که دل بدست کمان ابرویست کافرکیش....
از یک سؤ فقیهان رسمی جمهوری "کافر" پرور ایران در صدور حکم ارتداد با یکدیکر مسابقه گذاشته اند و از سوی دیگر منکران در خوار داشت نام پاکان و پیامبران و ناسزا گفتن به آنان، گوی سبقت را از یکدیگر ربوده اند. صف آرایئ حیرت انگیزی است.
فقیهان به عمد و اصرار میکوشند تا نشان دهند که اگر بیش از این قدرت یابند، سری را بر گردن مرتدی و جانی را در کالبد کافری به جا نخواهند نهاد . کافر کیشان نیز به صد زبان با هم میهنان خود میگویند که اگر از چنبر استبداد بجهند، بی تردید و بی دریغ، آزادی بدست آمده را صرف تمسخر و تخفیف آموزگاران دین و آموزههای آنان خواهند کرد و پیش از آن که به صنعت و اقتصاد و سیاست برسند، به حساب دینداران خواهند رسید و با آنان و عقایدشان تصفیه حساب خواهند کرد و ناظران به درستی در یافته اند که آینده را نه به دست فقیهان کافرخوار میتوانند بسپارند و نه به دست کافران مسلمان خوار که رویه های زشت یک سکه منحوس اند: اسلام کشی یا کفر کشی.
تهمت تکفیر پیشینه یی کهن دارد و دامان نامداران بسیاری را دریده است. نقد منکرانه دین نیز در دوران جدید، حدیث کهنه یی است و دست کم قدمت چند صد ساله دارد . پیش از آنکه مارکس نقد دین را در صدر همه نقدها قرار دهد، ولترها و دیدروها پیکر دین را به تیرهای طعن و طنز خسته بودند. با این همه دین جان سختی کرد و چراغ کلیساها روشن ماند و همین که پیکر نیم جانش، بر خلاف انتظار سکولارها، در دوران پسامدرن جان دوباره گرفت و ابراز هویت نمود و خرق عادتها کرد و انقلابها آفرید، خرد ورزانی چون هابرماس سکولار بر آن شدند تا از جامعه پسا سکولار سخن بگویند و " دیالوگ " میان مؤمنان و مخالفان را پیشنهاد و توصیه کنند.
رفتار پاره یی از منکران غربت گزیده ایرانی، اما، نشان میدهد که نه تنها دماغ دیالوگ ندارند و شیوه نقد راستین را نیاموخته اند، بلکه در بی خبری و عقب ماندگی از قافله تاریخ و عقلانیت، فقط زبان طعن و تمسخرشان باز و دراز است و به جای آنکه از در دوستی و آشتی درآیند و دل اهل ایمان را به دست آورند و همدلانه، کجیهای اندیشه آنان را به غربال نقد و منطق بپالایند و به دیالوگی متقارن روی خوش نشان دهند و خود را آماده شنیدن نقد و نظر کنند، به شنعت زدن و خبث گفتن رو میآورند و از لذت موهوم آن بشاشت میاندوزند.
نقد علمی البته صورت و سیرت دیگر دارد. و کورچشمی بسیار میخواهد که آدمی تفاوت میان نقد موقر و طعن موذی را در نیابد . صاحب این قلم خود به سبب نقد دین داغ تکفیر و زخم ارتداد بر چهرهٔ دارد و دیری است که صلیب مرگ خود را بر دوش میکشد .همین قلم بود که سالها پیش نوشت "امر دین عظیم تر از آن است که فقط به عاشقان سپرده شود. کافران و منکران هم درین وادی حقی و حظی دارند" .و باز صاحب همین قلم بود که برای اولین وآخرین بار در دانشکده الاهیات دانشگاه تهران آراء لودویگ فویرباخ و دیوید هیوم را در نقددین تدریس کرد و به دانشجویان طریقه ساخت شکنی دین را آموخت. شریعتی هم چندان از نفاق دینی و تزویر روحانی سخن گفت که دین فروشان برآشوفتند و برای فروکوفتنش با شکنجه گران سلطنتی هم داستان شدند. ما البته دین را نقد همدلانه می کردیم. و گلزار دیانت را تهی از آفات و خرافات و گزندگان و درندگان میخواستیم و میخواهیم.
