Touran Khanom

Meeting the much loved principal of Tehran's Dabestan-e Farhad

29-Jan-2008 (18 comments)
In the vicinity of Baharestan, the old Parliament, there used to be an elementary school that was a little gem of an establishment. Dabestan-e Farhad opened in 1958 in the building and grounds that had been home to Mirhadi family. Touran Mirhadi—or, as she is universally known, Touran Khanom—was the youngest daughter of the family and the principal of the school. Her old students, some now well into their fifties, still refer to themselves as Farhadi, and are perpetually in quest of establishing contact with each other and their old teachers. For those us living outside Iran, no trip to Tehran is complete without touching base with Touran Khanom>>>


From Shah to Ayatollah

A review of the Islamic revolution

29-Jan-2008 (44 comments)
We are approaching anniversary of an extra ordinary event in the history of our nation, which had a profound effect over the lives of every single Iranian in one way or another even if we had no contribution to it. I remember those days that when traveling on the roads, from one place to another, we would encounter mobs of people with clubs in their hands while blocking the road asking you to say “death to shah” so they let you go! Then they put a picture of Khomeini on the windshield of your car after getting what they wanted and before you run into another group of them a bit further. It was a truly unusual scene to see and live in those days in a country, which was considered an “island of stability” in a troubled region, not much earlier!>>>


A National Obsession

The legacy of India lives on in present day England

29-Jan-2008 (12 comments)
The British are greatly influenced by cultures that have filtered into our own culture through centuries of exploration, discovery and colonisation. So it was only a matter of time before I decided to pen a piece that would shine a light on culinary unsung hero of our fair England… Namely, the beautiful and mysterious Eastern treasure that could only be... India... India itself is a cornucopia of culture influenced by different cultures and religions. Even the Persians had a very infamous hand in the history of India and the ‘Parsee’ culture (as it’s now known) is alive and well in India to this very day. The Persians established the ‘Mughal Empire’ which introduced an era of decadence and luxury that was previously little known to India.>>>


حسن نیت؟

دو نامه از قاضی داگلاس به دکتر مصدق و کورش شهباز

29-Jan-2008 (2 comments)

((نامه به دکتر محمد مصدق)): آقای نخست وزیر گرامی، مایلم پیش از آنکه شما آمریکا را ترک نمایید، مطلبی را به عرض برسانم. من اطمینان دارم که سفر شما [به آمریکا] بسیار ارزشمند بوده و موجب حسن نیت میان آمریکا و ایران است. ممکن است که سرمقاله امروز صبح در ((واشنگتن پست)) شما را مأیوس کرده باشد. آن سر مقاله منعکس کننده نظر انگلیسی ها در مورد ایران است و به باور من نظر آمریکایی ها را نمایندگی نمی کند. من مطمئنم که مردم و همچنین مقامات آمریکا در نتیجه سفر شما متوجه مسایل بزرگی که برای کشورتان مطرح است شده اند.



The Virus of the Conscience
29-Jan-2008 (one comment)
From not remembering when
To not noticing how
My brain is being infected
With viruses just like a computer.
But a computer has no soul
Suffer no scars >>>


Palestine does exist

ReOrient festival provides a much more nuanced image of the “Middle East”

28-Jan-2008 (157 comments)
It is not just the US politicians who are complicit with the State of Israel’s violence against the Palestinians. Sadly, those of us who read and contribute to and are often so opinionated on every matter and feel so compelled to write about everything that happens in the world, have been complicit with this violence by being silent about the recent Palestinian situation. Unfortunately, I think many of us have tuned Palestine out and frankly the Arab-hating sentiments that have filled our national imaginations do not let us see the pain and hear the voices of Palestinians who are being killed violently by the Israeli tanks or die softly behind the Israeli walls. We refuse to notice as we go on with our comfortable lives, pretending that Palestine does not exist.>>>


Hammering inflation

Iranian economy suffers from serious systemic problems

28-Jan-2008 (12 comments)
U.S. economic pressure on Iran has been increasing steadily. The U.S. to a large degree has been successful in cutting Iran from normal international financial institutions. Many European and Asian banks have been forced to reduce or cut their financial ties to Iran. Even some Chinese banks have come under pressure to restrict their dealings with Iran, not to mention UAE and Bahraini banks. This coupled with two successive UN sanctions have been hurting the Iranian economy much more than the government has been willing to admit>>>


