SCE Campaign
The International Committee Against Executions strongly condemns this savage and despicable crime by the Islamic Republic >>>
Darius Kadivar
07-Dec-2007 (57 comments)
"I have vociferously rejected and expressed my opposition to any kind of military action against my homeland!" - Reza Pahlavi to Al-Watan Daily >>>


Life is cheap(er)

Mykonos murderers released too early

07-Dec-2007 (13 comments)
On September 17th 1992 four members of the Democratic Kurdish-Iranian Party were shot to death in a Greek restaurant ‘Mykonos’ in Berlin. Dr. Sadegh Sharafkandi, Fattah Abdoli, Homayoun Ardakan and Nouri Dehkordi who were in Berlin for a conference of the Socialist International were brutally killed on bright daylight. Now Germany and Iran seemingly are trying to improve their diplomatic relations by swopping detainees. This occurrence reminds us that in politics it’s all about interests, meaning making sure you are guaranteed of your current and future existence. It’s a very basic need and usually results into cruel unethical conduct.>>>
On The Arrest of 28 Student. >>>


My generation

None of us had mentors, teachers, role models, or leaders

07-Dec-2007 (28 comments)
To my children who might say “we are suffering because YOU made a revolution,” I would say: My generation beat you in the “suffering game” hands down! Those are people from our generation sleeping in those nameless graves in Iran. Those are people from our generation who have been missing, maimed, or put to rest in the Martyrs Graveyards across Iran. Those are people from our generation, displaced and exiled to faraway places of the world, seeing Iran again just a huge dream in their hearts.>>>


با خودم به بهانه ی زهرا...

دروغ می گوييم تا دست های به خون آغشته مان را بشوييم.

07-Dec-2007 (8 comments)

اعتراف می کنم که هيچ وقت نتوانستم هيچ خبری و گزارشی و نوشته يی را در باره ی زهرا تا آخر بخوانم. هميشه وقتی شروع به خواندن می کردم بغض گلويم را می گرفت. و می ترسيدم. می ترسيدم که گريه کنم. نه اين که از گريه کردن می ترسيدم. نه. هيچ وقت از گريه کردن نترسيده ام من. امّا آن که زهرا را کشت، می خواست که من گريه کنم. و من نمی خواستم. درست به خاطر اين که او می خواست. اين اندازه را امّا در سرگذشت زهرا خوانده ام که او همسن انقلاب است. انقلابی که آخوند آن را نربود؛ بلکه خود ما آن را به او تقديم کرديم.



Hear the other side

The road to the Iranian democracy begins with the Iranians understandings of one another

07-Dec-2007 (49 comments)
Scanning through the comments in is sometimes disturbing. One main reason is the lack of communication between the different thoughts that do not agree with one another. We all want a better future for Iran and most of us would agree that “Democracy” is the way to go. Interestingly, the arguments for this word “Democracy” always lead to “script fighting” and insults. One wonders how we can reach the meaning of the word “Democracy” when no side will try to understand the other. Iranians generally need to understand their history in more realistic terms. The first lesson for any society to politically advance is to learn tolerance or at the minimum, to have the patience to hear the other side >>>


Two faces of the same coin

Iran needs a constitutional revolution

07-Dec-2007 (65 comments)
Story of democracy in Iran had a disastrous turn in the year 1979 after Islamic revolution and, the elections under Islamic Republic which are supposed to be the means to enforce people’s will in democratic societies, are in fact nothing but another ridiculous game of deception and dishonesty by rulers of this tyrannical and extremely corrupt regime. Over ten years ago Iranian people showed their deep dissatisfaction with policies of terror and suppression in Islamic Republic by voting for a clergy who was campaigning with promises of change, justice, fairness and economic prosperity after so called moderate President Rafsanjani had completed his 2nd presidential term.>>>


This is new
07-Dec-2007 (one comment)

i see you in my dreams
I ike a lover returning to his beloved
without warning
but with the assurance that his presence
will evoke nothing but joy
your voice shakes my heart
surpassing my expectations

07-Dec-2007 (8 comments)
Nothing has changed>>>