now what?

David ET

Iran Accused Of Al-Qaeda 'Secret Deal' By U.S. Officials

Huffington Post
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28-Jul-2011 (one comment)

جبهه ملی ایران

jmi news / jmi news
recommended by yapremkhan
28-Jul-2011 (one comment)

2 US hikers face Iranian court date on spy charges


2 US hikers face Iranian court date on spy charges

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AP Exclusive: Shot Iranian said to be nuke expert


AP Exclusive: Shot Iranian said to be nuke expert

msnbc/Assocaited Press / GEORGE JAHN
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کودتای 28 مرداد

Darius Kadivar
28-Jul-2011 (3 comments)
Young history student Shahram Aryan from Hamburg speaks on the pros and cons of Mohammad Reza Shah’s rule. Conference Organized The Social and cultural Association of Iranians in Germany>>>
Shazde Asdola Mirza
28-Jul-2011 (16 comments)
Ladies love horses and men love ladies. That is how most of us end up tolerating a whole lot of foul smell and so much fanny fatigue>>>
Masoud Kazemzadeh
28-Jul-2011 (64 comments)
According to Article 44 of the Fundamental Laws: "The person of the shah is exempted from responsibility. The ministers of state are responsible to the Majlis in all affairs.">>>
18+,استناد به گزارش شهود عینی از درون زندان ها و بازداشتگاه ها >>>


Politics of Revenge

Power through sheer force and brutality

28-Jul-2011 (7 comments)
For many Muslim countries, successful revolutions lead to an endless quest for revenge on the ousted tyrant and his allies, which forestalls progress in the best case and begets new tyrants in the worst case. Iran's failed revolution for democracy in 1979 is instructive. The Shah fled the country relatively quickly, after less than a year of intensive street demonstrations and some casualties. At the time, the Shah was under the assumption that he could reside in the United States, where he had previously sought exile status >>>


روند خشونت و جنایت

ادامه حیات رژیم نتیجه‌ای جز افزایش آمار قتل و آدم‌کشی نمی‌تواند داشته باشد

28-Jul-2011 (2 comments)
دامنه خشونت در ایران به جایی رسیده که داد مجلسیان و دولتیان را نیز درآورده است. کمتر روزی است که اخبار و گزارش‌های قتل و جنایت آن هم در منظر عموم و یا تجاوز و خشونت جنسی به صورت‌های فردی و گروهی به زنان و کودکان در ایران منتشر نشود. آنچه بیشتر نگران کننده است سیر صعودی آمار این جنایت‌ها است. رژیم حاکم می‌اندیشد که با اعمال مجازات‌های خشن می‌تواند این سیر صعودی را متوقف یا معکوس کند>>>

There is more to this story than we all know!

Israel and the Norway terror attacks

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