The ‘Iran Democracy Fund’ was recently warded $60 million. There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to this re-appropriation, especially since more than two dozen Iranian American and human rights groups appealed to Congress to eliminate the program given that the program had backfired, undermining democracy efforts in Iran and leading to wider repression of activists. It therefore begs the question why the United States would deliberately waste tax payers’ money while causing hardship on aspiring democrats in Iran?
Perhaps the answer lies in the lead up to the Iraq invasion.
Post 9/11, Mr. Bush’s core agenda was Iraq, but for this he needed the American people on board. Their reluctance to go to war had to be overcome. To this end, it was necessary to promote a policy that was altruistic. The American public were made to believe that war was necessary to defeat evil.
The Iraq agenda was so important to the Bush administration that the White House had even formed “an interagency” ‘Iraq Public Diplomacy group’ comprised of NSC, CIA, Pentagon, State and USAID staffers.” The Iraq Public Diplomacy Group created the ‘Iraqi Voices for Freedom’ - voices which spoke of Saddam’s brutality and torture, while they made themselves available for interviews, especially to foreign press (non-American). In addition to this, a public relations firm, the Rendon Group, helped create the Iraqi National Congress (INC) in order to promote ‘the democratic voice of Iraq’. This firm helped President Bush sell the war to the public by linking Iraq to al-Qaeda and presenting Saddam Hossein as an imminent threat. They repeatedly linked Saddam and the shocking pictures of the Twin Towers with Saddam Hossein, where there was no link,; but this was accomplished by sheer repetition. False allegations of his capability to launch WMD in 45 minutes was imbedded in the minds of the masses by showing video clips of 1988 chemical attack on the Kurds of Halabja in an attempt to convince people that an attack against Saddam was to defeat evil.
What is more telling is that concurrent with the INC, a Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI) was formed by a group which called itself ‘distinguished Americans who wanted to free Iraq from Saddam Hossein’s rule’. The distinguished members of CLI had close links to the Project for the New American Century and the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank that shaped the Bush foreign policy (CLI members were involved with Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf (CPSG) prior to Operation Desert Storm . Let us be reminded that the idea of “babies thrown from incubators" story of Gulf War I, was the creation of a P.R. firm; Hill & Knowlton – which was of course false).
The CLI does indeed have many distinguished members; Richard Perle, Bernard Lewis, William Kristol, Randy Scheunemann, Newt Gringrich, John MacCain, James Woolsey, and the list goes on, but not to be left out, former secretary of state, George P. Schultz. Prior to the Iraq invasion, Shultz was Bechtel's senior counsel and director . Fiercely pro-war group with close ties to the White House, he made it clear that the ouster of Saddam's regime was not enough, and that it was necessary 'to work beyond the liberation of Iraq to the reconstruction of its economy." Shultz not only used his political influence to help bring this war about, “but key Bechtel board members with advisory positions to the Bush Administration, helped ensure that Bechtel would receive one of the most lucrative contracts for rebuilding what they had helped to destroy”
It was not the first time that Bechtel had been given a lucrative contract in Iraq. According to the Haaretz, Hanan Bar-On, the former deputy director-general of the Foreign Ministry, confirmed that during the mid 1980s, Israel was involved in talks on a plan for an Iraq-Jordanian pipeline to the Red Sea port of Aqaba. Among the participants in these talks was Donald Rumsfeld, then an adviser to U.S. president Reagan ( and at the time of the Iraq invasion two, secretary of defense). The American corporation Bechtel was slated to build the pipeline . These talks were taking place as Saddam Hossein was dropping chemicals on his own people and his neighbors, the Iranians. In 1985, the deal was called off as Hossein had concerns about the safety of the pipeline going through Israel.
The question to ask is why did Congress approve the Iran Democracy Bill when it means more crack down on the pro-democracy movement?
The devious NIE report is intended to link Iran with a WMD program. The message is to make the masses believe Iran has deviated from the civilian program and that it is a threat to world peace. With the funding, the U.S. government is deliberately sending the Iranian government into a fit of paranoia believing that it has every intention of undermining it – which of course it does. The natural reaction of the Iranian government is to ensure it foils the American plans – as such, it curbs liberties at home even more. America successfully aborts the aspirations of democrats – once again.
As Brian Eno argues, American P.R. companies who have already "preconditioned the emotional landscape," will indulge in "large-scale manipulation of language," and help to "create an atmosphere of simmering panic where American imperialism would come to seem not only acceptable but right, obvious, inevitable and even somehow kind" Mr. Bush’s plan, along with those who have managed to hold U.S. foreign policy and the interest of United States hostage, to attack Iran.