هیوم و کانت و هگل و مارکس و فویرباخ هم ناقدان محترم دین بودند و دینداران الی الابد وامدار موشکافی های اندیشه گرانه آنانند. هیوم وقوع معجزات را نقد کرد، کانت دعا کردن را بیمعنا میدانست، هگل خدایی تاریخی وحلولی را می پرستید، فویرباخ و مارکس هم دین را افیون روان یا افیون توده ها میدانستند. کسانی هم بودند و هستند که فراتر از مصلحان می روند و نه به اصلاح دین بل به امحاء آن میاندیشند و می کوشند.اینان هم مادام که به نقد عقلانی پایبند باشند سعی شان مشکور است و جهدشان مأجور
روی سخن با کسانیست که جرعه صحبت را به حرمت نمی نوشند و شرط ادب را در محضر خرد نگه نمی دارند و دین ورزان را به تازیانه تحقیر می رانند و دامن بزرگان دین را به لکه اهانت می آلایند.
روی سخن با دین ستیزانی است که بنام نقد اهانت و نفرت می پراکنند و رقم مغلطه بر دفتر دانش میکشند و سر حق بر ورق شعبده ملحق میکنند و نفس کافری را عین روشنفکری و ترقی می انگارند و چهره ای کریه از آزادی می نگارند و پلیدی ها و زشتی ها را ببهانه حق و آزادی مجاز و مطاع می شمارند و "نه آن در سر دارند که سر بکسی فرود آرند."
مغالطه مهلکی که ذهن و ضمیر این طاعنان را تسخیر کرده این است که هرچه "آزاد است رواست." به قوت باید گفت که این سخن سخت نارواست.
آدمیان برای طمع ورزیدن و حسد ورزیدن، بخل ورزیدن، غیبت کردن، مسخره کردن، پرخوردن، پر گفتن، آدرس غلط به جویندگان دادن و هنگام بیماری نزد طبیب نرفتن و... آزاداند، یعنی هیچ قانونی آنان را منع و مجازات نمی کند. اما در عین آزاد بودن، پاره ای از آن خصال و افعال از اقبح قبائح اند و بهیچ حیله و بهانه یی پلیدی شان پاک و پیراسته نمی شود.
آزادی، جراحی پلاستیک نیست که زشتی ها را زیبا کند. آزادی چون نور است که زشتی ها و زیبایی ها را آنچنان که هستند می نمایاند. تمسخر کردن و نام بزرگان را بزشتی بردن، رذیلت است ولو آزادانه انجام شود. اهانت ناروا است ولو نام نیکوی نقد بر آن نهاده شود. خود را فریب ندهیم. چه کسی می تواند بپذیرد پیامبر اسلام را به صورت خوک نشان دادن یا امامان شیعه را سید گدا خواندن (در رسانههای لوس آنجلسی)، نقدعلمی یا تحلیل تاریخی یامبارزه سیاسی است؟ درسراسر دوران روشنگری که نقد دین در صدر کارنامه منکران قرار داشت، هیچ کس عیسی مسیح را به صورت خوک نکشید و هیچ کس حواریون عیسی را بی سر و پا نخواند. ”یارب به که شاید گفت این نکته که در عالم" دین گریزان غربت گزیده ایرانی گشاده دستانه شیپور آزادی را از دهانه گشادش مینوازند و تمرین آزادی را از آزادی پلشتی ها و قرآن سوزیها آغاز کرده اند و نعمت زیستن در اقالیم آزاد را چنین کفران میکنند؟.
صاحب این قلم و همراهانش سالهاست بر شیعیان بانگ میزنند که خلفای پیامبر را سب و لعن نکنید و دشنام و ناسزا نگویید و تخم نفرت و کینه مپراکنید و آتش دشمنی برنیفروزید، حالا بیایند و ازین آزادی پروران! بشنوند که اهانت به مقدسات دیگران و دامان فضیلتشان را به رذیلت آلودن شرط و لازمه آزادی است و کسی را به خاطر آن نباید نکوهش کرد!
"حیرت اندر حیرت آمد زین قصص"
من نمیدانم اگر فردا و پس فردا رعدی بخروشد و برقی بدرخشد و راه بازگشت آوارگان به وطن هموار شود، این ناسزا گویان چگونه میتوانند بی خفّت و بی خجلت، چشم در چشم مردان و زنان و دختران و پسران بی شماری بدوزند که عقدشان را در محضر قرآن بسته اند و به آیین محمدی بر یکدگر حلال شده اند و باذن خدا ازیکدیگرکام گرفته اند، فرزندانشان را محمد و فاطمه نام نهاده اند و الگوی مروّت و شجاعت را در علی دیده اند؟ نام محمد را بی صلوات بر زبان نمیآورند و قرآن را بی بوسیدن به دست نمیگیرند و آب خنک را بی یاد تشنگی حسین نمینوشند و غبار تربتش را بر دیدگان میسایند
چگونه میتوان در خرمن ایمان و آرامش قومی آتش عداوت زد و در میانشان به آرامی زیست؟
پدر کشتی و تخم کین کاشتی
پدر کشته را کی بود آشتی
با طاعنان دینگریز میگویم: اگر در پی برکندن بیخ اسلامید، آب درهاون میکوبید و جهد بیتوفیق میکنید. هم خدای مسلمانان (به شهادت قرآن) وعده تثبیت این دین را در زمین داده است، لیظهره علی الدین کله، و هم (به شهادت تاریخ) این شجره طیبه محمدی در فزونی و تناوری بوده است و از آمد و رفت کلاغان، شاخ و برگش نفرسوده است. به قول جلال الدین بلخی: «مصطفا را وعده کرد الطاف حق......... او بخفت و بخت و اقبالش نخفت». در افتادن با تمدنی چنین ستبر و سترگ نه کاری است خرد.
