تعطيلات ايرانو كاليفرنيايي
You thought Democrats bring change or the fit this old Persian saying
Har ja beri asmemoon hamin rangeh.
AT&T throws fundraiser for Dems who backed
wiretapping immunity
Maybe Behnam's cries could help save 134 other Iranian children who are standing in a row to be executed by direct approval of Iran's head of judiciary, Ayatollah Shahrudi and the blessing of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei.
Charlie Rose talks to Bill Moyers, one of the most preeminent U.S. Journalists on Democracy
News Reel and Interview of Hollywood Star Rita Hayworth wed to Ismaili Persian Prince Aly Khan.
Just discovered this spoof by British comedian Harry Enfield of the retro 1930's- 1940's-1950's conservative minds in Great Britain.
در این شرایط، حمایتهای صریح خامنهای از سیاست خارجی احمدینژاد امید غربیان را برای تعدیل آن تبدیل به یأس میكند و تنها موضع جنگطلبان را تقویت خواهد كرد
Reprint of an article I wrote a few years ago.
on a executive jet ride circa 1976
The original song was performed by Camaron de la Isla. This is the originl lyric and my translation of it to English. Hope you enjoy it.
عزیزان نشسته در دل میخانه های گرم
جامتان لبریز و لبهاتان پر از لبخند؛
من دچار خشم توفانم.
Youtube: Clintons4McCain founder & PUMA gets smacked down on Hardball... I unfortunately don't have enough time to break down all the disturbing, malicious and bigoted presuppositions which frame these misguided "ladies"
Omid, a memorial in defense of human rights in Iran.
Here is a short clip from the show Mixed Nutz - Persian Adventure. Babak learns how to haggle Iranian-style!