Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
For Parham - justification of Barbaric Republic
by Siavash300 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 04:32 PM PDTDear Parham,
The literature that you quoted in here has been written by Zia Ebrahimi who is residing in England. The article reads more like an attack on a type of Iranian nationalism that promotes culture, civility and modernity (which, like it or not, is more comparable to modern Western standards than current Middle-Eastern standards).
This article reads as an attempt to justify the Islamic Republic by keeping a distance to anti-Semitism at the same time - cleverly done!
Instead of being honest as a scientist, Mr Zia-Ebrahimi exploits this important subject politically. Important because even 1400 years later Iranians are still divided between being an Iranian or a Muslim, and the beloved IR has turned things worse by denying all Iranian customs and traditions, e.g. Nowrooz (which failed). In fact the mullahs have radically opposed all the Shah's efforts to westernize Iran by trying to Islamize the country. The recurrence to Aryanism and other nationalistic issues is a normal reaction to this forced Islamization, i.e. Arabization of Iranian society, also apparent in the actual Persian language. I think Mr. Moshiri is also NOT aware of this mind game.
The Iranian psyche will remain deeply torn between these two identities as long as no serious debate gets started on a national level, and as long as the subject is exploited by biased "scientists" as Mr Zia-Ebrahimi!
MR. Ebrahimi falsely misquotes Gheraldo Gnoli.
Gheraldo Gnoli is clear:
There can be no doubt about the ethnic value of Old Iran. arya (Benveniste, 1969, I, pp. 369 f.; Szemerényi; Kellens)."." I quote him again: "this evidence shows that the name arya “Iranian” was a collective definition, denoting peoples (Geiger, pp. 167 f.; Schmitt, 1978, p. 31) who were aware of belonging to the one ethnic stock, speaking a common language, and having a religious tradition that centered on the cult of Ahura Mazdā
Mr. Ebrahimi is attributing his own ideas to Gnoli
PanTurkic Nonsense
by BoosBoos on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:55 PM PDTParnham,
You cite a PBS article by a panturkist author who repeats classic lies. For example he equates Iranians aryan ethno-linguistic identity with Hitler's misuse of the word to mean a Nordic blond-haired and blue-eyed race.
Here's what the PBS article claims Iranian Aryanism is:
"Aryanism is a system of thought born in early-nineteenth-century Europe that divides mankind into different 'races.' "
Hitler's use of the word Aryan and Iranians use of the word Aryan are not the same thing ... they never were.
Obviously the PBS quote is a lie: More than 2,000 years ago Iranians self-identified as Aryan tribes ... what Hitler did or said in the nineteenth century has no bearing on what was true 2,000 years ago:
Darius of Persia makes reference to his Aryan tribal heritage back in 500 B.C. -- obviously he had no idea that Hitler would abuse this word to mean "Nordic."
"I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings
The king of many countries and many people
The king of this expansive land,
The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid,
Persian, the son of a Persian,
'Aryan', from the Aryan people ."
[ From the Darius the Great's Inscription in "Naqshe-e-Rostam." ]
And here you can see that a well-respected Russian anthropologist has unearthed Aryan villages in Khorasan (now called 'Turkmenistan' after the Russians annexed it).
Aryans ruled for thousands of years from the seat of power in Iran as far West as Hungary and as far East as China. Funny how the people that ruled the longest are claimed to no longer exist. Ridiculous.
فرهنگ و زبان و پيشينه کيانی آريايی ايران
SamSamIIIIThu Aug 18, 2011 03:59 PM PDT
بيدی نيست که با لات بازيه يه مشت کانسکريپت تابلويی و بی نام و نشان ولايت عمر بلرزه. اقای جواد شاه جاويد سردبير ارجمند عيران دات کام, توهين و ناسزا و انکار فرهنگ و پيشينه کيانی يک گروه بزرگ ماد-پارسي ايرانيان به همون اندازه ناپسند است که اگر در کنايه به دگر اقوام هم ميهن چه عرب و چه ترک و ترکمن به کار گرفته شود. ايران کنونی انباشته و هماد گاهيست از ازمون هموند تاريخی ده ها گروه مادي-پارسي-ترکي-عربی و خوزی و فحش و فحش کاری به فرهنگ و پيشينه هر گروهی از اين هم ميهنان چه فارسش و چه ترکش و عربش شايان اوازه و خوش نامي رفقای نياکی و بنی عباسی نيست. پاسداری از فرهنگ و زبان پيشينه مادي پارسی فرنودی بر دشمنی با نژاد عرب نيست به همان روی که پاسداری هم ميهن عرب از زبان و فرهنگ و پيشينه اش دليل بر دشمنی با گروه ديگری نيست که همه "ايراني" هستيم زير پرچم کيان. کنون شما چه خودتون رو بکشيد و جلز و ولزم بکنيد و مراسم کتاب سوزان و شاهنامه سوزان هم را بندازيد , ايران ,کيان و درفش کاويان نخواهد مُرد. روضه خونی نژادی هم را نندازيد که خودتون هم ميدونيد پيوستی به نژاد نداره و فرهنگيست و اين ميون سيگنال الکي نديد و ادايه چاخاني هيومنيستي نيا.. اين اخوند مشيری نون به نرخ روز خور رو هم يه شبه پيغمبر شد. استغفر الله ال ربی به عطوبه لله.
