شیرین عبادی در سرزمین عجایب

می‌خواهم بگویم که اولا گول حرف‌های ضد جنگ این آدم‌ها را نخورید


شیرین عبادی در  سرزمین عجایب
by hoder

از من می‌شنوید هرجا که دیدید دارند تجلیلی از واسلاو هاول، رییس جمهوری سابق چکسلواکی، می‌کنند حواستان را جمع کنید. چون او چند سال است که تبدیل به نماد موفقیت پروژه‌ی کودتای آرام شده و از همین نظر یکی از محبوب‌ترین چهره‌های سیاسی بین حامیان پروژه‌ی گسترش دموکراسی (بخوانید گسترش بازار آزاد نوکر آمریکا) بخصوص نومحافظه‌کارانی مثل ریچارد پرل و پل ولفوویتز و جیمز ووزلی است.

مثلا نمی‌دانم یادتان هست یا نه که کنفرانسی چند ماه پیش در پراگ برگزار شد که بوش هم شخصا در آن حضور یافت و سخنرانی پایانی را کرد و رادیو اروپای آزاد (مادر «رادیو فردا») هم که رییسش، یعنی جف گیدمن، از نومحافظه‌کاران کمتر شناخته‌شده است حسابی به آن پوشش داد. در آن کنفرانس تنها سه ایرانی دعوت شده بودند: رضا پهلوی، عباس فخرآور و محسن سازگارا که این آخری بخاطر مشکلات ویزا (لابد هنوز پاسپورت آمریکایی‌‌اش حاضر نشده، مردک وطن‌فروش) نتوانست برود، ولی اسمش در میان دعوت‌شدگان بود. (فهرست کامل دعوت شدگان را ببینید.)

در این کنفرانس تجلیل اساسی از هاول و حرامژاده‌ی دیگری به نام نیتن شارانسکی که یک اولترا دست راستی اسراییلی و قهرمان نومحفاظه‌کارهاست کردند و فکر کنم اصلا مراسم با سخنرانی او هم شروع شد. کنفرانسی که تقریبا همه در آن از رفقای بین‌المللی نومحافظه‌کارها بودند:‌ از جو سعد الدین ابراهیم بگیرید تا جو لیبرمن و خوزه ماریا ازنار اسپانیایی. طبیعتا می‌توانید حدس بزنید که اسراییل هم باید یک جای ماجرا باشد که حدستان درست است و یکی از مراکز تحقیقاتی دانشگاه تل آویو یکی از برگزارکننده‌های آن بود.

حالا شرح جایزه‌هایی که این حرام‌زاده‌ی آمریکاپرست گرفته طولانی است که می‌توانید از صفحه ی مخصوصش در وب‌سایت سورس‌واچ ببینید. ولی مثلا شدیدا مورد علاقه‌ی NED است و کلی هم از آنها جایزه و به به و چه چه گرفته.

حالا می‌خواهم طبق معمول بزنم به صحرای کربلا و بگویم جایزه‌ای که شیرین عبادی تازگی در ایتالیا و از بنیادی به نام Fondazione Vittorino Colombo گرفته دو سال قبلش به همین واسلاور هاول جاکش هم داده شده بود. سال قبلش هم به نخست وزیر باز هم شدیدا آمریکاپرست کرواسی به نام Ivo Sander، در سال ۲۰۰۲ به رییس جمهور سابق شیلی یعنی Patricio Aylwin Azocar که از بزرگترین مخالفان سالواتور آلنده بوده و طبعا باز محبوب آمریکایی‌ها، در سال ۱۹۹۹ هم Jerzy Karol Buzek که قبلا نخست وزیر لهستان از حزب‌های دست راستی بوده که طیعتا بخاطر خصوصی سازی سیستم درمانی و بازنشستگی لهستان آمریکایی‌ها دوستش دارند. (فهرست کامل گیزندگان قبلی جایزه را ببینید و اگر حوصله دارید خودتان اسم‌هایشان را گوگل کنید تا اسناد ادعاهایم را درباره‌ی این جانورها ببینید.)

حالا به نظر من آدم باید خیلی ساده باشد که فکر کند جایزه‌ای که در میلان به شیرین عبادی داده‌اند هیچ ربطی به جایزه‌‌های قبلی این موسسه ندارد و شیرین خانم عبادی اصولا تافته‌ی جدابافته‌ای است.

از این تیپ حمایت‌ها خیلی در این یکی دو سال از ابلهانی مانند گنجی و عبادی شده است که یا واقعا خودشان نمی‌دانند ماجرا چیست و معادلات قدرت پشت این حمایت‌ها را نمی‌بینند، یا اینکه من و شما را خر فرض کرده‌اند و نمی‌دانند که آدم به شک می‌افتد وقتی می‌بیند از یک طرف مرتب ضد بوش و جنگ روضه می‌خوانند، و از طرف دیگر مدام توسط کثیف‌ترین شبکه‌های قدرت دست راستی در آمریکا و اروپا حلوا حلوا می‌شوند.

حالا عبادی شانس آورده که من ایتالیایی بلد نیستم و وقت هم ندارم که بروم تحقیق کنم و ببینم اعضای هیات مدیره‌ی این بنیاد ایتالیایی یا هیات داوری آن چکاره‌اند و از نظر سیاسی چه مواضعی دارند. همین‌طور الان حوصله ندارم بروم ببینم که اسپانسر دیگر جایزه که ظاهرا شهرداری شهری کوچک به نام Albiate است چکاره است و مواضع سیاسی‌اش چیست.

همین اتفاق راجع به گنجی هم درباره‌ی جایزه‌ی اخیرش از موسسه‌ای کانادایی به نام Rights & Democracy افتاده بود که معروف است به ورسیون کانادایی‌ی سازمان محبوب خودم، National Endowment for Democracy و آدم‌های شدیدا بدنامی مثل سعدالدین ابراهیم آن را می‌چرخانند که قبلا به انگلیسی راجع به آن نوشته‌ام.

