Cette nuit sans fin et mes mots en vain, Silence.
Le rythme de nuit ne fait plus de bruit, Circonstance.
Mes pensées à Lui, cet Homme sans soucis, Malchance!
Précieuse mine en main, seul enfin, j’écris, Pénitence.
From Shalom and Salam to Bedrood.
I am certain you also have noticed that Iranian women within last few years have been handsomely rewarded by western societies at the expense of the Iranian men!
Does US government care more for genocide (aka US democracy) in Iraq than the welfare of its own citizens?
It is not normal for a society to ignore the wrongs it does to humans or animals. Yet, we clearly see a mass pathology that is griping the US of A. It starts at a very basic level. Society is defined by its culture and that includes every day language. A couple of decades ago, it would have been rare occurrence to hear or see explicit or graphic sexual language in general public or on mass media level. Nowadays, it is very common and the exposure starts from elementary school level.
Open letter to Andrew Murray: Hands Off the People of Iran had its affiliation to the Stop the War Coalition rejected.
بمناسبت 29 اکتبر، روز جهانی کورش بزرگ
* فايل صوتی
و ما مردمان کشوری به نام ايران اين خوشبختی را داريم که يک چنين شخصيتی از سرزمين ما و از قلب فرهنگ ايرانی ما برخاسته است. می گويم از قلب فرهنگ ما چون باور دارم که کوروش بزرگ پيش از آن که امپراتور ايران باستانی ما باشد، پيش از آن که مبتکر اولين امپراتوری جهان باشد، پيش از آن که رهبری سياسی و موفق دوره ای از سرزمين ما باشد، يکی از رهبران فرهنگی ما است.
Arabo-islamisation of Iranian culture
On April 18, 1980, Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, in his Friday Prayer sermon, ordered a holy war (jihad) against the students. He accused the students of turning the campuses into “war rooms” against the Islamic state. After the prayers, armed gangs attacked three campuses. Within the next few days, the gangs wounded hundreds of students and killed at least 24. Students were driven off the campuses, and the government took over all the premises.
منوچهر بدیعی بر اثر فشار جامعه و افکار عمومی در ایران به بلایی دچار شده است
پای حرفهای مردی بافرهنگ و ادیب نشسته ایم، منوچهر بدیعی مترجم اولیسس جویس با دانشی از ادبیات شرق و غرب و اندیشه ای عمیق حرفهایی دارد که بسیار واقعی و در عین حال دردناک است: "ما اينجا با يك مسأله اداري وزارت ارشاد يا يك مسأله حكومتي يا يك مسأله اين جوري روبهرو نيستيم. ما با يك مسأله اجتماعي خيلي جدي كه از درون جامعه آمده بيرون روبهرو هستيم
In my work, process is intimately bound to the conceptual nature of the objects themselves, as artifacts of memory and prayer, of the continuous ruminations associated with loss.
Why must we hate? Why are we putting each other down? Iranian.com is an online community.