و در پيوست تا يادم نرفته:
پس از گذشت 52 نسل و اميزش ميليونها ترک و پارس و عرب سخن گفتن از نژاد اريا کرس شعري بيش نيست که ما از يادمان کيان و اريا دفاع ميکنم و نه از ويژگی نژادي. کاپيش برا بار صدم ولی کو گوش شنوا.
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //
by Tiger Lily on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:45 PM PDTFrom now on I'm not Iranian anymore and never have been. These Aryans are embarrassing me and the memory of my dead hamster. It's official:
I'm Afro-Saxon
Turkify and Arabize Iranian people?
by BoosBoos on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:27 PM PDTSaying that Aryans don't exist is like saying people of Native-American or Irish-ancestry don't exist in America because other people moved to America also.
Who doesn't want Aryans to exist? The people that want to Turkify and Arabize the people of Iran. It's a game that has played out for centuries.
You will note that these same critics don't devote any time to disputing whether Arabs or Turks exist - that's because they seek to target the Iranian identity.
Both contemporary and ancient historians agree that Aryans existed and resemble the people of modern-day Iran. You can also use your own eyes and judge your appearance against the the images of ancient Aryans at places like Persepolis.
[ See E. B. Havell (1918). Aryans and Non-Aryans - The history of Aryan rule in India. Harrap. p. 32.); J.P. Mallory (1989). In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth. London: Thames & Hudson. p. 38. ]
The mistake that people make is trying to classify being Aryan as a race -- it is an ethno-linguistic group of people (not a racial subspecies of blond-haired blue-eyed people from Mars).
by statira on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:21 PM PDTSadam and other Arab nations enemacities toward Iranians are also related to the fact that they think they are Arian and have blue eyes , blonde hair? Why is it that when an Islamist or Arab believe that just Arabic speaking people go to heaven are not racist but people who try to revive and cherish their culture and language are racist? Actually Sex discrimination, racisim and slavery entered Iran right after the Arab invasion.
There's No Aryan Race but there is an Aryan Linguistic Entity
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:18 PM PDTHISTORY OF IDEAS: Georges Dumezil, on Indo European languages and Myths (Apostrophes,1984)
THANK YOU, Parham!!!
by Tiger Lily on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:13 PM PDTAs you can see, I can't be bothered with the nutters anymore. This is the best bit, and it is so true, oghdeyi!!!
"Not only is Aryanism a relic of nineteenth-century European thought with an ignominious legacy, but its Iranian variety is a symptom of an entrenched complex of inferiority, a desperate attempt to be something other than a "mere Iranian." "
Aryans are an Ethno-Linguistic Group
by BoosBoos on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:10 PM PDTParnham jan, you make the same mistake Hitler makes -- Aryans are an ethno-linguistic group not a race. And Aryan does not mean Nordic.
Citing some study on whether Aryans are a race is irrelevant.
Also your conclusion is incorrect that: "[Aryans have] been diluted to a degree along the years that it's impossible to call it a "race".
Again, Aryans are not a race, but an ethno-linguistic group. And for anyone to put any weight on such an overbroad conclusion ('Aryans don't exist anymore') would have to mean that you had personal knowledge of the bedroom habits of Iranians of EVERY Iranian for the last several thousands years (I doubt you did). Anyone who has studied the tribal systems of Iran knows that there are many insular tribal groups that not only were shielded from invasions (usually owing to living in the mountainous areas) but also insular in the sense that they did not marry with people from outside of their immediate group.