Recently by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich | Comments | Date |
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Person | About | Day |
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Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
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گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
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Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Anonym7, you did use
by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on Wed Jan 02, 2008 07:02 PM PSTAnonym7, you did use personal attacks on me, which is fine, because I like those very few Iranians who still believe in you guys’ rhetoric to see for themselves you guys’ true character and how much you truly believe in democratic principals such as tolerance. You have the right to call my theories “hilarious”, that’s what freedom of speech is all about, but we, whom you guys’ call Bushies, or Neo-cons, or capitalists, or what have you…rarely engage in personal attacks. Unlike you guys who believe human rights and democracy are “capitalist” notions, we believe that they are universal rights for all human beings, regardless of their belief system. As far as the democracy fund goes, like I said before, those funds were well spent during the cold war because the U.S and Europe and the free world, had much better picture on how the communist block operates and thinks. The reason that I don’t believe these funds are working now is because these guys don’t have a clear picture on how mafia like regimes like Iran, operate and think. They admit that themselves. This 70 or 60 million or what have you is going to fund some broadcasts like Radio Farda and things like that just like they use to fund anti communist media in Europe those days. The problem is that U.S and Europe do not see the difference between the communist regimes and the IRI. Regimes like the IRI are a much greater threat for many reasons and they operate differently. But the problem I have with this article is that people like Soraya bash the intentions of allocating these funds, and I disagree. Like I said before, even if Fiji Islands wants to help the Iranian people get rid of this barbaric regime in Tehran because they consider it a common enemy , and most importantly, they don’t expect the Iranian people to give anything back or give up their sovereignty or independence, I’ll be gladly accepting those funds. These alliances have been in existence since the dawn of history. Its nothing new. Even the mighty U.S allied with the mighty Soviet Union, arch enemies, against a common enemy. U.S and European funds used to flood to Russia in order to encounter a common enemy. I don’t think the USSR gave up its territory or sovereignty in return
I also appreciate that ... (Re: Kashani)
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Mon Dec 31, 2007 04:18 PM PSTKashani, although I have made fun of some of your hilarious theories and rarely agree with your views I did not intend to do personal attacks, since you are generally a reasonable poster.
I also appreciate that in one of your postings you stated "And today, although I 100% agree that these funds are not enough and the way they are spend is a joke".
It would be nice and more relevant to the topic if you elaborate on the joke part, i.e., how this money is wasted. That would be more interesting than trying to forcefully categorize IRI as a socialist state (that by the way has an ever widening gap between its rich and its poor).
Dear Iranian-American
by masoudA on Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:35 AM PSTMs. Ulrich is pro-peace indeed. She is desprately seeking peace for Mullahs and Hezbollah to continue on their venture to destroy Iran. Like many other Iranians, I have indeed declared war on the mullahs and their terror network - the only question is why haven't you ?
And don't worry about Soraya Khanoom - she probably knows all about the miseries facing her counterparts in Iran - I hope she is not one of those in this for the extra income - from the mullahs PR funds. I guarantee you mullah supporters are shaking in their booths reading these lines - but most are just too deep in it - and probabaly have a hard time to depart from the extra income.
Anonym7, appreciate the
by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:59 PM PSTAnonym7, appreciate the personal attack. Anyways….the Islamic economical system, just like most economical system in the world before the rise of communism, had always had a capitalist theme to it. The IRI, however, tried and is trying to apply some extreme aspects of Marxist/socialist principals to it as well, such as total government control of the economy, and that’s why I said its dysfunctional
never ending inventions (Re: Kashani)
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:25 AM PSTKashani says:
---"Iran is neither capitalist nor socialist. It’s a dysfunctional combination of both.."
--"My frustration is towards these backward Islamic – Marxists..."
Kashani also said: "I come home , read these postings and get a good much needed laugh from them"
Kashani, you just invented another economic system which supposedly exists in Iran. That combined with your earlier invention (calling IRI an Islamic-Marxists government) should put you among the big brains of the world!
Come on Kashani, sit back and read your own postings a couple times, you will laugh harder at your own postings, they are tragically funny :) ...
Dear IraniIrooni, Benazir
by Dan (not verified) on Fri Dec 28, 2007 04:27 PM PSTDear IraniIrooni,
Benazir Bhutto championed ties with the US (hence the al Qaeda's deep-rooted animosity towards her) and the Bush administration was counting on strengthening relations with her should Musharraf be ousted by the Pakistani people - so it was not at all in our interest to see her assassinated. It was not in the interest of Musharraf either; I don't see any reason why Musharraf should have partaken or condoned the murder of Bhutto when the ensuing tumult would undermine his very own grip on power. The only reason Bhutto was assassinated was because she was extremely reckless. When she recently entered Pakistan from exile she decided to parade in the streets rather than receive a covert escort to her place of residence - and that decision of hers ended up killing over a hundred people and injuring more. And again at a rally yesterday it was SHE who exposed herself through the sunroof and offered the assassin the opportunity not only to take her out, but some twenty other people as well. She may have been brave and she may have championed democracy, but she couldn't be any more nonchalant towards, not only her own life, but the innocent life of those swarming her at rallies (I do not forgive her for causing the death of near 140 people because she wanted to PARADE in the streets of Pakistan - after exile or not).