بل از حریصی عاقبت نادیدن است بر خود و بر عقل خود خندیدن است
و به قول خواجه شیراز:
صد باد صبا این جا با سلسله میرقصند
این است حریفای دل! تا باد نپیمایی
و اگر برای تشفی خاطر چنین میکنید، وجدان شرمگین اخلاق نمیپسندد که دل دیگران را خون کنید تا دل خودتان خوش شود.
اگر استبداد دینی ایران را نشانه رفتهاید، نشانهگیریتان خطاست. دل مردم را به دست آورید تا در مبارزه با استبداد همدست شما شوند. زخم زبان زدن و دل مؤمنان را آزردن از خرد سیاسی به دور است و راهی بدهی نمیبرد.
اگر قصد روشنگری و خرافهزدایی و دینپیرأیی دارید، بسم الله. راهش نقد علمی و تحلیل محققانه و همدلانه است و فتح باب دیالوگ و قبول شرافتمندانه رقیب، نه طعن و تخفیف و تمسخر.
من در عجبم که چرا از اردوگاه "سکولار" ندایی و صدایی بر نمیخیزد و چرا از تاریخ مغرب زمین درس نمیگیرند و همزبان با مومنان، بر قبیله طاعنان نمیشورند و به نصح ناقدانه ایشان دهان نمیگشایند؟ مگر نهی آنان فقط برعهده دینداران است؟ اینهمه تلویزیون و اینهمه سایت اینترنتی، روزان و شبان در کار تولید نفرت و فضیحتاند و جدال کفر و دین را دامن میزنند و عقلای قوم نشستهاند و تماشا میکنند و زبان از هدایت بستهاند. سکولارها به داد سکولاریزم برسید! این نفرت فروشیهای تندروانه، چهره دین ستیزانه به سکولاریزم خواهد بخشید و در فردای موعود کار بدست همه خواهد داد.
آنچه را آوردم هم از سر غیرت مسلمانی بود هم مصلحت سیاسی و هم دغدغه فرهنگی. آیا کمال بیفرهنگی و بیتدبیری نیست محبوب مسلمانان را آزردن و در میدان مبارزه با استبداد، آتش اختلاف عقیدتی افروختن؟
باری اگر، ایرانیان همه یهودی یا مسیحی یا.... هم بودند، بیکم وبیش با طاعنان در یهودیت و مسیحیت و... همینگونه خطاب میکردم و آنان را به نقد مشفقانه و ترک طعن دشمنانه فرا میخواندم و مروت و مدارا و ادب و حرمت نگهداشتن را که ارزشهای فرادینیاند، در گوششان فرو میخواندم که:
بیادب تنها نه خودرا داشت بد
بلکه آتش در همه آفاق زد
این وجیزه ناقدانه و ناصحانه بیتکملهای تمام نیست. خطابی هم با قبیله فقیهان دارم:
روشنفکران دینی بینفاق و بیتزویر دغدغه دیانت دارند، به پیامبر مکرم اسلام ایمان و ارادت میورزند و بر خوان آن خوانسالار معنویت نشستهاند و از دست او جرعه معرفت مینوشند، اما سه چیز آنان را از شما جدا میسازد.
الف: اخلاق و تجربه متعالی عرفانی را از فقه برتر مینشانند.
ب: بر کثرت اندیشهها و ادیان مهر قبول مینهند و در آرزوی محال مسلمان کردن و مسلمان شدن همه مردم ننشستهاند وهمه کافران را لزوما گمراه و دشمن حقیقت نمیشمارند.
ج: برون رفتن از دین را همچون درآمدن در دین، از حقوق آدمیان میشناسند و جان را برتر ازعقیده مینشانند و عقل را همه جا محترم میدارند چه وقتی که فتوا به ایمان دهد و چه وقتیکه فتوا به کفر دهد.