The characteristics of Aryans appear in many Iranians - just look at the facial features of the Aryans carved into rock reliefs at historical sites from 2,500 years ago (before any Arab or Turkic invasions) and you will see that they look like many typical modern-day Iranians. On the other hand, what many people call "Turks" and "Arabs" are often linguistically turkified and arabized people from Greater Iran.
It bothers me to no end when people make dubious and sweeping generalizations like 'The Aryans don't exist anymore' ... or ... 'They never existed.' If the French still exist, so do the Aryans. Please don't de-Iranicize Iran-Zamin.
Parham jaan,
by Reality-Bites on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:07 PM PDTIs your contention that on this matter the view of Gnoli is the only one we should heed and that we should disregard all the other scholarly research and data, the bulk of which point to Iranians (or at least a significant proportion of its population when the country became a homogenous state) were from an Aryan background?
My Aryanness pays all my bills
by Tiger Lily on Thu Aug 18, 2011 03:02 PM PDTI had an Aryan hamster. He had a big fat crooked nose, measure for measure to the 'height' of 5'2 , blow-dried hair pulled over the bald patch and some Afghan Aryan Buddhist gerbil got really jealous and ate him !
His name was....
So, anyway, one day I thought I should help people to take pride in their Aryan background and this is how I was inspired to set up an Aryan charity and reached remote villages in the desert with Aryan drinking water and the rest is just the history of my ability to pay my Aryan bills.
P.S. Of course, all the Aryan water pipes have an ultra Aryan crest on them.
This has been posted before
by Rastin on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:54 PM PDTBut it seems relevant to post it again: // I'll go microwave a veggie gerd loghme, and actually watch the posted clip.
Parsis Victor
by Parham on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:54 PM PDTI would read that public article I posted a link to.
And I quote:
"In spite of many attempts to force ariya into Aryanist assumptions, recent scholarship -- in particular the work of Gherardo Gnoli -- has shown that ariya was not quite a racial category. According to Gnoli, in Achaemenid times, ariya was a cultural and religious term to evoke the kings' origin, like a title of particular nobility. In its very restricted, exclusivist nature, that is quite different from a racial category. Moreover, as already mentioned, the term "Aryan" was coined by Anquetil-Duperron. The neologism is charged with modern and romantic European conceptions of "race" that did not exist in Eastern antiquity. Even more importantly, in the entire corpus of Persian literature, verse and prose, there is no reference to an Aryan race until the twentieth century.
A related myth is the one according to which "Iran" means the "land of Aryans." This myth was propagated by Max Müller, who claimed in 1862 that the term airyanem vaejah found in the Avesta is the ancestor of "Iran" and means the "Aryan expanse." This myth became so widespread that serious scholars propagate it even to this day. Suffice it to look at a dictionary.
By contrast, Gnoli contends that airyanem vaejah is not a historical land, but a legendary, cosmogonic concept in Zoroastrianism. Additionally, the "land of Aryans" would suppose that the inhabitants of the Achaemenid or Sasanian empires were racially conscious in a manner similar to nineteenth-century Europeans. This is of course highly unlikely, particularly given that the Iranian plateau already -- as it has ever since -- featured a complex mix of populations. Out of 30,000 tablets excavated in Persepolis, not one was written in Persian (most are in Elamite, and a few are in Aramean). In fact, the empire was a melting pot. To imagine that its inhabitants believed that a territory must belong to one people is an anachronistic projection of modern ideas onto the distant past. The presence of Arabs on the Iranian plateau and Iranians in the Arabian Peninsula is also attested, but somehow ignored by the prophets of Aryanism."
Read more: //
Glad you disagree ... I agree with your disagreement
by BoosBoos on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:52 PM PDTMy family has been Aryaaee with a documented history of more than 2,500 years ... how long have the "Turks" of Turkey been "Turks"? (Everyone knows that they became "Turks" by forcing the Armenians, Kurds, Greeks, and others to adopt a Turkic identity and through acts of violence and genocide.) Only 30,000 - 50,000 Arabs invaded Iran (far too few to genetically influence the entire population of Iran); and usually invaders focused on controlling the seat of government - they didn't go to every mountain village reproducing with Iranians (it would have been impossible). What we do see is that sometimes there was a language change (e.g., among the Iranian-Azaris who originally did not speak a Turkic language), but did so after Turko-Mongol invaders swept through Northern Iran on their way to Otttoman-Turkey. Even many of the so-called "Arabs" of Southern Iran are actually Iranians that have been Arabized.