Let me tell you something else: Musharraf has championed the fight against Islamic terrorists much more than any alternative leader could effectively do, in a country that is literally ridden with fundamentalists and insurgent al Qaeda militias. He was the one who let Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif come back to Pakistan in the first place. He lifted his emergency rule, he let the independent media back on the air, and he also stepped down as head of the military. He didn't have to do any of those things, but we urged him to, and you're still scolding us of perpetuating some semblance of a dictatorship in Pakistan. You may be sick of the "neocons" and their "war-mongering," but I'm sick of the people reproaching the United States at every turn for every motherfucking thing that goes wrong in the world. Especially a heinous tool like Ms. Ulrich who has stuck a pike up her asshole and spews the IRI's indefensible rhetoric to a crowd of Los Angeles-based hippy dipshits who haven't a fucking clue what burdens Ahmadinejad has compiled on the pained shoulders of Iranian men and women. Have you ever once read an article from this woman questioning the execution of over three hundred people this recent year in Iran under Ahmadinejad (among them 14 and 16 year old teenagers HANGED FOR GETTING RAPED -- i.e., Atefah Sahaaleh)? Has she uttered a word about the staggering rise in inflation, the cost of rudimentary groceries and housing that has left young Iranians without any hopes of ever living in their own home and paying for their expenses from their own pockets? No, she did, however, come out with a simmering criticism of Lee Bollinger of Columbia University when she thought he didn't respect Mahmoud enough. This fucking tool makes me sick to my stomach. Just as do all the philanthropists scoffing at America for every plague in the world.
IraniIrooni, you are the one
by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on Fri Dec 28, 2007 03:50 PM PSTIraniIrooni, you are the one that needs to get out the bubble these Islamic Marxists have created for us and need to get a lesson in respecting other’s opinions. But offcourse that’s not in you guys communist manifesto. Probably you would say respect and freedom of speech is a “capitalist idea” !!! It is very typical of Iranians like you to use profanity and character assassination. That just shows how much you really believe in tolerance. I’m extremely glad that you people are finally exposing yourselves. People like you and Soraya and all you anti-democracy, blindly anti-U.S and for some reason Israel, Islamic Marxists represent everything that’s wrong with our country. You represent the ugly face of Iran. I think you need to read my article again. I said that these funding are not the creation of the so called “Neo Cons”. It has been going on for decades now and according to people like Gorbachev and Havel, these funding made significant difference in freeing the people of Soviet Union and Eastern Europe from communist rule. And today, although I 100% agree that these funds are not enough and the way they are spend is a joke, they continue to fund civil society in many countries around the world. Now we have a choice to whether accept or deny these funds. The U.S has not put a gun to anyone’s head to accept these, but as an Iranian who blames everything that happened to our people and the disastrous state of our country today solely on the IRI, we have a duty to do whatever necessary to fight these fascist in Tehran and Qom by receiving aid from any party or group in the world that considers the IRI a common enemy and is not expecting us to give our territorial integrity and independence away. People and governments all throughout the history have formed alliances in almost every stage in history and in every corner of the world to fight common enemies. Even Iran has done that throughout the history. That doesn’t mean we have to give our independence away, it doesn’t mean we have to give something in return, or accept Bush or anyone else’s ideology, or supremacy, or rule. I mean there is no logic to that. Did you know that may leftist organizations and groups and also EU governments funded groups and government organizations, such as Green Party in Germany, are actively continuing to fund and support civil society in Iran today, including many jailed journalists and continue to train civil society organizations such as women rights groups and rookie journalists, among other types of support? Don’t you remember that journalist (Can’t remember the name) who got arrested in Tehran airport couple of years ago or so, who just got back from Holland attending a journalist training seminar funded by the Dutch government ? (That was his , or her, not sure, exact charge, by the IRI). Why isn’t there an outcry by Iranians like you that European funding is been used as an excuse for Iranians to go to jail, but there is an outcry for the funds provided by U.S? .Lets not think that it’s just the so called “neo cons” and the CIA who is controlling our lives and everything that happens in the world. That’s ridicules, unfounded and destructive to our national psyche. And as far as Pakistan goes, because of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism there, and in most (Not all) Islamic countries thanks to Khomeini,, Taliban (who is only an idea that is present in the mind of millions of Muslims), is so powerful where as no Pakistani president cannot really confront them without tackling the real problem at hand which is the spread of the idea of Islamic fundamentalism. And that cannot be done without a major bloodbath which no president or king in any Islamic country is willing to experience. Furthermore, and this is very important, these killings are a result of the fact that many influential and powerful parties in the world such as EU, Russia,, China, Human Rights groups in U.S and the world and media all around the world, are