Innocence Lost

Seven-year-old's eloquent anger at Islamic Republic

Innocence Lost
by unity4iran

مهسا حیدرپور در هفت سالگی اش دردهای بچه های امروز ایران را برای دنیا با زبان شیرینش تعریف می کند. مهسا دختر کوچولوی مهلقا فخر آور و مهرداد حیدرپور و خواهرزاده امیر عباس فخر آور است. دایی کوچکش محمد رضا (آرش)، خاله هایش ستاره ، سایه و فرخ لقا فخر آور، مادربزرگش پروانه پیر دهقان، عموهایش و بسیاری از اعضای خانواده شان این روزها در راهروهای دادگاه انقلاب اسیر پرونده های سیاسی شان شده اند. مهسا از آرزوهایش، از خانواده، جنبش سبز و از مدرسه اش می گوید. به نظر میرسد دستگاههای شست و شوی مغزی خامنه ای و ملاهای حاکم بر ایران در مدارس از کار افتاده است و نتیجه معکوس می دهد. کاش خامنه ای و دیگر ملایان این ویدیو را می دیدند.





She is an she is, in a totally different, unrelated piece!!



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

What we all need to ask

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

What we all need to ask ourselves is that if we were jailed/brutalized, etc, do we want our 7 or 10 year old kid on internet such as this innocent kid?

Yes I would very much like my child to get on the internet. I would want them to talk about their feelings and anger at having their father jailed. By not talking about it we are both harming  the child and"enabling" IRI. 

The Islamist regime is like an abusive parent. You may either pretend all it well or go public. I rather go public. I want the world to know. There is no reason for us to cover for Islamist regime.

It is best to let the world know what is going on. The immediate benefits are:

  • By pouring it out the child gets to release her anger. Better release than to hold it in. Remember "sange-saboor"
  • The worlds knows Iranians are truly prisoners of this vampirice regime.



by Truthseeker9 on

I am not against the message in her video. You are mixing up Political views with child exploitation. Brainwashing and treating children like adults  is the ultimate form of child abuse, across the board in all societies .


The loss of innocence in a fascist dictatorship..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Crosses the age, sex and social class boundaries.

It is easy for us to sit here in the liberal west and condemn this kid or her parents. But it would be more difficult to appreciate the bitter fact. The anger and nightmare of a little girl having her close relatives, the ones she only knew as loving, caring individuals dragged to Evin or worse, for whatever reason. We should  only Judge this little girl and her parents from that realistic perspective. Otherwise we are only superimposing our artificial liberal values on a society and realities which bitterly and rudely defy every "civilised value" we believe in.

I back this little girl and what she says. My heart goes out for her and I have nothing but contempt for the system which has obviously robbed her of her childhood.  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Truthseeker9 on



اینکه حرف نشد ....


پس شما موافقید که یک پسر بچه ۱۰ ساله فلسطینی، که با چشم خودش
مرگ پدر و مادر و خواهرش رو دیده که زیر بمباران اسرایلی‌ها تیکه  و پاره
شدند، باید نارنجک به کمرش ببنده و بره به جنگ سربازان اسرائیلی؟

چرا باید نفرت رو با نفرت جواب داد؟

پس تکلیف بشریت چی‌ میشه؟


Hoshang, "das uberman" is only doing his job here

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 Just like abji al_farsi! Let him be, he has a family to feed, so he says!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Hoshang Targol

ابر مرد جان، شما دیگه هی همش نزن

Hoshang Targol

من واقعا نمیدونم  بعضی شما دوستان کجا زندگی کرده اید. اما در ایران، در
طی ۳۱ سال اخیر، در خانوادهای ایرانی، دور نگه داشتن کودکان از واقعیت
روزمره جامعه به این سادگیها که فکر میکنین نیست . از سین-جین  بچه ها در
مدرسه، تا خبر چینی و اشاعه جاسوسی روی خانواده (توسط اطفال دانش آموز ) و

حکومت مذهبی و  آسیب شناسی های اجتمائی" نوینی"  که درعرض سه دهه به جامعه
ما تزریق شده ، مثنوی هفتاد من کاغذه. حالا واسه ما از فیلم های
هالیوودمثال بیار!


Please let the children be children

by jasonrobardas on

  A whole lot of what she is parroting is true  . But why should a seven year old baby  be engaged in what is   inapppropriate for her age ? . One smells manipulation . It does not matter what she is parroting .The  child has not reached the intellectuel maturity to be engaged in such .