In the Caucuses, there are groups of Aryans that to this day are complaining that they are being Turkified against their will - The Republic of Azerbaijan often jails people for simply admitting Iranian ancestry. The issue isn't whether we are Aryaee - clearly we are. The issue is whether people will wake up to the fact that outside forces are trying to Turkify and Arabize the people of Greater Iran. (Please see my comment below also.)
by Simorgh5555 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:46 PM PDTYou are right to a large extent because of migration and globalisation but my embracing of my Aryan heritage has more to do with culture than race. Otherwise you cannot be a Black British because the culture you have assimilated into has nothing to do with your ethnicity.
Reality Bytes
by Simorgh5555 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:43 PM PDTYou raised excellent points. I don't think we disagree at all.
I would just like to add that being Aryan and embracing the legacy of Cyrus the Great and the Achaemenides positively means embracing diversity.
I refer to a rock inscription by Xerxes 1 near Lake Van:
"I am Xerxes, the great king, the king of kings, king of all kinds of peoples with all kinds of origins, king of this earth great and wide, the son of king"
And on the walls of Persepolis you will be find Ethiopians, Indians, Phoenicians and Babylonians. Our ancestors could have forced its subjects to become Persians and assimilate into Persian culture but they chose not to.
There is no such thing as the "Aryan" race
by Parham on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:36 PM PDTAt least not anymore. It has been diluted to a degree along the years that it's impossible to call it a "race".
An Oxford scholar has recently done a research about this -- too bad the research is only for sale.
Here's a link to a public article the same person has written:
Adib Masumian
by Simorgh5555 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:27 PM PDTThan you for your excellent question and sorry for the late reply.
I think Middle Persian can be modernised and incorporated into the twenty thirst centruy. There are already pure Persian equivalents for many modern words we take for granted such as Rayene (computer), Khodro (car) or even Kesh loghme (pizza) and gerd loghme (pizza).
Even if Persian is expunged of all its foreign grammer, syntax and vocabulary there remains the difficult task of how this will be implemented in Iran. I agree it would be too late for our generation to learn the equivalent of a new language- we are a lost cause. However, the purified Persian can be taught from kindergarten who will learn to communicate in Parsi in its purest form.
Will this work? I refer to Israel where almost all children speak Hebrew better than their parents and grandparents who were brought up speaking Yiddish. Many older generation Jews speak little or no Hebrew at all including many of the Zionists who fought during the War of Independence and in the Stern and Irgun gangs. You go to Brooklyn and you will find many Orthodox Jews still speaking Yiddish but in schools in Israel all speak modern Hebrew. So long as there is a willingness to make it work then I see no reason why children of the next generation in a liberated Iran cannot do the same.
Did Ataturk not change the Arabic script into Latin?
The official language should be Parsi and Farsi should be euthanized. Yes, I know the sentimental attachment to works of Saadi and Hafex but lovers of literature can always read them in Farsi or have them translated into pure Persian. Many English people cannot speak the language of Chaucer or Byron but it does not mean Canterbury Tales has been cast down and forgotten.
JJ Don't know this Moshiri
by choghok on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:26 PM PDTbut my father and many others watches him a lot and after watching his shows they have turned into anti Arabs in some times rasistic kind of way almost, so he must be something wrong I guess. He sounded reasnoable in this video but I guess not all his videos are like this.
I'm going to disagree with a lot of comments so far
by Reality-Bites on Thu Aug 18, 2011 02:35 PM PDTEvery time the issue of our Aryan background comes up some people seem to have a meltdown and foam at the mouth with rage should anyone have the audacity to even mention that dreaded "Aryan" word.
This overreaction often manifests itself in the type of crass generlisations and outright distortions made by Mr. Moshiri in the clip and quite a few posters here, in immediately equating any talk of our Aryan background with racism. They say if you even mention you might have an Aryan background you must automatically be an Arab/Muslim hating racist, end of debate.
Furthermore, despite the volumes of historical data and research, now some of us are even intent to rubbish the fact we might have Aryan background (and I apologize to Mr. Moshiri for going against him here, since I know he considers himself an expert on every subject). Mr. Moshiri, you might wish to read up a little on the history of the Indo-European people, before contemptuously dismissing any Linkage between Iran and the Aryan people.
