Bahram Moshiri: Racism

On Aryan supremacist tendencies



United Colours of Iran

by Simorgh5555 on

Just because Hitler exploited and misrepresented the ethnogeny of the Aryan race it does not mean as Iranians we should be embarassed by calling ourselves Aryans and being proud of our race. By Aryan, I of course refer to the ancient people of Central Asia and the Russian Steppes which migrated on to the plateau which is now Iran and India. This is not the same blonde haired, blue eyed abberation of the Aryan race from the northern Europe which Hitler propogated.

Mr Moshiri, should realise that I love my Aryan heritage and although I accept the Iranian race has mixed as a result of the numerous invasions such as Greeks, Mongrels and Arabs our pre-Islamic culture is unique and living in the heart of its people.  I do not shave my head and brandish a swastika medallion. 

Every Iranians should reach out and celebrate our diversity whether it be Kurds, Baluch, Lors or even Arab Iranians. However, what I do have a problem with is Islamism which is an evil which tries to assimilate everyone into Mohammed's religion and should be destroyed. 

On a recent visit to Spain, I saw many Spaniards speaking their own regional dialects alongside Spanish but the main language remains Castelian (or modern Spanish as is taught in most schools). The Spaniards seem to have a live and let live attitude and although General Franco was vehemently opposed to recognising diversity fearing that it will breakdown national unity it seems to work well. 

But where we should draw the line is anyone wanting to separate Iran or forming breakaway republics or federations of any kind. This is not even tolerated in Spain where even though there are laws specific to some regions the territorial integrity of the country is not for compromise. 

I realise that as a great supporter of Reza Shah, he also rejected regional variations in Iran but given the plans by the British and Russia to divide Iran into zones of influence his policies were absolutely right. 

I have no objection to a Lor speaking her or his own language alongisde a purified Persian. Paradoxically, a Bandari or Khuzestani can speak Arabic but must also adopt the official purified Persian language.

Farsi should be used for those interested in literature.  

In a future Iran, liberated of the Islamic Republic cancer, we too should adopt a constitution similar to that of Spain but making it clear those seeking to fragment the country will be dealt with an iron fist.   

Long live a United Iran. Long live the United colours of Iran.  


A good example of why I like and respect Mr. Moshir so much

by Bavafa on

I believe some people try to take advantage of Iranian nationalistic feeling and sentiments, specially in light of the disdain and hatred that has been created as a result of IRI rule, to fan the flame of racist ideology they have.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Tiger Lily


Tiger Lily

منظور اینست که ایشون نفهمیدند که بنده از همه برتر و خسگلتر و با هوشترم؟


عجب بیخبریه این دیگه.



حتما خودش عربه. 


P.S. Of course, I'm kiddin'! 


زور زدن بلاگی!


و آنهایی هم که در پیشبرد هدفهای خر مگسی خود از ایرانی و ایرانیان یک سجده گاه پوشالی ساخته و برای به عقب کشی زمان به دوران انگین پهلوی هی در بلاگهای خود زور میزنند بقدری از مرحله پرتند که تمامی نداردو بالاخره دیر یا زود از مرض یبوست در غربت تلف خواهند شد.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

مطالبِ بسیار جالبی‌ را جنابِ مشیری مطرح فرمودند که وقتش بود بدان رسیدگی شود.

بیش از ۸۰% مردمِ ایران از۲ طرف آنورتر خانواده خودشان را نمیشناسند،بیش از نیمی از دیارِ خود به شهر‌های دگر کوچ کرده اند،جالب و مسخره اینجاست که اینان که از اعراب تنفر دارند،همگی‌ مسلمان و همگی‌ نامهایِ عربی‌ دارند.

ما همه از یک جنسیم و از یک مملکت،به غیر از این هیچ حزب و نهادی معنا ندارد و هر کس که به این مزخرفات پایبند باشد، قطعاً از ما نیست و در آینده ایران شراکتی ندارد.



حماقت بی حد و حصر


آنانی که اهل برتری  فارس و ترک و عرب و این دین و فلان آیین هستند؛ آنقدر از مرحله پرتند که حد و حصر ندارد.

خبر خوش آنکه مانند وحوش اسلامیست؛ هرچه بیشتر زور میزنند، نتیجه معکوس میگیرند. بنابراین هی زور بزنید.  

از قرار حرف های حساب آقای مشیری خیلیها ؛ خصوصاً وحوش را مگسی کرده.   

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

... pedar maadareto biaamorzeh... thank you!

All those who want to purge Iran of all Arab and other "non-Iranian" races, take note: your ideas belong to the gutter.