The bad with the good

The bad with the good

Photo essay: Tehran, Shemshak, Darbandsar, Isfahan

by Niloofar Zarkesh
01-Feb-2008 (4 comments)



Stop. Wrong direction.

Following NIE report Bush has increased prospects of war with Iran

01-Feb-2008 (54 comments)
Following the National Intelligence Estimate ("NIE") report, the rhetoric on Iran has decreased significantly. Not only have politicians stopped debating about it (except for attacks against Clinton for supporting a resolution calling the Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization), but the news and reports about Iranian nuclear programs have stopped getting the front page coverage in major papers that they apparently deserved in the past. Yet there's a problem here, an itch that everyone feels but no one has yet scratched. The Bush administration has long stopped caring about Iran possessing nuclear WEAPONS. It cares about Iran possessing nuclear KNOWLEDGE>>>
01-Feb-2008 (16 comments)

People greet Khomeini on return . . .



When taboos must be broken

Fear impedes Muslims from posing simple questions

01-Feb-2008 (115 comments)
Muhammad was before the prophecy a reliable businessman (Muhammad-al- amin), working for his wealthy wife, Khadijah. As a prophet in Mecca, he was a sage thinker, a quick speaker, who could invite people to believe in the only God “Allah”. He was decent, humble and generous to the poor, with whom he shared his meal. After 10 years of prophecy, he had to leave Mecca and his migration--“Hijrat”-- to Medina in 622 marks his new career. In Medina, as a powerful prophet with personal ambitions, Muhammad did not only used and abused the existing traditional norms of society; he s also violated ethical rules of his own religion to achieve his goals>>>
Darius Kadivar
British author Doris Lessing has collected the Nobel Prize for Literature at a ceremony in London. >>>
Curious Joe
01-Feb-2008 (21 comments)
That is the Persian way of saying:  What I thought was the “Truth” ended up being a bunch of bullshit >>>
01-Feb-2008 (9 comments)

"Self Explanatory".



Why not IRAN?

Palestine again?!

01-Feb-2008 (106 comments)
I care for my own more than others. Why do I need to feel so sorry for others while my own kind inside Iran have a much worse fate than Palestinians? Palestinians are… how many? Are they 3 million, 4 million? Iranians are probably more than 75 million if we take into account those who are outside Iran too, like me. Why should I put Palestinians in my priority-list while I really feel sorry for Iranians, especially my own relatives who have no justice and no hope inside their own country? So many Iranians want to leave Iran to pursue their dreams and I understand them perfectly. So, Israelis are kicking the hell out of Palestinians. So what? Why do I care for them while Iranian rulers are kicking the hell out of Iranians inside Iran? >>>