commemorating those who lost their lives in the war
Official Iranian response to Hasan Nasrallah
According to reports by HRANA, The husband, sister, and brother of Nasrin Sotoudeh were granted a ten minute visit with her from behind a [glass window] in Evin prison.
Deutsche Welle Persian Report on the Legendary German Studio and on the Set of Marjane Satrapi's Latest Film production "Chicken with Plums" to be released at next year's Cannes Film Festival under the title "Waiting For Azrael"
شیری از خری خواست که با هم معامله به مثل کنند. خر هم پذیرفت و گفت تو اول. شیر مشغول شد و همین که موقع انزالش رسید، گفت لب بده