Iranian assassination plot allegations
by Mahmoud Reza Golshanpazhooh
Allegations of an Iranian assassination plot in Washington follows well-calculated objectives when one considers that the allegations have surfaced at a time that the United States is grappling with dire economic conditions and is in deep trouble due to the ongoing developments in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s fragile situation, shaky position of Israel in the region, Iran’s special status, forthcoming US elections and the US plan to withdraw its forces from Iraq and Afghanistan
Recently Knighted by Prince Charles, British actor Sir Christopher Lee met Iran's Shahbanou Farah at Bochum's Steiger Award Ceremony
New excerpt from "The Good Daughter"
Twenty years after she left Iran and knew she would never return, my mother sat alone in her house in California and talked the story of her life into a cassette recorder for me. The first tape arrived in springtime, a few weeks after
No Rooz, the Iranian New Year. Eventually there would ten of them. The tapes always came marked up in Persian, and I couldn’t make out much more than my name when I opened the envelope and found the first one. I’d left home for graduate school on the East Coast the year before
As I tried to pay close attention to both the gossiping women and the head-strong men arguing about Iranian history and politics, I took a
good look around and carefully analyzed the people who filled the host's home with drinks, jokes and roars of laughter. These people had always been my image of the Persian culture and heritage. Thinking further, I had an interesting thought-a question,rather: what makes the Iranian people greatly different and exception in regards to their neighbors? My earliest and most immediate thought was
Reza Shah the Great>>>
Gaudi's devotion to God and to his art lives through his creations.
Ever wonder why they are the way they are? Here's your answer.
بخش بزرگی از مردم به دلیل تربیت اخلاقی و مشکلات شخصیتی نمیتوانند به نیازهای جنسی خود بپردازند
این روزها چشم به هر سو بگردانیم با علائمی روبهرو میشویم که با بوق و کرنا به آدمها گوشزد میکنند که سکس و رابطه جنسی خوب است، مهم است، بشتابید و سهم خود را بگیرید. همه قرار است عاشق باشند و حسودی، خیانت، طلاق و دلشکستگی از اخبار روزانه جراید عمومی است. از نوجوانان تا سالمندان در این موج وسیع کامیابی، با تمام توان تلاش میکنند تا از قافله عقب نمانند
Saeid Pourheydar’s four front teeth were knocked out
عادت صبح های ما این بود... هم آغوشی ـ رویا بافی
روی پیراهن سفید بلند مارگریتا، عکس ماهی های قرمزی را کشیدم که در لا به لای جلبک های سبز شنا می کردند. نفس می کشیدند و حباب هایی روی سطح آب رودخانه درست می کردند. کمی آن ور تر سوزن بان تنهایی در سکوت مسیر قطارها را عوض می کرد. زندگی در لا به لای پیرهن مارگریتا چقدر زیباست