کس من و کیر فروید


کس من و کیر فروید
by nilofar-shidmehr

شما را بی اجازه آقا
زی زی فوفولو خطاب می کنم
و می گویم آخر زی زی
شده تا حالا پروانه ای
کمبود کرم بودن و کرم ماندن
داشته باشد؟ تا حالا دیده ای فوفولو
که پروانه ای برای کرم شدن حسرت بکشد؟

کس من زی زی
به محض زاده شدن پروانه شد
از پیله ی هستی در آمد
و بالهای گوشتی اش را به پهنای زیستن گشود
بعد پاهای ظریف و بندبازش را فرو کرد
میان گل ران هایم و میان بال ها
بدن حساسش است، نهاده
با قلبی برجسته:
چوچوله ای
که شاخک های جاذبه از آن می رویند—

شاخک های عشق و میل
که کرم شب تاب تو را فوفولو
از خواب بلند می کند و سرش را
از پیله ی مسیحی اش بیرون می کشد
به تمنای تپیدن لذت
که چیزی نیست
جز همان وزش بطئی و ظریف نسیم بالیدن من
و به سمت پروانه ام
آنش را
چون سایه ای دراز می کند
و پرواز می دهد .....

اما این کرم تو، ای دل غافل
یعنی از بد روزگار، این سایه ی تو
هیچ گاه پروانه نتواند شد... و این
انتهای ناکامی است.

حالا بگو، یعنی بنال:
ناکامی سهم من است یا سهم تو؟
و این تویی یا من، آقای سایه ها
که آنی دارد
وقتی تنها پروانه ها زاییدن می توانند
وقتی تنها پروانه ها
گشودن راستین امتدادهای هستی می کنند؟

حالا بگو حسرت این سیب گوشتالوی پر خون
که خیالش به آبداری بدن پروانه ام است
مال من است یا مال تو ؟
حسرت نتوانستن؟ کمبود بالیدن؟
و این محکومیت ابدی به سایه گردانی که تو خوب
اسطوره ها و سمبل هایش را می دانی
و چیده ای روی میز یکپارچه ی کارت
و بر کاناپه ی سرخی که سایه ات را
رویش بر بدن های زنانه دراز می کردی
غافل از این که حدود ذاتی قد کشیدن تو
مایل و محصور به حدود وهم ضخیمت
از توسعه ی فریبنده ی آن روان-سایه ی لاغر
و بی گوشت و خون توست؟

بنال دیگر روانی،
زی زی فوفولو؟

نیلوفر شیدمهر استراکوا
بالش شعر: 22 جون 2012

الهام یا تپیدن میل: جمعه 15 جون با دیدن مجسمه ای در موزه ی هنرهای زیبای مونترال که تصویرش پیوست شعر است.


more from nilofar-shidmehr

You are aware

by Latina on

You are aware that people decided to click on this page. No one forced them to do so.

Clearly from the title and photo one can infer that it may contain adult language.

In this country their is freedom of choice. Actually, the young should not be on this web site without adult supervision to begin with. 

I certainly do not allow my sons on this web site without my supervision and they are 21 and 22.



Bad Words Must Be Used Under Lahaaf!

by Zorumbaa on

Shamshi, You are absolutely correct! The ONLY people that have the RIGHT to use these really bad and nasty words are Imam Jafar Sadegh, the 13th Imam, (the authorization to play with the area near the K. of a very young girl) and of course the master of Ghabal and Dabar, the first mentor of the Imam, Mullah Mohamad Bagher Majelesi. The rest of you may use these unreal and alien words, very quietly, under the Mallafeh and Patoo!


Non sense

by shamsi on

You sure have no class using these words when young and old would read this page.


بال پروانه اگر پاس ادب را مي‌داشت ...


عزیز جان باید هم در مدح پروانه محترمه شعر و ذکر و ثنا هم بگویید... بخاطر همین پروانه است که هذیانهای شما  به نام شعرهر یکی دوهفته یک  بار در صفحه اول این تارنما گذاشته میشود و پروانه دوستان عزیز به تعریف از کارهای شما می‌پردازند... مطمئن باشید اگر بخاطر گًل روی پروانه شما نبود بیدرنگ پریشان نوشته‌های شما را حذف میکردند از این تارنما... پس همچنان به حلوا حلوا کردن پروانه خویش بپردازید که به ایشان بسیار مدیون هستید


I'm sorry but can't really relate to this!

by Kooshan on

It this non-sense to me or I have some people who share the same?

Sounds more like product of a sexually deprived person letting it all out. I tried to find at leats some artistic point and i'm so sorry to say it's either me having no artistic taste or really it is no art!


Another person who is abusing freedom and causing pollution! 


Poor Manless Women!!

by Zorumbaa on

Ms. Hojjati,   what is your point/issue here? If it has no relevancy to the subject of the poem, then why bother?  Is there a hidden message (Iranians, at least most, have mastered this art and science—sending hidden ambiguous hints and messages,) What does “Women Without Men” in so called other circles must convey?! Should I change my glasses and read something else?!!

