Way to Beg, lady

These days, I feel more sympathy for beggars


Way to Beg, lady
by Anahid Hojjati

There is this lady who begs almost everyday near my workplace. I first noticed her more than couple years ago. What made her stand out from all the other beggars is how she went about asking for money. She said something to the effect that whether people wanted to help her with her goal of making some amount of dollars. I forgot the number of dollars she mentioned but what was interesting to me was how she talked about her goal and somehow made her begging a little bit higher class than all the others. She had a goal and was working towards it and here was passersby’ chance to help her achieve her goal.

After that, I saw her many days. She does not stay in one spot but moves in a radius of few blocks around my workplace. Which means that employees of few big corporations pass her on their way to lunch and back and forth from BART metro station. Through these few years, the number of times that I have given her money is less than 10.

My other encounter with her that I remember was few weeks ago. She told me that she is begging in order to make enough money (about $60) so she and her twin sons can rent a room in the motel at night. On the same day that she talked about the motel, I heard another lady on BART begging and saying that she too was begging to make money for a stay in motel. This lady had her teenage daughter with her.

Today I saw the “lady beggar with a goal” on my way to lunch from work. She was asking me for $2 so she could have lunch. I asked her what about the motel money and she mentioned that she needs $16 more in order to have enough money for tonight’s stay in the motel. I was thinking of giving her a dollar but she really wanted two. My problem was that in my coat pocket, I had only a dollar bill and a five dollar bill.

She saw my hesitation to give her the fiver and she said that if I gave her the five, she will use 2 dollars for lunch and the rest will help her with what she needs for a stay at the motel. What the heck, I gave her the fiver. She was happy. I think she even called me Babe. I don’t know if this lady is honest about needing money but she might be. Every time I see her, she is sober, determined and really seems to be working on her goal.

These days, I feel more sympathy for beggars. It might be because I see so many corporations begging for taxpayer money while they give outrageous bonuses to their managers. Any way, this is just an encounter I had today and also a writeup to acknowledge this lady who is so goal oriented in her begging -- or at least she uses this goal thing as a hook to make more money.


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Your probably right, I have

by OmidKarimi on

Your probably right, I have never been to the US. But what they constantly beat my head with is the fact that its the richest country in the world and so on. You have a good point, there is better health and social services here in Europe, in Scandinavia, health service is completly free.


For movies/clips about Iran, check out: www.IranBebin.com


Anahid Hojjati

Regarding homeless issue, Europe is different than United States

by Anahid Hojjati on

Omid, I noticed that your biographical information notes that you are in Europe.  I have not lived in Europe but I know that in Europe, there are more social services provided for everyone.  You may have a more valid point in Europe that those who are homeless, may have drugs, criminal past, etc. in their background.  However, in United States, I think higher percentage of homeless are from population that may not have drugs, criminal past, etc. in their background. 


"She had a goal and was

by OmidKarimi on

"She had a goal and was working towards it and here was passersby’ chance to help her achieve her goal"

The goal of buying more alcohol or drugs. Homeless people in industrial countries are often homeless because of a reason, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, criminal history and so on.

But heck, maybe she really has a goal.


For movies/clips about Iranian society, check out my website: www.IranBebin.com


Anahid Hojjati

To Erooni, too much generalization

by Anahid Hojjati on

It is good to have empathy for those less fortunate.  What you say about homeless in USA being drug addicts or alcoholics is stereotyping and too much generalization.  I don't believe in it.  Sure many of homeless have drug or alcohol problems but not all.  The video makes me upset because this Babak guy is trying to hunt down the Iranian homeless.  He is borderline acting like a jerk. 


I only give money to beggars with missing limbs!

by Erooni (not verified) on

The homeless in USA are either drugs addicts or alcoholics so if someone is giving them money he or she is supporting their habits.I do not like to help those people but when I see a beggars on a wheel chair or with a missing limbs I help them.
Our own Iranian homeless Video:


you did good

by MRX1 on

you did a good deed. I must say I have never seen any place with more  beggers than San Fransico and Montreal