برین قرار، بالاجماع مباح کردن خون و آبروی کسی را به سبب خروج از دین مباح نمیشمارند.
سفارش من به شما این است که عالم باعمل باشید و در درجه نخست به مقلدان خود بگویید تا در مقدسات دیگران طعن نزنند و خلفای ثلاث را لعن نکنند و آنگاه اگر غم اسلام میخورید و آنرا توانا و آبرو مند میخواهید با طاعنان و کافران از در محبت درآیید و به نصیحت مشفقانه بپردازید و برای هدایتشان دعای مخلصانه کنید. به کرشمهای بازار ساحری و ناموس سامری را بشکنید. بگذارید از قم بانگ ارشاد و شفقت برخیزد نه نعره قتل و خشونت.
از مولانا، چهره متبسم اسلام، بیاموزید:
میشنیدم فحش و خر میراندم
رب یسر زیر لب میخواندم
هر زمان میگفتم از سوز درون
اهد قومی انهم لا یعلمون
امروز در جهان، ایران تنها کشوری (و قم تنها شهری) ست که در آن حکم رسمی قتل مرتدان صادر میشود و چنین نشانی بر پیشانی اسلام و ایران، موجب فخر و ابتهاج نیست. برین کارنامه بیافتخار مهر خاتمت نهید.
اگر میترسید طعن طاعنان و کفر کافران در استواری درخت پر صلابت اسلام رخنه افکند، دل دلیر دارید که آن آفت موجب چندین مخافت نیست.
به صبر کوش تو ایدل که حق رها نکند
چنین عزیز نگینی به دست اهرمنی
اگر آفتی و مخافتی هست سکوت شما فقیهان در ستم بازار جمهوری اسلامی ایران است که خبر قساوتهای قصابانش به تواتر رسیده است و دل انسانیت و اسلامیت را بدرد آورده است. سکوت شما اینک کم از شرکت درآن مفسدهها و مظلمهها نیست.
و اگر اهانت به رسول مکرم و آل او شما را خشمگین میکند، خشم خود را برای خدا فرو خورید و ادب از بیادبان بیاموزید و به هوش باشید که:
صد ملک دل به نیم نظر میتوان خرید
خوبان در این معامله تقصیر میکنند
و چنانکه قرآن فرمود: ادفع بالتی احسن و جادلهم بالتی احسن
شنیدم که مردان راه خدا
دل دشمنان را نکردند تنگ
تو را کی میسّر شود این مقام
که با دوستانت خلاف است و جنگ
عبدالکریم سروش
خرداد ۱۳۹۱
کافر به معنای نامسلمان است و هیچ بار ارزشی ندارد. این واژه را از آنروی بکار گرفتهام که پارهای از غربت گزیدگان خود را کافِر میشمارند و حتی به آن افتخار میکنند.
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Islam is no different
by Iran 2050 on Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:15 PM PDTIslam is no different ideology. When Zoroastrianism becomes, and history clearly shows it has, extreme, it will cause the same damages. Same is true for Capitalism (As we see in America today), Socialism (As we saw in USSR before), Judaism (As we see in Israel today) and other examples.
don't call me a "cyber basiji" cause I'm the most anti IRI person you can find. I just like to analyze the root cause of issues not engage in some simplistic arguments over bashing others. Every rise and fall of extremism and every rise and fall on societies have to do with only, and I mean only, 3 conditions and ideology is NONE of them, cause without the variables of these three conditions, ideologies cannot rise or fall:
1- Social structures and conditions of a country
2- Economic structure and conditions of a country
3- Political structure and conditions of a country
Look for Iran's ills among those three issues, and stop bashing people and insulting each other's beliefs and religions.
Its 8.15, now i'm off to get a pint
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:10 PM PDTbe salamati.
Insightful observation Amir jan
by anglophile on Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:00 PM PDTThank you.
Thanks Kooshan. I wonder
by vildemose on Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:48 AM PDTThanks Kooshan.
I wonder if the root cause is Islam, or th efact that it is used as a powerful means in th eprocess of awackening in the ME.
Now we are entering the realm of political Islam vs. Spiritual Islam. Political Islam is no different than marxism or communism in my view. It (political Islam) has nothing original to offer, neither politically or economically. Political Islam is not even awakening the masses. If it did, instead of resorting to terrorism and bringing back the Islamic ummh kalifite, they would concentrate on building their economy and accept defeat and their ever futile resistance to modernism. Noone is afraid of political Islam because it's not a viable or pragmatic alternative to prosperty and progress in the 21st century.
Political Islam only continuously erodes whatever value spiritual Islam has ever offered.
