Call for a council of all IRI opposition leaders
all leaders and active members of Iranian opposition groups. All should be encouraged to come, including Reformists, Communists, PMOI, Monarchists, Kurdish, and other ethnic groups. This meeting seeks to bring together varied and opposing ideologies in the belief that we can all agree on a set of principles to oppose the IRI with one voice
Iranian cultural heritage and human rights
In order to claim a rightful and equitable place among civilized and peaceful democratic nations of the world, Iranians need to overcome major internal and external impediments. There is no assurance that Iranians will not receive heart targeting stabs from every direction. Despair and failure will keep overwhelmingly showing their horrid heads at every turn of their attempt to establish rationality, humanity and harmony, and the creation of a peaceful state
Iranian self-centrism and “victim psychology syndrome”
The social laws of a society are based on logical, relative, changeable agreements controlled by the will of masses. In a theocracy the religious and canonic principles are faith, finality, non changeability and control by the will of an individual. The merger of religion and government creates a more central and absolutist rule. Such governments were not strangers to brutality. Thus it made no difference what religion Iranians had. If a religion merges with the ruling government the result is, soon or later, the same
برای ما مردان، اعمال غریزی چون شجاعت، رقابت و حتی قابلیت فیزیکی برای دستیابی به جفت جنسی نیز کمرنگ شده
بخشی از ما مردان به رشد شتابان زنان برای داشتن همه حقوقی که همیشه متعلق به ما بوده است اعتراض کردیم و سرسختانه بر ضعیف بودن و کمتر بودن قابلیتهای ذاتی زنان اصرار ورزیدیم. برای همین تصمیم گرفتیم یا بیشتر به مذهب پناه ببریم، یا به رفتن به درون طبیعت و گذراندن اوقات زیاد با مردانی که قدر شکار و ماهیگیری و ورزش را میدانند خود را تسکین دهیم
I get up and go to your room
And look at the dark screen of your computer
Which looks like a window
With closed blinds.
Will I go to sleep again
With the hum of your raps at night?
I am a turning page, turning time
I am a shimmer on the waves
I am the sleek fur of a black cat
I am a door that opens to an echo