

مسئول جنایت فجیع خمینی‌شهر کیست؟

انتظاری جز بالا رفتن آمار جنایت، از جمله علیه زنان، نمی‌توان داشت

15-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
در جمهوری اسلامی تنها افرادی که شبانه به یک مهمانی خصوصی در خمینی‌شهر ریخته و جنایات فجیع جنسی را مرتکب شده‌اند مقصر نبوده‌اند. تقصیر عمده را باید متوجه فرهنگ و قوانینی دانست که سنگ‌های دفاع و دادخواهی زنان ستم‌دیده را بسته‌اند و سگ‌های شهوت و تجاوز و سرکوب جنسی و حلال کردن جان و مال و بدن دگرباشان را رها کرده‌اند. فرهنگ مردسالار جامعه ما سابقه‌ای ریشه‌دارتر از جمهوری اسلامی دارد، ولی این نظام با قوانین زن‌ستیز و ظالمانه خود به تقویت منحط‌ترین و خشن‌ترین عناصر این فرهنگ دست زده و به شدت از آن‌ها حراست می‌کند>>>


Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Chez Nous

It’s easier to just let things be

15-Jun-2011 (2 comments)
Yesterday my mom invited me to see a film in French that she’d heard good things about. Little did I know as I settled into my seat I was facing, not a screen, but a mirror. It’s one thing to watch a mother-child film with your mother. But it takes it to another level to watch the tale of a Middle Eastern mother’s experience with your mother -- who happens to be an immigrant from said region herself. Specifically, Incendies is about a woman whose death prompts her children to realize that maybe they didn’t know her at all>>>


You’ll be fine

"Persian Girls: A Memoir"

The day began like any other day. I woke to the voice of the muezzin calling people to prayers, Allah o Akbar. After Maryam finished praying we had our usual breakfast-- sangag bread still warm from the stone oven it was baked in, jam that Maryam made herself with pears and plums, mint-scented tea. On the way to Tehrani Elementary School I stopped at my friend Batul’s house, at the mouth of the alley, to pick her up. We passed the public baths and the mosques, sights visible on practically every street in the Khanat Abad neighborhood>>>


15-Jun-2011 (6 comments)
was newly paved, I suspect,
for its American class.
Running to get our bread,
I would see blonde heads
under concave glass


Paris Flashmob

Metro station performance to draw attention to human rights abuses

14-Jun-2011 (49 comments)


Our Goals Are Within Reach

Message from Sohrab A'rabi's mother on protest anniversary

13-Jun-2011 (6 comments)


Unintended Consequences

As sanctions ratchet up, Iranian Americans bear increasing burdens

13-Jun-2011 (43 comments)
The civil rights organization Asian Law Caucus has released its latest guide, The Impact of U.S. Sanctions Against Iran on You, which lays out some of the effects of sanctions on ordinary Iranian Americans and provides guidance for how to navigate the maze of new and existing restrictions. Last year, when Iranian-American Mahmoud Reza Banki was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for facilitating remittances between families in the U.S. and Iran, shockwaves rippled through the Iranian-American community>>>


Time for Truth

Sahabi, Rafsanjani and Melli Mazhabis

13-Jun-2011 (19 comments)
The passing of Ezatollah Sahabi and the tragic killing of his daughter Haleh sparked a new wave of bewilderment and anger among most Iranians. Ezatollah Sahabi died of old age after much suffering at the hands of the Shah’s regime and the Islamic Republic. Those who watched or heard of the killing of Haleh at the funeral of her father were shocked, heartbroken and angry at the circumstances that led to her death. There was no reason—as if any reason can justify this heinous act>>>


The Jewish MP

Manoochehr Nikrouz tolerance and nobility in public service

13-Jun-2011 (one comment)
Upon the request of many citizens and his passion for assisting public, Dr. Manoochehr Nikrooz further decided to get involved in socio politics. In 1984, he was therefore chosen as the Jewish lawmaker of Iranian parliament (Majlis) with 99% of the elected votes at the age of 35. He was also relected for a second term as this made him the only Jewish lawmaker ever being elected to Iranian parliament post revolution for total of 8 years with consecutive approval rate of above 95%>>>


ادب عاشقی

همان عبارت اول "دوست من" کار دلم را ساخته بود

13-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
منتظر کسی نماندم و دست به کار شدم. شاید این آخرین راه باشد. نامه نوشتم. «دوست من سلام بیا قراری بگذاریم. این یک بازی است. بیا فرض کنیم عاشق هستیم. من عاشق تو و تو عاشق من. اولین حرکت بازی هم با تو، اجازه بده عاشق ات باشم. عاشق دل خسته ای که بی عشق هیچم، پوچم و در آستانه مرگ. بگذار تمام وجودم از عشق بلرزد و قلبم چنان تند بزند که سر تا پا عرق کنم و ته گلویم خشک و تلخ بشود. بگذار با خیال یک بوسه از هوش بروم. همین»>>>


خش خش آهنگین
این آبی لب ها
کبودی خاموش لغتی است
که هرگز
سفر به صوت را
تجربه نکرد


The Phoenix City

Warsaw: where democracy is messy but to all appearances civil

Warsaw became the capital of Poland because it was geographically close to Lithuania when that Duchy joined it in a 16th century Commonwealth. It was razed to the ground in 1944 because the uprising of its residents outraged the occupying Germans. It was rebuilt by the Polish Communist regime and received its largest landmark building as a gift from Stalin after WWII. It emerged as a leader in the movement that by 1990 ended the European Communist Empire established by Russia, Poland’s nemesis for over two centuries>>>


Kicking Women

We should not allow Iran to erode international standards in any arena, including sports

10-Jun-2011 (64 comments)
The regime running Iran should get no credit for the advancement of women. That credit goes to the progressive people of that country for resisting and circumventing a fanatical government which has made every attempt to block their progress by putting them on unequal footing. Forced hijab is the most powerful symbol of that policy. Second, Iran should not be considered an Islamic state -- whatever that means. A prerequisite for a person to be a true Muslim is free choice and since Iran doesn't allow that opportunity to its people, it fails the Islam test>>>


Muslim Enlightenment?

How do we know when it happens?

10-Jun-2011 (38 comments)
How will we know that we have reached the shores of enlightenment? The answer is simple; when the large demonstrations by Muslims turn into protests against miscreants like Ben Laden and Anwar Al Awlaki. When talk of enforcing Sharia law is reserved to a few outcasts without the general support of Muslims. When there is no talk of oppression of women in Muslim countries and women are afforded equal opportunity. When burning a Quran is not worthy of news anymore and Muslims can study the book with a critical eye and without the fear of persecution>>>


Too Good to Go

Imperialism's role in Yemen

10-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
The U.S. selfish, arbitrary and heavy-handed policies of support for the puppet regime of Saleh has been at the cost of holding the Yemeni society back from independent and self-reliant development in such vital arenas as its economy, domestic and foreign political direction and relevant institutions and necessary civic society foundations. For many reasons including its long border with Saudi Arabia, Yemen occupies a very special place in the U.S. strategy for easy and convenient access to 41.7% of the world's oil exports from the Persian Gulf>>>