کس من و کیر فروید
24-Jun-2012 (28 comments)
شما را بی اجازه آقا
زی زی فوفولو خطاب می کنم
و می گویم آخر زی زی
شده تا حالا پروانه ای
کمبود کرم بودن و کرم ماندن
داشته باشد؟>>>


Mistaken Path

Without a breakthrough, are we heading towards war?

22-Jun-2012 (18 comments)
There was neither a breakdown nor breakthrough in the Moscow talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (P5+1). The P5+1 and Iran negotiated, but could not make any headway. No one should be surprised by this result – after all, the two sides only had the ability to make demands. They – in particularly the U.S. - lacked the political will to put real concessions on the table>>>


پاسخ به پرویز ثابتی

دفاع از خود و روشن کردن حقیقت

22-Jun-2012 (18 comments)
اخیرا کتابی با عنوان «در دامگه حادثه»، خاطرات آقای پرویز ثابتی – مقام امنیتی معروف در دوران شاه - به صورت مصاحبه آقای عرفان قانعی فرد با صاحب خاطرات از سوی شرکت کتاب در کالیفرنیا منتشر شده است، که در آن مطالب نادرستی درباره من چه از زبان آقای ثابتی و چه از زبان آقای قانعی فرد آمده است>>>


Conceptualizing Gender (9)

Connell’s Relational Approach to Gender

While socio-biological theories of gender focus only on the body’s biology and ignore the influences of socio-cultural structures, human agency and discourse, social constructionist theories focus on socio-cultural institutions and discourse, overlooking materiality, bodies and bodily dimensions of human experience. In other words, neither sociobiology nor social constructionist approaches to gender are adequate>>>



برای نسرین و علیرضا

22-Jun-2012 (3 comments)
به کجا می روی ای چرخ
سرنهاده به شیبی بی برگشت؟
این راه به پوده نمی رود.
درنگ کن، برگرد
به سوی تخت سمنبر >>>


 روزهای خوب کودکی

از"جوراب های لخت" آلبوم جدید بمرانی

21-Jun-2012 (11 comments)


Another Step Toward War

Hawks are going to say it's time to give up on negotiations

20-Jun-2012 (8 comments)
The Moscow round of negotiations over Iran's nuclear program ended today without discernible progress, though diplomats kept hope alive by scheduling staff-level meetings between the two sides for next month. If you're wondering what neoconservatives and other Republican hawks are going to say about this you have two choices: >>>


عواقب شوم

مذاکرات مسکو و پیوند جمهوری اسلامی با حکومت پوتین

20-Jun-2012 (7 comments)
عواقب شوم این بن‌‌بست برای ایران روشن است: اجرای تحریم‌‌های فلج‌‌کننده نفتی و مالی از دو هفته دیگر، احتمال تشدید تحریم‌‌ها از سوی غرب درماه‌‌های آینده، و افزایش خطر حمله نظامی به ایران پس از انتخابات آمریکا در ماه نوامبر. نمایندگان رژیم ایران، اما، ظاهرا از عواقب این بن‌‌بست احساس نگرانی نکرده‌‌اند>>>


Reza Pahlavi, A Separation.

I give him a C minus grade for his potential as an opposition unifier

20-Jun-2012 (25 comments)
At a dinner gathering last March I was half hoping the guest of honor would decline my request for an interview. If the conversation put him in a positive light most of my Iranian friends would never talk to me again. I wasn’t the only person at the party who felt uneasy about breaking bread with the former crown prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi. The whole idea behind this gathering of forty or so expats was to see if various pre-revolution foes could find a way to form a unified secular front against the Islamic Republic>>>


علی‌ شریعتی نظریه پردازِ طرحِ ولایتِ فقیه

تشابهِ بینِ عمل‌کردهای آقایِ خمینی و خامنه‌ای در قبالِ مردم و تئوریِ علی‌شریعتی

20-Jun-2012 (31 comments)
علی‌ شریعتی از یک سو طرحِ جانشینِ امام زمان را در بینِ روحانیت جا می‌اندازد و از دگر سو پیشاپیش غیرِ دمکراتیک بودنِ انتخابات را توجیه کرده و با شگفتی ولی فقیه را نه پاسخ گویِ ایده‌ها و ایده‌آل‌ها و نیاز‌های مردم بلکه پاسخ گویِ قانونِ امام زمان ارزیابی می‌کند>>>


سالروز یک ندا

به ندا آقاسلطان

20-Jun-2012 (one comment)
من خوابم
و تو بیداری
پلكهایم را مكِش
من این كابوس‌ را دیده‌ام


Guns & No Roses

Why attacking Iran has become more likely

18-Jun-2012 (11 comments)
The negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program during the past few months have produced nothing more than a diplomatic dance in the face of persistent Iranian ploys for time coupled with intransigence on key issues. In failing to reach a negotiated settlement, the conflict with Tehran is inching closer toward a point of no return, where Israel might decide that the circumstances warrant a unilateral attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities>>>


My Hero Mo

Mohammad Abdollahi is my Hero of the Day!

18-Jun-2012 (one comment)
President Obama has issued an executive order putting a stop on the deportation of young (below 30-years old) undocumented immigrants who have lived here for more than five years and have attended school without criminal records. The fact that the majority of these folks are from south of the US border should not distract us from the reality that many Iranian youth can also benefit from this presidential decree>>>


Mulims by Default

The Costs and Benefits of Belief

18-Jun-2012 (6 comments)
I can claim confidently that out of the official statistic of 98% of so-called Muslims in Iran, a great percentage of them are what I call Muslims by default, an army of pretenders. Since they are born into a Muslim family and raised in Iran, they inherit the family’s religion and thus automatically become Muslim. Had they been born in a Western country to a Christian family, they would have been Christian for sure>>>


لجبازی عاشقانه
18-Jun-2012 (12 comments)
شب سیاه مبدل به یک سحر گردد
اگر که زلف تو از صورت تو بر گردد

مگر میان تو و نرگس تو لجبازی است
که هر چه باده بنوشی خمار تر گردد؟