

Iran's Stunning Unpopularity

What will change that? Attack by Israel or U.S.

02-Aug-2011 (17 comments)
Iran's favorable ratings are in a "freefall" across the Arab World, with Iran's behavior in Iraq, Bahrain and the Arab Gulf region being viewed negatively by most Arabs. These are a few of the key findings of an Arab American Institute poll conducted by Zogby International during the first three weeks of June, 2011. The poll surveyed over 4,000 Arabs from Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates>>>


Don't Do What We Did

Arab spring need lessons from 1979

02-Aug-2011 (19 comments)
A revolution that started with the fifth generation of freedom organ 'Google' should not end up with an “archaic ideology” that is obsolete and outmoded in modern times. The only way to gain proper freedom is to liberate oneself from the yokes of doctrine; otherwise Egyptians will be looking at another revolution in a few years, like Iran today. The romance with the Islamic Republic has fallen and is maintained by the terror of state oppression, so will Egyptian romance with the Salafis and Akhwans>>>


Comedy of Errors

"Zohreh va Manouchehr" is the cleverest Iranian theatrical production I have seen

02-Aug-2011 (3 comments)
Seeing Shahrokh Moshkinghalam on stage dressed up as Zohreh, the Goddess of Love, evokes an eerie sense mystery. We think of honeyed speech and gazelle like body movements as female, but the actor in Moshkinghalam knows better. He drapes the goddess’ glamour wear over his masculine flat chest and judiciously sidesteps trying to imitate a woman’s voice pitch. With reddish curls tumbling from his head down to his waist, he appears as a mesmerizing, and oddly beautiful, not-quite-human entity>>>
Jahanshah Javid
02-Aug-2011 (15 comments)
When I left Iran for good in December 1989, I settled in Albuquerque, New Mexico>>>
Maryam Nayeb Yazdi
02-Aug-2011 (8 comments)
Political prisoner Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, who is held in the brutal Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, is experiencing heart complications as a result of severe chest pains>>>

Protesters take bales of hay to Yaboo !


Israel protesters draft list of demands

Maan News
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Pipeline damage to Terrorists: one billion dollars


Arab Spring Roils Israel's Energy Imports - and Israel

Oil Price
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02-Aug-2011 (one comment)

More boycotts of Zio-Terrorists


Indian artists to boycott major show in Israel

The Hindu
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Finally, the real terrorists unmasked !


The Hypocrisy of Criticizing Iran for Supporting Terrorism

Anti War
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Darius Kadivar
02-Aug-2011 (7 comments)
Imperial Iran normalizes it's relations with the Soviet Union as Foreign Ministers of Iran >>>
Soosan Khanoom
02-Aug-2011 (54 comments)
There is a difference between a spouse and a lover>>>

Mossad behind string of assassinations in Iran


Report: Mossad behind string of assassinations in Iran

Foreign Policy / robert zeliger
recommended by yolanda
02-Aug-2011 (one comment)