Innocence Lost

Seven-year-old's eloquent anger at Islamic Republic

Innocence Lost
by unity4iran

مهسا حیدرپور در هفت سالگی اش دردهای بچه های امروز ایران را برای دنیا با زبان شیرینش تعریف می کند. مهسا دختر کوچولوی مهلقا فخر آور و مهرداد حیدرپور و خواهرزاده امیر عباس فخر آور است. دایی کوچکش محمد رضا (آرش)، خاله هایش ستاره ، سایه و فرخ لقا فخر آور، مادربزرگش پروانه پیر دهقان، عموهایش و بسیاری از اعضای خانواده شان این روزها در راهروهای دادگاه انقلاب اسیر پرونده های سیاسی شان شده اند. مهسا از آرزوهایش، از خانواده، جنبش سبز و از مدرسه اش می گوید. به نظر میرسد دستگاههای شست و شوی مغزی خامنه ای و ملاهای حاکم بر ایران در مدارس از کار افتاده است و نتیجه معکوس می دهد. کاش خامنه ای و دیگر ملایان این ویدیو را می دیدند.



You can count the ones who are unable to identify Islam

by Escape on

from any other Religion.



by Truthseeker9 on


Setareh Sabety

vpk, truth doesn't have to be youtubed

by Setareh Sabety on

vpk jan, I am not even saying that they should not tell the kid that the iri is a terrible regime or to keep the truth from her. but to script a clip and then put it on youtube? that points to an opportunistic and or political agenda. using a cute kid as a messenger is what I disapprove. frankly I would not even want people out there many of whom may be enemies knowing what my kid looked like!

Hoshang Targol

I despise Mullahs' Toes suckers,

by Hoshang Targol on

can anyone identify some on this thread?

Niloufar Parsi

dedicated to the

by Niloufar Parsi on

'i-really-hate-the...' crowd:


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Setareh Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I know you are not blaming the kid. By victims I mean her family. That family IS a victim of the regime as much as the kid. 

Please do not blame her family. I teach my kids right and wrong and do not hide things from them. Why should these guys hide reality from their daughter. Exposure to reality is a vaccine against pain later on. She may as well see the true horrors of Islamism right now.

Setareh Sabety

vpk and anahid jan

by Setareh Sabety on

vpk, I am not blaming the kid I am blaming the charlatans who put her on youtube! using a kid for political and in this case purely opportunistic ends is wrong. I am no regime apologist and everyone knows how I hate this regime but before I knew this was fakhravar's niece I was upset by this clip. she just sounds fake, like they have put words in her mouth. especially when she goes on about the abusive nature of namaz and rozeh for kids. if you had spent any time in iran recently it would be clear as daily light to you that they made this girl do this for personal gain.
Anahid jan, of course most kids I met in Iran hate the regime. and if your dad is in jail then you have more reason to hate the regime. I also agree that this kid will not necessarily be harmed by this but I don't like it when kids are used for self-promotion or profit or political ends of their parents. that is what makes me sick about this clip.



by SamSamIIII on


see how closet zainabs so leisurly trivialize the lives of school girls growing up as 2nd class citizens as just another humerous funny experience.. "shameless" conscripts of ommah doing routin morning drill. Tell blissi then Ali asghar & ali akbar were abused by imam Hussein for taking em to karbala :).


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Anonymouse, what a great point!

by Anahid Hojjati on

Kids are not going to like those who put their parents in jail. In early 80s, the father of a family that i know was arreted at home. As I heard, the 6 year old son was very upset. If I remember right, he commented that he will barbeque those who put his dad in jail. That son is a doctor now and though I have not seen him in years, it seems that he is doing just fine, thank you. He was lucky that his dad was not executed but the point is that kids are going to be against those who harm their parents. This is natural.


Elian Gonzalez made a similar video and ended up fine/normal.

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Well said brother. I guarantee you that if she was talking Pals reaction would be different. If she was Iraqi with her dad in jail by Americans it would be different. If she was Afghan with her family bombed by USA it would be different. We are not talking reality; this is fantasy. The goal: make excuses for IRI at all costs. The goal: blame the victim; deflect attention from the real gang. How dare she complain her father is in jail.

Ideally she must be talking about Felesteen! Maybe get on a flotilla. I get it! She must be a racist. Putting her family above Palestine! How dare she. Q: where are you to tell us about this Persian racism!!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

look where getting behind an eighty year old holy man Khomeini got us ... TO HELL.

Glad we both agree on that one. (I wouldn't call him holy) guy was about as far from God as they get.

However we are not behind the girl. We do not want her for our leader or VF! We just are showing our sypathy and understanding. Tabriz: she had her father put in jail since he was 2. It is hard for her and she has a right to express it.

The only thing her family did not do it to lie to her. They did not tell her "Baba is away traveling" or "Baba is in the West working to send us money" or some other lie. That seems to be what some here want them to do. Well glad they are telling her the truth. 