to busy stiffing the U.S and are engaging in “Haalgeeri” of U.S solely because it’s the only superpower and its newsworthy and they are bunch of “hasoods”, and letting the worldwide Islamic movement get away with literally murder and that’s why they are increasing in power and influence and there would be a day that no one can stop them. I mean Guantanamo (Although I definitely do not agree with holding those fascists without trial), one prison with close to 300 inmates with news organizations all over it filming it 24/7, hits the front page of every major newspaper in the world and every left leaning U.S and world human rights group’s report every day , where as there are hundreds of Guantanamos in every single Middle Eastern country and all around the world , that are not filled with dangerous fascists like in Guantanamo, but with human right activists, journalists, women rights groups, opposition parties ..etc..and no one , talks about them! I mean if that’s not hypocrisy, I don’t know what is. So as a result , these Islamic fascists really believe they have the upper hand in his fight, and that’s why, they were able to destroy Iran (Islamic regime,estimated 1.5 million death in the war and executions), Lebanon (Hezbollah and civil war,estimated 1 million death), Afghanistan (Taliban ), Somalia (Islamic courts, estimated 700,000 deaths) and Sudan (Islamic government responsible of 2 millions death in the South and 800,000 in Darfur), are in the process of destroying Iraq (Sunni and shite religious group, estimated 700,000 deaths) and Pakistan (Taliban 780 death just in suicide bombings last year), came very very close to destroying Egypt (Islamic brotherhood terrorism campaign in the 1990s, estimated 100,000 death), Algeria (Salafi movements terrorism campaign in the 1990s, estimated 200,000 death) and Indonesia (Jamaat Islamiyah) in the 1990s, threatening countries all around the world from Philippines (Abu Sayyaf) to Germany (Many foiled plots including train bombing plot last month) to Canada (many foiled plots including plots to blow up parliament), and are threatening every liberal and modern human achievement you can think of.. ,..but ofcourse talking about Guantanamo is much more newsworthy than talking about the lives of millions and millions of Muslims taken away by these barbarics. We all need to stay united, and that includes people and Muslims living under the rule and threat of these Fascists in the Middle East and other parts of the world, U.S. Europe, Russia, China, India,,and every major player and influential and able government, NGO, intellectual movements, and every liberal minded, peace and dignity loving individual in every corner of the world (Definitely excluding Islamic Marxists Iranians like you and Soraya), we all need to unite to face these monsters. Because we and everything we love is threatened.
Anonym7, Iran is neither
by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on Fri Dec 28, 2007 03:49 PM PSTAnonym7, Iran is neither capitalist nor socialist. It’s a dysfunctional combination of both, unlike U.S, yes I do agree with you, that has a functional combination of socialist and capitalist principal. My frustration is towards these backward Islamic – Marxists who with their dark and backward rhetoric have hijacked our country and till today continue to justify IRIs actions. As far “US installing a monarch”, unlike these Islamic – Marxist, I strongly believe that change within a country ultimately comes down to the will of the people of that country, whichever country that could be. In 1953 Shah and his millions of supporters were the ones, who took out Mosaddegh, and in 1979, it was Khomeini and his millions of supporters were the ones who overthrew the Shah! No matter how much any government in the world was so called “plotting” against us. It is we the people who make the difference. Unless you wanna claim that (and I’m sure many Iranians would believe that) the CIA has installed some chip in the brain of those millions of Iranians. The only way U.S would be able to “install” anyone, is to directly attack and occupy our country and install someone. And I’m not a monarchist. Not sure why you accusing me of that.
Re: Kashani
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Fri Dec 28, 2007 08:40 AM PSTKashani says: "..role of religion and Islamic Marxism in our country during modern times..."
Kashani, have you been to Iran recently? Iran is a very capitalist country, in fact the rich poor divide is really bad. Even US is a socialist country compared to Iran.
Kashani, if US installs you leftover monarchists in power are you smart enough to run the country? You sure don't show any indication of that.
I hope you are not one of those losers who is getting that $60 million, some of which is from my tax money.
Farhad Kashani, you have so much to learn!
by IraniIrooni (not verified) on Thu Dec 27, 2007 06:28 PM PSTI agree with you that the IRI must be pushed out and we should try to have a democratic government, in which, by the way, the MAJORITY, rule; that's a democracy.
But to accept the Bush and neocon gibberish of funds for democracies and morally correct actions and all the other BS on freedom, is hillarious! What happened today? Bhutto got assassinated. Who do we, the US, support out there? Musharraf, which many believe probably purposefully didn't do enough to protect Bhutto, as she posed a THREAT to him losing the MILITARY power that WE have helped him create and sustain. The same muthafucka that has given the Taliban a home and has kept his hands off of the al-Queda. And this is just one example. So take all of your Bush and democracy and freedom crap and literally shove it up your ass. It is so sad and so diappointing to see a fellow Iranian (supposedly Iranian) defend the Bush crap like this. At least maybe a military or economic strategy argument would be better when trying to support Bush, than this fuckin bull shit morality crap. This is sad.