Please be ruthlessly  honest! Are you connecting to THAT book? Why?  



by ashkgerd on

Lool i love this! Merci!


If I may,

by incognito on

Like others here, I admire your courage in this poetic
rendering of carnal nuances.  Your verse is on a par with that butterfly of a flag flown over that magnanimous body.

However, as is the case for most of the contemporary Iranian poetry, yours is the cry of protest revealing a sadly internalized resentment (if I may borrow from Daryush Ashouri). Will we witness your days of rebellion (as was the case for Forough)?

By rebellion, I do not mean creating a “women colony”. As I am sure you are aware of, female copulation - if it ever leads to conception - can only produce female offspring(s) (i.e. no Y chromosome). Is that desirable (S. Parsipur notwithstanding)?

persian westender


persian westender

عالی‌ بود، شجاعانه و سنت شکنانه،
برای خیلی‌ از ما که حتا اسم واقعی‌ خودمون رو هم تو مطالب خوش خیم تر از این

این فروید اصلاً آدم کرمکی بوده! از شوخی‌ گذشته، شعر شما من رو یاد فیلم
"روش خطرناک" دیوید کروننبرگ انداخت



اندر باب "دو حرفی" و "سه حرفی" و ذهنیتها و تمایلات سرکوب شده


با تشکر از خانم شیدمهر، در ضربه ی دیگر زدن به نظام ارزشی، ذهنیتها و تمایلات سرکوب شده ی مذهبی و غیر مذهبی.
دیوانه جان، برخی زبان شناسان میگویند که در حقیقت امر: واژه "زن" ریشه "زندگی" است ، و "مرد" ریشه فعل "مردن" است.
بنابر چنین استدلالی احساس پستی و فرعی بودن شما و من و دیگر مردان حسی است کاملا منطقی و به جا.
جای تعجب من در این است که چطور پس از این همه سال و در قرن ۲۱ هنوز که هنوزه نوشتن و ذکر "دو حرفی" و "سه حرفی" ناقابل و حقیر که هر روز باهاشون سر و کار داریم اینگونه هنوز ذهن و تمایلات سرکوب شده را پرخاش گر و عصبانی میکند.
البته استاد "زی زی فوفولو" چندین و چند کتاب و رساله در مورد تمایلات سرکوب شده و خاستگاه جسمی-روحی آنان نوشته است.

Anahid Hojjati

Although not subject of the poem

by Anahid Hojjati on

but few commentators have commented about women without men. I have been reading same kind of discussions in other circles too in recent days. Again, poem has nothing to do with this idea.


Very imaginative

by divaneh on

Excellent poem although it makes me feel inferior. This is the type of poetry that the Iranian society needs now.



by Faramarz on

Unless the Greek food is really good on Lesbos Island, I am not going anywhere near it!

I wonder what Zeus thought of that place!


To Faramarz : Planet of women?

by Souri on

Looking at the history (or the Mythology?) it seems that there was a place like this in the past. The Island of Lesbos!


Also the poems of Sappho who was born and raised in Lesbos Island, shows that the Eymorg movie was partially based on true facts.



In my or your lifetime!

by Zorumbaa on

First Amen. That would be the day to have a cold beer with some good pesteh!

Can we speed it up?



by Mehrban on

 According to the New Testament, Christ, the cream de la cream of all humans is supposed to have been conceived without male participation.  How about that?!

The most male oriented institution (religious patriarchy) perceives perfection in an immaculate conception.  Speaking of shooting yourself in the foot :).  



by Latina on

Your comment "poor your kids that hav eto bear with such a loser as their mother" is uncalled for.

I have flagged your posted comment.


Mehrban Jaan

by nilofar on

I also visited Freud's house in Austria. A few years ago. 2005? And it was an important part of my trip. Also, I visited a museum in St. Petersburg dedicated to Freud. I highly recommend this exhibition. It is a MUST SEE.

I still have to go to London to see the famous Couch. I did not see it the last time I was in that Stimulating London.

Thanks for your comment. I should confess that I forgot to make a reference in my poem to HESTERIA. The poem is critically lacks that reference/aspect. I will bring it in while I will rewrite my poems to make them to a collection.

Your Mehrbani is the Excess I have talked about in my comment to Faramarz and Esfand.

I still have to come up with an intelligent response to what Faramarz has intelligibly said in his last comment? Any idea? What is your response? Let us make this important conversation public.



Esfand Aashena

Phalus or no phalus, that is the question?

by Esfand Aashena on

At the end of the day those with phalus are men and those without it are women.  Or, those with vaginas are women and those without it are men.  It's a simple algebra equation!

In order to evaluate any future human evolution via technology that changes this equation, one needs to see the solution.  Perhaps these body parts can be eliminated (cut-off or covered ;-) and replaced with an iSex suite of solutions! 

