

حلقه محاصره احمدی‌نژاد

تقابل بین خامنه‌ای و احمدی‌نژاد اکنون به بزرگ‌ترین بحران حکومتی در جمهوری اسلامی تبدیل شده

29-Jun-2011 (7 comments)
حلقه محاصره محمود احمدی‌نژاد روز به روز تنگ‌تر می‌شود. قدرت او در انتصاب مقامات حتا در سطح معاون وزیر محدود شده و اطرافیان او یکی پس از دیگری بازداشت و به «اعتراف» کشانده می‌شوند. مجلسیان برای استیضاح و عزل او صف‌آرایی کرد‌اند، و قوه قضاییه از بازداشت‌های دیگر افراد نزدیک به او خبر می‌دهد. تنها نیرویی که ظاهرا در برابر این فشارها از او حمایت می‌کند شخص علی خامنه‌ای است>>>


Ghazal Game #1
29-Jun-2011 (11 comments)
Think of the greatest love you’ve ever had ( ).
Write his/her name in the space provided_____.
As long as you reiterate this name,
The semblance of this ghazal is complete:_____! >>>


A bit everywhere

Conversation with emerging Iranian/Kurdish/French artist

"I like very much stories that underline the ability or inability of our human nature to compose with the unexpected; revolutions, any form of violence, a break up, a beautiful encounter, torture sessions, death of a loved one, an illness diagnostic, etc. Any events that lead us to walk aside from the trails that we were planning to take because usually 'we just go with the flow'. What I find fascinating is the way we manage to be and remain in harmony with our moral values—or not">>>


رفیق رویا فروش من  ناصر جهانی

فنون عاشقی را با سختی و مرارت به من بیست ساله آموخت

29-Jun-2011 (17 comments)
اول خیابان آذربایجان انزلی سمت چپ نانوایی جهانی است. مغازه ی پدر ناصر جهانی رفیقی که در سال شصت و هفت اعدام شد. دیشب خواب دیدم برای خریدن نان به در نانوایی رفته ام و ناصر با چشم همیشه شوخش داشت مشتری راه می انداخت. ناصر قد بلند و همیشه با لبخندی بر لب در روزهایی که فضای اتاق مملو از عرق و گرما بود برای من و جاوید "کلیدر" می خواند>>>


Pettiness & Paranoia

Chekhov's "The Man in a Case"

29-Jun-2011 (one comment)
Belikov is a small fellow who feels the morbid need to protect himself from the outside world, and to put order in everything. He creates for himself a carapace, a case based on his limited understanding of duty, conventions and hierarchy. Going out, he always wears his galoshes and carries his big overcoat and umbrella in summer and winter. He goes around only in covered carriages. He has a case for his watch, a case for his eyeglasses and one for his umbrella>>>


واژه نامه الفنون

رئیس جمهور: مشکل اصلی

عدم کفایت سیاسی: وضع طبیعی اکثر مدیران سیاسی در اکثر کشورهای جهان سوم. علت آشکار نشدن عدم کفایت سیاسی در کشورهای خاورمیانه: وجود نفت و زور و دین. نداشتن توانایی سیاسی. به زبان اداری: ایشان لیاقت ندارند. به زبان کلانتری: مردک آلت پریش شده رئیس جمهور. به زبان دیپلماتیک: ایشان بهتر است جای دیگری تشریف ببرند. به زبان چاله میدان: اوه اوه اوه! بهش بگو بده بره!>>>


Death trap

Concern for lives of hunger strikers in Iranian prisons

26-Jun-2011 (one comment)
Iran’s pattern of prison abuse and neglect demonstrates that the lives of prisoners of conscience are at risk, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said, with the publication of a new report, Death in Prison: No One Held Accountable. The Campaign holds Iranian authorities at the highest levels accountable for the health and well-being of eighteen prisoners of conscience now on their sixth day of a hunger strike. “Iranian prisons are a death trap for prisoners of conscience,” said Aaron Rhodes, a spokesperson for the Campaign>>>


Elimination at any price

Turning point in democratic battles of Iranian people

26-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
After 20 June 1981 a type of regime took hold in Iran, for whose newly formed intelligence ministry it became an established and official duty to kill and terrorize the opposition, both inside and outside the country. Despite all that, this very important historical event was gradually forgotten, due to different reasons and by different political, social and civil forces. Examination of opposition media shows that this historical event does not hold its deserved place>>>



"I want to tell you why I am leaving," she said

26-Jun-2011 (one comment)
There was something about the way he went walking at night that made her think of her youth and of Iran. She liked the way the night looked when he was walking. She thought of poetry and of Forough Farrokhzad, and she felt sorry for him that he didn't live somewhere like Iran where nobody would think twice about a boy who went walking at night. They wouldn't be joining him necessarily. They were watching their satellite T.V.'s with DVD players just like Americans were. But nobody would think twice>>>


قطره و دریا
26-Jun-2011 (3 comments)
ای با همه و همیشه تنها
وای تک‌ تک‌ قطره‌های دریا
‌ای پر شده در تمام ذرات
وای مجمع ذره‌های دنیا


One Voice

Messages in support of hunger strikers in prison

25-Jun-2011 (19 comments)


Deliberate Naivete

Why Iran opposition should meet

24-Jun-2011 (10 comments)
I envision a meeting that is not afraid of being open. I include groups such as MEK and the Monarchists because meetings that excluded anyone have failed. Though dictatorial groups will probably not show up at a meeting they didn't organize, we have nothing to fear if they do take part because we will be following rules of democratic governance in running the meeting. It will be a display of Iranian democracy in action; excluding certain groups goes against the spirit of unity and democracy that the meeting aims to create>>>


ما هم مقصریم

آیا اعتصاب غذای زندانیان ادعانامه‌ای علیه «ما» نیز بشمار نمی‌رود؟

24-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
دوازده تن از زندانیان سیاسی بند ۳۵۰ اوین دست به اعتصاب غذا زده‌اند... آنان عملا به ما می‌گویند که مبارزه با فرهنگ فرار از مجازات که در ایران نهادینه شده آن قدر مهم است که باید برای آن حتا از جان مایه گذاشت. و این یعنی ما که می‌توانیم این مبارزه را با هزینه‌های بسیار کمتر دنبال کنیم در ایفای وظیفه خود کوتاهی کرده‌ایم. یعنی اگر «ما»یی که خارج از زندان به سر می‌بریم، و به خصوص «ما»یی که در خارج کشور زندگی می‌کنیم و از آزادی عمل تقریبا مطلق برخورداریم>>>


Bombing Ovation

Bolton Receives Warm Reception as He Tells Congress to Bomb Iran, Support Mojahedin

24-Jun-2011 (20 comments)
Even as John Bolton called for bombing Iran, President Bush’s controversial former Ambassador to the UN received a warm reception from Republicans and many Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The Chairwoman of the committee, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, even went so far as to say “I love John Bolton.” In addition to his calls for military action against Iran, Bolton made several bold assertions that went unchallenged by the committee>>>


مانیفستی برای همین لحظه
24-Jun-2011 (7 comments)
سخت ترین عمق  فرض ترین حیوان  جنس ترین سوی  نور
همین لحظه شلخته و گیج
بندترین باز عمق ترین درخواست می شود زنجیرترین دستبند
فریاد ترین عجله