Ajab gereftari shodim mah...


Daei: I didn't lose, Iran did

recommended by OmidKarimi
28-Mar-2009 (3 comments)
Reza 41
28-Mar-2009 (47 comments)
If he did , than what was his message? to any one guess >>>
مسعود از امریکا
28-Mar-2009 (24 comments)
ای زرتشت، تو پیامبر بودی، ز اغاز
                  کاین اهورامزد، و اهریمن، در مرادت، بس شود باز >>>
28-Mar-2009 (4 comments)
Weekend Madness - Weekend Madness - Assassins Creed vs. Prince Of Persia is a special of my WM (weekend madness) show.On this blog comment to say witch game seemed more fun FOR YOU. >>>
28-Mar-2009 (6 comments)
Shared Iranian and Jewish Values on Passover>>>


Height, Width, Depth

Height, Width, Depth

Photo essay: Exhibition at Vancouver Island Sculptors Guild

by Azadeh Azad
28-Mar-2009 (7 comments)


David ET
28-Mar-2009 (3 comments)
In PBS News Hour Paul Krugman & Donald Marron discussed Obama's bank rescue plan. In my view Krugman summarized it well when he said: "It's really toxic banks and not the toxic assets that are the problem" >>>

Ahamdinezhad jinxed the team by his presence!

Farhad Kashani

Saudi Arabia Come From Behind To Despatch Iran

recommended by Farhad Kashani
28-Mar-2009 (14 comments)

Liberal backlash has begun

David ET

Obama is wrong

Newsweek Cover Story / Evan Thomas | NEWSWEEK
recommended by David ET
28-Mar-2009 (9 comments)

Germany contributes to the suffering of Iranians

Farhad Kashani

Iranian ex-minister slams Germany's dealings with Tehran

recommended by Farhad Kashani
28-Mar-2009 (2 comments)

Meeting of the two dictatorships!

Farhad Kashani

Venezuela, Iran FMs meet ahead of Chavez visit

recommended by Farhad Kashani
نوروز در آغاز فصل بهار و برای ما مظهر نو شدن و تولد دوباره طبیعت است. >>>
28-Mar-2009 (6 comments)
"Iranian pride" hurts us in many different ways.  It stops us from seeking the help we need, it impairs our ability to learn / explore and...>>>


The outsiders

Millions of highly educated Iranians feel disconnected from their own country and government

28-Mar-2009 (31 comments)
Instead of being motivated to be a participant and contributor to a brighter future their top priority is to find a way to leave Iran. Instead of voting for the next president they are voting to never to have anything to do with Iran. The extent of this alienation is so deep that it was not uncommon to hear some Iranians being in favor of Iran being bombed by Bush so as to bring about change. What does this tell you about the situation in Iran? It says that given the slightest opening, opportunity, chance, or circumstance, --- even being bombed! --- the Iranian people will remove those in power. >>>
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
28-Mar-2009 (5 comments)
  ناله های مظلومان در قهقهه های بی تفاوتی و بمن چه بمن چه دیگران گم شود  و با مسخره با نابودی همسایگان نگاه کنند  تا روزی پنجه ظلم گلوی خود آنان را هم بفشارد >>>