


Being more sensitive, most women know their men’s dilemma

01-Jun-2011 (6 comments)
God bless the typical Iranian fathers for they are far better than they seem, far less appreciated than they deserve, and are changing so fast that they could qualify as an endangered species. In Iran, we didn’t have a Father’s Day because back then, every day seemed to belong to him. In our family, my father was God and my brothers the saints, sent down to save the rest of us. We obeyed, showed respect and showered him with love all the time, but celebrate him one day a year? You must be kidding>>>


می ترسم
01-Jun-2011 (17 comments)
می ترسم از نبودنت...
و از بودنت بیشتر!
نداشتن تو ویرانم میكند...
و داشتنت متوقفم! >>>