Green union

Green union

Photo essay: Retreat for Bahai children

by faryarm
24-Aug-2008 (38 comments)



Five days in Tehran

Five days in Tehran

Photo essay

by Brian Appleton



Five days in Tehran

It is important to understand that Tehran is a world class city

24-Aug-2008 (33 comments)
Tehran is a very large and beautifully picturesque city with many hidden worlds within worlds to discover, which runs downhill from the foothills of the Alborz Mountains in the north all the way down to the edges of the Dasht Kavir desert in the south. Never far from the skyline is the immense Mount Damavand whose snow capped peak can often be seen rising above the clouds like the Mount Fuji of Iran. Since the revolution, 30,000 trees have been planted in Tehran and it is one of the greenest cities you will ever see anywhere on the planet. The traffic is jammed like L.A. or NYC but there is a subway system which is clean and efficient and like NYC or Paris, the city never sleeps>>>

BAGHDAD IS PEACEFUL ( for US militrary ! )

Shining Head

Suicide bomber kills 25 in Baghdad

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foodie noshes around modern Iran

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A "Culinary" Tour of Iran

Forbes Traveler / Steven Shalowitz
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Heading to Iran, Aseman Airlines link

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65 killed in Kyrgyzstan plane crash, officials say

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24-Aug-2008 (3 comments)
Paymaneh Amiri
24-Aug-2008 (16 comments)

The Benevolent Warden?

24-Aug-2008 (39 comments)
Does it matter anymore? >>>

muzzling dissent in cyberspace

Jahanshah Javid

Tehran's Web of silence

Boston Globe / Elham Gheytanchi and Babak Rahimi
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Darius Kadivar
24-Aug-2008 (8 comments)
This Show was my Favorite on Iranian TV. Opening sequence of the 1970s British science fiction TV show created by Gerry Anderson.
Darius Kadivar
24-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
Space 1999 hit Iranian TV by Summer 1977 and I loved the Lunch Box. >>>
SCE Campaign
Mohammad Mostafaei is asking for your help before another one of his clients is executed!  >>>
24-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
Crap art by Belgian born artist Wim Delvoye >>>

Biden on Iran


You don't have to be Jew to be a Zionist

Jerusalem Post / Haviv Rettig
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24-Aug-2008 (12 comments)