What the f*ck is wrong with some of you?
by IraniIrooni (not verified) on Thu Dec 27, 2007 06:19 PM PSTWhy are these pro-war Iranians all anti-Islam and continue to just point to Muslim stuff? Iran is a country with majority of its population being Islamic. That is a FACT. Live with it. Fuckin go and promote a democracy and try to at least work with moderate Muslims (which make up the majority of the Muslims in Iran). Instead of fucking denouncing the belief that the MAJORITY of Iranians have! You Bahais and Jews deserve EQUAL treatment. You deserve love and repsect as do Iranians with other religious beliefs. But you are not any special! So instead of fuckin creating more havoc and more instability (which is EXACTLY what the US and Israel want to see), lets show the respect that you yourselves demand, and lets work together. This is literally unfuckingbelievable!
And then you've got the shyster 'Islamdoost' writing rhetoric which we all know is written by someone with only one goal, create divisiveness among us.
I am not saying we have to accept the IRI. I am against the IRI as much as anyone else. But lets face the facts. Majority of Iranians are MUSLIM. We all have to work together. So instead of labeling every Muslim as a supporter of the IRI, or instead of downplaying that religion, one which most of your fellow Iranians believe in, lets fuckin respect each other, so we can more easily UNITE and hopefully bring about some good, non-bloody changes in Iran.
hogghjh, exactly ! Right on
by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on Thu Dec 27, 2007 06:09 PM PSThogghjh, exactly ! Right on the money! This is what these backwards belive: Bush and any U.S president is the devil, U.S and Israel are evil empires who are in existance only to plot against Iran (Why? Only they know!),we are always victims, we can't make mistakes, there is no difference between Iranian people and the Islamic regime in Tehran (They are our representatives), Capitalism is creation of Satan, Communism makes people's lives better (Lets pretened the 70 years of ctastrophic Communism rule never happened),1 billion Muslism are victims of U.S policy, Islamic fundamentalism movement is a conspiracy by the U.S to plunder Middle Eastern oil! Stalin, Khomeini and Castro are angels, Everythng that happens in the world is a plot by U.S government, ....! These are what our confused and cold hearted Islamic - Marxists belive !!! But the good thing is, after a hard day at work, I come home , read these postings and get a good much needed laugh from them ! The sad part is these people really think Iranians inside of Iran belive this garbage! So please Soraya, keep on writing !
Bush is the devil and
by hogghjh (not verified) on Wed Dec 26, 2007 07:00 PM PSTBush is the devil and Ahmadinejad is a peace-loving puppy. That is the substance of every one of this woman's pseudointellectual articles. Ms. Ulrich, please fucking move on.
Soraya, the amount that the
by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on Wed Dec 26, 2007 06:45 PM PSTSoraya, the amount that the U.S allocates for Iran is part of funds that has been allocated for the purpose of supporting democracy and civil society in many countries for decades now. Its nothing new. Yes, U.S taxpayer money supports democratic causes in the world. Even Eastern Europeans admit that if it wasn’t for the support of civil society by the U.S during the cold war, communism still would’ve been well alive. I want you to answer this simple question: are you saying that the IRI regime in Tehran would only brutally oppress the democracy movement in Iran if the U.S funds the movement? So you’re saying that once the U.S stops funding, then the IRI will give our people freedom? I mean doesn’t that sound ridicules to you to think that, again, it is U.S fault that the democratic movement in Iran is not successful? To blame centuries old problem on the U.S, or frankly on anyone, but our tyrannical political and social structure and role of religion and Islamic Marxism in our country during modern times, can only be done by an Islamic – Marxist like yourself.
Thank you Dear masoudA!
by Iranian-American (not verified) on Wed Dec 26, 2007 05:54 PM PSTMasoudjan, as you know you are one of the most warmonger bloggers in Good examples to prove that are your articles such as 'Allied Invasion of Iran', and 'Wake UP!'.
When I saw your comment below, at first I wanted to say something different to you. I then realized that I should actually thank you!
Masoujan, I shall thank you for writing those articles not because I am a warmonger, or because I think you write well. I must thank you because with those articles you show to many of us that the most unreasonable and vicious enemy of Iranians are not necessarily Israeli or American extremists but Iranian fanatics like you (and from your name potentially Muslim).
Now I must thank you again for your post against one of the most pro peace writers of Mrs. Ulrich. That reminds us again how repugnant likes of you are.
