چفیۀ رهبری
07-Oct-2011 (one comment)
پول را گرفت و لخت شد تا به آخر
چفیه را ولی بست دورِ كمر!
برای بركتِ كسب‌و‌كار باشد، گفت
كه بوده‌است این چفیۀ شریف روزی >>>


وقتی جنایتکاران به مبارزه با فساد بر می‌خیزند

در این فضا اگر فساد و اختلاس مالی صورت نگیرد باید شگفت زده شد

05-Oct-2011 (8 comments)
فساد و اختلاس مالی در چنین فضایی البته تعجب آور نیست. رژیمی که بخش عمده اقتصاد را خود در دست گرفته و به شکرانه درآمد نفت از ثروت زیادی برخوردار است با بستن سنگ‌های آزادی بیان و نظارت مردمی و رها کردن سگ‌های هار امنیتی و نظامی شکنجه‌گر و اعدام کننده، میدان بازی برای سودجویان ریاکار و متقلّب و چاپلوس فراهم آورده و آنان را بر خوان یغمای ثروت عمومی و بیت المال مسلط کرده است>>>


Dreaming of God

Maybe that's the beginning of faith

05-Oct-2011 (one comment)
What if I was the next prophet? What if I was the one, who if he remembered the thing, was the thing that is supposed to save the world? What if because I was unable to remember the instructions, I now cannot fulfill my charter. What if the reason that I forgot the thing, was because I have been so faithless? What if this was a test and Jesus, Mohammad and God enter other people's dreams like this, routinely looking for the right person with the right kind of faith?>>>


کتاب لولیتا خوانی و فیلم شرایط

مشکل اساسی در ایران "زن بودن" است و نه زن همجنسگرا بودن

05-Oct-2011 (7 comments)
دو سه روز پیش با دوست بسیار عزیزی به تماشای فیلم " شرایط" (Circumstance) رفته بودم. فیلم قصد دارد که زندگی دو دختر همجنسگرا و به طور کلّی زندگی شبانه و زیر زمینی جوانان ایرانی را نشان دهد. به نظر من به غیر از کارگردان این فیلم که یک خانم ایرانی ساکن خارج از کشور است بقیّۀ مطالب فیلم می تواند در هر یک از کشورهای اسلامی اتّفاق بیفتد و منحصر به کشور ایران نیست و نمی توان انگ ایرانی بر آن نهاد>>>


The blue lake of tears (7)

The end

05-Oct-2011 (2 comments)
Leaving the frog’s euphoria behind, the Princess rambled through the narrow, high corridors of the Castle, down the stairs to the first-floor kitchen where she ordered a specific menu with her favourite wine from the chef for the coming occasion. As she climbed the stairs up to her living quarters in the company of her two attending servants, she pondered how much she needed to come to terms with her Shadow-Prince without delay>>>


Spelling Danger

Iranian navy off U.S. coast?

03-Oct-2011 (92 comments)
The world has grown accustomed to Iranian bluster. But even by the standards of the Islamic Republic, Adm. Habibollah Sayari's call last week to deploy the Iranian navy near the U.S. coast is stunning. The Pentagon knows, of course, that Iranian war vessels won't come near America's shores any time soon. As White House spokesman Jay Carney said, "We don't take these statements seriously, given that they do not reflect at all Iran's naval capabilities." The Iranian admiral may bark, but he doesn't have much of a bite>>>


The need to “understand”

What's with that?

03-Oct-2011 (4 comments)
Constantly hearing that we have to “understand” is tiresome and irritating. I know this too-often heard advice makes the person giving it sound enlightened and open-minded but do we ever stop and think about the advice itself? Here’s the thing. I can live in peace with my Jewish neighbors without knowing about Shabbat and I can have my Indian friends over for a cookout without being familiar with the Bhagavat Gita or the gods of the Hindu Pantheon. Why is it different when it comes to Islam?>>>


The Enemies Of Happiness

As long as the war kept on, we were going to read happy-ending stories

03-Oct-2011 (12 comments)
In the first years of war nothing looked like any of the images we’d seen in the movies. Tehran’s trees didn’t grow burnt leaves, or dead dangling legs. The mountains of the north, bordering the city, didn’t vanish behind fuming hurricanes of smoke. The black flock of planes didn’t drop bombs over the shelters where women and children screamed and hopeless men held their heads high to die with dignity or patriotism. An expanding mushroom cloud didn’t rise in the horizon to give us incurable diseases>>>


The blue lake of tears (6)

“I want to know what knotted, frustrated emotions led to your brutality, greed, and selfishness!”