The IRI supporters are made at the family for exposing IRI. How about IRI stopped being a mafia gang and the problem is gone.

Mr Q rather see IRI keep raping and killing but people pretend all is well. Sorry Q truth is coming out. Move evidence against AN & Mollahs.

Q: you forgot to call her a racist because she does not want her dad in jail. How about Islamophobe?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Are you mam kidding me? Blame the victim! The child SHOULD take sides; that of her parents. You bet that I teach my kids to take the right side. In this case between the vampiric IRI and her family the decision is obvious.

I am also raising kids after divorce. They know instinctively when who is right and wrong. I don't need to remind them who spends all his time with them. And who is out dating all the time. !They can tell. And I am not going to lie and tell them there is no difference. The whole moral relativism is a bad Western idea. There is a right and wrong. Kids need to know it. This time the "right"  is her family; the "wrong" is IRI. Plain and simple. 

I hope she grows up to be a fine Iranian. And a true fighter against Islam.



Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on


G. Rahmanian

اي اقا

G. Rahmanian

قمر خانوما دارن كم كم زياد ميشن

Setareh Sabety


by Setareh Sabety on

This shows two things and only these two: 1. that fakhravars will stoop to any low for attention and profit. 2. that the opposition to the regime is being hurt by charlatans.
I spent some years raising my kids in Iran. my daughter was nearly this girl's age but never were any of my kids tormented by going to namaz at school. my daughter actually liked it for a while. after one year in iran they turned atheists forever. because the school curriculum on religion made it seem ridiculous. It was not abusive in their eyes just really funny. I also know as a mom that these are words put in the mouth of this little girl who seems non-the-less to have inherited her family's penchant for exageration and grandstanding. We who raise children after divorce know that the worse thing you can do to a kid is to make her take sides. I raised my kids in such a way that in fact they first think of ways to disagree with me. I am glad I did because it has made them critical thinkers. This is charlatanism if not out right child abuse. shame, because it tarnishes our movement.


Faramarz Jaan: Well said, couldn't agree more

by Bavafa on

All of it.




by Benyamin on

I heard on the news a few years back that a 7 years old boy was convicted of a serious finacial crime in the USA. This kid traded in stock market as an adult and not only he did this which is a crime for misrepresentation but also went on some chat lines close to the financiers and talked up the stocks that he invested in, as a result he made 1.4 million dollars. If you want to call that a chils abuse or geneous is up to you but even the judge agreed that he should be rewarded but based on the conditionalty that he would be banned for reentering till the legal age and he was forced to pay half of all of his earning and the other half went to a trust fund.

Now, I may have jumpped in conclusion about this little girl, she may have been trained to do this and she may not. But I am sick and tired of those people claiming that this must have been the case of a child being lead to performe on the net for the families political purpose or stuff like that.

This kid has not seen her father for a few years. she is a girl which naturally is curious about her dad I would question her health if she didnt. how is it that a 7 years old could do better than most adults and understand the rules better than adults which in fact are the creators of those rules and yet in comparison we don`t doubt that this girl has no will or brain of her own and some even suggest that she shouldn`t feel the absence of her father either.

Is it sad that a kid her age is thinking about politics that resulted in her growing up fatherless? Is it bitter reality that this little girl is speaking out against injustice? You bet it is, Of course it is heart wrenching. We all know that. But if you have forgotten living or growing up in IRAN I have not!

I remember the very first day the war started and our home was too close to the airport to ignore what happened. I remember how fast we (the children) had to grow up and forget our childhood. I remember all of our games changed to war games and killings and all we talked about was politics and I repeat it was politics. I was only 10. and no one made me or trained me to talk about it or rearrange my games to war games but we did.

Children feel and know more than you give them credit for. This little girl is shouting out as loud as she can because that is what she feels inside and she "may" have been the leader not the parent.

sometimes kids tell the truth because that is the only way they see the world. Just like the kids that shouted in that famous story of the naked king by christian anderson. "THE KING IS NUDE" 

So I say all the power to her and more


child abuse by fanatics

by Q on

cultists and fantatics, be they religious or secular, love to use children to make political points, because they know it's excellent propaganda. A child is innocent, therefore what he/she says is trusted more. Religious fanatics are simply ignorant about child psychology and child rights, zealous ones don't care either way. But what is the secularists excuse? Those who hate "political islam," can now cheer themselves for copying its very tactics.

Children are simply repeating and immitating their parents. You can tell this is the case, even the sentence construction and mannerism is copied from some secular upper-Tehran household, who apparently didn't even know about 1953 or that 8 years of Saddam Hussein's bombs and missiles landing on Tehran residential neighborhoods were courtesy of the CIA and Pentagon.



by Paykar on

she lacks an understanding of larger political issues, she certainly
demonstrates a genuine passion regarding her life and lives of majority
of girls her age. I am proud of her for speaking out. I can't be certain
that this is child abuse as so many respected individuals believe.

has a very high emotional intelligence and articulates her feelings
very well; this does not necessarily mean she has been brained-washed. She is brought up in an environment where political struggle and resistance is highly valued, and that is the most effective "coach" in her life.