Mr. massoudA, you write for war and get paid with my tax money, and I despise that. Mrs. Ulrich writes for peace and even if she gets paid it is not from my tax money.
Dear Gilani
by masoudA on Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:38 AM PSTYou are on the right track buddy. Many Iranians and maybe Soraya Khanom have benefited from the mullah Alavi foundation funds here in USA - especialy the ones involved with IRI funded "Middle Eastern Studies" departments at many universities - University of Utah in her case.
I am interested if you can tell us more about the phone numbers - since I know IRI has created "Telephone Centers" to call into Iranian satellite talk shows (to make pro IRI comments) - operating behind goats - for her sake I hope she is smarter than that.
US-Iran relations must be restored
by Mehdi on Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:04 AM PSTGreat article! I think we must all work to get rid of this fake fight between Iran and US. This whole thing was probably created by the same people/corporations so as to dominate Iran and also the US with repression. If the relations between Iran and US improves, a huge amount of excuse for such tricks would go away. There is no real fight between Iran and US. So where is this lie coming from and who is holding it up? Some interesting research project!
Regressive, backward IRI constituation is the enemy of Iran.
by aaj sr (not verified) on Wed Dec 26, 2007 09:20 AM PSTTo Irandoost:
If Soraya denounces barbaric acts of IRI against women, children, political prisoners, under-aged executions, stoning and public executions, poverty, equality of all Iranian regardless of their religion, trace and believes, transparency in all aspect of expenditures, civil liberties, then she can be a true Iranian, regardless of her religion.
Soraya is a patriot and a believer in Islam's message of peace.
by Islamdoost (not verified) on Wed Dec 26, 2007 02:44 AM PSTShe has done what every true iranian muslim must do. She has written extensively to expose the plots against the Islamic Republic of Iran and its people. Most of her enemies are the Shahollahis who accuse her of having a grudge against the Shah because of her father's treatment under the Shah. This is not true. She does not allow her personal issues to get in the way of her campaign for the rights of Iranian people to the nuclear technology and even nuclear bomb. The MEK are her other enemy. They accuse her of being an IRI agent. This is how they attack their opponenets. Islamic republic has served the muslim people of Iran better than any other muslim state. Only the enemies of islam are the enemies of Iran.
BK (2) ...
by IraniIrooni (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 06:03 PM PSTJust as a follow-up ... that is why the US backing of smaller political groups, the minorities, etc just doesn't make sense. If the US really wants a stable and democratic govt in Iran, it has to target the majority, and not the minority. It has to befriend the muslims and not just the non-muslims. You see, the US/Israel want instability there. They won't be able to control anything if there is any type of stability. They've done the same thing to the Palestinians, the same thing to the Lebanese and many others. Call me a 'conspiracyholic' but given so many lies and betreyals that we have witnessed over the last 70 years, a conspiracy theory is no longer a ... conspiracy theory. Its actually a realistic one.
BK ...
by IraniIrooni (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 05:46 PM PSTIt looks like your response is based on your personal biasedness against the author of the article, and I certainly wouldn't call that being objective. If you want to address the real problem, it actually is the history of bad policies of the US/Israel/UK in that region. This is very simple. The people would like to hear some form of apology, would like to see some form of apology, maybe by trade agreements that won't rip off the Iranian assets, or maybe finally saying goodbye to all the terrorist this and terrorist that.
Think of it this way. No matter how many years from now, the people in the US will not forget about 9/11, nor are they willing to forgive. Iranians, actually people from all other countries that have been victims of the US foreign policies, feel the same way. Why do you think Patriotism is a big deal now???
Nationality and pride are huge in Iran. No matter how bad things get, if, God forbid, the US attacks Iran, Iranians will defend their country, their land. Pride of nationality and ethnicity cannot be bought nor substituted for. Again, other people in the world are the same way.
Iranians demand respect and that's it. Once that is clear, and once they become comfortable that the US doesn'y want to rip them off of their oil and other resources, then the people will be willing to stand up to the IRI. It is as simple as this!
What a surprise
by BK (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 05:31 PM PSTHere we go again, yet another article berating the bad old West and principally the United States’ foreign policy towards the Islamic Republic (IR) by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich. I’ve lost count how many times Ms Sepahpour-Ulrich has written on the exact same subject, espousing the same views over and over again. This has become a regular feature on Indeed, Ms Sepahpour-Ulrich’s US bashing and, implicit and implied support of the IR is now part of the furniture of this site.
Now, let me be clear about this. I have absolutely no time for the policies of the moronic George W Bush and his war mongering Neo-Con backers/advisors. They have destabilized much of the Middle East with their unjustified war in Iraq, brought misery to millions and, if anything, have strengthened the powerbase of terrorist murderers of Al Quada and other brain washed hard-line Islamist zealots. Most of all, I do not wish to see an external military attack on Iran by the US or anyone else. It is for the Iranian people to decide their own future.