All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir
Fariba Taking your comments as disingenuous.
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:09 PM PDTJM members and leaders Preyed on Iran for the west in 1979, not fair to ask everyone to accept fault for that. Even today they still act as opposition to irans Culture, by lying about the extent of activities of Savak and Slandering the Late Shah.
You yourself on this site, spoke in unfair terms against Savak and its several thousand employees, when the Head of Internal security for Savak did a live interview where he said, he had no knowledge, nor did any of the people he had working with him have knowledge of anyone with in the Savak of breaking the rules of practice of Savak and committing Tortures. Also when criticized some opposition forces that alleged Savak committed tortutures he made clear that all those accusing Savak of committing tortures were from groups that carried out tortures themselveson Iranians and that there was no truth to his knowledge that these happened, yet opportunists like Masoud Kazemzadeh talk of these as if they were fact.
As Far as Iranians know for sure the only groups that use torture are the governments of the USA, the Uk, France, Israel, extremist mullahs, the hezb tudeh in Iran and anti-monarchy opposition groups, then when we see a sweet character such as the late shah, a winnie the pooh, cute and sensitive man, who upheld the law and never broke the law or abused power, who left Iran with out ever ordering the military to fire a shot, to never be held responsible for holding on to power by excessive repression, him we hear from you and other JM supporters that the shahs savak conducted torture, he was a dictator, corrupt etc. Pathetic, I can see why some people would go after you on this site using disingenuous personal attacks like these.
Unity Based On Iranian Culture is the Key to Victory.
Dear Vildemose
by Kooshan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:36 AM PDTYou mention:
"So far the vast majority of people in the Islamic world have done
very little to force reform on their faith and make it suitable for
peace and prosperity with the rest of the world in the 21st century. And
I can't really blame them either because they don't know any better.
The fact remains that Islam as it is preached in most
of the ME is a totalitarian and imperialistic ideology that wishes war
against all others.
I agree with most of this except the last sentence probably needs some clarification.I wonder if the root cause is Islam, or th efact that it is used as a powerful means in th eprocess of awackening in the ME. I think the cornerstone of current dilemma is perhaps widening economic gaps in the society coupled with the awareness of it that is driving current situation in ME. The humility and outside forces are just catalysts to the process.
I think you have an interesting and realistic analysis in general.
Nothing is more refreshing than a cool Pint :))
by anglophile on Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:32 AM PDTRight! Just came back from the watering hole and saw some of my good friends have made such fantastic contributions. Aryo Barzan and VPK are among the most fair-minded republicans that I have had the pleasure of meeting on this site and I value their comments greatly. Please don't get me wrong. I equally value Ms Amini's comments, particularly the one about jailing me in a small cell with a few history book! I'd love the idea but may I please ask for a small favour: NO BOOKS BY MOHAMMAD AMINI PEASE !!
Well Kooshan, you are right on the tactics we use will prevent
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:30 AM PDTus from getting where we want to get, which is why we must strongly Oppose Israel, the USA, France and the UK, the idea of using Military force against Iranians or their MeK as a tool for Regime Change are unacceptable.
The Secular Democratic Forces of Iran those that believe in the Leadership of Reza Pahlavi can remove this regime with out the Wests Involvement, the way the late shahs forces took out mossadegh with negligeable foreign assistance. US political cover was and is today the only thing needed. Of course when the secular democratic forces act and win, everyone will want to take credit for it, like the cia wanted to in removing mossadegh. Actually won by the late shahs armed forces, big land owners, religous leaders and the public.
You are right the shah was smeared, but more important than that the shah was murdered. He was given cancer. Next The USA/Uk/France which used their propaganda services, mass controlled corporate media to portray the late Shah as a 1) dictator 2) corrupt 3) torturer 4) excessively repressive. And the Iranian Opposition Shamelessly followed the Wests lead and acted on the USA's behalf to bring the extremists amon the mullahs to power, which the USA wanted. Only those who participated in this smear and to this day deny doing this or still smear the late shah can be said to be responsible for Irans situation today, like JM members on this site. Expert propaganda smears and deceives masses in a deadly way.
Unity Based on Iranian Culture Is the Key To Victory, Javid Shah.
History is full of Shahins
by Kooshan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:51 AM PDTAnd also history is full of rulers who breed Najafi characters. The
point is system of values we believe in. And then we choose a method to
materialize thos values. If we believe in "Ends justifies means" then
the tactics we choose to get the results will contradict and prevent us
from getting there. This is exactly the tactics revolution used and now
IRI is exactly has fallen into same sins that they used to smear on
Shah's face.
