Prayers for all human beings, Iran and True Iranians.
Dear Ham-Meehan, Please repeat this prayer in the face of all injustices you are enduring during your struggle for your Freedom and quest of reaching
Dear Ham-Meehan, Please repeat this prayer in the face of all injustices you are enduring during your struggle for your Freedom and quest of reaching
Among many attributes of the Green Movement one recent outcome is the polarizing effect that it has had between various players. In the end there
abstract: The narrative of victimhood as a legacy of “colonialism” might feel proprietary to non-Europeans. Bulgarians offer a contrast. The “yoke” Bulgaria complains about is
The deadline for Iran to accept a U.N.-brokered deal on its controversial nuclear program expired on Dec. 31, proving yet again that the policy of
abstract: The narrative of victimhood as a legacy of “colonialism” might feel proprietary to non-Europeans. Bulgarians offer a contrast. The “yoke” Bulgaria complains about is
سلام به دوستان نا دیده برای تایپ فارسی به… شما میتوانید که از لغت پرشین کی بورد استفاده کیند و آنرا تایپ نمایید و بعد
میهن پاره پاره شده ما شاهین میگفت در هنگامیکه در دبیرستان تحصیل میکردیم ما حدود شاید ده نفر بودیم که با هم درس میخواندیدم و
To the Armed Forces of the Iranian People The following is a very sad but so inspiring that it reminds me of the French
Saw your latest attempt to form some sort of unified representation – I hope you succeed. The best thing about your idea is that you
ما ايرانی بی تبعيض می خواهيم 1. پيشگفتار و فراخوان ايرانيان و هموطنان سرافراز! ما، امضاء کنندگان اين بيانيه، بخشی از پشتيبانان سکولار حامی جنبش
Armen Der Kiureghian, professor of engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, has published a book about the life and work of his father, Sumbat
Cornel Wilde (best known for his role as Persian Poet ) Part I: Part II: Part III: Part IV: Part V: Part VI: Part VII:
Masoud Shojaei scores an incredible goal as Osasuna advances to the next round of Spanish Copa Del Rey.
Two former Iranian presidents have condemned a bomb attack that killed a physics professor who had backed the nation’s opposition leader. They labelled the remote-controlled
جمهورى اسلامى اين بار قصد اجراى حكم اعدام دو زندانى سياسى معروف را دارد. فرازد كمانگر معلم محبوبى است كه چند سال است اسير حكومت
Ever since the recent lull in the mass peaceful protests and the intensification of savagery of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic a new wave of
Latest Interviews of Crown Prince Reza on Persian Speaking Channels Pars TV and Andisheh TV. Reza Pahlavi on Andisheh TV Jan 12th, 2010 (In 7
The Pentagon’s top intelligence official says there is no evidence that Iran is planning to build nuclear weapons. The chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency
A Saudi scholar says Riyadh’s allegation that ‘Iran is meddling in Yemen’s domestic affairs’ is part of a US conspiracy against the Islamic Republic. Ali
JERUSALEM, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) — Israel is concerned that for more than a year Turkey has been moving closer to Iran, an unnamed official in
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich: . . . I think there’s nothing new that the West is painting a distorted image of what’s going on in Iran. I
How do you go about and stupefy a nation and make them gullible enough to believe everything you feed them? You don’t want the same
An interview of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi of Iran with Journalists on KRSI Radio. Listen Here >>>
مذهب چيست؟ يک فيلسوف تابحال هرگز يک روحاني را نکشته است، در حاليکه روحانيون فلاسفه زيادي را کشته اند….. “دنيس ديروت” اولين روحاني جهان