می‌خواهم بگویم که اولا گول حرف‌های ضد جنگ این آدم‌ها را نخورید. چون حتی رضا پهلوی هم مجبور است با حمله‌ی نظامی به ایران مخالفت کند. اگر می‌خواهید ببینید این آدم‌ها دنبال چی هستند بهتر است بروید ببینید چه کسانی از آنها حمایت می‌کنند و امکانات در اختیارشان می‌گذارند. بی‌خود نیست می‌گویند اگر می‌خواهی ببینی طرفت کیست، ببین دوستانش چه کسانی هستند و بعد هم اینکه خرجش را چه کسی می‌دهد.


more from hoder

Who to fight

by Amother Smart Guy (not verified) on

Those who fight the IRI, read what Anonymous-today wrote and please realize that you are making things worse. IRI has ben put in place and supported by the West. IRI is the best regime for the Imperialists (not necessarily for the people of the West). The Imperialists will never try to take the IRI out. They would be stupid to do that. But they do wish to reduce its power. They only like the Islamist fundamentalist trgime as regime that is dumb and weak and causes havoc so that cheap oil can be exported out of it. Just like right now it is being exported out of Iraq. Even Israel loves the IRI. It helps Israle to get away with a lot of its murderous acts and also provides military contracts for its arms manufacturing. So look closely and realize who you are actually helping. IRI, evil and disgusting as it is, is NOT the worst of the two evils! Imperialists are still in charge - they have NEVER lost control in that area. The whole "revolution" and "hostage situation" in Iran was just smoke screen for these criminal imperialists. Islamists are as much a victim as the rest of Iran. Of course fighting them is a lot easier than fighting the actual imperialism, isn't it?


Talk to the man himself...

by Anonimousmous (not verified) on

Hossein Derakhshan
Weblog: //hoder.com
Mobile (UK): +44 79 47 44 5637


Anonymous-today: Thank you

by anonymousz (not verified) on

Anonymous-today: Thank you for the info. Greatly appreciated. I think Khomeini's main purpose was to save Islam from becoming irrelevant in the modern world. He used to say "Islam is in danger", meaning Islam is doomed if it's not forced and enforced...


Please notice the

by Shahram (not verified) on

Please notice the language!
حالا عبادی شانس آورده که من ایتالیایی بلد
نیستم......... (لابد هنوز پاسپورت آمریکایی‌‌اش حاضر نشده، مردک وطن‌فروش)..........در این کنفرانس تجلیل اساسی از هاول و حرامژاده‌ی دیگری.........حالا شرح جایزه‌هایی که این حرام‌زاده‌ی آمریکاپرست گرفته طولانی است
That's all!


Re: Khomeini as agent

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

I don't know if Khomeini was an agent or not. politics is not as simple as that. The British had cultivated a relationship with segments of the clergy during their heydays during late Ghajar but there is no evidence that the Ayatollah was on their payroll. Is it possible that someone in his circle was either directly connected to the CIA or was at least on talking basis with it? Sure. Yazdi for one was an American citizen and no doubt in close contact with State department and or the CIA. The Brits and later on the Americans flirted with some fundamentalist groups specifically during the Cold War, The Moslem Brotherhood for example. They saw them as buffer against spread of communism or pseudo-socialist movements like the Baath party in Syria and Iraq. There were competing factions vise a vise Khomeini and the Shah in the Carter administration. The Berzinki camp saw the Shah as a liability. With a pro-Soviet government in Afghanistan they were seriously scared of another one in Iran. Sticking with the Shah was not in the cards for them. Khomieni was a gamble of course but there were people around Khomeini such as Yazdi that sounded reasonable to deal with. Remember that there was a coalition around Khomeini as the time not a cohesive group that included people like Bazargan. Also remember that Khomeini didn't talk much about clerical rule those days and even the concept of Velayet Faghih, although it existed in his writings was not front and centre. The Ayatollah was a superb politician of high Machiavellian order. The little akhond from Khomein out maneuvered just about everybody although it would’ve taken only a cursory look at his record (for instance his adulation for reactionary cleric of Mashrotiat ear, Sheikh Nouri) and background to know what he was all about. But alas the opposition was infatuated with the Ayataollh. If nothing he had an iron will and a clarity of purpose that appealed to all those who had been cowered by the Shah for almost thirty years. The only group who truly understood the diabolical depth of Khomeini’s brand of Shia Islam was Mujahedeen Khalgh. Even in the Shah’s prisons their respective inmates kept their distance from each other. The MEK knew Khomeini and his ilk because they were their sons and daughters and had an intimate knowledge of them. Anyone remembers Rajavi’s famous speech just days after revolution in University of Tehran when he basically said that they would go underground? And underground they went. Of course by 1978 very few people could come out publicly against Khomeini, with the exception of Bakhtiar who was dismissed. It was simply too late. The Shah had to go, the die was cast.


anonymous-today: So,

by Anonymousz (not verified) on

anonymous-today: So, basically, Khomeini was an American/British agent to get rid of the commies in Iran and keep Iranians ignorant to the point where they think they don't deserve democracy and prosperity and social and economic justice as long as they have "religion"...hahaha what a trick...


why Shah got sacked by the

by Anonymousz (not verified) on

Darius Kadivar

To Chicken Head ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Oh Ho Ho, smart Ass. what makes you think I never lived in Iran ? You guys are so judgmental its incredible.  

I grew up in Iran before the Revolution and we left like most of you smart asses in the US or elsewhere for the same reason: We did not like the new lifestyle being imposed on us. I don't need to live in Iran today to know that it is not the country I used to know.

Now go and speak up about how a reformed Islamic Republic would be a better off regime ... BULLSHIT ! 

I don't claim it was better before, it was simply different and if I had to choose between the two era's my preference would go for the former one because I try not to be hypocritical in regard to my past. That said if I had the choice between the former era and a fully democratic one, I would not hesitate and would definitively choose a democratic one which was not the case of the Shah's era and even less the one Iranians have to cope with today.

First and foremost if I did not learn Persian as well as you its because I attended an International Community school in Shiraz and to be honest none of my classmates at the time considered learning Persian or Farsi was a priority or I am ashamed to admit it ( even if I did not share this assessment at that time nor do I today) as Cool ! compared to english or even ... French.

