Behnoud Shojaie Was Executed In Front Of My Eyes
Blogger Mohammad Mostafaei is an Iranian lawyer who represents offenders on death row who committed crimes when they were younger than 18. Mostafaei writes about
Blogger Mohammad Mostafaei is an Iranian lawyer who represents offenders on death row who committed crimes when they were younger than 18. Mostafaei writes about
THE UNIVERSAL HOUSE OF JUSTICE BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE Department of the Secretariat 27 April 1995 Dear Baha’i Friend, Your email of 19 February 1995 addressed
The Iranian authorities have accused a shadowy group called Jundullah – the Soldiers of God – of carrying out a suicide bombing on 18 October
TEHRAN, Iran – The chief of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard accused the United States, Britain and Pakistan on Monday of having links with Sunni militants
The U.S. military is not just fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, America’s most renowned investigative journalist says. The army is also “in a war
تفاوت صد و یکسال پیش با امروز، علامه علی اکبر دهخدا (دخو) : گفت نخور، عسل و خربزه با هم نمی سازند. نشنید و خورد،
Updated: Monday, October 19, 2009 18:45GMT—2:45PM/EST Washington, 19 October (WashingtonTV)—Reporters Without Borders [RSF] on Monday called on the international community to press Iran to free
According to Pakistan’s former Army Chief, retired General Mirza Aslam Baig, the U.S. supports the Jundullah terrorist group and uses it to destabilize Iran. Baig
Talks between Iran and world powers on a uranium enrichment deal are “off to a good start”, the head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog
It is not often you find an email from a Grand Ayatollah in your inbox – especially not when the Ayatollah in question is a
در استقبال از برشت / مارتین نایمولر کمونیستا را کشتند گفتیم اونا کافرن بهاییها را کشتن گفتیم اونا بدترن حق زن و گرفتن گفتیم ضعیف(ه)
President Ayoub Khan introducing the Shah of Iran to a Baloutch leader in Pakistan (1960) Shah’s Last Will Read by the Shahbanou of Iran in which
In Luristan Province, Shahbanou Farah is greeted by fellow compatriots. By the side of a waterfall, some girls affectionately wind the traditional turban around the
Iran appears to be backing away from a proposed deal to resolve the crisis over its nuclear programme, Iranian media reports suggest. A state TV
The news of senior members of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, despicable Guard/Basij armed enforcers being murdered by a homicide bomber the other day is
به نازنین افشین جم صدای ایرانیان زجر کشیده. ای نازنین که با آهنگ های زیبای خود به جنگ بی عدالتی ها و خود خواهی ها و
I was reading an article in the Economist about the satellite industry. One company mentioned was space-broadband firm O3b, which is launching a network of
Greetings to All, You may find the following of interest:United Nations and WAALM School of Cultural Diplomacy >>>
بهنود شجاعی پس از پنج بار پای چوبه دار رفتن، بلاخره بار ششم حلقآويز شد. بهنود را برای قتل غير عمد که در سن 17
Nokia has reported a loss for the July to September quarter after sales sank by almost a fifth. The company made a net loss of
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — The Beverly Hills doctor who gave fertility treatments to octuplets mom Nadya Suleman has been expelled from a professional organization. Dr.
The U.S. government effectively attacked Iran yesterday after its proxy terror group Jundullah launched a suicide bomb attack against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard at their
Gaza – Ma’an – A Palestinian human rights campaigner on Monday accused Israeli forces of committing a number of war crimes during its military assault
Israel relayed a sharply worded protest to the Russian government following Russia’s vote in favor of adopting the Goldstone report at the Human Rights Council
A member of Hungary’s main opposition party has accused the Jews of trying to take over the country. “I’m a Hungarian nationalist. I love my