 Thomas jefforson was against bible classes for children . He believed exposing children to bible at an early age , when they have not reached full mental development would be detrimental to their  growth.

    It is a sin(Ethicaly wrong) when grown ups inject their political or religious views into the childrens' minds for self promotion or any other reason ( no matter what the contents) ....This is more like  the little kids in religious families who learn to preach about the incidents of (Sahra ye karbala) , or kids who memorize koran verses .

Children lack ( Crirical thinking ) at this early age and any form of political or religous schooling can easily take the form of manipulation .

Please let the children be children . I sense  the smell of manipulation  and self promotion for Fakhravar .


Best practice

by Abarmard on

During the movie life is beautiful, the father was protecting his child from Nazi German soldiers. This is nothing comparing to that. That's parenting.

I will not talk in front of my child(ren), or involve her regarding adult issues. If you do then it's your business. Parenting requires skills and biting your tongue for the sake of family and children when necessary. The negative consequences of this for the future of child is not worth this involvement, and most mothers and fathers would understand what I am talking about. It's number one rule of parenting to be protective of your children.

Since I wouldn't practice the same technique as this person with her child, I certainly won't agree that this is the right thing to do.




by Simorgh5555 on

you are reminding me of the basiji families sending their children off to war.....

Er, no. Basiji kids celebrate death, wailing, mourning, marrtyrdom, dying for Palestine, images of blood, beating yourself up durrring Ashura. 

Mahsa's parents do nothing of that.

May I ask you a question? When was the last time you condemned a Palestinian woman who praised her son for strapping explosives around his waist and blowing himself up in a Pizza parlour in Israel? 

Of course, you haven't, because you "understand" Palestinians. What Iranians like you wouldn't do for Palestine. I wish you could spare the same love for Iran. 

Anonymous Observer

Mehrdad - That's a good point

by Anonymous Observer on

What we all need to ask ourselves is that if we were jailed/brutalized, etc, do we want our 7 or 10 year old kid on internet such as this innocent kid?

I probably wouldn't.  But people are different.  The bottom line is that I don't think that this video does any further damage to a child who has been through what she has been with her parents imprisonment.  On the contrary, this could be a bit cathartic.   

Anonymous Observer

Funny Niloufar :-)

by Anonymous Observer on

surrounded by very angry adults with a cause..

Yes. their "cause" is to not become IR's political prisoners!!! 

Keep on blaming the victims.... 

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

you are reminding me of the basiji families sending their children off to war...

am not denying your grief. it's the way you are handling it that is similar.

this kid is obviously surrounded by very angry adults with a cause. in her determination, she is quite similar to the basiji kids.

both are unfortunate and exploited.


AO: "Agreed, so long as, of course, a dictatorship doesn't jail

by Bavafa on

It seems you are comparing a responsible and caring parent with the act of IRI. This is to compare a human being with an animal, simply not in the same league.

I don't believe any one here is defending the brutal tactic employed by IRI by jailing innocent Iranians merely for speaking their mind. But just because they are being a fascist, does not justify a bad/inappropriate behavior on the parent part.

What we all need to ask ourselves is that if we were jailed/brutalized, etc, do we want our 7 or 10 year old kid on internet such as this innocent kid?



I very much hope this

by Simorgh5555 on

I very much hope this regime will collapse in my lifetime and I will see the Mullahs put on trial and executed. Even if we reside for a 1000 years in exile we must teach out children to remember Iran and to fight for its freedom.

I praise the parents of this young child for teaching love to their children. To hate this regime is a demonstration of our love for Iran. 

All those people who criticize this wonderful mother should first condemn the irresponsible and evil patriarchs of terror in Palestine and across the Arab world who inculcate hate into the minds of children and send them off on suicide missions killing scores of civilians. 

They should then condemn the irresponsible parents in Iran who allow their children to accompany them to public executions. 

They should condemn the grotesque conflagration, self-mutilation, wailing  and poisonous atmosphere of Muharram and the Ashura 'celebrations'. Bringing up children under an Islamic regime is any parent's worse nughtmare.

Well done, Mahsa. This regime is evil. You are the bright and shining star of tomorrow's Iran. You will be like Artemisa, the ancient Persian female commander who controlled 5 fleets of ships to atatckthe Greeks. One day you will be a footsoldier for Persian in its noble resistance against the evil Tazi occupying terrorists.

Your name will be long remembered: Mahsa - the Terrorist basher! 

