Private Parts

Public discourses in modern Iran

04-Nov-2009 (3 comments)
The first half of the 20th century minus the Reza Shah period is unique in the whole history of Persian literature in the amount of satire, lampoons and invectives which were published largely though not entirely through the press, and usually with a political motive. It was characteristic of Iranian history that the fall of an arbitrary state, often even the death of a ruler, led to division and chaos. The first quarter of the twentieth century was a period of revolution, chaos and coup>>>


شعرهای من
پاییز برگ های مرا در کوچه های سرد صبح پهن می کند
تو نگاه می کنی
و انتظار می کشی
اما روزی
شعر هایم
دیوارهای شهر/ موسیقی خانه تو را فتح می کنند >>>


Half and Half

Let Iran keep half its own enriched uranium and send other half to Russia for enrichment

02-Nov-2009 (6 comments)
The U.S. and its western allies are recklessly close to shattering the hopes of the world’s progressive and peaceful humanity by its plan of ordering Iran to hand over eighty percent of its low-enriched uranium (LEU) in one bulk shipment. Under the cover of conceding to provide Iran with a certain quantity of 20 percent uranium for use in its clinical medical reactor, the U.S.-France demand, was in fact, actualization of the age-old dictum of denying Iran its right to uranium enrichment, by taking the process out of Iran’s hands>>>


 بازگشت شعار "نه شرقی، نه غربی"

و مساله "ولایت فقیه"

02-Nov-2009 (one comment)
شعار‌های امروز جنبش باید میکروب زدایی و خانه تکانی تاریخی کنند. باید مفهوم "ولایت فقیه" را صبورانه، بی توقف و سازش، و با احترام به دگراندیشی برخی برادران اندرون جنبش، افشا و رسوا نمود، باید با مدرک و استناد به سی سال استبداد و کشتار بر منبی و بفرمان "ولی فقیه" صدمه های تاریخی این اصل من در آوردی را بر ملا کرد، تا انقلاب به سرقت رفته شدمان راباز پس گیریم. باید برای مردم روشن کنیم که برخلاف دروغ های "ولی فقیه" و بوقهایش، سکولاریسم به هیچ وجه بر علیه هیچ دینی نیست>>>


National Pastimes

Around me were baseball fields and a town and America

It wasn't the game itself. I used to go down to the baseball fields near my house in the summers with my bat and a few balls, usually in the mornings when it was still cool and foggy. I wasn't planning on trying out for any team. I didn't even have a group of friends to get together for a game later in the day. But I liked the way the ball flew off my bat when I hit it right, and I was just trying to be a part of what was around me>>>


من واقعى

نه باغ وحش، نه زندان و نه بازگشت به وطن، هيچکدام براى من آينده خوشى نيستند

01-Nov-2009 (4 comments)
بيصبرانه براى فرار از مملکت روزشمارى ميکردم. يک چمدان هم خريدم ولى من يک لا قبا که چيزى نداشتم با خود به خارج ببرم جز يک مشت خاطرات که همه آنها در رژيم جديد غيرقانونى اعلام شده بودند. اين بود که روزهاى اخر بعضى از خاطراتم را ماهرانه لابلاى جورابهاى کثيف مخفى کردم. چند تايى را قاطى شامپو کردم و دو سه تا را هم چپاندم تو يکشيشه ادکلن فرانسوى و همه را ترو تميز تو چمدان جا دادم>>>


Tango in Evin
01-Nov-2009 (one comment)
Guantanamo or Evin
They are only words
That pass through the
Incomplete understanding of geraniums
You must dance
Until the final act
When someone says 'Cut'
But you will not finish


To a Journalist in Prison
01-Nov-2009 (one comment)
Oh, street soul!
I see you sitting there
in your metal box
Near the Blue Bus,
And no finger taps
On your glass pane
Save for drops of rain. >>>


Stuck in Bush

Why Obama's Iran policy will fail

30-Oct-2009 (44 comments)
Barack Obama has not drawn the right conclusion from his predecessor's failed Iran policy. A paradigm of sticks-and-carrots simply is not going to work in the case of the Islamic Republic. Here, a lesson is readily available, if only the Obama White House were willing to consider Iran's recent history. It is unrealistic to expect that a regime which fought Saddam Hussein's Iraq (then backed by the United States) to a standstill in a bloody eight-year war in the 1980s, unaided by any foreign power, and has for 30 years withstood the consequences of U.S.-imposed economic sanctions will be alarmed by Washington's fresh threats of "crippling sanctions.">>>