"My dear Princess,” said Mother Simorq, “a huge dreadful-looking frog has stopped at the garden gates, asking permission to enter the Castle. I suppose he is your friend, the Frog-Prince?” “Oh my! I’m sure he is. What can I do now? What does he want?” “No matter what his demands, this is a great opportunity for you to welcome your Shadow-Prince,” said Mother Simorq, fixing her reassuring gaze on Nisha. “Nothing but good will come out of this meeting.”>>>


03-Oct-2011 (6 comments)
اوهام فرمانبردار
ساقه خراشید درخت
فصل فصل بی تاریخ وزید
دل خواه خندید تن زجر
زمین می چرخیدم رازنبودم فرمان ستاره رقص >>>


Who's the Terrorist?


01-Oct-2011 (39 comments)
Instead of the MEK T-list status, NIAC should focus on the IRI's far numerous, and far more than interesting accomplishments. Anything else just helps the IRI skirt the real issue, and would actually be considered treason, if we were actually a free people. I'm no fan of the MEK. Any group that follows a deviant ruthless leader, claims to be unified and selfless, is doomed to fail. But let us not for one second forget, or worse deny, that the far bigger threat>>>


The Jeweller of Isfahan

Danielle Digne's epic novel on Jean Chardin’s travels in Safavid Persia

01-Oct-2011 (4 comments)
I discovered Jean Chardin’s name by coincidence in a dictionary of biographies. I learned that just like Tavernier in 1665, but barely at twenty one years of age, Chardin also went as far as India in search of rare diamonds. I was immediately intrigued all the more that this young ambitious man had written many books on Persia with great detail and accuracy. After reading one of his books I was puzzled. I needed to know how a young French Protestant Jeweller was able to become an expert on Persia and publish a first book in 1670>>>


مسافرِ ایرانی در کافه لختی‌ها

"آخه یعنی چه؟ من گفته بودم که چی می‌خواهم... بابا صد رحمت به ایران!"

01-Oct-2011 (6 comments)
یکی از روزهای هفته گذشته بود که دوستی تلفن زد و گفت: "یکی از دوست‌هایم که اقای دکتری است تازه از ایران امده و از من خواسته است او را به کافه لختی‌ها ببرم. تو بیا و ما را ببر..." با وجود سردرد و سرماخوردگی درخواستش را رد نکردم. این اواخر طرح فیلم مستندی را برای تلویزیون ملی کانادا فرستاده بودم که در آن ادعا کرده بودم مهاجران میانسال و مسن تورونتو، مشتریان پروپاقرص روسپیان شهر هستند. این طرح البته رد شد>>>


سیاه مثل اعماق ونکوور خودم

پیش گفتاری بر"چی" نژاد پرستی و ترس

آبژکت کردن گاهی بدنها را ترسناک می کند. مگر تجربه نکرده ای که بدنت چطور بین بعضی ها به خصوص مردان سفید انگلوساکسن ونکووری ترسناک شده؟ بدن یک زن خاور میانه ای ابژکت ترست است. ترسی بزرگ. ترس اینکه این بدن نصف شبها از خواب بیدار شود و نماز بخواند. ترس اینکه چند بار در روز رو به کعبه دولا راست شود>>>


Chivalry in the virtual age
01-Oct-2011 (one comment)
His heart in his mouth,
leaden legs, crossed arms
he faces the studded door.

Clouds of plaster,
exhaled by the poor ceiling,
redden with every butt
as they reach the floor>>>