

Kicking Women

We should not allow Iran to erode international standards in any arena, including sports

10-Jun-2011 (64 comments)
The regime running Iran should get no credit for the advancement of women. That credit goes to the progressive people of that country for resisting and circumventing a fanatical government which has made every attempt to block their progress by putting them on unequal footing. Forced hijab is the most powerful symbol of that policy. Second, Iran should not be considered an Islamic state -- whatever that means. A prerequisite for a person to be a true Muslim is free choice and since Iran doesn't allow that opportunity to its people, it fails the Islam test>>>


Muslim Enlightenment?

How do we know when it happens?

10-Jun-2011 (38 comments)
How will we know that we have reached the shores of enlightenment? The answer is simple; when the large demonstrations by Muslims turn into protests against miscreants like Ben Laden and Anwar Al Awlaki. When talk of enforcing Sharia law is reserved to a few outcasts without the general support of Muslims. When there is no talk of oppression of women in Muslim countries and women are afforded equal opportunity. When burning a Quran is not worthy of news anymore and Muslims can study the book with a critical eye and without the fear of persecution>>>


Too Good to Go

Imperialism's role in Yemen

10-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
The U.S. selfish, arbitrary and heavy-handed policies of support for the puppet regime of Saleh has been at the cost of holding the Yemeni society back from independent and self-reliant development in such vital arenas as its economy, domestic and foreign political direction and relevant institutions and necessary civic society foundations. For many reasons including its long border with Saudi Arabia, Yemen occupies a very special place in the U.S. strategy for easy and convenient access to 41.7% of the world's oil exports from the Persian Gulf>>>


جزیره چیری چیری

برخی به اشتباه این جزیره را "قزوین اقیانوسیه" میخوانند

10-Jun-2011 (16 comments)
در چیری چیری مردان از سن نه سالگی موظفند که ستر عورت نموده و در کوچه و خیابان و مخصوصا در مقابل زنان بدن خود را کاملا بپوشانند و حتی یک تار موی سرشان و یا سبیل و ریششان و یا پوست بدنشان و دستشان و یا ساق پایشان نباید توسط هیچ زن نامحرمی دیده شود. مذهب پارادیزم با تکیه بر اصول دین فاتالیزم بر آن باور است که مردان بخاطر نیروی جاذبه ای که خداوند بایشان داده است (مخصوصا به موی ریش و سبیل وموی توی گوش و بینی و موی پشت بدنشان) میتوانند زنان بیگناه را تحریک کنند>>>


چکامه ای برای یک تابلو
10-Jun-2011 (2 comments)
نقّاشی زیبایت روبرویم بر دیوار
 نشسته است
و مرا به دور ترها و فراتر ها
به سرزمین کهنت، یمن، که
این روزها مرکز جنگ و جدل است
می برد >>>