However, what Ms Sepahpour-Ulrich has been wilfully disregarding, on her numerous articles on this website, is the consequence of the policies of the IR. Policies that have largely contributed to the predicament Iran finds itself in today.
Since its very beginning the IR has set out to make Iran an enemy of the US. From the early days, the IR made “marg bar Amrika” (death to America) a cornerstone of its philosophy. It sanctioned the hostage taking of the US embassy staff in Iran; an unprecedented act of aggression that was highly damaging to Iran. It sponsored and backed extremist groups attacking US forces including the suicide bombing of US peace keepers (killing 250 marines) in Beirut in 1982 and kidnapping of American and other Western civilians in Lebanon in the 1980s and there are strong indications that IR agents were behind the bombing of the Buenos Aires Jewish centre that killed over 90 people in 1994; certainly the Argentinean authorities think so.
Even today when we know the Bush Administration is itching for an excuse to build up the case for the use of force, the IR does not let up. One would think, given the current climate, the regime ruling Iran would do its utmost to ease tensions and go out of its way to reduce the possibility of an attack on Iran. But, amazingly, the IR is doing the exact opposite and continues to stoke tensions.
Yes sir, the IR is carrying on business as usual. It is assiduously busy doing its part to continue to cause havoc in the Middle East by supporting and funding (and remember, we are talking about the money of the Iranian people here) the likes of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas and the Shia Militia in Iraq. While on the other hand President Ahmadinejad expresses his wish to see the regime in Israel disappear from History and holds Holocaust “fact finding” conferences in Iran. I’m far form being a fan of Israel’s foreign policy and treatment of Palestinians, but what has Israel got to do with Iran? What business has the supposed “President of Iran” in continually going on about Israel, when he should be focusing his efforts on dealing with numerous problems inside Iran? We never hear Mr. Ahmadinejad blabbing on about the colonization of Tibet by China, so why the obsession about Israel and Palestine?
The point is that what Ms Sepahpour-Ulrich has singularly failed to address here is that by far the biggest reason why Iran finds itself under possible military threat is because the IR, by its conformational policies and open hostility to the US (and its biggest Middle East ally, Israel), has needlessly made Iran a target.
Again, the US is hardly blameless in all this. Its history towards Iran hardly covers it in glory, from the CIA sponsored coup de’tat that toppled Mossadegh to its backing of Saddam Hussein during the Iran – Iraq war; (although given IR’s hostility to US, this wasn’t exactly surprising). The US always does what is in its own self-interest. Nevertheless, anyone with a modicum of even-handedness, objectivity and balanced observation of events, and with no hidden agendas to promote, should see the real problem for the people of Iran rests with the clerical regime that rules over them.
So, It is ironic that Ms Sepahpour-Ulrich, who professes her deep concern for the plight of the Iranian people, spends nearly all her effort talking about what the US MIGHT do to Iran and its people, and devotes hardly any time to what the IR with has BEEN doing and continues to do to Iran and its people.
I wonder why that is!
by Izad (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 04:00 PM PSTMs. Ullrich
I think that IRAN will join RUSSIA as the BIBLE predicted 2000 years ago. Did you hear that European Union and U.K. redesignated MEK or MOJAHEDIN at Camp Ashraf (IRAQ) as a clean group. The British adviced Bush to take out Saddam Hussein and now the matters are different regarding Iran and its nuclear program. Iran is not even close to a nuclear technology yet. MEK has a nasty background for orchestrating the Islamic Revolution and setting up Ayatollahs into the country.
Happy Holidays
100% Agreed ... Gilani, you need to calm down.
by IraniIrooni (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 03:08 PM PSTVery well written article with which I agree 100%. My thoughts can be summed up like this - In order to create the 'need' and 'excuse' for military presence in the Middle East, the US and Israel look for (or should I say CREATE) instability in that region. Lack of stability possibly creates more bloodshed and more of "I told you so" arguments by US and Israel. The main objective of these Iran-related bills is to give more money and power to the smaller groups and allow them to create havoc. I want all political and religious groups to have equal rights. And I want a democratic govt in Iran. The US is making crazy promises to these groups, which cannot be fulfilled, especially if a democratic govt is put into Iran. Remember this - the MAJORITY rule in a DEMOCRACY.
BUT I can assure all of you, democracy is NOT, I repeat, is NOT, the goal or objective of the US and Israel when dealing with Iran. Even if Iran becomes a true Democratic state tomorrow the US won't like it. The oil is there and a democracy in Iran is led by the MAJORITY MUSLIMS. Its a fact of life, the Muslims in Iran are the majority. With that, Israel won't like it and US therefore won't like it.