So, As long as our means do not support our objectices, we will be in
this spiral of moving from one political system to another with the same
spirit, problems, errs and antagonism with just different players - This is my protest to What Shahins are doing in the course of history.A guy with Shahin's attributes today as revolutionary, will reincarnate yourself as a demon ruler tomorrow!
There is a fine line between Courage and Arrogance and that is Virtue!
Dear Fariba
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:21 AM PDTIt is most definitely NOT the fault of "all of us". It is not my fault; not the fault of my parents or siblings. We behaved like human beings.
Never killed or harmed anyone. We opposed the revolution from day one. We had a business; hired people and paid them a fair wage. One a person working for us was taken by Savak for a month. We paid the wages anyway because did not want to see his family go hungry. What else do you want from us?
You are trying to spread the guilt to make yourself feel better. I reject the "shared guilt" idea. Just for the record I have not attacked your father or you. All I say is that whatever you did or did not is your responsibility. Take responsibility for your actions. I take responsibility for mine.
to aryo
by Fariba Amini on Thu Jun 07, 2012 09:44 AM PDTDear Aryo,
If you look at every article I write, whether on HR or Mossadegh or anything else, this guy, An--glophile immediately uses his slanderous machine to discredit me. ( does he honestly think I am a bid ke az in badha belarzam? ) as we say in Persian.
Just go and see his comments. The guy is just a devious moron. Why doesn't he say who he is and so I know who I am dealing with.
But to answer your question. His Majesty, the Shah in his own autobiography published just before his death blames the BBC and the fallen Empire (Great Britian) for bringing him down claiming that they supported Khomeini. Tell me do you agree?
As for comparing my late father to Soroush or anyone else. that is prepostorous, my father sat next to the shah drove him to the southern part of impovershed Tehran and showed him how people lived. he brought plumming to the Jonoub Tehran. At the end of the day, he told my father: Mr. Amini, this was one of the best days of my life.
The Shah changed after 1953 too engulfed in his own greatness and out of touch with people. If the Shah had worked with JM people, we would not have had this Revolution but instead he imprisoned most of them, including the late Shapur Bakhtiar.
if blames needs to be shared, it should be shared by ALL OF US.
but to put the blame of this Revolution solely on the shoulders of Nationalsits or leftits or the likes of Soroush is historically wrong. Az mast ke bar mast. People do make mistakes and people change and I believe in that. but you cannot compare my father who was the first governor to resign his post telling Mr. Khomeini that he is wrong to Soroush is a real travesty.
Mr. An..glophile just posted another nasty remark about my brother. Tell me if this is not a personal vendeta what is?
Tell him to not get off or when I am in power, I will make sure that instead of drinking in an Enlgish pub, he will be incarcerated in a little cell with lot of books on history of Iran so he can learn a few things!
of course that is a joke, neither I will be in power one day nor will this guy ever understand the real history.
As for being a Mossadeghi, I am mighty proud of it.
What did he stand for? independence, integrity and the rule of law.
All that I believe in.
" When people can
by vildemose on Thu Jun 07, 2012 09:17 AM PDT"
When people can see that religion is nothing but the death of thought then the process of liberation begins.--Unknown
All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir
So far the vast
by vildemose on Thu Jun 07, 2012 09:08 AM PDTThe only real value in the Middle East is POWER. For many, therefore, the mosque offers a haeven, with the illusion of equality in subservience before Allah, a flight from the petty tyrants at home, at school, at work, and the greater tyrants of politics.
If you are not brought up to value yourself as an individual, you will not be able to value others as individuals. In this sense collectivism does not work. We treat others the way we treat ourselves. All these Islamists dictators, deep down, believe themselves worthless (the same is true of any dictator, any power crazed guy).
This is hidden behind unbelievable arrogance, where they can get away with it, and is expressed in subservience, when they think they have no choice.
All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir
It IS the fault of religion
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 08:38 AM PDTProblems in Iran are most surely fault of religion in particular Islam. Whenever religion got power it ruined nations and people. In the middle ages religion ruined Europe.
Ironically at that time Islam was rather mild in the East so East was doing fine. Now religion is mild in the West and hard in East so it suffers.
Ditch the damn thing and do us all a favor. Insult all the "bozorgane din" my *** is more bozorg than all the imams and prophets put together. The *** with them all and I guarantee you if there is a hell all the imams and many prophets are in there. Here are some wonders of religion:
Dear Oon Yaroo
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 08:26 AM PDTThank you for your kind words. I was never gone but had more pressing issues. Also IC gets too repeatative after a while. It is the usual business of:
Very rarely we get something worthwhile so I mostly keep out. But when I read an a**hole like Dabbagh I got to respond. Now that I am here I figured I will post a few other things :-)
Dear Ms Amini
by areyo barzan on Thu Jun 07, 2012 08:14 AM PDTThere is no need to become so hostile and defensive.