کدام «راه راست»؟

از صراط مستقيم تا نوانديشی مذهبی

30-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
پيدايش هر مذهبی (در داخل دين ها) نشان از پيدايش نيايشگاه (بعنوان سازمان مرکزی) و دينکاران (بعنوان کارکنان آن سازمان) دارد و اين مجموعه خود را حاملان و نگاهبانان «راه درست» می دانند، و تا آنجا که زورشان برسد ديگران را وادار می کنند که فراروايت ايشان از «راه راست» را بپذيرند و هرکس هم که نپذيرد «کافر» محسوب می شود و آنکه از روايت سرپيچی کند «مرتد» و، در همه حال، مستوجب عقوبت مرگ. هم اکنون در زندان های ايران کسانی به انتظار مرگ نشسته اند که گناه شان خروج از اسلام و پيوستن به دين مسيحی است!>>>


Safe Haven

"The Glass House" shows disadvantaged girls’ passion to live and find hope

30-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
The Glass House (Fictionville, 2009) is an amazing movie reveals what goes on at Omid-e-Mehr center in Tehran, Iran. Founded by Marjaneh Halati, Omid-e-Mehr, or “Hope for Kindness”, is a non-profit organization helping disadvantaged young women of Iran to get back on their feet and learn the right skills to independently function in the society. As painful as it may sound, this movie was not about the pain these young women go through, although the story evolves around their problems and challenges>>>


The Manchurian Candidate

Be careful what you wish for

30-Oct-2009 (44 comments)
A young man with little known accomplishment or track record other than voting no to Iraq war as a jr. senator of Illinois, becomes U.S. president ‘against all odds’. He was supported by the richest in the U.S. and around the world, morally and financially. Was a superstar long before getting elected and a megastar afterwards. He is smart and talented for sure with immense self confidence, 'charisma', and the world's largest known fan club to booth. He inherited a cluster from the little Bush for sure but has spent several trillions of tax dollars and overwhelmingly to key players of Wall Street and Corporate world in an effort 'to revive the U.S economy'>>>


 گروگانگیری در ایندولند

نسل جدید تصمیم گرفته اند عوض سفارت آمریکا در مقابل سفارت روسیه تظاهرات انجام دهند

30-Oct-2009 (one comment)
سالها قبل، پدرو خیلی از سرودهای انقلابی را با حرارت می خواند و باعث جلب جوانان روستائی به ارتش چریکی تازه تاسیس ما می شد که با دولت مرکزی می جنگیدیم و قصد داشتیم حکومت طرفدار آمریکا را سرنگون و ایندولند رابه بهشتی در آمریکای لاتین و حوزه دریای کارائیب تبدیل کنیم. ما می خواستیم ملت ما "مثل" مردم شوروی در رفاه و آزادی باشند (آن موقع نمی دانستیم که آنها چقدر بدبخت و فلک زده اند). حالا اوضاع کلی فرق کرده است. پدرو دچار فراموشی شده و تا یک سطر از سرودی را می خواند دیگر بقیه را از یاد می برد. وقتی مرادر حال تفکر می بیند، زود می فهمد که نگران آینده انقلاب ایندولند هستم>>>


چنين گفت زرتشت
اوستا اين كتاب كهنه ديروز
پر از آموزه هاي روزگار آتش افروزي است
و اكنون اين سكوتش
خواب آرامش
نيرنگ فراموشي است
شرنگ عهد خاموشي است >>>


Target Russia

The end of "Death to America"?

28-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
"The Russians are microwaving our brains." The comment of my corner-shopkeeper in Tehran reflects a widely-held view about the state's use of powerful jamming signals to block foreign media. The blocking of key communication links has played a big part in the violent crackdown that followed Iran's election. The possible health risks of these newly installed devices have even been raised inside Iran's majlis (parliament); Zohreh Elahian, a member of the national-security and foreign-policy committee, responded to reporters' questions about a possible increase in miscarriages by promising that the figures would be examined>>>