

Spelling Danger

Iranian navy off U.S. coast?

03-Oct-2011 (92 comments)
The world has grown accustomed to Iranian bluster. But even by the standards of the Islamic Republic, Adm. Habibollah Sayari's call last week to deploy the Iranian navy near the U.S. coast is stunning. The Pentagon knows, of course, that Iranian war vessels won't come near America's shores any time soon. As White House spokesman Jay Carney said, "We don't take these statements seriously, given that they do not reflect at all Iran's naval capabilities." The Iranian admiral may bark, but he doesn't have much of a bite>>>


The need to “understand”

What's with that?

03-Oct-2011 (4 comments)
Constantly hearing that we have to “understand” is tiresome and irritating. I know this too-often heard advice makes the person giving it sound enlightened and open-minded but do we ever stop and think about the advice itself? Here’s the thing. I can live in peace with my Jewish neighbors without knowing about Shabbat and I can have my Indian friends over for a cookout without being familiar with the Bhagavat Gita or the gods of the Hindu Pantheon. Why is it different when it comes to Islam?>>>


The Enemies Of Happiness

As long as the war kept on, we were going to read happy-ending stories

03-Oct-2011 (12 comments)
In the first years of war nothing looked like any of the images we’d seen in the movies. Tehran’s trees didn’t grow burnt leaves, or dead dangling legs. The mountains of the north, bordering the city, didn’t vanish behind fuming hurricanes of smoke. The black flock of planes didn’t drop bombs over the shelters where women and children screamed and hopeless men held their heads high to die with dignity or patriotism. An expanding mushroom cloud didn’t rise in the horizon to give us incurable diseases>>>


The blue lake of tears (6)

“I want to know what knotted, frustrated emotions led to your brutality, greed, and selfishness!”

"My dear Princess,” said Mother Simorq, “a huge dreadful-looking frog has stopped at the garden gates, asking permission to enter the Castle. I suppose he is your friend, the Frog-Prince?” “Oh my! I’m sure he is. What can I do now? What does he want?” “No matter what his demands, this is a great opportunity for you to welcome your Shadow-Prince,” said Mother Simorq, fixing her reassuring gaze on Nisha. “Nothing but good will come out of this meeting.”>>>


03-Oct-2011 (6 comments)
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