Manoucher Avaznia
19-May-2008 (8 comments)

با خودم میگفتم:

موسم خانه تکانی اینجاست.

وقت آن آمده تا

گرد و خاکستر این کومه به صحرا ببرم.

Wounded Iranian diplomats are brought back to Iran for further treatment. They were wounded Thursday May 15,2008 when unknown gunmen opened fire on their vehicle in Baghdad. >>>
19-May-2008 (2 comments)
So the Mullahs plan to build this huge Burning Pot in Jamkaran and dump 8 million Jews in it to cook >>>

Iron Sheik Merchandise Available NOW!!


Iran's Favorite Pro Wrestler The Iron Sheik's website for T- Shirts, Autographs,News, etc. / Mark Leonard
recommended by sheikspace

Stone-Age Foriegn Policy


US should abandon medieval policies

recommended by ahmad.bahai
19-May-2008 (5 comments)
19-May-2008 (one comment)
Protesting in Tehran on the 60th anniversary of Zionist regime establishment, al-Nakba day, “the Catastrophe." Protest took place on May 15, 2008. >>>
ebi amirhosseini
Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist >>>
19-May-2008 (22 comments)
A little random. But I felt like posting Chavez's 'infamous' or 'inspired' speech, depending on your political allegiances, at the UN 'way back' in 2006 >>>

Ahmagh kam nist....

Omid Memarian

Why Republicans Might Attack Iran Before General Elections?

Huffington Post / O.Memarian
recommended by Omid Memarian
19-May-2008 (2 comments)

Seyyed colonialists


How Iran is changing the balance of power in the Middle East?

Middle East Online / Reza Hossein Borr
recommended by alimostofi
19-May-2008 (2 comments)
19-May-2008 (33 comments)
Ode to the writer >>>





by parima shahin moghaddam
19-May-2008 (5 comments)



In god's country

The oppression of religious minorities, especially the Baha'i faith, is not incidental

19-May-2008 (34 comments)
The Islamic Republic of Iran places the Shiite sect of Islam at the heart of the state apparatus. The Islamisation of all life, based on Khomeini's own interpretation of Islam, is the central policy of the Islamic ruling elite. Religious minorities, which include the Sunnite sect of Islam, Christian, Jews, Zoroastrians and Baha'is compromised about 10 % of the population after the Iranian revolution, most of them Sunnite Muslims who also suffer from discrimination as national minorities. In addition, increasing numbers of Shiites, especially after the inception of the IRI, are non-believers>>>


 از بی قانونی به قانون مندی

پیشرفتی در احقاق حقوق شهروندی بهاییان

19-May-2008 (12 comments)
گرچه شاید خنده دار به نظر برسد اما از نگاه من دستگیری چند تن از سران بهاییت گام مثبتی در راستای احقاق حقوق شهروندی بهاییان است. فهم این نکته تنها در صورتی امکان پذیر است که در نظر داشته باشیم بنابر قانون اساسی ایران بهاییت در زمره اقلیت های مذهبی رسمی قرار ندارد. بر همین اساس بهاییان از حقوق مذهبی قانونی اقلیت های مذهبی نظیر حق تشکیلات اجتماعات مذهبی محرومند. با این حال همان قانون اساسی بهاییان را از حقوق شهروندی بهره مند می سازد. در نتیجه قانون اساسی به بهاییان حق داشتن تشکلات مذهبی را نمی دهد اما در عین حال به آنان حق می دهد تا از حقوق شهروندی چون تحصیل، اشتغال و امنیت برخوردار باشند. >>>


Flight attendants needed

A small but robust action can penetrate the icy wall between Iran and U.S.

19-May-2008 (15 comments)
A few days after I wrote the piece on criticizing Bush’s administration of conducting brainless diplomacy towards Iran a piece of news came up that although it was refreshing but was unkindly neglected by the media. Am I surprised by US media’s behavior? Not at all! However this time, it was Robert Gates, United Stated Secretary of Defence that made the news. At his speech at American Academy of Diplomacy he urged more nongovernmental contact between Iran and the US that might eventually open a pathway to more substantive dialogue between the governments>>>