Why ? because everyone wanted their kids to study abroad in the US. Ultimately that is what happened for most of those kids in our school. I ended up in France and had to learn another language: French. I am quite happy with the outcome. Also I would prefer seeing this Hoder put as much enthusiasm in understanding the Western Mindset as I have in my life learning about Iran's culture and history. Instead he wants to be the Cyber Che Guevera with all the virtues of the World. How old is he anyway ? He doesn't even know or can remember what life was under the Shah.  This Hezbollahi Hoder is traveling and living to the tilt outside Iran and claims to want to defend Iran's interests. Well then why doesn't he go back. Who forced him out ? I left Iran because of his likes only a generation earlier. At the time of his glorious revolution he would have been arrested for being shaved or putting Eau de Cologne on. What a Hypocrit you guys are and so demanding as if you were flawless. I prefer a die hard IRI who believes in what he says than these cyber oppurtunists and their conspiracy theories to justify their own governments shortcomings ...  

As for my Persian My father did force us to learn Persian and I had to put up with a strict Persian ( Farsi) teacher after school in addition to the Persian classes we had once a week at school on tuesdays if I remember. A very good man and god bless hard working teacher. But like most Iranian teachers in our school they were trying to apply the same strict teaching methods they grew up with to our already Western mindset.

Having to Learn Persian for most of us half breeds was like trying to learn Chinese with such a different alphabet and reading right to Left and not the other way round like we were used to at school.

Does that make us Pariahs or should I feel ashamed to admit the difficulty ? Maybe I should hang myself for being a bad bourgeois in your view ?

Also most Iranian teachers in our school at least were often very frustrated not because of the salary cause they were paid well but because of the lack of interest or attention. They were used to physically punish their own students ( Even if the Falak was no more used as in my Father's days) if they disobeyed. They could not do that with us because we were the kids of Doctors or Engineers for the most. So the only way they could revenge was to humiliate us with remarks like "to khary" or "Bacheh Tambal" etc. Actually those who were fully Iranian were actually privaledged not us half breeds cause they had no problem with the language. It would even look hypocritical at times to see how they would flatter them to such levels that it seemed unjust. Its easy to call someone stupid because he has difficulties with the language but when you would make a remark to the Persian Teacher on the way he pronounced a word in english or even French he would ignore you or even get angry at you for trying to change the subject.

I remember my brother coming home one day after passing his finals exams which he had to take in an Iranian school ( Our school was also Iranian but set up as an International community school) and he noticed the hypocrisy of the teacher who treated him with respect but had just punished another boy who was taking exams and who was caught cheating. He started beating the boy with a ruler and calling him all sorts of things like "God Damn your father" and "Madar Gendeh" etc. My brother was so shocked and angry by what he saw that he went and caught the teachers arm firmly to hold him back and told him he had no right to do such a thing. The teacher calmed down because he was afraid that my brother would report the incident.

But to come back to my shortcomings in Persian ( although I speak it well and probably better than you think, and to my own surprise my reading has become better). Learning persian was not an easy thing for many half breeds like me simply because we were not as exposed to the language at home. I had to communicate with my parents my mother being French and my Father had spent all his university years ( 18 years) outside Iran to become a surgeon and came back to Iran to build it in his own capacity and heal his countrymen.

All that to be kicked out of Iran by assholes like Hoder who wanted to replace university teachers with toilet headed mullahs.

Well you got what you deserved after all. Don't blame us for your own failures.

As for my VIVE LE ROI take it as a provocation or my personal conviction, what do I care ? I'm not a political leader or earning half the money my friend JJ is generating with his website.

So Stop your hypocrisy guys trying to convince us all with your revolutionary rhetorics and thinking all monarchists ( constitutional in my case) are a bunch of powder faced effeminates with a wig on their heads.

Most of your parents are monarchists anyhow or too ashamed or hypocritical to admit it. If not then they should be ;0)

Javid Shah ( I did not say for which king or Queen did I ? )




Re: last post

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

During the infamous Guadalupe conference shortly before the 1979 revolution, two guarantees were asked from Khomeini through intermediaries such as Yazdi and Ghotbzadeh: unhindered flow of cheap oil and the destruction of the Left, the latter having started in 1976 when Fedaian Khalgh were more or less dismantled by the joint SAVAK and CIA operations (at the time Mujahedeen Khalgh were in the throes of a Stalinist suicide). Oil and increasingly natural gas remain, more than ever, the number one geopolitical factor in the world.


Mullahs were installed by

by Anonymousz (not verified) on

Mullahs were installed by America and France and they are not going anywhere if the West doesn't want them too. Deal with it.

Excerpts from the "A Century of War":

"In November 1978, President Carter named the Bilderberg group's George Ball, another member of the Trilateral Commission, to head a special White House Iran task force under the National Security Council's Brzezinski. Ball recommended that Washington drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the fundamentalistic Islamic opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini. Robert Bowie from the CIA was one of the lead 'case officers' in the new CIA-led coup against the man their covert actions had placed into power 25 years earlier. Their scheme was based on a detailed study of the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism, as presented by British Islamic expert, Dr. Bernard Lewis, then on assignment at Princeton University in the United States.

Lewis's scheme, which was unveiled at the May 1979 Bilderberg meeting in Austria, endorsed the radical Muslim Brotherhood movement behind Khomeini, in order to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines. Lewis argued that the West should encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds, Armenians, Lebanese Maronites, Ethiopian Copts, Azerbaijani Turks, and so forth. The chaos would spread in what he termed an 'Arc of Crisis,' which would spill over into Muslim regions of the Soviet Union.

The coup against the Shah, like that against Mossadegh in 1953, was run by British and American intelligence, with the bombastic American, Brzezinski, taking public 'credit' for getting rid of the 'corrupt' Shah, while the British characteristically remained safely in the background.

During 1978, negotiations were under way between the Shah's government and British Petroleum for renewal of the 25-year old extraction agreement. By October 1978, the talks had collapsed over a British 'offer' which demanded exclusive rights to Iran's future oil output, while refusing to guarantee purchase of the oil. With their dependence on British-controlled export apparently at an end, Iran appeared on the verge of independence in its oil sales policy for the first time since 1953, with eager prospective buyers in Germany, France, Japan and elsewhere.