We Iranians have intermingled with many different races over the centuries, resulting in the bloods of different ethnicities running through our veins. We have a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country, whose diversity adds to the richness of our country. All Iranians of whatever background and ethnicity are important and should have an equal stake in the country.
As an Iranian, I celebrate the rich diversity of Iran. But at the same time, I won't cowed into denying it if I have an Aryan heritage. Why should I? Because some genocidal maniac called Hitler said Aryans are better everyone and that Aryans can only be blond-haired and blue-eyed? And because out PC brigade here don't like anyone mentioning anything about our Aryan background?
Well too bad. It is part of our history and part of our heritage, and I won't be told by anyone to deny it. If you disagree with it or feel ashamed of it or wish to deny it altogether, well that's your choice, but it is not mine.
There might be some deluded fools who might use the Aryan angle to justify their bigotry towards other people. That is completely at odds to where I'm coming from. I hate racism and bigotry. It is against everything I stand for.
To me saying that we have an Aryan background in no way means that I think we are better than any other race. It does not mean that I think we are superior to our fellow human beings who live in neighbouring countries (including the Arab countries). It does not mean that I'm under the delusion that we are from some fair-haired, blue-eyed lost North European tribe.
It is simply part of our heritage, just as being Turkish/Azari, Kurdish, Gilaki, Ghashghaai, Lori, Balouchi, Turkoman, Arab, Armenian, Ashuri, Ilami, Kalimi, Bandari etc are all parts of our heritage. It is part of the mix that makes us unique, makes us who we are and gives us our national identity and I'm proud of it.
End of sermon.
Iranians are Aryans
by BoosBoos on Thu Aug 18, 2011 01:52 PM PDTIndo-Aryan languages (within the context of Indo-European studies) constitutes a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages,which is itself a branch of the Indo-European language family. Indo-Aryan speakers form about one half (approx 1.5 billion) of all Indo-European speakers (approx 3 billion); Indo-Aryan has more than half of all recognized Indo-European languages.
From a historical point of view, the ethno-genesis of the Iranian people as Aryans dates back several thousand years -- it has NOTHING to do with racism or Hitler (who misused the term Aryan when he actually meant "Nordic"). For example, King Darius of Persia makes reference to his Aryan tribal heritage back in 500 B.C. -- obviously he had no idea that Hitler would abuse this word to mean "Nordic."
"I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings
The king of many countries and many people
The king of this expansive land,
The son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid,
Persian, the son of a Persian,
'Aryan', from the Aryan people ."
[ From the Darius the Great's Inscription in "Naqshe-e-Rostam." ]
What's really going on:
PanTurkic pseudo-scholars like Alireza Asgharzadeh (a separatist) try to convince the public that Iranians claim to be Aryans because they worship Hitler. Of course, there are also Aryans who converted to Judaism (Jewish Aryans). There's a groups of "Aryan Jews" on Facebook here:
The reason people like Asgharzadeh want to break down Iranian unity is to cause separatism and a lack of identity among Iranians. Iranian scholars have complained about him (see below):
I'm not going to try to explain the ethno-genesis of Aryan peoples in the limited space on this blog, but fore those of you that like videos, there's one here showing anthropological studies of Aryan people:
Iran roughly means 'Land of the Aryans.' The last point I'd like to make is that many of the same people trying to harm the Aryan culture and history of Iran, are the same people that supported panturkic ethnic cleansing of Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, Kurds, and Iranians from modern-day Turkey. One of the components of panturkism is to break down the identity of other groups so as to assimilate them as "Turks." The real subject of this topic should be panturkism.
Speaking of Persian TV satellite, Maryam jan
by Anahid Hojjati on Thu Aug 18, 2011 01:28 PM PDTI think in 4 months, I will change my TV, Internet access and phone plans at home. The Bundle service that I have "sucks to Canada". It is expensive. At that time, I will probably get Persian TV satellite. Until then, I guess I can watch his programs on the site that you noted. Thanks for all the info, Maryam jan.
Anahid Jan, BM programs are
by Maryam Hojjat on Thu Aug 18, 2011 01:19 PM PDTbroadcasted on ParTV three days per week. Monday about MOghaletat, Tuesday about Modernity/ Science and Wednesday on Shahnameh e Ferdousi. However, if you do not have persian Satellite TV you may check his program videos on internet at farsi section. All videos are listed according to date of broadcast. Enjoy
No scientific merit to "Aryan"/"Aareeyaa-ee"
by WeAreBlessed on Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:27 PM PDTThere is no scientific merit to the use of "Aryan" or "Aareeyaa-ee," in the context of Iranians or native Persian-speakers.