What is sad is that I don't trust the US govt, and certainly do not trust the israeli and Iranian govts. For that reason, I would rather continue to wait for our people, the majority of Iranians, to revolt and create a democracy. Not the minorities in Iran, not the lobbying groups in Washington DC, not the israelis, not the Arabs, not the Chinese or the Russians. I want my IRANIANS themselves to do away with the IRI and to create their own democratic govt. No concession crap to the US govt, no oil for food or oil for two cents or textiles for free. NO! Change in Iran must come from within. And I think it is slowly, but surely, happening. We will see that over time, Iranians will demand to be able to dress the same way on the street as they do at home, to watch and talk about the same things, to shout against govt policies as they do at home, to jump up with daughters and wives and sons outside when the Iranian soccer team wins, and much more. It will happen. BUT any, any participation by the US and israel will send the movement back another 15 years.
Great Article...But! (Re: so called American)
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:57 AM PSTSo called American says: "I think the U.S. government ought to give Iranians in Amnerica a five or ten year grace period to decide whether they want to live here or return to Iran.."
If likes of you, Michael Savage, and Rush Limbaugh become the majority in this country it will be the time to leave. Personally I wouldn't even wait a year, I will leave gladly and I am sure my American wife and son will come with me to Iran/IRI very willingly.
But I have bad news for you, the best days for you guys are over.
I love your article!!
by mehdi palang (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 08:03 AM PSTKeep doing what you're doing!
where in the world do you
by AnonymousAmerican 2 (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 07:48 AM PSTwhere in the world do you live? in deserts of Oklahoma or the hills of Arkansas?
Americans and Iranians are so mixed and intertwined and the contributions of Iranian-Americans cannot be ignored to the US technology and economy.Why don't you let them live and live your life?
You need to travel across USA and find how well people get along no matter where they come from. Maybe it is some old slave owners who regret the history.
But good people still live and let others live.
Dear Anonymous American, You
by Proud Iranian-American (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 07:32 AM PSTDear Anonymous American,
You are so wrong! It's not people of the two countries that hate each other. It's the greedy corporate representatives and their hand-pick government officials (including the president) on one side and the power-mongers on the other side who have created this mess. Regular people have nothing to do with it. There are only uneducated and ignorant people like you who contribute to the problem. The only foreigners who should be deported from the America of original native Indians are arrogant people like you. You should go back to wherever your ancestors have come from and not even look back.
Mary Christmas!
Great Article...But!
by Anonymous American (not verified) on Tue Dec 25, 2007 01:54 AM PSTDear Soraya,
Another well written article. It is my hope that the U.S. does not attack your country. Instead of the U.S. government and people having ill-will toward Iran, I think it best that the two countries have no regard whatsoever for one another. Live and let live, but we should do it seperately. I think that the American government ought to make it a felony for any U.S. citizen to travel to Iran and I would hope that the Iranian government would do the same for its citizens who wish to travel here. Our two peoples are destined to hate one another and the only way there can ever be an atmosphere of civility is if the two countries and two peoples have absolutely no contact, nor should the people of the two countries. Knowing that there are hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Iran living in America, I think the U.S. government ought to give Iranians in Amnerica a five or ten year grace period to decide whether they want to live here or return to Iran without any penalty. After that any Resident Alien or Naturalizeed U.S. Citizen visiting Iran ought to be stripped of their right to live in the U.S. while any Natural Born Citizen of the U.S. visiting Iran out to be imprisoned for a long period. Iranians in America might howl that this is unfair to them, but they would have a grace period to return to Iran, and from the writings on this site, many of your countrymen living in North America hate our culture and our people. The only way for citizens of our two countries to get along is to have absolutely no contact. I'm sure Iran would flourish not always having America on its back, and America would continue to exist having one less enemy to worry about. Our two people will never get along, so we might as well face it and take appropriate steps to ensure that our nations, educational institutions, businesses and people severe any and all contacts whatsoever.
Re: Gilani
by ManNaManam (not verified) on Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:39 PM PSTI agree with you, Gillani; We should seek US administration appropriate even more money for "Democracy in Iran". After all, a lot of Iranians feed from this budget abroad!!!! But then, my concience kicks me and says that perhaps some lives are lost in this senseless game, some corruption is raised, the only outcome for US is distrust and for people (majorority) in Middle-east is hatred. Imagine if all the war money in middle east was spend on huge investments to raise factories (Jobs), schools (education), hospitals (health). I bet it would buy a big respect for us (USA) and create lasting democracy in Middle east.
Do you know why the money is not spent that way? Unfortunately some people see each other in existential conflict with the opposing other. I'm baffled why some can not see that our Earth is big enough for all and the existential conflict is only created by our ego and fear of diversity.
All this war (bloodshed) and diplomacy (hypocricy)got us nowhere. I wonder if any rational mind thinks that money can buy Democracy!?!
Gholame hemmate aanam ke zire charkhe kabood;
Ze har che rang-e ta'allogh pazirad azadast;