In its lead editorial that September, Iran's Kayhan International stated: In retrospect, the 25-year partnership with the [British Petroleum] consortium and the 50-year relationship with British Petroleum which preceded it, have not been satisfactory ones for Iran … Looking to the future, NIOC [National Iranian Oil Company] should plan to handle all operations by itself. London was blackmailing and putting enormous economic pressure on the Shah's regime by refusing to buy Iranian oil production, taking only 3 million or so barrels daily of an agreed minimum of 5 million barrels per day.

This imposed dramatic revenue pressures on Iran, which provided the context in which religious discontent against the Shah could be fanned by trained agitators deployed by British and U.S. intelligence. In addition, strikes among oil workers at this critical juncture crippled Iranian oil production. As Iran's domestic economic troubles grew, American 'security' advisers to the Shah's Savak secret police implemented a policy of ever more brutal repression, in a manner calculated to maximize popular antipathy to the Shah.

At the same time, the Carter administration cynically began protesting abuses of 'human rights' under the Shah. British Petroleum reportedly began to organize capital flight out of Iran, through its strong influence in Iran's financial and banking community. The British Broadcasting Corporation's Persian-language broadcasts, with dozens of Persian-speaking BBC 'correspondents' sent into even the smallest village, drummed up hysteria against the Shah.

The BBC gave Ayatollah Khomeini a full propaganda platform inside Iran during this time. The British government-owned broadcasting organization refused to give the Shah's government an equal chance to reply. Repeated personal appeals from the Shah to the BBC yielded no result. Anglo-American intelligence was committed to toppling the Shah. The Shah fled in January, and by February 1979, Khomeini had been flown into Tehran to proclaim the establishment of his repressive theocratic state to replace the Shah's government. Reflecting on his downfall months later, shortly before his death, the Shah noted from exile, I did not know it then perhaps I did not want to know but it is clear to me now that the Americans wanted me out. Clearly this is what the human rights advocates in the State Department wanted What was I to make of the Administration's sudden decision to call former Under Secretary of State George Ball to the White House as an adviser on Iran? Ball was among those Americans who wanted to abandon me and ultimately my country.[1][1]

With the fall of the Shah and the coming to power of the fanatical Khomeini adherents in Iran, chaos was unleashed. By May 1979, the new Khomeini regime had singled out the country's nuclear power development plans and announced cancellation of the entire program for French and German nuclear reactor construction. Iran's oil exports to the world were suddenly cut off, some 3 million barrels per day. Curiously, Saudi Arabian production in the critical days of January 1979 was also cut by some 2 million barrels per day. To add to the pressures on world oil supply, British Petroleum declared force majeure and cancelled major contracts for oil supply. Prices on the Rotterdam spot market, heavily influenced by BP and Royal Cutch Shell as the largest oil traders, soared in early 1979 as a result.

The second oil shock of the 1970s was fully under way. Indications are that the actual planners of the Iranian Khomeini coup in London and within the senior ranks of the U.S. liberal establishment decided to keep President Carter largely ignorant of the policy and its ultimate objectives. The ensuing energy crisis in the United States was a major factor in bringing about Carter's defeat a year later. There was never a real shortage in the world supply of petroleum. Existing Saudi and Kuwaiti production capacities could at any time have met the 5-6 million barrels per day temporary shortfall, as a U.S. congressional investigation by the General Accounting Office months later confirmed. Unusually low reserve stocks of oil held by the Seven Sisters oil multinationals contributed to creating a devastating world oil price shock, with prices for crude oil soaring from a level of some $14 per barrel in 1978 towards the astronomical heights of $40 per barrel for some grades of crude on the spot market. Long gasoline lines across America contributed to a general sense of panic, and Carter energy secretary and former CIA director, James R. Schlesinger, did not help calm matters when he told Congress and the media in February 1979 that the Iranian oil shortfall was 'prospectively more serious' than the 1973 Arab oil embargo.[2][2]

The Carter administration's Trilateral Commission foreign policy further ensured that any European effort from Germany and France to develop more cooperative trade, economic and diplomatic relations with their Soviet neighbor, under the umbrella of détente and various Soviet-west European energy agreements, was also thrown into disarray. Carter's security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, implemented their 'Arc of Crisis' policy, spreading the instability of the Iranian revolution throughout the perimeter around the Soviet Union. Throughout the Islamic perimeter from Pakistan to Iran, U.S. initiatives created instability or worse." --

William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, © 1992, 2004. Pluto Press Ltd. Pages 171-174. [1][1]

In 1978, the Iranian Ettelaat published an article accusing Khomeini of being a British agent. The clerics organized violent demonstrations in response, which led to the flight of the Shah months later. See U.S. Library of Congress Country Studies, Iran. The Coming of the Revolution. December 1987. The role of BBC Persian broadcasts in the ousting of the Shah is detailed in Hossein Shahidi. 'BBC Persian Service 60 years on.' The Iranian. September 24, 2001.

The BBC was so much identified with Khomeini that it won the name 'Ayatollah BBC.' [2][2] Comptroller General of the United States. 'Iranian Oil Cutoff: Reduced Petroleum Supplies and Inadequate U.S. Government Response.' Report to Congress by General Accounting Office. 1979...



re: Kadivar

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

Why is a half breed who has never lived in Iran, hasn't bothered learning to read his father's tongue, feels so complelled to keep plugging this monarchist crap? Now, if you lived in Iran, part of your life, or say you grew up there, then fine, you're a monarchist, advocate it, the way some French relics still wax poetic about the sweet days before French revoution but what's this vive le Roi bullshit from this guy? How is a return to monarchy going to affect his life, except employment as a PR agent? Perhaps that's what it is; he is auditioning like many people on the Right in case the wind of fortune starts blowing his way again.

Darius Kadivar

Hey Hoder: Shirine Ebadi Against War and Repression

by Darius Kadivar on

Darius Kadivar

OK if you Double the $75M ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Sure whenever you want but make sure you double that figure. I am expensive ...

Hezbollahi badbakht !