Sheema Kalbasi

Innocence Lost

by Sheema Kalbasi on

It is not like that I have not seen Iran. I lived through the black decade of eighties. I also like to add personally I have experienced sheltering political dissidents and how it impacts families and especially children. I believe when people travel to Iran as tourists they don’t witness what political and social activists and their families go through.

Anonymous Observer

Abarmard - At least TRY to be fair

by Anonymous Observer on

Kids must be separated from daily (and problems of) life. Great parents suffer so their kids won't feel it. This is wrong in many levels.

Agreed, so long as, of course, a dictatorship doesn't jail the  child's parents for two years and force the child to visit the parent(s) in a prison environment.  Whose fault is that?  The parents or the IR?  Aren't you blaming the victim (again)?

And what about the daily chants at school of "marg bar..."  Are those wrong too or not?

 Those who filmed her and published her are sick.

How about those who put her parents in jail?  Not sick?!! 

PS: This child's "normal family" seized to exist when her parents became political prisoners of your favorite imperialist slaying regime.   


Psalm 8:2 - "Out of the

by Simorgh5555 on

8:2 - "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained
strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy
and the avenger."


بد‌ترین حرفی‌ که من میتونم از یک کودک بشنوم


اینه که بگه "من سیاسی هستم،من سیاسی سیاسی هستم"

حیف از روح پاک یک کودک که با سیاست آلوده بشه. من اصلا فکر نمیکنم که
اینحرفها دلیل با هوشی این کودک باشه. البته این رو هم نقض نمیکنم که ممکنه
که این دختر کوچولو با هوش هم باشه، ولی‌ در هر حال اینطور صحبت کردن دلیل
هوش و ذکاوت بی‌ اندازه نیست.

در ضمن همون هایی که به مهسا یاد دادند که محرم و عزاداری برای امام
حسین، مطالبی‌ نیست که به کودکان بیاموزند و باید بین بزرگ تر‌ها مطرح بشه،
همون اشخاص باید فکر میکردند که پس در اینصورت، مطالب مربوط به آمریکا و
اسرائیل و غزه هم، به کودکان ربطی‌ نداره، همونطور که  بردن یک کودک برای
تجمع و تظاهرات خیابانی هم کار مناسبی نیست. اینها در روح کودک اثر میذاره و
اون رو جریحه دار میکنه. گذشته از این، اینطور صحبت کردن برای یک کودک
خردسال که احتمالا خیلی‌ هم به عقایدش افتخار میکنه و دوست داره که همه جا
اونجا رو تکرار کنه حتی در ویدیو، ممکنه که عواقب خطرناکی هم داشته باشه.

والدین باید حد اقل به فکر آرامش فکری و روحی و خصوصا جسمی‌ کودکشون
باشند. مسولیت تمام اینها به عهده والدین بیفکر به اصطلاح روشنفکر هست، و
نه هیچکس دیگه.

این مادر بزرگ که پسر و دختر و دامادش زندانی شدند، آیا راه و راسم
شهید پروری‌ رو به پیش گرفته که حتی نوه خودش رو هم داره به دنبال راه بقیه


In a normal family

by Abarmard on

Kids must be separated from daily (and problems of) life. Great parents suffer so their kids won't feel it. This is wrong in many levels.

Dear Sheema, Iran is not that strange/harsh of the place if you have traveled enough. Actually I would claim to to say that is better than many places in Asia, Africa, or even Eastern Europe.

Kids copy, obviously this kid is copying her mother. She doesn't know what she is saying, but her mom should watch what she says in front of her.

Those who filmed her and published her are sick.

dingo daddy En passant

It's not right at all!

by dingo daddy En passant on

Veiled Prophet, Sheema Kalbasi and Statira,

This is absolutely not defendable! I have a 6yr old myself and I am horrified. This is not the role of a child. It does not matter what speech the kid is reciting. It does not matter if you like the political stance. She is being exploited, just like the Islamist children. These people videoing and putting and Youtube are not right in the head. What about her privacy? Her safety? They should be ashamed!

People please do not justify this horrible act. I can't believe what I am reading. We must have some minimum values if being Iranian means anything at all.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

tabriz_balasi Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Please see my last response. I agree that it is more sensible to get to how she misses her father.

I also agree that hate is bad no matter what. It is not a thing to have. 

Regarding religion: You have chosen your path and I wish you well. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Setareh Jan (and others)

Thank you for clarifying things. I understand and respect your position. I agree that making the clip was a bad idea. It does seem too scripted. Kids do not understand politics. But I do not think it is child abuse. I just think it is a a bit ham handed.

