The better informed everybody becomes the greater the chance that war can be prevented.
08:44:27, Tuesday 1st Farvardin 1391, Tehran Time. Do you know why at this particular instant the Persian new year begins?
Wishing you the best NoRooz - Persian New Year, a new beginning, full of Hope with Gifts of Love for Peace & Joy; Wisdom for Health & Wealth. Best
ویدئوی سقف و متن و ویدئوی شعر اسید سولفوریک سروده علی عبدالرضایی
نوروز باستانی را به همه هم میهننم تبریک میگویم
Former Senior Mossad Case Officer admits that Israel worked behind the scenes to ensure that Iraqis killed Iranians and that the Iraq/Iran war dragged on for as long as possible
A self administered test.