What do you think of Salman e Farsi?
I was moved beyond imagination, after reading what the Iranians, still living in Iran, have expressed about Ali's ordeal.
In her acceptance speech she recalls her childhood in Iran, Persia in 1919
بعد از کریسمس دوباره کمی داد وقال در مورد ایران خواهند کرد،
- میگم عباس آقا، این جریان آقای بوش چیه که میگن دستگاهای اطلاعاتیش
ریدمون زدن، و هرچی در مورد غنی سازی اورانیوم در ایران میگفتن غلط از آب
در اومده؟ راسته؟
- نه بابا، اینا همش برنامه است. مگه بلا نسبت شما، اینا خرن، که بیان
برضد خودشون حرف بزنن ورئیس جمهورو بیخودی کنف کنن و بگن اشتباه کردیم؟
این از جای دیگه آب میخوره.
- آخه اینا که میدونی آمریکائی ان، تا یخورده دستشون به آدم میخوره، زود میگن "آیم ساری" شاید ازین نظره؟
In addition to starting a family I want to get a job with UN one day to spread peace
I was born in Tehran, Iran also known as the ancient Persia the land of Cyrus and Darius the great. I was born on January 26, 1984 in a hospital called Mehr which is located near the state building in Tehran. Since I was over 11 pounds in weight and over 55 cm in length my grandfather called me Rostam which is an old Hero (like Hercules in Greek writings) in Persian writings by Ferdousi (an ancient writer who wrote the Shahnameh that resembled the true culture of Persians and their tales of bravery and loyalty toward the King). I was raised in Northern Tehran an area that is called Tajrish and nowadays is considered uptown Tehran due to the great numbers of buildings and shopping malls
NIE report is a victory for Iran
Considering the significance that the Bush Administration in its world foreign policy attributed to Iran’s nuclear program, the revelation of the National Intelligence assessment (NIE) represents a major setback for the U.S., along with unimaginable global implications. In turn, the U.S. retreat and its admission of perjury with regard to Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program, at least since 2003, is a clear sign of great victory for the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the entire nation of Iran that did not cave in under the relentless threats and pressures of world imperialism, headed by the United States.
Iran does not need, and will not need nuclear technology
The discussion about the nuclear program of the IRI regime has been going on among the Iranians of the diaspora, and those within Iran of course, while the attention has often been on some issues while ignoring some other very important issues completely. Iranians have usually been saying that having access to nuclear energy and technology is an undeniable and important right of the Iranian people and no-one ought to deny it to us, Iranians. And most Iranians have been attacking the US administration for not letting the Iranian regime develop its "peaceful" nuclear activities