Dadi Kadivar, there is a check for you from $75M Club ...

by 75 Million Dollar Club (not verified) on

There is a check for $13.23 (US) at the headquarters of "$75M Club" for Dadi Kadivar for his response to Hoder. Please come pick it up with a proper ID.

$75M Club Management

Darius Kadivar

Hey Hoder: Listen to this Plea ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Just two small comments since I don't know you nor really wish to bash you for your ideas or political stand whatever they are . I feel sorry that you are facing legal problems in regard to your publications but I am not sure you are doing yourself any good as a journalist either. Anyways here are two comments in regard to your postings:

1) Why do you publish on such an important  issue in Persian and not the same in English for Bee Savad's like me so then I could at least give my opinion if I feel concerned.

2) Here is what I think will be the general response to the IRI and its so called reformes, regardless of where they are triggered from and I should add that will also be my response. I suggest you should join in:


Oh and before I forget : VIVE LE ROI ;0)



A Compatriot



Wonderful article

by Bahman Modarres (not verified) on

Thanks Hoder. Lets hope people (specially youngs ones) in Iran also have access to the facts of our lives which you have reflected and reported in your wonderful writings.

B. M


to yazid

by saman (not verified) on

اولا پفیوز خودتی و جد و آبادت دوما کسی که مثل تو و این حسین درخشان بی خانواده باشه از گفتن مزخرف ابایی نداره. باید کمبود سواد و شعور اجتماعی را با ناسزا جبران کنید. مطمئن باش کسی که در این وضعیت با ناسزا وارد میدان شود در صورت به دست گرفتن قدرت با شمشیر همه را سر خواهد برید. لیاقت چنین جماعتی بهتر از احمدی نژاد نیست


One reason this moron gets a

by goozeh boodar (not verified) on

One reason this moron gets a platform is b/c all of you rush to read whatever he's written and then comment on it. To those who think this pretentious little git with the fake British accent (how come someone who lived in Canada has a British accent? - Yeah I know he's studying in the UK now but he's had the fake accent for yrsd) and unknown financial support makes sense: Good for you build a shrine & wordhip him. To the rest of you: stop reading him. And since I know some of you are so smart: I actually didn't read the little insect's diatribe. I scrolled down just to write this comment (and saw the number of comments).


قابل توجه سینه چاکان حاج خانم شیرین عبادی و حاج اکبر آقا گنجی ای

Mehregan (not verified)

فقط در یک کلام,ننگ,شرم بر حامیان لمپنهایی چون,شیرین عبادی,اکبر گنجی,سازگارا,فخر آور,طبر زدی و حامیان کثیف تر از خودشان زیرا این جماعت ته مغز بی هویت جز بقای رژیم تروریست اسلامی و ادامه کشتار و جنایات اربابانشان چیزی برای گفتن ندارند,به امید ایرانی آزاد و آباد و بدون اسلام و اسلامیون متوحش تهی مغز .
در ضمن اگر کسانی هنوز در حماقت بسر میبرند که امسال گنجی ها زندانی سیاسی اند لطفا توضیح دهند چگونه اکثر سیاسیون واقعی یا در زیر شکنجه کشته میشوند و یا در زندانهای رژیم حتی از اولین حقوق انسانی محروم ؟ ولی گنجی ها با تلفن همراه و همه امکانات با بک نمایش تهوع آور با پاسپورت رژیم آزادانه از کشور خارج میشوند ؟


Hoder! What is the point of

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Hoder! What is the point of bashing others and name calling people like Ebadi or Ganji and others? What exactly makes you an expert or a qualified Commentator? Please tell us, I am ignorant, I want to know! Educate me! But, before you do, you have to ask yourself one or two simple questions! Can you wear Mr. Akbar Ganjis shoes for one week? I am sure you would piss in your pants if you slept one night in Evin! Iranians are superstitious by nature, so do not add to our miseries!


Mullah Hoder is a better name

by Anonymus (not verified) on

Because our Village Idiot is Faribors Maleknasri!


Hoder the Village Idiot :-)

by Parviz/ (not verified) on

What a great name. Yup! He is our Village Idiot alright.


To Ayatollah Faribors Maleknasri: Your'e Idiot #2

by Anon (not verified) on

No intelligent person reads your rants. Only Islamo-fascists like you support Hoder the Village Idiot!

Azarin Sadegh

My hat off to Ebadi and Ganji for their courage

by Azarin Sadegh on

I hate politics! And I usually avoid articles on Iranion.com about politics. But sometimes, it is just too hard to read these baseless insults directed at decent people like shirin Ebadi and Akbar Ganji and just remain silent.

I don't know much about Hoder and what he has actually done in the past for Iran, besides writing blogs and articles to discredit the hard work (and to insult) the good people who have done real thing for the human rights in Iran and for their beliefs. These people were not part of the silent majority as we are all here in Diaspora.

As I see, this article is no different from other Hoder's articles. I don't see any real argument and proof against Ebadi and Ganji. I really think that we should still believe in the work of international humanitarian organizations and value the recognition made by these organizations for these Iranians who have made us proud to be Iranian.

My hat off to these people who have been brave enough to speak up for what they truly believed in and almost died (in Ganji's case) to express what they wanted to say while still living in Iran.

Without the hard work and the courage of these people, there is no way we could hope for a better Iran in the future.

And dear JJ, I know Nothing is sacred, but insulting others shouldn't be included in any article.

Since we can't do anything about the comments, at least we should preserve the quality of articles, otherwise I wonder why anyone decent should even want to write for this forum, if anyone can post anything here?




REPLY : شیرین عبادی در سرزمین عجایب

Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified)

از من می‌شنوید هرجا که دیدید دارند تجلیلی از واسلاو هاول، رییس جمهوری سابق چکسلواکی، می‌کنند حواستان را جمع کنید. چون او چند سال است که تبدیل به نماد موفقیت پروژه‌ی کودتای آرام شده
I remember, the first time this man appeared on the political scene shortly after decline and decay and disappearing of USSR, he wanted to critisize the american imperialism. But he got ther "approptiate" teaching. Since then he acts as the one which is described above. Not since only a few years. For me had been better if I could read some reasons some explanations some description to better understand what the man is und what he does. Only naming him as he is named is not enough. So I think.

