by Ronnie Edri & Michal Tamir
Marandi wants to fool his Western readers to think that the Islamic Republic does not suffer from crisis of legitimacy
رسم بر این است که با فرارسیدن نوروز - آنها که در صدر امور هستند، افرادی را که به جرایم مختلف در زندان بوده اند را مورد عفو قرار دهند
Iranians affirm support for the Islamic Republic
by Seyed Mohammad Marandi
Most of the Western so-called reporting on the Islamic Republic’s recent parliamentary election displayed very limited direct knowledge about Iran and often, as its authors’ acknowledged, derived its their information primarily from Western-backed opponents of the Islamic Republic. As long as this goes on, Western countries will continue to miscalculate about the Islamic Republic’s internal politics and foreign policy—and then be left wondering, again and again, why they always get things wrong
Each year, for more than a decade, I have composed a cheerful or forward-looking poem to commemorate Norooz. Here is my poem for Norooz 1391
Immoral defamation against MEK's powerful backers
by Abbas Rezai
The State Department's hysterical animosity towards the MEK reminds many Iranians of the story of the late Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh who nationalised Iran's oil industry only to be toppled by a US-led coup in 1953. At that time, the CIA sponsored coup was seen by Iranians as an unjustified US intervention to keep Shah Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi in power, in spite of public detestation of his regime
The better informed everybody becomes the greater the chance that war can be prevented.
بنای تخت ِ جمشید و چگونگی ِ برگزاری ِ نوروز در زمان ِ هخامنشیان
کسانی که از اکناف ِ ایران برای ِ مراسم نوروزی به تخت ِ جمشید میرسیدند اگر بار اول دیدارشان از کاخ بود، در مقابل ِ خود با شکوه ترین و عظیم ترین بنائی را میدیدند که در آن زمان بر روی زمین وجود داشت. مهمتر از آن اینکه در معماری و تزئین ِ کاخ نقشی از سرزمین خویش را نیر باز می یافتند و چون مراسم ِ نوروزی شروع میشد با برگزاری آئینی روبرو میشدند که برایشان غریبه نبود
Non-persian ethnic groups demand their natural right to have an education in their mother tongue. The Iranian government insists that this will never happen
در در باره تصاویربرهنه و مضحک مریم نمازی
چند روز پیش وقتی در بین آرشیو موسیقی ام دنبال آهنگی می گشتم به ترانه مهمانی بهار هایده رسیدم. بعد به ذهنم رسید که در بین همه خواننده ها ما هیچ کس به اندازه هایده از بهار و عید و نوروز نخوانده و هیچ خواننده ای (حتی ویگن و پوران) به اندازه او برای ما تلقین کننده حس نوروزی نیست٬ بگذارید مثالهایش را برایتان بگوییم
Tens of thousands of Egypt's Coptic Christians hold an overnight vigil and attend a Mass for Pope Shenouda III, who died on Saturday aged 88.
The idea is to send a photo of yourself with the words, "Iranians we "heart" you. We will never bomb your country."