First of all I would like to say that I have read your excellent article in response to Mr Soroosh and I agree with almost all that was mentioned in your article. That is why I believe that it is very out of character from someone like you to get so worked out over a simple question and worst than that get into such childish notions of tit for tat name calling.
Please note that our friend Mr Anglophile is also making a valid point here.
If we are asking Mr Soroosh to admit to and apologize for his errors or even crimes of participating in the cultural revolution and supporting Khomeini, it is only fair and logical to also ask and expect from those "intellectuals" who followed one Khomeini to the hell that is IRI (and not back yet) without knowing who he was, that he was standing for, or even listening to what he was telling, to also acknowledge their errors and apologize for it
However this would NOT be in order to humiliate them or to prove that “I was right and you were wrong”, but in order to have a honest non bias look at our past conducts and to be brave enough to acknowledge our errors and learn from them so that they would not be repeated by the future generations.
Please note that unlike Anglophile I am not a monarchist and as you can read in my previous article I believe Shah also had his own problems and errors, many of which contributed to the atmosphere that breathed this monster of IRI. However I believe that at the end of the day everyone is responsible for his/her own error.
That is a part of why now a days our intellectuals have no influence over the ordinary Iranian and that is why no one is taking them or their word seriously. As people can observe that after 33 years of hell these “intellectual leaders” of that disaster of revolution are still refusing to acknowledge their error or shoulder the responsibility for it and that is the major reason behind the fact that the wheels of the next revolution has come to a grinding hold.
Regardless of what system we want (republic or monarchy) or whom we are supporting; first all those who participated in and facilitated for the collective suicide of 1979 need to acknowledge their error apologize for it and most importantly learn from it. That would be in case they are interested in gaining any credibility amongst ordinary Iranians especially the ones inside the country and people other than their blinded core extremist supporters. Then and only then we will be able to move on or they might get any sympathy.
Productive or Pretentious Ms Amini? LOL
by anglophile on Thu Jun 07, 2012 08:07 AM PDTI am not surprised that ALL Mossadeghollahis (Amini and Kazemzadeh to name but a few) are so hateful of me. I never criticise them personally UNLESS they choose to glorify themselves personally. And when it comes to personal glorification, you are the most notorious of them all Ms Amini. It is not my fault that you, your family and your like-minded political activists were so intimately involved with the establishment of the Islamic republic, the same republic that every day is claiming a new victim, this time Shahin Najafi. What appals me is the hypocricy that seems to be endemic among Mossadeghollahis in assuming that the people have as weak a memory as their own IQs.
You can be sure that for as long as I allowed to write on this site and whenever I see hypocricy or untruth being spread by the remnants of Jebhe Melli, I see it as my commitment to truth and a patriotic duty to expose you and your colleagues.
Now, if you excuse me I am going to my local pub to raise a toast to Her Majesty the Queen.
Islam just like an ideology
by Iran 2050 on Thu Jun 07, 2012 07:11 AM PDTIslam just like an ideology whether its liberalism, conservatism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism…becomes destructive when it becomes extreme. Many use religion to transform themselves into someone better thus you cannot knock on religion blindly.
Of course in many cases when people use the extreme translation of religion (Any religion) or when religion mixes with state, it becomes destructive.
You cannot blame Iran’s today’s problems on religion. Scientifically and historically not true. It’s all about the socio-economic-political structure of our country that has been in existence for 2500 years. The Islamic revolution didn’t get rid of monarchy; it just brought up a different type of it. Now the Shah is Velayat Faghih, and that’s where the problem is!
$$$$$, Grants, and Donations. They talk very LAUD!!
by Zorumbaa on Thu Jun 07, 2012 07:03 AM PDTvildemose. Don’t blame U of M, it is a respectable institution. Check “Roshan Center for Persian Studies” “Persian Flagship Program”, people who run it, and $$$$$$$ in the lexicon is called grants and donations!!
This degenerated retard is presented to U of M as the one who has been on the list of the “The 100 Most Influential THINKERS in the World!” Go Figure!!
An an.... glophile
by Fariba Amini on Thu Jun 07, 2012 06:34 AM PDTit seems to me that this person-anglophile- has nothing ever to do but look for my articles and comments ( this one on Soroush) to badmouth me or use his slanderous accusations against me, my family and my dear late father, a man of utmost integrity and humanity.
You are a terrible person who will not let go of your hatred towards me or others who are not in your "camp." And which camp are you in?