مثلا نمی‌دانم یادتان هست یا نه
که کنفرانسی چند ماه پیش در پراگ برگزار شد که بوش هم yes I do remember, so what?شخصا در آن حضور یافت و سخنرانی پایانی را کرد و رادیو اروپای آزاد (مادر «رادیو فردا») هم که رییسش، یعنی جف گیدمن، از نومحافظه‌کاران کمتر شناخته‌شده است حسابی به آن پوشش دادIt is known that these Radio Stations are installed and sponsored by CIA. They have mainly to fight the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN. At the times as Iran was governed by devils and satans there were also Radios in abroad against that regim but they did as little to throw out it from Iran as these Radio are capable to do against the Islamic Iran.

Not interesstingفهرست کامل دعوت شدگان )

هاول و حرامژاده‌ی دیگریIf Havel and others are illegaly borned - so I think - play zero role and this fact does not need to be mentioned, besides it can not be proved.
فکر کنم اصلا مراسم با سخنرانی او هم شروع شد. کنفرانسی که تقریبا همه در آن از رفقای بین‌المللی I think either one knowes and can prove a fact, well then I can mention and bring the prove. Otherwise alone "thinking", well it is not enough, next time I will just leave it aside. طبیعتا می‌توانید حدس بزنید که اسراییل هم باید یک جای ماجرا باشد
Of course I can presume. Every body sends first his Dog before he himself gets active.آمریکاپرست
I am sorry but I for every body has the right to worship whom She/He will. Alone this fact again is not enough. But it is important to know WHAT She/He has done? ‌ی NED = What is this?
و = اسلاور هاول جاکش Shame shame shame shame on ....
حالا می‌خواهم طبق معمول بزنم به صحرای کربلا و بگویم جایزه‌ای که شیرین عبادی See that is the difference. The last "PERSER KAISER" got rarely a reward, as little as his iranian ollaboratores. Miss/Mrs Ebadi and others get. I mean all this is the sign of the BLESSING of the Revolution.
ر حوصله دارید خودتان اسم‌هایشان را گوگل کنید تا اسناد ادعاهایم را درباره‌ی این جانورها ببینید.)
Instead GOOGLE I prefere to look up by GOGOL, I think I will have more. No Interesst for those Bastards
اصولا تافته‌ی جدابافته‌ای است.A wounderfull Farsi

About GANJI I know as much as nothing. But Ebadi? She is by no means ABLAH. She is living in Iran, knowes best about the rules and Laws earns well. So I think how can be she ABLAH? ابلهانی مانند گنجی و عبادی
شده است که یا واقعا خودشان نمی‌دانند ماجرا چیست و Of course they know better than any other Person who pays and who is searching for whom. Some persons wanted to play the same role for the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC. They were disappointed. That Republic accepts only the ones who mean it honestly, without waiting for sallary, even more that Republic wanted to get paid. With Blood and Life. Otherwise the Iranian Nation - for me count to that nation only the ones who have founded the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN, are living there and are willing to protect what they have achieved in the last 30 years - would have at once another "LAST PERSER KAISER".

معادلات قدرت پشت این حمایت‌ها را ی‌بینند، یا اینکه من و شما را خر فرض کرده‌اند ضد بوش و جنگ روضه می‌خوانند، و از طرف دیگر مدام توسط کثیف‌ترین شبکه‌های قدرت دست راستی در آمریکا و اروپا حلوا حلوا می‌شوند.
See, those individuals as thier chiefs and sponsors take the Iranian as dumbs. If you call a human being so, so She/He gets so. Emam KHOMAINI (r) has said: GO on the street and cry dead to America, and you will see the Imperialism dies!

چون حتی رضا پهلوی هم مجبور است با حمله‌ی نظامی به ایران مخالفت کند.
اگر می‌خواهید ببینید این آدم‌ها دنبال چی هستند بهتر استAnd ARDESHIR SAHEDI just must say: NUC-ENERGY is the obvious Right of Iranians!

Thanks Hossain Agha.
You did it again. We iranians are proud of you. Keep it up. Most iranians in iran and outside knwo the true dynamics behind promoting this bunch of traitors in the name of "prize this" and "prize that". It is wonderful that the pieces are put together as you did and presented the whole.

Don't be discouraged from comments from Israeli agents and anti-iranian parasites.

I wanted just to say the same.

by Ben Madadi on Tue Jan 22, 2008 07:29 AM PST

Defaming and insulting and naming individuals in an article is unfortunate to be published here.

hoder good on you, you talk
by babak123 (not verified) on Tue Jan 22, 2008 06:36 AM PST

good on you, you talk the same way that iranian hater talks, and that is the only way they understand. they are just bunch of harumzadeh which do not need respect or sympaty.

Get lost!
by adriana (not verified) on Tue Jan 22, 2008 04:53 AM PST

تو كه مدتها در اسرائیل بودی وبا آنها لاس میزدی . چی شد؟ جمهوری اسلامی بیشتر داد و خودت را به آنها فروختی؟ یا اینكه از اول نوكر احمدی نژاد بودی و رل بازی میكردی. هر كه هستی و یا نیستی بی نهایت وقیح ، بی چشم و رو، بی ادب و نفهم هستی. برو كنار بذار باد بیاد

Please continue, in the name of God mercyfull and clement.

by ur buddy (not verified) on Tue Jan 22, 2008 04:38 AM PST

i agree with u about the whole respect thing on one condition, if someone (anyone) can prove to me that this guy here actually thinks this stuff.
i believe from the bottom of my heart (the same way i believe imam hussein was a homo) that this guy just says these things to get attention.
it is impossible for a human to actually think these things and still live in the west.
* How about, when the practical Conditions of Life force one to stay in West?

the ommate mosalmane homo dar iran.
* The fact is: IN Islam does not belong the sexuality in the public. Every body can manage his private life just as She/He wants, but privately.

