Rally Signals Change
By Afshin Valinejad
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, Feb. 15
TEHRAN, Iran In a rare show of public gaiety in Islamic Iran,
thousands of young Iranians clasped hands and danced to Westernized music
on Tuesday at an election rally for a reformist candidate.
Dancing in public places, even in sexually segregated groups as occurred
Tuesday, is virtually unheard of in Iran. The event showed how many young
Iranians yearn for public freedom in a country where nearly every aspect
of life is dictated by Islamic laws
Chinese fan
Tangyan writes
to The Iranian:
I wnat to get the membership of your circle, though I'm not a Persian.
I'm now learning Persian in china. I really want to have lots of iranian
More Letters
* Iranian outside Iran
Saba Ghadrboland writes
in response to Mr. Vaezi letter, "We
are American":
let me start by saying that you are certainly entitled to your views,
and you have the right to raise your children anyway you see fit. You may
have arrived in this country as a teenager or adult twenty- two years ago.
I, however, was born on American soil twenty-two years ago. I never
lived in Iran, and I have not visited in almost ten years. Nevertheless,
like Maryam Hosseini ["American?
Yeah right"], if someone on the street were to ask me where I
was from, I would proudly say Iran. While having grown up in this country
may have given me a certain viewpoint, I do not consider myself an "Iranian-American."
I am an Iranian living outside my homeland >>>
* Is that freedom?!
Sahar writes:
In the name of God.
I think we, Iranian women, have greater problems than our "cover".
I hear everywhere, most of the time, that Iranian women are forced to "cover"
themselves. This if far from the fact. Our real problem is lack of knowledge
and awareness among majority of women.
Can we say that women in improved countries have less problems because
they show their bodies freely? Is that freedom?! Is that progress?! Definitely
not. Our women have no "complex" for showing their bodies. I
hope we can stay in our real path towards the humanity, social justice
and revolution.
* All my emotions
Afsoon Poozeshi writes:
Wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your article [Laleh Khalili's
You summarized all my emotions and sentiment. Wish you all the very best
in your life. I hope you will keep writing these articles and keep us entertained.
Conference: Qajar religion conference,
Three Day Conference on 4th-6th September 2000 to be held at Clifton
Hill House, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. This conference is convened
by the British Institute of Persian Studies, in conjunction with the Iran
Heritage Foundation. It forms the culmination of the Religion and Society
in Qajar Iran project, which has been operating since 1996, providing grants
for scholars researching religion during the Qajar period. It also follows
on from the conference ÒThe Qajar Epoch: Art, Architecture and Culture
held in September 1999 in London >>>
Books & Music from Iran
Book store

Nader Ebrahimi's romantic
novel; translation of Moosh o Gorbeh written by Nobel laureate
Grass; Slections from the poetry of Akhavan
Sales; Iran diaries by European
travelers; a classic by Bastani
Music store
Latest from music artists in Iran: Mohammad Nouri
* Arshia.
* Mohammad Reza Shajarian
* Shahram Nazeri
* Hessamedin Seraj
* Nasser Cheshmazar
* Moniroo Ravanipoor
... >>>
Music store
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Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Hashemi "Most Reasonable" on
Iran-US Relations
February 15 (Iran Focus) - Faezeh Hashemi spells out specific steps that
the United States should take in order for Iran to agree to official dialogue.
Asked to comment on some Western analysts belief that should her father,
former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, become the next Majlis speaker,
prospects for Iran-US relations would improve Hashemi said: "No matter
where Mr Hashemi is, you can be sure that he would do what is most reasonable."
Opposition group calls for massive turnout
in elections
Feb 15 (AFP) - The liberal opposition Iran Freedom Movement, whose candidates
have been barred once again from standing in Friday's general elections,
called Tuesday for a massive turnout in the polls >>> FULL TEXT

Reform in Iran now unstoppable says Khatami's
Feb 15 (AFP) - The brother of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, running
his first-ever campaign for this week's key parliament elections, vowed
Tuesday that his brother's reforms were unstoppable >>> FULL TEXT
One killed in new brawl at an election
meeting in Bandar Abbas
Feb 15 (AFP) - An Iranian was stabbed to death at an election rally staged
by a reformist party in the port city of Bandar Abbas, press reports said
Tuesday >>> FULL TEXT
BBC radio programmes 'jammed' in Iran
Feb 15 (AFP) - The BBC World Service is accusing the Iranian authorities
of jamming some of its Persian language programmes in Iran ahead of Friday's
legislative elections >>> FULL TEXT
EU voices dismay at attacks in Iran
Feb 15 (AFP) - The leadership of the European Union, which is currently
held by Portugal, expressed dismay Tuesday over a recent mortar attack Iran
that Tehran charges was carried out by Iraqi-backed rebels >>>
Bailed Iranian Jew on spy charges swears
it was a misunderstanding
SHIRAZ, Iran, Feb 13 (AFP) - Visibly upset by his ordeal before
the Iranian courts, Omid Teflin, one of 13 Iranian Jews facing a possible
death sentence on charges of spying for Israel and the United States, swears
it was just a misunderstanding >>> FULL TEXT
Ex-hostage files lawsuit against Iran
WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal judge is gathering evidence in a $100
million lawsuit filed by former hostage Terry Anderson against the Iranian
government >>> FULL TEXT
Iran forecast to become world's lgst wheat
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- For the second time in just four years,
Iran is forecast to become the world's largest wheat buyer, the U.S. Department
of Agriculture said in its Grain: World Markets and Trade report Monday

Tehran (Iran daily) - Salimeh Rangzan won the best supporting female
actor award for her performance in Khosro Sinaie's "Aroos-e Aatash".
An interview >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Art & politics
Tehran (Mosharekat) - Support for film director Behrouz Afkhami
who is a candidate for the Majlis >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Good book
(Asr-e Azadegan) - Honoring the author of "100 years of storytelling
in Iran" (PDF file) >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) - A frustrated Ali Parvin answers some tough
questions on Persepolis >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIANs
(Iran Varzeshi) - Persepolis was not that exciting to watch in Riyadh. But
the team manager is still optimistic about the team's chances of winning
the Asian title >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) - Commentary: More and more Iranian players
are being exported to Europe. In order to prevent things from getting out
of hand, shouldn't we observer certain principles? >>> FULL TEXT
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Iran Post
Iranian community newspaper in Canada.
Beyond Iran
Arts Journal
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no further than this "digest of arts and cultural journalism"
gleaned from newspapers, magazines, and online news sources.
web sites
Quote Unquote
I personally like the hijab, but I don't see the logic in obliging people
to wear the hijab. Women should decide whether or not to wear it.
-- Faezeh Hashemi
February 15, 2000
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