Go celebrate the diamond jubilee with your Queen and the rest of the colonizers Mr. anglophile and leave us alone to write and make our productive comments.
You have no business to be on this page or any pages. You are deranged because you have nothing else to do but make stupid remarks everytime.
As I said before you are either an agent or a malicious person who has a lot of complexes and who is not man enough to say who he is. Tell us who you are Mr. An......
And YES, I will say it again proudly. My father, the Governor of Fars, the mayor of Tehran, the attorney to PM Mossadegh and attorney to many famous people and many poor people saved Persepolis. What did your father do? created an anglophile?!!!! what a shame.
Ms Amini take note: hypocrisy alert!
by anglophile on Thu Jun 07, 2012 04:52 AM PDTکمی تعجب انگیز است
saebWed Jun 06, 2012 11:57 PM PDT
چطور همچیین آدم آشغالی با همه آن کثافتکاری میتواند از ایران خارج بشود و در همان کشور که برای آن کثافت شیطان بزرگ بود ماندگار سود و کار هم بکند باز هم اراجیف بنویسد ؟
No comment
by Fariba Amini on Wed Jun 06, 2012 08:06 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXVLDxigioI
No comment
by Fariba Amini on Wed Jun 06, 2012 08:06 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXVLDxigioI
No comment
by Fariba Amini on Wed Jun 06, 2012 08:06 PM PDT//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXVLDxigioI
Najafi and Soroush
by Fariba Amini on Wed Jun 06, 2012 07:59 PM PDTIn a country that forbids people to speak out and religion mixes with politics this is the endresult. Mr. Soroush must first crticize those who create an atmosphere where there is no respect for religion or any ohter ideas, then he must aologize for his role in the "Great Cultural Revolution" that he was instrumental in implementing.
Shahin Najfai is one of the many young people who are facing cencorship at the hands of Bee kheradan and bee dinan.
When our politics are not just influenced but intertwined with religion, this is what happens.
Keep religion out of politics.
Ayatollah Taleghani once said, they are draggin Islam into dirt. Mr. Soroush as the great thinker should think twice. Do not critciize Najfai but those who are imprisoning the likes of Najafi.
If he were in Iran, he would have been executed. No one should insult an idea or a religion but at the same time, no one should put the best children of Iran in jails for expressing themselves.
The cultural revolution discriminated against the most knowledgable professors and purged them. Why doesn't Soroush write about that ? Iranians may forgive but they will never forget.
Brother Demo
by مآمور on Wed Jun 06, 2012 07:45 PM PDTI did, But, to be honest, I did not understand a thing of what he is saying, perhaps because my farsi isnt that good- therefore I refrained to agree or disagree with it!!
Having said this, I did understand that Mr's Sourosh essay uses a large and professional persian vocabulary and follows the academical rules of writing essay.
After Mr Mousa translated the text from persian to inglish!! I m able to make a conclusion on this matter!!
آنی که استفاده می کنید برای گفتن این آشغالت موهن قرار است که اسمش دهان باشد! حفره ای که شما دنبالش میگردید تابلو راهنما دارد!!
I wear an Omega watch
Hojtoleslam Al Demo Ebnel Momenin! :-))))))
by Oon Yaroo on Wed Jun 06, 2012 06:19 PM PDTEven if this guy wrote the phrase "I LOVE YOU" all over the surface of the planet Earth which has an area of 4 pi r^2, it would not diminish a bit in the hate, despise, abhorrence, detest, and disgust Iranians feel and have towards mullahs, their ideologues, and this nakhalaf protege of Shari'ati!
Al Salomol Alakom!
Excellent Content!
by Demo on Wed Jun 06, 2012 05:59 PM PDTHow many of the commentators below did really read the whole article before attacking the author? No, seriously. How many?
Two points to Mr. Soroush
by bparhami on Wed Jun 06, 2012 05:17 PM PDTآقای سروش: اولا، "نامِ بزرگان را به زشتی بردن" سفسطه است. بزرگ بودنِ افراد به ارزشهای انسانی بستگی دارد و امری مطلق نیست. هستند کسانی که صدام حسین یا کیم جونگ ایل را بزرگ میدانستند یا میدانند. و البته مراجعِ تقلیدِ موردِ عتابِ شما هم از دیدِ برخی جزوِ بزرگانند. ثانیا، کافر به تعریفِ واژه نامه دهخدا به معنیِ ضّدِ مؤمن، بی دین، یا بی کتاب است. ویکیپیدیا هم کافر را به همین سان معنی میکند. پس واژه ی کافر، حدِ اقل از دیدگاهِ شما، بارِ ارزشی دارد.