نخستین ایرانی مدافع حقوق زنان و سیاهان درامریکا
امریکای 1912 شاهد اوج گرفتن مبارزات حق طلبانه قشرهای گوناگون از جمله زنان و سیاهپوستان بود. زنان از پیشروترین مبارزان اجتماعی و از پیشروان فعالیت اجتماعی در امریکا بودند. بسیاری از زنان فعال و روشنفکر خواهان دیدار عبدالبهاء بودند و برخی زنان خبرنگار با عبدالبهاء درباره اعتقاداتش به برابری زنان به گفتگو نشسته و در این باره مقاله نوشتند
Romantic thriller set in revolutionary Iran
by Simon Ebrahimi
"Veiled Romance", features a strong female protagonist who risks all for love, unfolds against the turbulent backdrop of Tehran during the first months of Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolution, and is inspired by my personal experiences and observations being in Iran during that time period. Simon Ebrahimi was born and raised in Jewbareh, the Jewish ghetto of Esfahan, Iran. He studied management and finance in England before returning to Iran, where he was a partner with an international accounting firm
برای عزت گوشهگیر و روزانه نگاری غربت اش
روزنگاری هایم ،
آثار منتشر نشده ام ،
مقالات چاپ نشده ام ،
خاطرات روزهای بر باد رفته ام ،
مجموعه دوری های غربتم،
حدیث هجرتم،
By following Israel in lawlessness, the US is sullying its own constitution
Israel explains the bombing of Iran as a necessity to avert an existential threat. But how can Iran pose an existential threat to Israel? In the worst case scenario, Iran must kick out the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors; shut down cameras that constantly monitor its nuclear operation; then enrich Uranium from 20% to bomb grade, which it hasn’t done yet; and then produce a nuclear bomb, for which it may or not have the technology
خطر جنگ همچون شمشیر داموکلس بر سر مردم ایران سایه افکنده
آمریکا و اسراییل بر یک موضع مشترک تأکید کردهاند و آن این است که نباید گذاشت جمهوری اسلامی به سلاح اتمی دست پیدا کند. این سخن به خصوص در هفتههای گذشته بارها از زبان مقامات اسراییلی و آمریکایی شنیده شده است. هر دو کشور نیز تأکید کردهاند که اگر لازمه این امر حمله نظامی باشد در کاربرد آن درنگ نخواهند کرد. ولی دو کشور در مورد دو مسئله اساسی مربوط به این امر اختلاف دارند
در حاشیه انتشار کاریکاتوری از مبارزه علیه اسلام سیاسی
اخیرا بابتکار مریم نمازی تقویمی از «زنان انقلابی برهنه» انتشار یافته و بفروش می رسد که عکس برهنه نمازی نیز در آن بچاپ رسیده است. برخی از اعضای زن این حزب ادعا می کنند که در حمایت از علیا مگدا المهدی، دختر مصری و گلشیفته فراهانی دست به این اقدام زده اند. باید عمق و معنای واقعی اقدام این جریان همیشه هیاهو گر، آکسیونیست و اگزبیشنیست را برملا کرد.
Remove this cheap shot at Persians
“A Separation” is the story of a typical family going through normal life issues, a sentiment any culture would appreciate. The film is about the struggle of a mother wanting the best for her daughter, the struggle of a son taking care of his elderly father. These are the issues most Iranian American families are concerned with every day; kind, upstanding and respectful sentiments. Enter “Shah's of Sunset," produced by Ryan Seacrest. There we go again knocking ourselves down
Woody Allen won the 2012 Academy award for the best original screenplay for ‘Midnight in Paris’ – His fourth Oscar. He outshined, among other nominees, Asghar Farhadi who was nominated for ‘A Separation.’ Storylines in the two movies are however, in some respects at least, similar. Allen’s may be even seen as a post-modern sequel to Farhadi’s. In both, life is complicated and unsatisfying, and there is that chimerical notion of another age or place beholden as golden and enchanted
هر جا که رسیدم
یک اتاق دو نفره میگیرم
تو فقط از بیکسی ترکیه خیال کن
و من بدنم را جا می گذارم
by Gary Sick
About 15 years ago, when the United States was first experimenting with wide-ranging sanctions against Iran, an Iranian acquaintance remarked to me, "I certainly hope Iran doesn't become another Cuba."... The cases are not at all the same. Yet today, Cuba has been under U.S. embargo for 50 years, and Iran has passed the 16-year mark. Cuba experienced a U.S.-sponsored invasion before the sanctions began. Iran is still waiting for its Bay of Pigs
What is the best English spelling of NoRooz?
Why they insist that ALL English speakers and politicians and professors at various prestigious Universities must say NoRooz when they read NowRuz, is the reason I wake up every day with a bounce in my step and a smile on my lips, lasting until NoRooz is over, just so I can see what ends they will go to this time around. It is my own NoRooz tradition. This year my old friend/nemesis Bahram Gerami has the same old task of doing the same old convincing or arm twisting
Q & A with British author Elizabeth Laird
What do you get the little people in the family for Norouz? Tradition says mint banknotes but these days that will just help buy a mobile phone or a killing-spree game. One friend suggested
Shahnameh – the latest retelling by British author Elizabeth Laird. It’s a book children will enjoy or, if focus beyond 140 characters is a problem, pass on to other kids: “I tried to hit my brother with this but it’s too big”
A separation between the government of Iran and people of Iran
by Mansour Baligh
There is no doubt that there are many evils live in Iran but Farhadi decides to ignore them and glorify the decency, dignity, and honesty of Persian people. There are no subliminal messages of nationalism, racism, or patriotism in his movie. Farhadi illustrates the agony of life in Iran as most Iranians experience daily since there is no easy life for anybody. Most middle class and heartbrokenly lower class are used to deal with daily struggles for their ends meats
Black Women in American Culture and History
This is dedicated to all those women who knowingly or unknowingly touched my life, inspired me and contributed to me becoming the woman I am today. To my friend “V” who pulled herself and family out of homelessness, to “B” who always inspired me by facing the many challenges of her life with strength and love, and to my shero, Eileen Hernandez, who is truly a women of strength with a strong commitment to gender equality and racial justice
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