not saying which ones


U.S. university chancellors to visit Iran

Tehran Times
recommended by Q
22-Aug-2008 (3 comments)
Amil Imani
22-Aug-2008 (9 comments)
Muslims are establishing Mosques all over America ranging from the ostentatious, such as in Washington D.C., to academically-cloaked university Islamic centers, to innocuous storefronts and even prison chapels >>>


Music - some songs  - Bad to the Bone - George Thorogood


Brutal Russian occupation of Georgia continues

Farhad Kashani

Russia troops still in Georgia after pullout

recommended by Farhad Kashani
22-Aug-2008 (2 comments)

Promoting clash of civilization

Farhad Kashani

Influential Iranian cleric says the concept of family does not exist in the West

Aftab Yazd
recommended by Farhad Kashani
Clip from "Toofan Nooh" staring Fardin & Zohouri >>>

Islamic regime's puppet now living in Iran

Farhad Kashani

Aide: Iraq's al-Sadr may stay in Iran for years

recommended by Farhad Kashani
22-Aug-2008 (8 comments)
زندگی مونا محمودنژاد، دختر ۱۷ ساله بهائی که در سال ۱۹۸۳ همراه با ۹ زن بهائی دیگر در شیراز به دار آویخته شد، دست‌مایه فیلمی شده‌است که جک لنز آن را برای مل گیبسون بازیگر، کارگردان و تهیه‌کننده نامدار هالیوود کارگردانی می‌کند.>>>


London Bridge

London Bridge

Photo essay: 2008 collection

by Pierre Garroudi


Ptrick J.Buchanan VS .John MacCain


McCain's neocon warmonger

Woorld Daily Net / Patrick J,Buchanan
recommended by darius
22-Aug-2008 (one comment)
22-Aug-2008 (13 comments)
Statement in support of Iran's nuclear programme, which has just been circulated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).>>>


Repercussions far and wide

Attacking Iran is not the answer

22-Aug-2008 (13 comments)
As Israel contemplates military action to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions, it is essential to take a closer look at Iran's most powerful man - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei - and his views toward the Jewish state. A clearer understanding of the precise challenge Iran poses should disabuse Israeli leaders of the idea that force is the best way to neutralize it. Although Khamenei was an underwhelming compromise choice to be succeed Ayatollah Khomeini when he died in 1989, a confluence of factors has made him more confident and powerful now than ever. Externally, these include soaring oil prices, together with Iranian leverage in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine>>>


Who Killed the Sport of Wrestling?

Too many ridiculous rules for scoring, draws, and judgment calls

22-Aug-2008 (8 comments)
You might've seen or heard of Ara Abrahamian, the Armenian born Swedish wrestler who dropped his bronze medal on the mat to protest judging at Olympics wrestling. Most people in the media blamed him for poor sportsmanship. IOC officials took away his medal. What you may not know is that, without a doubt, Abrahamian lost his chance at gold only because of bad calls. Noone disputes that. He had also previously lost the world championship because of bad calls. Can you see why an athlete may feel it is worthless to train and try in this sport? If you watched ANY of the wrestling matches at the Olympics this year, you saw a strange sport that nobody understands>>>


Pulled out of fire

As I walked through the empty building today, that smell brought everything back

One of my architecture professors a the University of Houston is leaving the school and I went by today to pick up a notebook of mine that she had kept. I hadn’t been back in the building for a couple of years - the smell was still there. It’s not a bad smell, it’s not a pleasant smell, it’s just its own smell. Maybe it’s the years of chipboard shavings, or the sawdust of bass wood or the mold spewing from the AC grilles that we affectionately called “vent vomit” - whatever it is, you can’t miss it. It was there the day I went for orientation in the Fall of 2002 - making a u-turn of sorts and going back to school, I found myself in an unfamiliar yet familiar place>>>
SCE Campaign
22-Aug-2008 (14 comments)
چه کسی از این همه مرگ خوشحال است؟ چه کسی از اعدام یک نوجوان - گیریم که اسمش بشود قصاص- خوشحال می شود؟ کجا مجازات مرگ، برای تنبیه و تنبه و پرورش و آموزش و انسان پروری! موثر بوده است؟ >>>