For men only

Freedom in love is one-sided

28-Jan-2008 (35 comments)
"You mean you would be willing to allow your husband to take on a second or even a third wife while married to you, with the law supporting him in doing so?" I ask. "What’s the problem with that?" She responds abruptly and forcefully. "I am the second wife to my husband." All the women surrounding us on the Tehran metro car are now staring at me. There is something in their gaze, waiting for me to put this woman in her place with a strong and reproachful response. But the woman does not allow me to respond, she continues: "I fell in love with my husband. I am still in love with him. If it weren’t for the law, I would not be allowed to be with him. Even if it is for one day a week, it is legal. This law gives us greater freedom of choice, why should I oppose it?">>>


عكس فوري عشقبازي

اولین مجموعه شعر شیدا محمدی منتشر شد

28-Jan-2008 (11 comments)
همه چیز از باسن بزرگ من شروع شد!
و طعنه باد به در
و عکس سینه بند صورتی
که افتاده بود در آبگون نگاه تو.
تختِ آشفته
ملافه واژگون
و عشقبازی نا تمام باران و برگ.


Massacre of Colours

I heard the rumours, they were arresting colours

28-Jan-2008 (2 comments)
The red was accused of passion
The pink was told it lacked any sense of ration
The yellow had no self-respect and was cautioned
The purple, the poor, shameless purple was condemned to lashes
The colours screamed, pondered their claims
Asked for mercy, and bargained for a plea >>>



1970's super-8 film montage

27-Jan-2008 (36 comments)


Origins of Azeri Turks

A personal view

27-Jan-2008 (85 comments)
Maybe some of the readers can bring more information about this issue, but I think (I don't remember it very well any more) we had a theory in our Iranian school textbooks during the Pahlavi regime saying that the inhabitants of Azerbaijan (the Iranian side) are Aryans (the racial word for describing Iranians, or that was the intended, or perceived, purpose of the usage) who have been "linguistically" Turkified, to use the exact term. I doubt they still have this in today's IRI textbooks (maybe they do), but I have been quite amazed to find it in many places on the Internet, also on Wikipedia, about issues relating to Iranians, where Iranian editors have been very actively pursuing, and trying to prove, this theory>>>


Hazardous speech

Ethics and etiquettes on Internet

27-Jan-2008 (11 comments)
Despite being so useful, internet has created a breed of beasts who can hide behind the wall of anonymity and do whatever they want. Look at those people who bombard you with embarrassing emails trying to sell you something that supposedly help to enlarge certain part of your body! Look at some of these shrewd salesmen who try to spread the fear of unknown in an attempt to rip you off, or those who try to steal your vital financial information to commit financial crimes under your name. Don’t you wish there was an effective way to get rid of these people?>>>


قدیمی ترین رسانه ی گروهی

دیکتاتورها , شایعه و "خودکشی قهرمان"

26-Jan-2008 (4 comments)
چهل سال از فاجعه ای که " خودکشی قهرمان" خوانده شد گذشت, هنوز اما " قهرمان" زنده است و پیرامون زندگی و مرگ اش سخن گفته می شود. بسیارند آنان که " خود کشی قهرمان " را باور ندارند و قهرمان را قربانی ستمگری ی استبداد می دانند , و انگشت اتهام شان همچنان به سوی دیکتاتور نشانه رفته است. برخی اما اختلاف های خانوادگی و طبقاتی , و بحران های عصبی و روانی ناشی از آن ها را علت خودکشی " جهان پهلوان "می پندارند. هر دو سو چهل سال است برای اثبات ادعای خود , بر انبوه شواهد و دلایل خود اضافه می کنند.>>>


سعادت اجتماعی

تحول دو مرحله ای ايدئولوژی ها

26-Jan-2008 (3 comments)
تنها وسائل گرفتار نشدن در نکبت حکومت های ايدئولوژيک تبعيض گزار ـ و، به ناچار، سرکوبگر ـ، از يکسو جستن «راه حل هائی غير ايدئولوژيک» برای بحران های اجتماعی است و، از سوی ديگر، کوشيدن برای اينکه در مسير اجرائی کردن اينگونه «راه حل های غير ايدئولوژيک» ـ ايدئولوژی های موجود (هر چقدر هم عدالتخواه و انسانی) به حاکميت راه پيدا نکرده و به مرحلهء دوم تحقق خود نرسند. اين دو راه موازی، درواقع، دو روی يک سکه اند که «سعادت اجتماعی» نام دارد.>>>