Afghan children as young as 13 are facing possible execution in Iran for smuggling.
In the fight for human rights, we should put aside our
differences and join forces.
A Chinese telling what her thoughts about Iran and Iranians...
والدین ایرانی عموما از فرزندان خود انتظار دارند که دانشگاه بروند تا بتوانند در آینده شغل خوب (دکتر یا مهندس) داشته باشند.
I suggest that Western powers agree to Iran's continuing efforts to master enrichment of uranium in return for Ahmadinejad's pledge not to run for the presidency for second term and a free parliamentary election in Iran without meddling of so called "Guardian consul"!
There is a line between attacking the argument and attacking the author
I know some will have an almost irresistible impulse to accuse me being in favor of censorship, which I am most definitely not in favor of. However, freedom of expression does not include, the right, to viciously and unjustifiably assault a person. When the only purpose underlying a particular verbal or written utterance is to demean, humiliate and disparage a person so ruthlessly that his or her reputation is completely destroyed simply because they had the audacity to hold certain views or express certain opinions on a subject, it is not only illegal, it is immoral. An assault is an assault whether it comes in the real world or in cyber space just as cyber-libel is no less damaging as printed libel.
کسانی که کنگرهء اخير جبهه ملی اروپا را برگذار کردند مورد احترام و اعتماد رهبری داخل کشورند
* فايل صوتی
سال ها است که با نام هائی همچون اديب برومند، هرميداس باوند، کورش زعيم، نعمت آزرم، حسن لباسچی، خسرو قديری، ناصر کاخساز، و فرزاد بستجانی آشنائی دارم؛ برخی شان را از نزديک ديده ام، با برخی از آنها محشور بوده ام، و برخی را از طريق آثار و نوشته هاشان می شناسم. و، پس، يعنی، اکنون بايد همهء اينها را جزو فريب خوردگانی بدانم که، نادانسته، به «راه مصدق» پشت و خيانت کرده اند؟
Why can't we have two sections one moderated and one non-moderated?
I love their richness and economy of expression. What reminded me of above is that I saw it actually happen today!
Photo essay: Brick factory in Varamin
by Ako Salemi
To Iranian-Americans from a war veteran
On September 22nd, 1980 when Saddam's air force bombed all major airports in Iran, including Mehrabad International Airport, I went to the roof of our home in southern Tehran and watched the black smokes rising to the sky, with shock and despair. I never forget the sad and helpless feeling of that moment; my beloved country where I was born and raised was under attack! Suddenly, I remembered all the invasions that Iran (or Persia) had suffered throughout the history and I had learned about in school; the destructions, devastations and bloodshed that would follow.
Tehran cannot entirely dismiss the threat of Sunni jihadists to its national security
by Meir Javedanfar & Alex Vatanka
Political assassinations are a rarity in the Islamic Republic, but Hojjatoleslam Hesham Seimori's murder is further disturbing for Teheran given its potential to provoke sectarianism in the oil-rich province of Khuzestan that is pivotal to the Iranian economy. Since 2005, Khuzestan has experienced a number of bombings of oil infrastructure and government offices, and the political atmosphere has not been this tense since the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988. Teheran has accused former Iraqi Ba'athists and Western intelligence agencies as instigating violence here, but never al-Qaida.