I am sorry
by maral (not verified) on Tue Jan 22, 2008 04:37 AM PST

من از خواندن این مقاله بی نهایت متأسف شدم. اسم هر كسی را كه برده بودید یك یا چند پسوند فحش و القاب ركیك هم حواله كرده بودید. آیا تا به حال توانسته اید دو كلمه مقاله بدون فحش و الفاظ ركیك و چاله میدانی بنویسید؟ از این سایت هم نا امید شدم كه اجازه چنین بی تربیتی AS AKHUNDS WERE NAMED WITH EVEN WORTH EARTHY WORDS; WELL DID YOU EVER PROTESTED? PLEASE?
ها را میدهد. آزادی بیان با آزادی توهین و بی احترامی زمین تا آسمان فرق دارد
I back your Sayings

Hey guys
by Allameh dahr (not verified) on Tue Jan 22, 2008 03:13 AM PST

I was wondering if it is possible to respect other people's opinions, I think not offending each other would be a start, what do you guys think?
* I think the same. But please look in the "IRANIAN" foreward and backword. All over are the religious Persdonalities named with very GHABIH words. has any body protested? A am afraid not!

Or maybe you all think this is like a playground or something, maybe having fun with the politics.
* Does any body think the "IRANIAN" is no Playground? Look it up, please foreward and backward and you will see the most broad Playground.

Its interesting that everyone thinks they are right and defend their opinion by offending others,
* It is so and it is not interesting. But how and where is the CURE?

I think a mature discussion is more efficient and doesnt lead to hatred.
* I think so as well.

به هدر پوفيوز حرام لقمه
مولانا (not verified)
Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:31 AM PST

اي عجب كي خر ز تو باور كند
خويشتن بهر تو كور و كر كند

خويش را از رهروان كمتر شمر
تو رفيق رهزناني گه مخور

To Saman
by یزید (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:03 PM PST

گفتمان لاتی رو تحمل نداری مقاله رو نخون کامنت هم نده. مگه ارث باباتو دست کسی دادی که طلبکاری پفیوز؟

The main point is right. The cover and clothing the subject is unacceptable.

Got balls?
by gol-dust on Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:48 PM PST

You guys who are attaking hoder are all "not verified!" you got no balls, but you got balls only for attacking him personally!
* One must also say that the article itself is personally. For example if the VASLAV & Co. are borned illegaly or not, I think iot is thier personal affair!
without trying to analyze the subject matter
* I must say the artcle is written for the ones who know allready. Not for the ones who want to learn some new Points of View. So it is difficult to analyze ther subject and the rest is getting personal. In "IRANIAN" one gets in general personal analyzes. The Persons are discussed widely and the subjects come too short, so I think.

As for JJ publishing this, you guys want to silence him and you talk about democracy in iran? how pathetic! in democracy, one listens, even he disagrees! well, may be you are all republicans!

وطن دوست (not verified)
Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:23 PM PST

من با این اقا موافقم. زمانی من با گنجی و سازگارا خیلی حال میکردم ولی حالاشدن بازیچه دست اجنبی.وضعوریه که به هیچکس خارخ از ایران نمیشه اطمینان کرد. همشونAnd He who is play tool in the hands of strangers is lost. See the last Perser Kaiser.
regarding Mr. Javid: I think He must organize his SITE as if it were a fully democratic site. If articles like the one is discussed hier would not be published so will the number of visitors go quickly, very quickly and for Mr. javid too quickly against Zero. And how should he live? So I come to the result: It is not in the name of Democracy that in "IRANIAN" nothing is sacred. So would MARX argument if any body would exist which believed in his words. Protelaria in the World, please appologize me. These were his last words after decay of USSR.

فقط باید روی اونهایی که توی ایران هستند حساب باز کرد.DO YOU MEAN EBADI and LIKEWISE?
اخوندا هم خیلی زرنگتر از اونی که مردم اینور دنیافکر
That is right. The problem is: They count just 7ty Millions. !978 they counted only 30 Millions. It gets more and more difficult with that Nation.

NO COMMENTخیلی لاتی
saman (not verified)
Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:17 PM PST

What a pathetic bunch
by AAA (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 09:45 PM PST

Whole lot of comments, with the exception of one, all are personal attacks and don't even try to critique the article. What a sad bunch you people are and what a sad site this has become.
* The more this site gets sad the longer will be its Lifetime be.
Is this what Iranian-American civilized discourse supposed to be like?
* I do not see how one can talk about american Civilization? The ones who massakred the natives and every new comer was first thier slaves, how can they be ever civilized? Iranian Civilization is over 7 Thausand years old. So long needs a real civilization to grow. I am sorry but nobody is ever gone to America to get civilized. The Iranians spread thier Civilization all over the world, when the emmigrate.
Can they be classified as VATANFOROOSH?
* I think it is most irrational to try to classify other Persons politically or else. Better the Subjects get discussed as persons.

The louder the shriek
by Anonymous100 (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 08:40 PM PST

The louder the shriek, the harder the blow must have been. Why so much hysterical shrieks if the piece is nonsense?
YES, JUST WHY? May be the common Visitor of "IRANIAN", just as me, can only go around with noncenses? I mean can it be so? the reason?
And the following:
To Yek Irani: Dabashi is a paranoid extremist like Hoder
Is a psychiatric experts opinion. However only facts and statements without any proof. Because of Luck of available evidence. Just calling vaslav an illegally borned is, as far as is known is not enough to call somebody a paranoid. But so is "IRANIAN". Just a Playground.p
by A.onymous (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 08:10 PM PST

For Dabashi, everyone, from Azar Nafisi to Akbar Ganji, has a "colonized minset!" Dabashi sees himself as the only person who hasn't sold out to the West. I wonder why he doesn't go back to Iran.
Any ideas out there?
* Going to Iran is not the most easiest Job. they do not accept the WESTERNIZED. the best friends the most near relatives nobody will accept you. so one is more isolated than in the diaspora. To be FOR the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC theoretically is not enogh for them. I think we must also take into account that the ones who give for being against the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC do it only theoretically. And if they give the most great Number of the IRANIANs earthy name, so none of Visitors of "IRANIAN" have ever blame them.

Hoder jan
by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 07:51 PM PST

هودر جان کجا بودی بابا یه مدت ازت خبری نبود؟ رفته بودی ایران؟ خوب بود؟
ناکس رفتی حقوقت رو بگیری بعدش بر گردی خارج واسه یه روند دیگه؟
هودر... ای بلا! ای شیطون! ا
* Be sure, the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC does not pay even a penny. Also not on persons like you are talking about. That republic wants actions, without waiting for mony. be sure.the cause of liberty in his homeland.