I do not even object to the youtube part. But it will be more effective if she really said what was on her mind. I rather her voiced her anger at having her father in jail. Demand him back. That a child does understand. Details of politics on the other hand are beyond grasp of a 7 year old.



In Iran

by statira on

Kids are more mature for their age when it comes to political issues. It's just because all people talk inside their houses is politic and cursing the regime. I dont think this kid's parents deliberatley taught her stuff she says. And in some ways, I think people should talk to their kids to offset the regime brainwashing attempts in schools.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

by tabriz_balasi on

there is not a problem with a kid being very sad or crying about her father being in jail.  but she is giving a political speech, even getting into foreign policy stuff like the relationship between iran and israel or usa.  this is crazy man, i don't know why you don't see that there is something deeply messed up here.  if an iraqi or afghani or palestinian kid is crying for her dady or is angry then that is prefectly understandable, i would feel really sad for the kid, but here we have something different.  she is full of hate!!! i see more hate in her than sadness.  we shouldn't hate anyone, hate is not good my brother, it is not good. a sad girl would look sad and show some restlessness for her dady's absence, rather than starting an eloquent political speech that gets into foreign policy issues.  No, i am not going to get fooled twice.  I will use my mind and refer to my past-experience/history and ask my God, Allah, to help me in each step of the way.  I love Allah, that is the only thing I know for sure.  The next thing I know for sure is that I should follow my best of intentions and not back-off because of fear, hardships, and what other humanbeings think of me in life.  I will not back off my brother, not even an inch, untill i am killed or die.  If i do, then I have not succeeded in life and you can call me what ever you like.  And i would definitely not allow myself to be brain washed by Holy-men nor by Atheistic western representatives.  My Prophet is Muhammad and he has prepared his followers for a hard battle against vanity and fallacy. he has pointed out the way for me and has given me a sword made of Hardwork, faith, and resilience.  i would not listen to Mulla's, emam Zaman, or who ever that claims to represent God or who ever that pretends to represent reason and human values.  No one but God, represents the truth, however God can be expressed by those who have taken the step to do the right thing and suffer in this hard frightening path, an example Muhammad, another example Jesus, another example Cyrus the Great.  How far are we in this difficult path? How much hardwork and courage have we shown.  The measure of a man in the eyes of Allah are these.  I will not be fooled by people, cultures, and men who call themselves reasonable or holy.  i will follow this path on sand drawn for my by my love, the prophet muhammad peace of allah be upon him and his true followers, which are my borthers and sisters in faith and in action.  

be an act at all times in the name of Allah.



by Tavana on

Right on!! The "Truth" always prevails sooner or later. A must watch video in that regard:



Dear Sheema

by Truthseeker9 on

You say: "she is reflecting not only what her family has been
exposed to but what the entire Iranian society is going through. "

I'm afraid she is repeating what she has heard from her family and friends, and I would not be surprised if she has been trained in repeating a script written by someone so that it can be distributed on the net . Just like other children who are brainwashed to do the same elsewhere for othr causes. The issue here is whether one uses children to peddle political views of any sort. That is what some are objecting to. And it is not only IRI supporters who are saying this. It also raises other dangers, like exposing your child's identity to the world when they are at a tender age when they do not realize potential repercussions. 

Sheema Kalbasi

Innocence Lost

by Sheema Kalbasi on

Dear friends,

Your expression of outrage is well-placed when
we are talking about a normal society like the one you and I live in.
Of course under such normal circumstances we only want our children to
watch Barney & Friends. Unfortunately for her, the child
in this video lives in Iran where people are hanged publicly in city
squares for everyone regardless of age and gender to watch and take
lesson. The regime persecution of her family members has obviously had
an impact and she is reflecting not only what her family has been
exposed to but what the entire Iranian society is going through. So
direct your rage at the Iranian regime not Mahsa and her family.


Anonymous Observer

And what about all the "marg bar amrika" chants in schools?

by Anonymous Observer on

That's not brainwashing?  But this little girl, who had to learn all about prisons and parents being in jail at her age because of the IR is brainwashed?  have you clowns ever complained about that brainwashing?

Niloufar: It's funny that you bring up the whole "I hate" thing.  Your IR Utopia's entire existence has revolved around "marg bar" chants for the past 31 years.  

Samsam Jaan: right once again.  If this girl was dressed in a checkered Maghnaeh with a "ya hossein" bandanna across her forehead and blood dripping down her forehead (fake or real) and was crying for Gaza, this same clows would be praising her and calling her a "freedom fighter."