To me, it looks strange when people who never wrote about Libya, now all of sudden have
Today is the 855th day of Zia Nabavi's imprisonment. The Iranian authorities have not provided the high-achieving student activist with even one day of prison leave (furlough)
روز دوشنبه 21/06/1390 یک زندانی به نام مهرداد ملقب به "مراد سیادی" اهل روستای"تختگاه" از توابع "کوزران" کرمانشاه سه دختر خود را با اسلحه به قتل رساند
... from NIAC (or PAAIA) on latest "plot"
Removing ALL the sanctions on Iran allowing everyday Iranians to choke on all the Hot Pockets (owned by an Iranian!) iPhones, iPads, and iKooft they can swallow, might just swing the decision towards standing up, from the current "besheen yeh deygheh, let's wait and see". Maybe if Iranians could get Coke Zero, they would have Zero tolerance for the bullshit they are being fed on Fridays. Maybe if Iranians had a TGI Fridays, they wouldn't put up with the SL Fridays they have to hear now. Maybe if Iran had a Hooters... I think you get my point
In 1979 educated people thought change of regime would bring fairness and equality
After the revolution of 1979, this phrase was heard from many Iranians, “In 1953 a bunch of illiterate under the supervision of Sha’ban Jafari (Bimokh) rebelled, and brought educated people to power, and in 1979 educated people rebelled and brought the most uneducated and fanatic people to power”. I was very young in 1953, and could not understand the atmosphere of rebellion. However, in 1979 I was working, and was quite aware of the situation
A brief note on Revolutions from a west residing confused idealist cyber leftie
ظاهراً امان الله از فرط بی حوصلگی، انگشتی به وحید رسانده بود
"بالغ شدن چه آسون - آدم شدن چه مشکل!" ... همسایه پیرمان در شیراز، وقتی گروه ما پسران ۱۵ ساله را میدید، بلند بلند با خودش تکرار میکرد ... بلکه ما هم بشنویم و پند بگیریم. اما کو گوش شنوا؟ ریش و سبیل مان تازه داشت سبز میشد ... با موی ژولیده، پیرهن یقه خرگوشی و شلوار پاچه گشاد
Because Baha'u'llah Fulfills Bible Prophecies
A quote from Bahrain protestors could just as easily fit Iran's theocracy.