Perhaps we can get hooked up to an iSex and have orgasms in our heads!  Perfect designer children could be popped out of human farms and given to Government to be raised as sheeps until such time that they can be kicked out of their Government homes! 

Everything is sacred


Thank god for these progressive men at IC

by Mehrban on

I saw the title and thought okay this one I can't comment on and then I read on.  A very interesting poem, your metaphores are immaculate, I have always thought that Penis Envy was one of the oddest ideas of Freud .  I was just in Vienna and of course went to Freud's house, I have to say it was an important part of my trip emotionally and intellectually.  Although I have to be in the camp that Azadeh recently mentioned about wo/men are not solely motivated by sextual gratification but actual human contact.  

Great to see you back Nilofar.  You have guts.  I am almost scared to encourage you :). 


To Dear Faramarz and Esfand

by nilofar on

Thank you very much for your comments. They are interesting but not directly related to my poem. What I am going to write is related to your comments, not to this poem.

Yes, I think that your prophecy is to some degree true, meaning that in centuries to come, male/masculinity needs different means and ways of representation than his PHALUS AND ITS SYMBOLIC POWER to stay RELEVANT in a future world which neuro-scince and genetics and their technologies set its frontiers. 

This does not however mean that MEN of the FUTURE will be eliminated from the face of the earth or WOMEN of the FUTURE will wish to live in an only-woman colony. As a matter of the fact, WOMEN OF TODAY WHO ARE LIKE ME do not wish to live in such MISERABLE LOCUS, otherwise the Islamic Republic is the best place for such BAD living--a place in which women are segragated and more or less live among themselves in اندرونی های اجتماع یا حرم سراهایش

The idea of women-only colony has been around much earlier than the movie you refered to. You can find it in a Greek play, do not remeber the name and am too lazy to google, in which women whose men go to war, decide to create a Republic of Women. The older women are pioneers, but in the end, if I remember correctly, the younger women desire male company, and the whole REPUBLIC collapses. Ha Ha Ha. I tell you a secret: I am not that kind of FEMINIST who desires such REPUBLIC. Actually, such space is boring and stale and not desirable, at least for THE KIND WHO I AM, GENTLEMEN. 

I saw a TV report a few years ago which said Japanese scientists have produced a mouse from two female mice. They genetically manipulated one female mouse`s egg in a way that it acts like sperm and can impregnate another female mouse`s egg. Even before being informed by this report, I have always imagined that females by some manipulations of some sort, even spirtual manipulations, VOODOS , can impregnate each other. This idea is not something strange and I think has been around forever--the idea of female capability to act like male with regard to procreation--a capability which male lacks, in a biological sense.

Having said all this, I think male is much more than his PHALUS AND ITS BEWITCHING AND SYMBOLIC POWER. I appreciate and desire that EXCESS, that thing which is more, and never want/will/wish to eliminate it. I personally have no FASCISTIC tendencies, be assured. I just challenge PHALUS AND ITS SYMBOLS AND SHADOWS which are becoming too OBSOLETE for our YOUNG and EMERGING WORLD. YES, FREUD AND LACAN AND EVEN CRAZY CLOWN ZIZEK WHO IMITATES STALIN AND HITLER are BECOMING IRRELEVANT. 

So, this pomes in a way to say in a joking but angry manner, in a way similar to BLACK MAMMAS', HELLO? HEY, YO, WAKE UP, PLEASE. (See Chirs Rock's Nigga, please!)

Thanks again, dear ones. I love you two GENTLEMEN.


Nilofar Shidmehr Strakova 


Very intresting

by rain bow movment on

this kind of poetry remind me of Ms forough farokhzad way of expressing women's issue.

intresting & imaginative mind ,We need more women like you to breaking the Islamic taboo good on you.

in fact the Iranian women will bring down the barbaric Islamic regime


A Planet of Women!

by Faramarz on

Thanks for your thoughts!

It reminded me of an episode of the Star Trek where a community of women, Eymorgs who had no use for men stole Spock's brain to make it into a living computer that the Eymorgs hoped would last 10,000 years.

Nice Try!

But at the end, Dr. McCoy put Spock's brain back in and all was well!

The episode was called "Spock's Brain."


Esfand Aashena

I suppose 1 day women will find ways 2 eliminate men altogether!

by Esfand Aashena on

Since this poem is addressed to Freud and not Islamic Republic per se, it looks like some women are looking to future, say 22nd century, where women find ways to live without men altogether.

What are men good for these days?  In 22nd century men are good for nothing!

Everything is sacred

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

A long-overdue perspective for this site........thanks for the beautiful and groundbreaking piece.........I find admin's nervousness somehow understandable, and I look forward to the day when a dialogue, instead of a monologue, is permitted........



by Iranboy on

Dear Poet,

Great that you published this... Please see a doctor asap...poor your kids that hav eto bear with such a loser as their mother 

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Interesting point of view. The fact that women give birth to life makes them gods, creators, in my mind.

Thank you for sharing your daring, imaginative mind.



by admin on

Only serious comments please.