A meditation on power and the metaphor of the body of state, based on the real episode of dementia experienced by George III
همه رعایا و ارباب مناصب آذربایجان عفو كامل و شامل مرحمت می فرمایند و هیچ یك از ایشان .... نباید معاقب شوند و آزار ببینند
مردان براي حمل اشياي سنگين و کشتن سوسک و عنکبوتها خوبند.
Life would be so uneventful unless you are bold enough to do silly things. As a wise man once said, you can laugh when things are good but you have to laugh when they are bad
A Short Story about an Iranian-Style Islamic Burial
انگولک به جراید را با بررسی بعضی اخبار حاشیه دار ادامه میدهیم
I wonder what else Beck and the IRI have in common.