My own brother was questioned by Savak at the age of 10 for writing an essay, criticizing the celebration of anniversary of the white revolution, by comparing the life of kids like him in a small town( Shahi) to the life experiences of the elite and how such celebrations were meaningless. It was his own observation. Now, the life in Iran being much harder and harsher, it's normal for a kid to express her outrage- I say Bravo Mahsa.



شستشو مغزی


شستشو مغزی ،مثبت و منفی‌ نداره. حیف که این کوچولو رو پدرو مادر اسیر تفکر‌های عمیق و فرا تر از سنش کردن.این هم یک نو کودک آزاری است. به امید رهائی ایران از چنگال ایرانی‌.


:) Divaneh & AO, bet

by SamSamIIII on


if she was beating her chest for palestine or reading memorizing verses with a chafieh & maghnae like that lil boy last yr the regular moozii closet conscripts of omaru republic would be saying bah bah chah chah, cheh the same khahar zainabs with different id are outraged by this 7 yr old dardeh del & mob lynching her . then you wonder why nothing has changed. "shameless" act?  .

As Forrest Gump :) said;

"shameless" is what shameless does which is passive support of tyrrany.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


After getting behind a holy man ...

by tabriz_balasi on

look where getting behind an eighty year old holy man Khomeini got us ... TO HELL.  now if you want to get behind a seven year old girl with a crazy mother be my guest.  some of you are just so crazy with a deep lack of thoughtfulness.  you people amaze me.  some of you are as brain washed as those basiji thugs hitting people on the head.  i am not following any of you.  you go ahead and start another revolution.


be an act at all times in the name of Allah.

payam s

Potential Political Asylum!

by payam s on

The way she praises Aamrika (keshvare khoob???) and Israel seems like there is nothing but a desire by her family to seek asylum in the US. That's all good, why not, but why take advantage of a child? this is disgusting. I think the ashoora tasooa ceremonies are by far less harmful for kids that what this child has gone through. And if i only got a dime for every time she said "doostaan, man mobarezeh mikonam". 



by Benyamin on

She misses her dad. I think she is right to be angry and little she knows is so much that lead her to know whom to be angry at.

Shame on those that imprisoned her father and her Daee.

PS: she is very beautiful and shirin zaboon


Azarin dear, this is not a matter of choice

by SamSamIIII on

Azarin jaan, I have great respect for you but on this issue I,m afraid we are separated by miles.

True your parenting works if you are in New York, Paris or London but in Tehran or Shiraz you can not leave the children in virtual cocoons or they grow up to be retards detached from reality like the closet hezbos we see here. this is not even a matter of hating IRI or not but a "genuein personal experince of a child" in the process of growing up as a girl in an abusive environment .

You talk about giving choice to children..what choice? between maghnae or chador?..between roosari or toosari? is that the reality and choice we want for our daughters to be okay being 2nd class citizens?..

I,m  a father & never talk politics with my kid unless about light issues or beauty of our culture but if I lived in Iran;

& she has to wear hijab from age 9 to go to school should i tell her its wonderfull?

when they show her on national tv that her forefathers were barbarians should i tell her its true?

when they teach her in school that a girl's life is worth half of a man should i say its true?..

when they teach her in school that killing Kafars/infidels is halal should i agree?.

By overprotecting her here she will grow up not only as a hater but a self hater with inferiority complex. & look what that style of parenting has done for Iran , a deceitfull dual social identity for women & men where cheating on everything is kosher. Maslehati lies will hurt the child more in future.



Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


Well, at least they haven't yet called her a Zionist and

by Onlyiran on

an AIPAC agent.  But I'm sure that will be coming soon.


A 100% "Coached" Video???

by Demo on

Should not we all refresh our memories with "The faked 15-yr-old Kuwaiti girl testimony before US congress about the babies thrown from incubators" as a part of PAPA BUSH'S GULF WAR 1 BIG LIES??

Please watch the below video & ponder a little bit. It is only 2:25 mins. Thanks.



Hoshang, on blaming the victim

by Monda on

You have good points about Mehsa's insights, on some issues, being hers alone. I do hope at least that is true.

However, how about reinforcement of some of her thought process, by the adults around her, in the form of praising her? For example, I wouldn't be surprised if an impressed proud relative made this clip of Mehsa. Ok... the sense of pride in that relative could potentially work her. But to me, her "reality-forming" is not developmentally appropriate! There's history of trauma about children such as Mehsa, who are this "adult-sounding" or "parentified". But you are Right in that we don't know her other, real/ positive resources, more than this clip.

Anonymous Observer

The pictures below are of child abuse

by Anonymous Observer on

//    //                                                                                                                       and a war crime and a crime against humanity.  Not a child who is forced to understand all this bitter truth because of IR's crimes.