I lost ineterest in reading
by deev on Mon Jan 21, 2008 07:36 PM PST
* So you kniow what to do with likewise articles in the future. Just do not ignore. Greeting

حسین آقا، بگو خرج شما را چه کسی می‌دهد؟
Not a bacheh Bazari (not verified)
Mon Jan 21, 2008 06:39 PM PST
* Please do not get personal. But I must confess the article has also some personal passages. Greeting

Question to Mr. Jahanshah Javid
by farrad02 on Mon Jan 21, 2008 06:26 PM PST

Jahanshah jan,

How can this same text be a "Blog" post on Hoder's own site and an "article" on your site?
* I am answering not for Mr. javid: Please take into account that Mr. javid just has to title his site
as he has titled it. Otherwise the visitors Number will go against Zero in a - for him - too quickly speed. and then? Greeting


What are we missing? I'm just curious what is at work here?
* I think fun and play. Greeting

* reply

you're the saddest,
by Hoder is abominable (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 05:47 PM PST

you're the saddest, piss-poor excuse for a man I've ever seen,
* And you? how have you found his chromosome-deficiencyt? very strange I should say. Greeting

Nonesense from Hoder, again...how consistent he is!
by Anon (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 05:22 PM PST


So what deal has the IRI made with you
* I am sure the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN makes no deals. Not even with bushy bushy and also not with condolnze. And if a nation, like the heroious Iranian Nation give Blood and Life to be as it is and to live as it lives, so it does not need any Propagandists, no publishers but only poeple who are also ready to go to the first front line. And those practisings like kill the relatives an so, these are all just spekulations

to publish this, worked out a deal, RI propaganda
All these can not be so. Greeting

You have no credibility.
* I think he has. Since he has the mude to write things where he has known that he will earns comments like yours.
Give it up please.
* I whish you continue.
You are not worthy to write about a brave human rights fighter such as Ebadi.
* I respect Miss/Mrs Ebadi too. On behalve of her struggle to win her own rights. apparently she will not earn more than that. Because i think if it were so she were hanged long ago. She knowes the rules and the laws of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN and she has not done anything against the laws till now.

IRI agent?? Do you mean it seriously? Please remember: If the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN wanted any dependance on Poeple like the ones who are discussed hier, so had the Iranian Nation again its second last PERSER KAISER since long.

Please give up your role as IRI's anus
* I think for an Iranian should be a HONOR to be accepted as anus of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN and the most most shame to be an anus creepper by the strangers.
Thank you and Greeting

by KJ (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 05:15 PM PST

I'm very disapointed with your attitude through your entire post...not very impressed with the content either.

You got some thinking to do...but next time do it before you start writting.

* yes please try what KJ had just said. They all mean it good to you. Please continue. Greeting

To Hajiagha
by AkbarMasoumi (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 05:14 PM PST

I've see you begging beside the downtown Chapters in Victoria, I have an extra $20.00 bill.
* I dont know any haji agha, but i think what shall He do else when he does not get a Job? And be sure God will give you back your charity in the other world. Greeting

by Anonymous2008 (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 05:00 PM PST

Hoder; (what a stpid name) just go back to the hole you came out from and stay there. You are, by far, the sickest poster on this site
* What the man is supposed to up to you is just impossible. please suggest something more practicable. Greeting

Your Islamic Republic of Iran is a "Wonderland" indeed
by Anonymous2 (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 04:45 PM PST

Who are YOUR friends and who pays YOU, Bache Bazaari-ye kesaafat! You little Islamo-fascist should be banned from this website!
* Has any one blamed this kind of comment? Is to call somebody bache Basaari not against all those worksam poeple in the Basaars? beneathing thier dignity and the dignity of the reciever of the comment? Greeting

madar be khata, khafe khun
by Kose_nane_hoder (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 04:39 PM PST

madar be khata, khafe khun begir dige, doranet gozasht
* Realy, no Comment. No greeting, nothing.

It's so pathetic
by MM (not verified) on Mon Jan 21, 2008 04:35 PM PST

اگر می‌خواهی ببینی طرفت کیست، ببین دوستانش چه کسانی هستند و بعد هم اینکه خرجش را چه کسی می‌دهد.

?And can you tell us
* Please who are US? How much are you? Greeting

and my Greeting to all blogger of the beloved "IRANIAN"


I like to know

by MRX on

what this guy hoder, inhales or drinks, I want the same thing! this guy is so off so many times that he has become a big joke.


Re: Grow up, everyone

by Abbas Milnapour (not verified) on

It is interesting how the so called mantle holders of "freedom of speech" on this forum are terrorised to find an article which reveals the true nature and purpose of "prize donations" to iranian traitors disguised in different clothes. This wonderful article by Hossain explains and reveals the ture faces of enemies of humanity from Zionists to their collaborators inside and outside of our motherland, Iran. Some may even ask for "execution" of Hoder for what he wrote.
Well, eat your hearts out "zionist=anti-human" supporters, world is changing for the better. Thanks to the Internet!!! We all know what is going on!

A. B.



by hassas (not verified) on

Hossein Khan Dar javab-e- SHOMA: Kesani keh dar khat
Ganji nistant va ya hagh anhara payemal meekonanad,
K..too k...Kha...YAK YAkyakeshoon,Yakyakeshoon.


Grow up, everyone

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

By Iranian.com's own unwritten standards Hoder's article should be removed from the site due its use of obscene words. You can make your point (which is not a bad point although its automatic association of anyone with anything based on their simple coexistence in a venue is a little too simplistic) without calling people pimps and bastards. This is the long revered hyper language of political propaganda in Iran not dialogue. And that goes for all those people whose only response to Hoder seems to be more obscenity. You all need to grow up or shut up. There is enough pollution on the 'net.


Anyone who supports the

by q2 (not verified) on

Anyone who supports the terrorist sponsering apartheid theocracy in Iran is a traitor to Iran and will stand trial if there is any justice in the world.