05-Jun-2012 (2 comments)
Classes commence this fall >>>
Capricorn is all about what is right in the social status area of our lives. So put on that smart suit. Look formal>>>
Bandbaz Brothers on America's Got Talent >>>
Esfand Aashena
05-Jun-2012 (3 comments)
!نمایندگان ساری، بابل، آمل، مشهد >>>

Iran's Next President ?

Darius Kadivar

Ahmadinejad critic Larijani re-elected Iran speaker

recommended by Darius Kadivar
05-Jun-2012 (4 comments)
حقوق بگیران انگلیس یا تهمت و اقترا و از بین بردن  مشاهیر ما؟ >>>
05-Jun-2012 (12 comments)
محمد رضا شاه پهلوی ایران دوست بود و مردی دوست داشتنی >>>
05-Jun-2012 (2 comments)
In 1983 >>>


Darius Kadivar

French TV Drama on Mysterious Iranian Embassy Translator

recommended by Darius Kadivar
05-Jun-2012 (2 comments)
05-Jun-2012 (2 comments)
اختصاص درآمد کتابهای خود به خدمات عام المنفعه>>>
همنشین بهار
04-Jun-2012 (2 comments)
یکی از برجسته ترین رهبران حزب سوسیال دموکرات آلمان>>>


Under Construction

Under Construction

Photo essay: The ongoing formation of the Republic of Azerbaijan

by Keyvan Tabari
04-Jun-2012 (5 comments)



ای کوته آستینان تا کی دراز دستی؟

تمسخر کردن و نام بزرگان را بزشتی بردن، رذیلت است ولو آزادانه انجام شود

04-Jun-2012 (121 comments)
روی سخن با کسانیست که جرعه صحبت را به حرمت نمی نوشند و شرط ادب را در محضر خرد نگه نمی دارند و دین ورزان را به تازیانه تحقیر می رانند و دامن بزرگان دین را به لکه اهانت می آلایند. روی سخن با دین ستیزانی است که بنام نقد اهانت و نفرت می پراکنند و رقم مغلطه بر دفتر دانش میکشند و سر حق بر ورق شعبده ملحق میکنند>>>


Hidden Aggression

Cyberattacks challenge ideas of war – and peace

Many countries are searching for new, less visible methods of aggression. The offensive cyberwar techniques now being readied or practiced by the US, China, and others could be only the latest method of conflict. This trend toward hidden and almost endless war raises troubling questions. When does war start and peace end? Who in government should approve such aggression and be held accountable for it? And how can citizens respond if the nature of conflict doesn’t fit old concepts of war?>>>


The Changing Face of "We the People"

From Reza to Rhea

04-Jun-2012 (3 comments)
America once took pride in calling itself and being known as the great “Melting Pot.” This seems no longer to be the case. As a nation and a people we seem to have developed a severe case of historic and hereditary amnesia. Worse than that, we have developed another severe inflammation of color phobia stoked again by fear mongers driven by destructive stereotypes. What has brought us in this new time to this old challenge regarding our identity as a nation?>>>