Two American thinkers have forcefully argued for sending a private army comprised of mercenaries, such as Blackwater, to stop the killing in Darfur...
This a 300 hundred year old Iranian recipe...... I sure it take a lot more than this dish to make a mollah faint these days.
In the memory of my hero: Dr Shapour Bakhtiar 1914-1991
The prophets who begged Imam Hussein for help ! froget God.
The legend of Tehran is here in the West to make you believe in Super Naturals
Pulitzer Prize Winning author Ron Suskind on the claim that the Bush Adminstration ordered that a letter be forged to draw a false connection between Iraq and 9/11
House Of Saddam: a compelling drama for BBC Two, charting the rise and fall of a dictator, begins on Wednesday 30 July 2008 at 9.00pm.
جندالله سربازان عادی را سر به نیست میكند و رژیم جمهوری اسلامی اسیران بلوچ را میكشد. یكی به انتقام دیگری. به سختی میتوان گفت كه كدامین جنایت بزرگتر است. كشتن انسان، هر انسانی، آن هم وقتی اسیر باشد و بیدفاع، وحشتناك است
Old Co-Worker of Dr. Hesabi speaking about Museum that is dedicated to Dr. Hesabi which is show case of all his belongings, tools, papers & his house . He also speaks about the influence of Iranian Scientists and geniuses in today's world
If 6 or more of this list applies to you, guess what; you are zan zaleel
Greater contact between Iranian and American societies will encourage democratization inside Iran.