For those who disagree, please perform an on-line scholarly search and please present to us, peer-reviewed objective scientific evidence, shedding light on the Iranian-Aryan link. The people of Iran have been studied in detail, however, the concept of "Aryan"/"Aareeyaa-ee" has taken a life of its own. PLEASE PROVIDE LINKS/CITATIONS TO PUBLISHED PEER-REVIEWED SCHOLARLY STUDIES.
There is such a thing as a native Farsi/Persian-speaker, however, the concept of "Aareeyaa-ee" is simply a made-up paradigm. If "Aareeyaa-ee" actually exists, please show us, using scientific literature.
Without revealing much about my background, I am academic faculty, with expertise on related matters...
This is not a personal matter and I will not answer personal attacks. For an adult-level discussion, PLEASE PROVIDE LINKS/CITATIONS TO PUBLISHED PEER-REVIEWED SCHOLARLY STUDIES.
Your time and consideration is greatly appreciated.
Maryam jan, regarding Moshiri
by Anahid Hojjati on Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:06 PM PDTwhere can we watch "Bahram Moshiri"? I remember until July 2009, I had no idea who he was. Then in the huge demonstrations in support of the movement in Iran in July of 2009 in San Francisco, a friend pointed him to me and spoke highly of him. I had no idea who Moshiri was.
Mr. Moshiri Has taught us so many humane things
by Maryam Hojjat on Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:47 AM PDTThat is the reason I do not miss his program. May Great Yazdan protect him from IRR thugs.
This is great. This make me
by Iran 2050 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:44 AM PDTThis is great.
This make me so happy to see more and more Iranians are dumping this inexcusable racism towards Arabs and Islam others and finally step in the 21st century and get out of the middle ages.
As I’ve said before, IRI’s extremism should not let us lose our head. Should not let us become bigots like they are.
Of course this “Aryan Supremacy” goes beyond IRIs reign. We have been a racist nation throughout most of our history, however, that trend really intensified since Reza Shah took power and this whole “Aryanism” started which has had devastated affect on our country, its culture, its unity, its psyche and its image.
I’m just glad we are slowly but surely are moving on and becoming civilized people.
Human Race
by caspiantiger on Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:24 AM PDTPeople like Mr. Moshiri make me proud of calling myself an Iranian. Regardless of our ethnicity, we all belong to the human race.
The real issue
by MRX1 on Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:23 AM PDTis not racial in Iran. The real issue is a resurection of Iran from omatestan. This means resurecting our culture, language, names, way of life, our celeberations our icons, you name it......................
It is really interesting that every culture,ethnicity, nation some how has a right to rediscover itself, but god forbid if an Iranian even mentions a word about true Iran and he or she will be attacked by forces of sheik o omatis, communists, greenies, republicansim and sadly even monarchists.
Simorgh, one question
by Adib Masumian on Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:07 AM PDTDear Simorgh, I don't disagree with any of your ideas; however, one question did come to mind, and it pertains to your use of a "purified Persian." Is this the same notion of "Farsiye khaales" that some people have advocated, which would entail a wholesale purging of the Persian language of all foreign influence? If so, do you know how many words we would have to remove and find some Middle or Old Persian equivalent to re-teach in all our schools just for the sake of being "pure"? Doesn't that seem a little incovenient? We would have to do away with words like titr, jambon, jacket, idée, projé, asansor, agence, punaise, classeur, jen, kerevat and so many others because they're all French. And don't even get me started on Arabic—refer to this:
"A dictionary based sample yields an inventory of approximately 8000 Arabic loanwords in current standard Persian or about forty percent of an everyday literary vocabulary of 20,000 words, not counting compounds and derivatives." "In a random experiment, the Arabic Vocabulary of material culture was 14% while that of intellectual life was 24% percent in Persian." Most of the Arabic loans in Persian are either synonyms of attested native terms (as Arabic Mariz; Persian Bimar 'sick') or could be (and often have been) glossed in Persian native morphs (as Arabic ta'lim va tarbiyat 'education' was later replaced by Amuzesh o Parvaresh)."
The source for the above is:
John R. Perry, "Lexical Areas and Semantic Fields of Arabic" in Éva Ágnes Csató, Eva Agnes Csato, Bo Isaksson, Carina Jahani, *Linguistic convergence and areal diffusion: case studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic, Routledge, 2005.